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Official **SUPER** Street Fighter 4 Thread of the much-anticipated Kas vs Sieg MM


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
When I complete search fields on youtube/wiki/google/etc...I don't just press the enter button.

I have to double tap it.

*shakes fist at Street Fighter*


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
Makes her like 2.5x more powerful but makes her unable to block, basically a useless super for anyone who knows how to block properly
She can block while using it. and she can also ultra into it. making ultra stronger.
In the right hands (nicks hands) she will be ****.

Dudley will be top tier for sure he has a DPM FADC cancel into ultra so he is basically Ryu but black and a gentlemen


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
• Super: Rocket Upper — Dudley performs multiple Jet Uppercut attacks.

• Ultra 1: Rolling Thunder — Charges him forward and he connects with several powerful punches. This travels through projectiles.

• Ultra 2: Corkscrew Cross — Somewhat like the Corkscrew Blow Super Art in Third Strike. It will connect with airborne opponents, so it's better for combos. Rolling Thunder meanwhile does not (fully?) connect with airborne opponents, but it does more damage to compensate.

• Machine Gun Upper, Cancel into Ultra works.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
Afterschool Alleyway
From what I read off a beta tester, in the current version they have, Fierce Upper > Corkscrew Cross connects with no FADC. Sure hope that changes, though, I don't want a plethora of online scrubs playing Dudley because HURR EASY TO CONNECT GRAPHIX.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
I don't see how he'll be top tier anyway.

His overhead is pretty predictable, it's even slower than Chun-Li's imo.

I still think that the highest tier of the new chara's will prolly be Guy.

Or maybe Adon.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
Cody will be the new high tier character taking over sagat. He has way to many Projectile counters as well as his knife doing chip damage on normal strikes. Top for sure


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
Knife is worse than Alpha 3 knife, no way.
How is it worse?

Plus his rocks null out projectiles, he has a Sim sweep which goes under projectiles, if you hold hard punch and let go it will go around projectiles. His tornado is an anti air which also blocks projectiles. Plus if you have knife and your in close and there crouch blocks you can light punch you way to victory with chip damage


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
If I had thought Juri was top tier I would have said that she was top tier.

I told you who I thought was gonna be top tier.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
Adon will be sneaky and give a few people headaches but other then his wall jump he isnt goign to have much in terms of approach. Guy is mid tier at best, he looks awesome fun and i want to play him but i aint expecting much from him. Deejay, Dudley, Ibuki and Cody will be hard to beat in the right hands. expect then A list with Cody rivaling Sagat at the top


Smash Apprentice
Aug 24, 2008
I love how you made that post and missed T.Hawk. >.>

After the game comes out I'll make sure you don't forget him. :S


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
I find that T.Hawk is such a boring looking character sadly :/

He's nothing but simple geometry. Moves in straight lines and throws them in circles.

Give me Ibuki! She looks hella fun to play. And Juri.

EDIT: Another confession I just realised.

I feel so happy when I get to type the word "power". The 'wer' section makes me feel like I'm doing piano inputs >.>


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
T-hawks second ultra is the only thing that worrys me and makes him look dangerous. He will be easy pickings for Blanka just like gief. Ibuki looks hell fun but i know she is gonna be hella hard liek viper. My hands arnt built for that kinda precision thats why i play MvC2 and TvC to help that


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Ibuki has a vortex
Makoto's damage output is insane
Dudley is the new Ryu (everything to ultra)

Hakan is voiced by Billy West (Fry/Zap Brannigan from Futurama)



Smash Apprentice
Aug 24, 2008
According to some people who've got their hands on the game:

A lot of dp trade > ultras are gone now, but not all. Zangief can't lariat trade > U2, ryu can't, etc etc.

Makoto and Dudley are looking toptier so far, Mr Wiz suggested dudley might be no. 1 in the game. Other than that, it seems like most people (as we all knew was gonna happen) have 1 crappy ultra and 1 usable ultra and there won't really be much choice for the most part.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Can't see Dudley being top, just doesn't look that good compared to other characters. He might be top for a while, maybe at the start, but you'll see him drag down like Bison did in SF4.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
I mentioned ages ago that Dudley was the new Ryu why doesnt anyone listen to me jeez.

Hakan looks ******


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Hakan is the new Dan?

