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Official Standard Custom Moveset Project Initial Release

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Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2014
Ice Balls were super unpopular last we checked in with team Luigi; while I do want to keep some consistency in the sets for now, they're definitely an interesting move. 3311 is at least already set; is that the best Ice Balls set?
Pretty much any set gets better with Iceball. 3311 is fine, but 3111 or 3211 would probably be good over one of the current builds like 1211. I've seen other people suggest Iceball goes well with Burial Header so 3231 might be better than 1231. I don't personally have experience using that build, but I can't imagine any benefit that Fireball would have over Iceball. I'm confidant they're one of the best projectiles in the game.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Durham, NC
Pretty much any set gets better with Iceball. 3311 is fine, but 3111 or 3211 would probably be good over one of the current builds like 1211. I've seen other people suggest Iceball goes well with Burial Header so 3231 might be better than 1231. I don't personally have experience using that build, but I can't imagine any benefit that Fireball would have over Iceball. I'm confidant they're one of the best projectiles in the game.
Range, projectile speed, and flinch at low percents are all better than the Iceball.


Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
Gonna throw out some more opinions for characters I use so prepare for a long post.

I'm kinda surprised Flame Wave (side-2) gets no love. I know the other two side specials are really good but I feel Flame Wave is good in its own right. It's slow both on start up and ending lag and it's short ranged but it's a koing command grab that does 18% when fresh (at least in training). Sounds pretty tempting to me given Ganon's lack of shield pressure (although Flame Chain accomplishes this as well) and the fact that it gives him a killing 'throw' of sorts. I especially feel that people will warm up to it more (or just strictly use Flame Chain) once the majority of people learn how to tech Gerudo. Even with being teched, Gerudo is still useful but once it becomes common I feel Gerudo will become less popular (doesn't help that aerial Gerudo can be punished when landed). Both up variants are good with Fists having hitboxes rather than grab ones (yes I'm aware of the hitbox at the end of Dive) and Vault covering the most distance. Wizard's Foot and Dropkick are both obviously useful, matchup dependent which one is more important...can't think of any benefit Assault provides. Neutral I'm not sure. Punch has super armor but it's so slow and short ranged that you won't ever be trading blows with it. Blade is slow and has no super armor but at least has range...seems too slow to use though. Thrust is fast enough to possibly be used but in any circumstance where you can use Thrust why not use something else? Guess the point I'm getting at is Ganon's current sets are fine but I feel Flame Wave deserves at least one slot (not sure over what though).

I'm a pretty bad Link player so take this with at least a grain of salt but are Giant Bombs so worthless that they don't get a slot? Or maybe I should be asking if Meteor Bombs are so good that they deserve to be in 5 of the 6 slots? I know Giant Bombs make you miss out on bomb combos but they allow you to control more space than the other two when zdropped (and giant doesn't have to be zdropped to be left lying around). They are kinda slow to pull out though so maybe I'm just giving them too much credit. Everything else in his sets seem fine.

Similar to the Link question, no Reflector? Nothing but Super Speed? Yet another case of is the former that bad or is the latter just that good? Granted, I'm used to 1111 and I've made good use of Reflector against my cousin's Villager but maybe it's better to have that rush down option rather than a means stopping projectiles? I don't know, I'm too used to the defensive style that 1111 Palutena brings so any offense Super Speed and Lightweight provide seems odd to me especially since her normal attacks (namely her grounded ones) are still just as slow. Anyone have any videos showing effective use of Super Speed? I've seen what Lightweight can do thanks to that glitch with soft platforms.

I prefer default Monado Arts so I can correct any mistakes I may make while selecting and I get a nice duration for the buff. The counters don't matter to me but every set has Power Vision so I'm guessing it's good? Seems odd since Ike and Greninja's powerful counters aren't used. I feel Advancing Air Slash could have use for anyone who wants more horizontal recovery (though the same case can be made for Robin and no sets run Gliding Wind...probably for good reason). The 'big' one for me is Back Slash. I recall reading that Back Slash Leap's hitbox comes out the fastest of the 3 so I'm surprised it's not on any sets given how slow they all are. Plus since it goes higher it can hit aerial approaches more easily (first example that comes to mind is a Puff approaching with bair). I know that when used under platforms it puts you on top of them which isn't always wanted (why BSL when you can just nair or utilt?) and I've seen Back Slash Charge's super armor be put to good use but I don't see what regular Back Slash offers over the other two. Seems like a similar argument as the Ganon neutral one though, none seem to have enough use for it to truly matter.

And speaking of Robin him/herself I ask why Distant Nosferatu is on no sets? With Thunder and Thunder+ Arcthunder > Distant Nosferatu appears inescapable given the proper spacing. Can't even shield the Arcthunder since it holds you in shield allowing the grab to pull off. You get free healing for it and it does 24% from 0% (This was tested on a cpu in training so it may be less with mashing and the percents could change as percent goes up). Compare that to one Goetia doing 19% and doing no healing. Problems with this however are having to have an Arcthunder ready, it not working with Speed Thunder, the spacing being specific and the fact that Robin has other options after landing an Arcthunder. You also can't get Norferatu from the back this way. However, even without Arcthunder or with Speed Thunder it gives the opponent another reason to fear being far(ish) away from Robin. It's not like people often fear Nosferatu or Goetia up close anyways.

I'm currently fine with the 6 sets provided for every other character I use.

tl;dr No Flame Wave? No Giant Bombs? No Reflect Barrier? No Back Slash Leap? No 1XX2 or 2XX2 on Robin?

Oh and I tested Lai Counter on Marth and I can kinda see it's uses as a recovery. Not a fan of the shorter amount of counter frames (unless the ai just hit me at convenient times and I'm bad at telling the difference between counter durations) and the distance seems a bit too short for my liking. I'd rather 3121 over 1113 but then I also feel I'm in the minority and there's 2 open slots for a reason so meh.


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
I'm kinda surprised Flame Wave (side-2) gets no love. I know the other two side specials are really good but I feel Flame Wave is good in its own right. It's slow both on start up and ending lag and it's short ranged but it's a koing command grab that does 18% when fresh (at least in training). Sounds pretty tempting to me given Ganon's lack of shield pressure (although Flame Chain accomplishes this as well) and the fact that it gives him a killing 'throw' of sorts. I especially feel that people will warm up to it more (or just strictly use Flame Chain) once the majority of people learn how to tech Gerudo. Even with being teched, Gerudo is still useful but once it becomes common I feel Gerudo will become less popular (doesn't help that aerial Gerudo can be punished when landed). Both up variants are good with Fists having hitboxes rather than grab ones (yes I'm aware of the hitbox at the end of Dive) and Vault covering the most distance. Wizard's Foot and Dropkick are both obviously useful, matchup dependent which one is more important...can't think of any benefit Assault provides. Neutral I'm not sure. Punch has super armor but it's so slow and short ranged that you won't ever be trading blows with it. Blade is slow and has no super armor but at least has range...seems too slow to use though. Thrust is fast enough to possibly be used but in any circumstance where you can use Thrust why not use something else? Guess the point I'm getting at is Ganon's current sets are fine but I feel Flame Wave deserves at least one slot (not sure over what though).
You should read the Ganondorf thread for their thoughts on all these moves.

Warlock Blade does have super armor by the way, and stays active for an absurd amount of time, and has a huge disjoint. I don't really see any of the neutralBs as great, but Warlock Blade seems like the most usable of the bunch.

I prefer default Monado Arts so I can correct any mistakes I may make while selecting and I get a nice duration for the buff. The counters don't matter to me but every set has Power Vision so I'm guessing it's good? Seems odd since Ike and Greninja's powerful counters aren't used.
Power Vision adds an absurd amount of power to his counter. Greninja's "powerful" counter doesn't do much more damage, actually kills later iirc, and has horrid end lag that prevents combos off of it. I can't speak for Ike.

And speaking of Robin him/herself I ask why Distant Nosferatu is on no sets? With Thunder and Thunder+ Arcthunder > Distant Nosferatu appears inescapable given the proper spacing. Can't even shield the Arcthunder since it holds you in shield allowing the grab to pull off. You get free healing for it and it does 24% from 0% (This was tested on a cpu in training so it may be less with mashing and the percents could change as percent goes up). Compare that to one Goetia doing 19% and doing no healing. Problems with this however are having to have an Arcthunder ready, it not working with Speed Thunder, the spacing being specific and the fact that Robin has other options after landing an Arcthunder. You also can't get Norferatu from the back this way. However, even without Arcthunder or with Speed Thunder it gives the opponent another reason to fear being far(ish) away from Robin. It's not like people often fear Nosferatu or Goetia up close anyways.
Distant Nosferatu does poor damage and its healing doesn't scale with your percentage like the default does. Distant Nosferatu and Goetia are also hellishly slow (both grab on frame 29; Nosferatu is frame 16), like, why-would-you-use-this slow.