Makoto looks top tier? From JWong's tutorial on her she looked pretty nerfed :/ But if you say so Iso, I believe you :)

I would have thought Ibuki looks awesome. Hope she isn't too technical like Viper T_T


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace

I think you should look at the video again Unny, pretty sure any combo into ultra was huge damage wise. I mean there are only a few things changed from 3S makoto to SSF4 makoto, mainly being no karakusa, HP into dash puch combo. Also from what i've seen no delayed MP into karakusa.

Also yes Ibuki does look like a lot of fun, her combos in 3S were strange though (pianoing across the punch buttons from LP to HP was a combo >_>)


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
Hakan is the new Dan?

Makoto looks top tier? From JWong's tutorial on her she looked pretty nerfed :/ But if you say so Iso, I believe you :)

I would have thought Ibuki looks awesome. Hope she isn't too technical like Viper T_T
rofl Ibuki has been stated many times to be just as technical as Viper. She is pretty much Vipers players next choice of character. I already through my hands up when i read that


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
yeah? well guess what? guy is a ninja, just wait till I have sais that shoot flames and scrolls that shoot mist that sets you on fire and sends you flying through the air.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Rose top tier? I'll keep playing her then lol. Even though my Rose sucks.

Juri for mid tier. So I can **** you all and be like, "Oh, did I just beat your ****** characters with a mid tier?"


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
For those who try to master Hakan, Ono said the character is for mid to high level players. One of the goals with Super, he said, was to give players who came to SFIV from SFII a path to climb one rank higher in level. This is one of the reasons the SFIII characters were included. He admitted, however, that the SFIII characters are all aimed at extremely high level players. Hakan is within easier reach than the SFIII characters, and Ono wants those who feel they can't reach the SFIII characters to use Hakan as a stepping stone. He also noted here that Juri is meant for beginners.

Thats interesting. Not interested in Hakan anyway. But looks like i need to step up my SF skillz to play Dudley! But with my Trusty Street Fighter Ipod game i should be pwning in no time =p

Oh and chun will climb with her new ultra and barley any nerfs


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace
Some notes on character changes here from SRK

Ryu - Ryu's medium and hard dragon punches hit twice now. Damage is down on it, but if you FADC, you only get one hit from it, so damage is down even farther. Trades to ultra from DP are gone, and most trades into ultra from SF4 are gone, but not all. Puts you in a floaty state, and you cant combo afterwards.

Ken - He is not looking good. They didnt give him much. He cannot FADC to Ultra2 normally. He didnt get crazy kicks from previous SF games. They slightly improved his fireball.

Chun li - She got 'infinitely better'. U2 combos easily all day. The upkicks target combo goes into U2, as well as EX legs anywhere on the scree. Its very dangerous. U2 gets all 20 hits every time, if it wiffs for a while and you get hit by the very end of it, you still take the full damage.

Guile - He seems to have been given nothing. Sonic Hurricane, his U2 is not good. Super into U2 is the only known combo into it. Down+Taunt puts on glasses, but doesnt give him any buffs or advantages.

Zangief - Very similar. He could lariat trade into U2 in earlier builds, but he cannot anymore. Rufus and tall characters can block his lariat low and punish with a crouching RH.

Rose - She can juggle off soul reflect into air throw or U1 or ex fireball. U2 is very good. Can corner juggle into orbs. Each orb can hit once before it dissipates, including on block. They do about 20% damage each on full ultra. Wiz noted that he needs to check what happens when projectiles hit them. When the orbs activate, there is a delay before you can do special moves again, including throw. They delay felt like 3-4 seconds. Orbs cross up very easy. Rose seemed powerful.

Blanka - Seemed the same, new ultra isnt that great, can get thrown out of it.

Honda - Noticed no changes, cant jump on reaction to U2.

Dhalsim - He seemed the same. U2 hit box is prttty small. Super hard to hit.

Balrog - U2 jumpable on reaction to activation. His U2 is bad, it has terrible range. Seemed too hard to land to be worth giving up U1.

Vega - Seemed the same. His Claw stays on a lot longer now, though. Ex dive off the wall doesnt go through opponent anymore.

Sagat - He does marginal less damage overall. Scar-uppercut does double damage, nothing more. If you do scar move, you cant do it again until you uppercut, but you can store the powered up state the entire round if you want. forward + RH still juggle state.

Bison - J.Strong into U2 works. Its not a charge motion so its very handy. U2 is a blockable stomp attack, and it can crossup! It hits hard, too! No known nerfs.

Rufus - Ex messiah kick is not as good, but still good. A few frames less on invincibility, and less damage. EX snake strike damage is way down. U2 doesnt seem to combo well. U2 is good anticrossup or antiair, but thats about it. Has to work for wins now

Fuerte - Fuertes normals are all faster now. U2 is extremely good.