I guess you could argue that the Arcthunder>Distant Nosferatu combo gives you an excuse to safely use up Nosferatu charges for the book to throw, but considering the potential for the default to swing a match back in your favor, it seems hard to justify giving up your trump card for a generally subpar tool.
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Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
You should read the Ganondorf thread for their thoughts on all these moves.

Warlock Blade does have super armor by the way, and stays active for an absurd amount of time, and has a huge disjoint. I don't really see any of the neutralBs as great, but Warlock Blade seems like the most usable of the bunch.

Power Vision adds an absurd amount of power to his counter. Greninja's "powerful" counter doesn't do much more damage, actually kills later iirc, and has horrid end lag that prevents combos off of it. I can't speak for Ike.

Distant Nosferatu does poor damage and its healing doesn't scale with your percentage like the default does. Distant Nosferatu and Goetia are also hellishly slow (both grab on frame 29; Nosferatu is frame 16), like, why-would-you-use-this slow.

I guess you could argue that the Arcthunder>Distant Nosferatu combo gives you an excuse to safely use up Nosferatu charges for the book to throw, but considering the potential for the default to swing a match back in your favor, it seems hard to justify giving up your trump card for a generally subpar tool.
I had read the thread before and just read the newer posts and they seemed unable to agree on Blade vs Thrust (seem leaning towards Blade though) though I was unaware of Blade's armor. Kinda sucks how characters like Ganon have moves that are flat out bad or at least subpar even with customs so I guess finding out the best neutral hardly matters :/.

I should probably check the Shulk thread first but doesn't Power Vision have some sort of short coming? Being slower or having less active counter frames? Anything at all?

As for Nosferatu vs Distant Nosferatu frame 16 isn't that fast especially for a grab but the added healing and it not being quite as slow I suppose makes it useful especially for the tome throw. I guess I'm looking at how often you'll land the move over how useful it is to land the move. At least Distant has a guaranteed setup to get some healing and damage whereas with the other two you have to get a read (or at least a different kind of read than Arcthunder). I won't argue against the usefulness of Nosferatu but if Robin is to have 6 sets shouldn't at least one of the Goetia ones be replaced with Distant? Or is Goetia less bad than Distant? Doesn't heal, just as slow and no setup to my knowledge. More damage alone though.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Durham, NC
I had read the thread before and just read the newer posts and they seemed unable to agree on Blade vs Thrust (seem leaning towards Blade though) though I was unaware of Blade's armor. Kinda sucks how characters like Ganon have moves that are flat out bad or at least subpar even with customs so I guess finding out the best neutral hardly matters :/.

I should probably check the Shulk thread first but doesn't Power Vision have some sort of short coming? Being slower or having less active counter frames? Anything at all?

As for Nosferatu vs Distant Nosferatu frame 16 isn't that fast especially for a grab but the added healing and it not being quite as slow I suppose makes it useful especially for the tome throw. I guess I'm looking at how often you'll land the move over how useful it is to land the move. At least Distant has a guaranteed setup to get some healing and damage whereas with the other two you have to get a read (or at least a different kind of read than Arcthunder). I won't argue against the usefulness of Nosferatu but if Robin is to have 6 sets shouldn't at least one of the Goetia ones be replaced with Distant? Or is Goetia less bad than Distant? Doesn't heal, just as slow and no setup to my knowledge. More damage alone though.
For Ganondorf, Blade also does absurd shield damage. Honestly haven't compared it to regular Warlock Punch, but Blade rivals Shield Breaker.

For Power Vision, if you spam it, it has a virtually nonexistant active window on subsequent uses. If you don't (since counters are rare to pull off in skilled play), it's a straight upgrade.
I also personally prefer Extreme Arts, but that's because I love getting a read on a Smash Power Vision and getting a kill at 50 from a jab or something. Probably wouldn't work against better opponents.

For Robin's choices, I always run Fire Wall and Thunder + now. The main thing about regular Nosferatu is that it can work to punish laggy moves at point blank if you perfect shield, whereas Distant isn't as viable as a punish.

And the general consensus on Palutena is that Superspeed is just that much better than Reflect. I could see some merit to using Reflect Wall against maybe Samus, Lucario, Olimar, and Megaman, but in basically all other cases, superspeed is glorious.


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
For Ganondorf, Blade also does absurd shield damage. Honestly haven't compared it to regular Warlock Punch, but Blade rivals Shield Breaker.
Well this is news to me.

Tipper Blade is an instant shield break (even the late hit), sourspot still does more shield damage than Warlock Punch and would break a slightly weakened shield.

EDIT: Blade also has less startup than Punch, and the superarmor lasts all the way up to the first active frame while Punch has a window without armor before it hits.

I won't argue against the usefulness of Nosferatu but if Robin is to have 6 sets shouldn't at least one of the Goetia ones be replaced with Distant? Or is Goetia less bad than Distant? Doesn't heal, just as slow and no setup to my knowledge. More damage alone though.
I'm guessing the Goetia sets are for doubles or something due to the suction+huge grabbox.

Nosferatu's reward is just massive compared to the alternatives, and even if Distant Nosferatu works off Arcthunder its damage and heal are so small that it's about as rewarding to do something like Arcthunder>grab>pummel>bthrow.
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Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
Thank you all for your inputs. The only things lacking input are my questions on Falco's Explosive Blaster, Link's Giant Bombs, Shulk's BSL and Ganon's Flame Wave. The bombs and wave tend to be ignored for the other options, all 3 BS options seem gimmicky at best and from what little testing I did Explosive Blaster seems to have combo potential if the opponent is sent towards you although I'd personally rather a means of long range harassment however small it may be.

In the end it doesn't ultimately matter since there's always the two open slots for any moveset not included. I just wanted to voice my opinions and concerns since I failed to do so earlier when this list was being made and I got feedback for nearly everything so again thanks!


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Durham, NC
Thank you all for your inputs. The only things lacking input are my questions on Falco's Explosive Blaster, Link's Giant Bombs, Shulk's BSL and Ganon's Flame Wave. The bombs and wave tend to be ignored for the other options, all 3 BS options seem gimmicky at best and from what little testing I did Explosive Blaster seems to have combo potential if the opponent is sent towards you although I'd personally rather a means of long range harassment however small it may be.

In the end it doesn't ultimately matter since there's always the two open slots for any moveset not included. I just wanted to voice my opinions and concerns since I failed to do so earlier when this list was being made and I got feedback for nearly everything so again thanks!
Meteor Bombs are just that much better than giant bombs. Not sure on Back Slash, honestly, it's not much of a reliable attack so going for armor makes sense to me. No opinion yet on Flame Wave, I feel like Dorf has enough other killing choices so far.


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
It can't. If more than one character's in the grabbox, one is grabbed and the others are immediately ejected.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
It can't. If more than one character's in the grabbox, one is grabbed and the others are immediately ejected.
Welp, there goes what would have been a really good reason to use it.

It just occurred to me that if the Ice Climbers were in then they'd counter Goetia just by existing.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2014
Welp, there goes what would have been a really good reason to use it.

It just occurred to me that if the Ice Climbers were in then they'd counter Goetia just by existing.
In Goetia's defense, ICs basically countered all grabs anyway.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Super Speed is the best move in the game quite possibly. Even against Projectile McProjectileson I wouldn't give it up on Palutena for Reflect Barrier, and it really has nothing to do with how good Reflect Barrier is (pretty good actually... but irrelevant since it requires giving up Super Speed). To be clear about what Super Speed is, you from any position (ground or air) charge forward at a very high speed completely enveloped in hitboxes and effectively able to cancel into jump which can further cancel into most of your moves. This includes hitting a shield with Super Speed and immediately grabbing, immediately canceling into dash attack to stuff every other move in the game (Palutena's dash attack has special properties, always wins clashes), and comboing on Super Speed hit cleanly into either uair or bair both of which are really strong aerials on Palutena. The move just does so much stuff for her; it seems insane to me to ever not bring it.