Viper - No notable changes. She can U2 off EX seismo if you are fast. The recovery from U2 is ok. Rumors of mp thunder nerf are untrue or reversed, if its slower its only a frame or two.

Abel - He has a faster c.hk. U2 cant combo but its fast and has armor if you hold the button, it looks to be very good.

Guy - Feels slow. Has cool chain combos into super. EX spin kick is vertical. EX shoulder is his best move, super fast.

Cammy - Cannon drill 'got a little better'. Uppercut damage nerfed pretty hard. U2 is terrible. U2 can be broken by using breaker.

Fei - Changes not apparent. Counter ultra can be broken by a breaker.

Gouken - No known nerfs. U2 still blockable, but backthrow into 5 hits of it into wallbounce into more fun works.

Sakura - Her crossup j.mk is back. Very good crossup. Makes her feel more like sakura again. U2 is the best choice. Its two ultras in one, okay damage, easy to combo, can aim it up or forward. EX hurricane to ultra is simple as hell.

Dan - Dan is secretly way better now, he got what he needed. Uppercut fadc U2 is strong. His fireball goes 60% of the screen now. The rest seems untouched, but this is 'all he needed' to be a contender.

Akuma - no known nerfs. Many of the nerfs from earlier builds were reverted. Infinite is gone, but you can still combo after s.hk. Jab cannot link to HK anymore, so you cant loop it. Lv2 focus into new ultra wiffs, but works from Lv3 focus. EX airfireball into U2 works.

Gen - Only nerfs found so far, no chain combos, no mk .kick to hands at all. ex wall dive lost some invincibility.

Seth - Everything is the same, except his focus attack takes longer to hit lv2 now. Its not very good. U2 can combo anywhere you could combo stomps and does good damage.

Juri - Kara throw is good with HP. Wiz could only find a 5 hit Custom Combo in U1 mode without FADC. U1 mode is really long in duration. EX wheelkick seems nearly instant startup. Hitpoints seemed close to Ibuki's, but it was hard to tell.

T.Hawk - Hawkdive is his armor breaker. Hawk Upper cannot be FADCed at all, ever, at any point. U2 is bad, very very hard to hit. Feels slower than Zangief but stronger. His normals are very good.

Adon - He seems very weak. Both ultras are hard to use. Jaguar Tooth and Jaguar Kick are both unsafe on block. Air Jag-kick might be safe. EX jag kick is safe. Has a very good overhead though, one of the best.

Deejay - He seems decent. Nothing too bad, nothing too good. Reminds you of ST in that way.

Cody - He can only FADC tornado on first hit and the tornado wont come out. He cannot combo ultra after it. Has 3 levels of charge on his Zonk Knuckle, and its really really good and annoying. He says BINGO everytime he does it. You can combo into Zonk. HK ruffian is good.

Dudley - Not much to add to JWong's video, but he is probably #1 in the game.

Makoto - EX grab has 1 hit of armor! Outside of this, nothing to add to JWong's video.

Ibuki - Slide does not go under fireballs, air knife doesnt cancel out fireballs.

Hakan - Seems OK at first. Looks like hellboy red and is kinda fat. Has spiky hair. Has a 360 move where he puts you in his arms and sqeezes you out with oil slicked body. you fly across the screen at a 45 degree angle. He can slide along the ground face first and hit punch during for a followup (only when oiled up). Has an air grab where he belly flops. DP+K puts on more oil.
He takes out both hands and dumps oil on himself and it looks funny. He then glows white. When he has oil, he is 200% better. putting oil on takes half a second, and its duration based. EX oil lasts a long time. In non-oil mode, he is like gief. When he is in Oil Mode, he can chain everything, like c.lk x4 into mp. Moves in oil mode have more range, including 360. Front and backdash are better in oil mode too. All of his pokes have neutral and toward versions. Has a 'trap' ultra, where he lays down, and if you step on him, he grabs you. You cannot touch him at all, even if not attacking. You slip on his stomach like its ice. Then he 69s you as you slide along the ground and you fly out his buttocks.

The 2nd ultra is comedy as well. 720 motion, throws you up in the air and you board the OIL COASTER. You ride him going around his body till you are ejected into a wall at the end.

His super is double fireball with kick. Its a leaping grab thats crouchable, like Alex DDT he leaps at you.

Kinda sucks that they WERE going to majorly nerf akuma in the first few builds, then just leave his damage output the way it is =/
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