A notable fact about the slow counters is this. Shulk's counter in general isn't blockable while Greninja's and Ike's are, and for that matter, the relative speed difference for Power Vision versus the default are much closer than for Greninja's and Ike's (I'm not entirely convinced Power Vision is even slower than default to be honest). For the heavy counters on Greninja and Ike you just kinda hold shield after attacking and are usually safe. That doesn't work against Shulk; Shulk's is just way better to the point that Shulk's dominates his options while Greninja's and Ike's are among the worst customs in the game.

Most Robins don't care at all for any Nosferatu or Elwind variants (and likewise don't care at all for Arcfire+). Goetia had a few niche supporters, made the most sense to give those two sets to it.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
Shulk's Power Vision doesn't even mention speed as any sort of drawback, just the reduced activation window if you spam it. I'm inclined to believe it's just as fast as default.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Durham, NC
Super Speed is the best move in the game quite possibly. Even against Projectile McProjectileson I wouldn't give it up on Palutena for Reflect Barrier, and it really has nothing to do with how good Reflect Barrier is (pretty good actually... but irrelevant since it requires giving up Super Speed). To be clear about what Super Speed is, you from any position (ground or air) charge forward at a very high speed completely enveloped in hitboxes and effectively able to cancel into jump which can further cancel into most of your moves. This includes hitting a shield with Super Speed and immediately grabbing, immediately canceling into dash attack to stuff every other move in the game (Palutena's dash attack has special properties, always wins clashes), and comboing on Super Speed hit cleanly into either uair or bair both of which are really strong aerials on Palutena. The move just does so much stuff for her; it seems insane to me to ever not bring it.

A notable fact about the slow counters is this. Shulk's counter in general isn't blockable while Greninja's and Ike's are, and for that matter, the relative speed difference for Power Vision versus the default are much closer than for Greninja's and Ike's (I'm not entirely convinced Power Vision is even slower than default to be honest). For the heavy counters on Greninja and Ike you just kinda hold shield after attacking and are usually safe. That doesn't work against Shulk; Shulk's is just way better to the point that Shulk's dominates his options while Greninja's and Ike's are among the worst customs in the game.

Most Robins don't care at all for any Nosferatu or Elwind variants (and likewise don't care at all for Arcfire+). Goetia had a few niche supporters, made the most sense to give those two sets to it.
While I personally love Arcfire+, its payoff isn't nearly as high as Firewall's. I do still prefer Arcfire+ over default, but not by much.


The Free-est
Nov 28, 2005
College Park, MD
Just wanted to say Boss confirmed his weeklies that will start around march as a sort of VA version of Xanadu will have customs legal(as a side or main event he doesn't know yet). He also said TC1 planned to host customs tournaments.

Also many players I talked to about customs weeks ago who originally had iffy/negative outlooks on it have since grown more comfortable with the idea of their legality. The biggest outlier draw outside of just finding out how fun customs are seemed to be how 3-stocks likely become the ideal amount due to the increase in speed. Making the game just feel overall more balanced/competitive beyond just how customs directly effect characters.
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Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2014
Just wanted to say Boss confirmed his weeklies that will start around march as a sort of VA version of Xanadu will have customs legal(as a side or main event he doesn't know yet). He also said TC1 planned to host customs tournaments.

Also many players I talked to about customs weeks ago who originally had iffy/negative outlooks on it have since grown more comfortable with the idea of their legality. The biggest outlier draw outside of just finding out how fun customs are seemed to be how 3-stocks likely become the ideal amount due to the increase in speed.
Great news!

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
My events will try to encourage the usage of custom moves. We might have to end up compromising and doing a half/half deal---one week with them on, one week with them off, segregating each. Depends on what my co-host decides, I dunno.

I really, really want this **** to just be legal everywhere. Hopefully I can push a little harder and get my region on-board.

Smooth Criminal
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2008
If this becomes standard, I would recommend going to 1 stock for Smash 4.


Your Friendly Neighborhood Scavenger
Sep 15, 2014
I'd like to see custom tournaments become a thing in the future. Especially once EVO 2015 rolls around. It would have already been over 6 months since Sm4sh has came out, and people should at least have most of the customs unlocked on the 3DS version if it hasn't been abandoned already.

There's also action replay power save adapters for the 3DS that can unlock all of the moves. I don't see very many people talking about it though.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
Just wanted to say Boss confirmed his weeklies that will start around march as a sort of VA version of Xanadu will have customs legal(as a side or main event he doesn't know yet). He also said TC1 planned to host customs tournaments.

Also many players I talked to about customs weeks ago who originally had iffy/negative outlooks on it have since grown more comfortable with the idea of their legality. The biggest outlier draw outside of just finding out how fun customs are seemed to be how 3-stocks likely become the ideal amount due to the increase in speed. Making the game just feel overall more balanced/competitive beyond just how customs directly effect characters.
This is excellent news.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2014
So I noticed a lot of people complaining about not being able to practice against customs. I think the best way would be if Anther's Ladder made them legal, so I think if we get a bunch of people to request that he adds custom moves he might do it (and you also might as well request he makes Castle Siege, Halberd, and other stages you want legal). Anther's Ladder mixed in with practice at their local tournies and online tournies (like the weekly subreddit ones) should give people enough ways to practice against custom moves.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2014
Co. Dublin (Ireland)
I get most of my custom practice through friendlies on Anther's Ladder (have yet to play an official match though XD). Just a "Who wants a SSB4 match with customs? Drop your NNIDs and I'll add you" is enough to find a good number of sparring partners.
But yeah they should totally be legal on there.


Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2013
Brooklyn, New York
If this becomes standard, I would recommend going to 1 stock for Smash 4.
I don't understand. Why?
If its because of time selecting customs or uploading a custom set I really don't think a few seconds should cost a stock or two..


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2014
Co. Dublin (Ireland)
Super Speed is the best move in the game quite possibly. Even against Projectile McProjectileson I wouldn't give it up on Palutena for Reflect Barrier, and it really has nothing to do with how good Reflect Barrier is (pretty good actually... but irrelevant since it requires giving up Super Speed). To be clear about what Super Speed is, you from any position (ground or air) charge forward at a very high speed completely enveloped in hitboxes and effectively able to cancel into jump which can further cancel into most of your moves. This includes hitting a shield with Super Speed and immediately grabbing, immediately canceling into dash attack to stuff every other move in the game (Palutena's dash attack has special properties, always wins clashes), and comboing on Super Speed hit cleanly into either uair or bair both of which are really strong aerials on Palutena. The move just does so much stuff for her; it seems insane to me to ever not bring it.

A notable fact about the slow counters is this. Shulk's counter in general isn't blockable while Greninja's and Ike's are, and for that matter, the relative speed difference for Power Vision versus the default are much closer than for Greninja's and Ike's (I'm not entirely convinced Power Vision is even slower than default to be honest). For the heavy counters on Greninja and Ike you just kinda hold shield after attacking and are usually safe. That doesn't work against Shulk; Shulk's is just way better to the point that Shulk's dominates his options while Greninja's and Ike's are among the worst customs in the game.

Most Robins don't care at all for any Nosferatu or Elwind variants (and likewise don't care at all for Arcfire+). Goetia had a few niche supporters, made the most sense to give those two sets to it.
Power Vision stales faster, which is supposed to be its drawback. Which is why the speed drop is so minimal. If you are only barely within reach of the counter and using a low-endlag move, you do have a shot at shielding, which is more than can be said for the default, at least.
Some Robins use Goetia, because it does reasonable damage as well as having better reach, and it's still a command grab. Fire Wall and the Thunders are really the only ones with significant benefits though. Well, Arcfire+ insta-kills Luma. But that's a tad MU-dependant.
Palu's dash attack always wins clashes because the shield is "active" during it, Counter, and Reflect Barrier, and bair, and it is invincible when active. I wish they made Reflect Barrier a downB, because Super Speed is just so much better that it will never see play...


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Power Vision stales faster, which is supposed to be its drawback. Which is why the speed drop is so minimal. If you are only barely within reach of the counter and using a low-endlag move, you do have a shot at shielding, which is more than can be said for the default, at least.
All variants of Vision are unblockable, though.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2014
Co. Dublin (Ireland)
Not if it is a projectile that triggers it. You can put yo' shield up and just roll out of the way.
EDIT: Okay yeah I worded that awfully.
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Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Durham, NC
Not if it is a projectile that triggers it. You can put yo' shield up and just roll out of the way.
EDIT: Okay yeah I worded that awfully.
Dodging Shulk's is a lot like dodging Marth's. It's all about being at the furthest distance or at a side/above him.

Additionally, due to the changed coverage, there is a slight pressure on the Shulk player to know when to use the default Vision response and when to hold forward for the altered attack.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2014
Co. Dublin (Ireland)
Oh, and unlike most counters where hitting from beneath would let you avoid being hit, you can go through Shulk's and out the top, but you'll still be hit if beneath him.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Durham, NC
Oh, and unlike most counters where hitting from beneath would let you avoid being hit, you can go through Shulk's and out the top, but you'll still be hit if beneath him.
Lucario's and Greninjas also carry a risk, and depending on how disjointed of a hitbox you hit Shulk with (and thus, how far below), he does still slightly fall and can catch lingering attacks during Vision.

Poor Ike with his no-range counter. I still can't decide if I like Shocking Counter more or less than default, since I can't seem to find enough followup time to really do much with it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2014
Co. Dublin (Ireland)
Ike can do so much % from a dthrow. And I find SH aerials are reasonably easy to land (bair for the kill, basically).


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Durham, NC
Ike can do so much % from a dthrow. And I find SH aerials are reasonably easy to land (bair for the kill, basically).
In most cases in which I land a counter, the move is strong enough that the counter scaling will outdo any regular followup I could do. But that may just be because I haven't played much Ike lately.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2014
Co. Dublin (Ireland)
Trust me, a dthrow->bair->regrab->dthrow->Aether outdamages mostly everything else you could conceivably try.
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Smash Lord
Apr 28, 2008
Tempe, AZ
Range, projectile speed, and flinch at low percents are all better than the Iceball.
Range and projectile speed being better is purely subjective. It depends on what function your projectile is serving. I would argue in this case that Luigi's fireball is less harassment and poking based than it is set up based. Luigi wants to set up grabs for crazy damage, he doesn't want to sit back and get as many fireballs off as possible. Seriously, try that strategy. Any good player will run up and shield for a free punish.

So range and projectile speed are good in a situation when you are annoying with fireballs at a distance without the intent to set up for a grab. But when you're setting up for grabs and approaches, a slow, longer lasting fireball is most definitely superior. I wont lie that the range of neutral fireball comes in handy, but that's not its primary strength. Plus, the freezing effect sets up very well for conversion, and becomes much more of a threat at higher percents than being pelted with 5-6%

I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say flinch. Iceballs make the opponent flinch at low percents just the same as neutral fireball. Really the only advantage I see for neutral FB besides the slight range increase is the ability to jab lock at further distances...but meh.

So yea I tend to agree with most weegees, Iceball FTW.

BTW, has anybody seen a tutorial for using powersave to get all the 3ds customs? I really want to contribute to all the custom set ups, but honestly my time is limited and I haven't gotten around to it >.<.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Durham, NC
Range and projectile speed being better is purely subjective. It depends on what function your projectile is serving. I would argue in this case that Luigi's fireball is less harassment and poking based than it is set up based. Luigi wants to set up grabs for crazy damage, he doesn't want to sit back and get as many fireballs off as possible. Seriously, try that strategy. Any good player will run up and shield for a free punish.

So range and projectile speed are good in a situation when you are annoying with fireballs at a distance without the intent to set up for a grab. But when you're setting up for grabs and approaches, a slow, longer lasting fireball is most definitely superior. I wont lie that the range of neutral fireball comes in handy, but that's not its primary strength. Plus, the freezing effect sets up very well for conversion, and becomes much more of a threat at higher percents than being pelted with 5-6%

I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say flinch. Iceballs make the opponent flinch at low percents just the same as neutral fireball. Really the only advantage I see for neutral FB besides the slight range increase is the ability to jab lock at further distances...but meh.

So yea I tend to agree with most weegees, Iceball FTW.

BTW, has anybody seen a tutorial for using powersave to get all the 3ds customs? I really want to contribute to all the custom set ups, but honestly my time is limited and I haven't gotten around to it >.<.
Fair. I should have worded it as "higher/longer" instead of better. I do feel like the Fireball causes more hitstun (which is what I meant by flinch, sometimes I forget to translate terms I used growing up into their standard equivalents), but I've not used Luigi that much and could very well be wrong.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
So I actually went Charizard at the last tournament I was at, and Rock Hurl was legitimately very helpful in armoring through stuff in ambiguous situations. My Charizard still needs some work to be anything but a surprise counterpick, but I'm definitely pretty happy that 1311 and 1313 found a place.
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