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Official Stage Discussion- New Minor Update 19/4


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
If Marth does return, they should give him a better moveset(IMO). I think some of his moves are repetitive and I prefered Roy a lot better.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
I just don't like Marth's up B(it just gets hight) or his up and down smash A.(his tapping a is a little anoying to)but this is all IMO.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
I live in New Jersey. Don't be a creepy 45 year old pedofile and/or a homosexual now. I'm not into either of those. lol
Never mind, I live in RI... and I'm not even close too 45 or the rest of the sentence...(we'll have to wait for brawl)
Back to the C's and S's... I saw a Yoshi stage in a trailer so Yoshi is in the game but not announced(I'm going to like that stage)


Smash Ace
Dec 5, 2006
denver co
I want to see what will happen with the samus and the ness stages because they are at different sides of the spectrum so there will be quite the variety


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I loved Fourside, and Onett was just about the only highly interactive level me and my friends enjoy playing on. The Metroid levels on the otherhand aren't that fun to me. I liked the ideas of a rotating level (Brinstar Depths) and a destructable level (Brinstar), but Brinstar Depths, no matter how you turn it, was a very small and awkward course to play on, and Brinstar just seemed like an upgraded remake of the SSB64 level, and also is a little too small for my taste, especially when the lava comes up and you're left with only one platform to fight on. I like the Metroid series, but I don't know enough about it to give an opinion or suggestion on a new course. The only Metroid game I own personally is Metroid Prime: Hunters, and that really hasn't given me much ideas.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
^^^^ I liked Onett, but also didn't like the metroid stages either.
I like small levels, but the levels were just boring.
For the new Yoshi stage, I saw a platform then another platform to the left with eyes...(?)
I believe that's from Yoshis Island 2.(or designed)


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Type in Brawl Trailers then go to the first selection you see(should say Super Smash Bros Brawl trailer...first one) just watch the hole thing and It'll show the stage for about 3 seconds during it.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Ok so I watched the trailer (I went through the whole first trailer thinking it was in there, but it was chronologically the 2nd trailer... not your fault, I just took what you said wrong). I see the eyes you were talking about. The platform doesn't have eyes, the hill it's on does. You see the stage turn from what appears to be summer to fall. Anyway, during the end of this clip you clearly notice the eyes on the hill blink. AND HERE'S A BONUS! Now I could be wrong about this, but for a miniscule fraction of a second, it looks like the hill (and platform) move! There isn't enough time to justify which direction it will move, or what will happen to it when it does move, but I think it will do something. (Note: the platform is also colored darker with a heavier outline. Usually during animated shows, when you see that on something in the background, it will move sometime eventually in the scene.)

*Correction!* Upon further investigation, it appears to move downward slightly. Still don't know what that could mean yet though...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2006
I am just hoping for another stage like Final Destination, where I can put my true skills to the test.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Ya, that ghosty platform thing is pretty obvious. It acting like it does in Yoshi's Island (I believe it's in the giant slug boss' castle and a couple other places) isn't much of a surprise.

And...I only want Final Destination if it looks radically different and has a song that doesn't get old mind-numbingly fast from all the overplaying it's destined to get; otherwise, I can live without it.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
As long as it doesn't have a bottom like battlefield I don't care. Battlefield is ********.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
out of curiosity, JohnKnight, where did you find that stat?
Game Informer April 2007 Edition.

As long as it doesn't have a bottom like battlefield I don't care. Battlefield is ********.
Red Sums upp how I feel about Battlefield, lol. I actually like the design, but only in shorter matches, or 3-4 person combat instead of 1 on 1's. Otherwise I pretty much don't like Battlefield that much.

Now as for the Wii Points System it is basically an exchange for money, much like Xbox 360 Acheivement Point System, except you can only buy it (ie:100 points=$1 US). For the price I'm not even gonna try guessing, but if they did use this, here are the logical course choices that might (note: might=stands decent chance) be brought back, if not on SSBB already:

SSBM Courses:
-Hyrule Temple
-Princess Peaches' Castle
-Rainbow Cruise
-Mute City
-Fountain of Dreams
-Icicle Mountain

SSB 64 Courses:
-Peach's Castle
-Congo Jungle
-Dream Land
-Yoshi's Island
-Saffron City

There could be a few others with some chance, but those are generally the courses I think have the best chance of being in downloadable content (though I doubt most of them would make it). I bet if downloadable content is done, it will cost a certain amount of money (in Wii Points), and probably not for free. Just as long as I can own ppl at Hyrule Temple I'm good! :)

O and for a course that involves all skill like FD, I bet that there will be another like FD, but not exactly like it, that revolves purely on skill. Maybe one giant platform above the ground level, or something like that.

Just as long as we don't keep getting stuck with boring long-match courses like Battlefield I'm good. More courses as awsome as Hyrule Temple and I'll be even better off. I think we can all agree Hyrule Temmple owns, and more courses like it would be pretty spectacualar.:)


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I wanna put a list of courses I think will have a chance of returning! :p
(I'm going to put them all in, but order of greatest to least chance. K?)

SSB64 Courses:
-Congo Jungle
-Dream Land
-Yoshi's Island
-Hyrule Castle
-Planet Zebes
-Peach's Castle
-Sector Z
-Mushroom Kingdom
-Saffron City

SSBM Courses:
-Fountain of Dreams
-Princess Peach's Castle
-Great Bay
-Kongo Jungle
-Mushroom Kingdom
-Mushroom Kingdom II
-Jungle Japes
-Flat Zone
-Hyrule Temple
-Rainbow Cruise
-Mute City
-Green Greens
-Brinstar Depths
-Poke Floats
-Big Blue
-Icicle Mountain
-Final Destination

*I didn't include any classic courses in Melee for obvious reasons. I didn't include Battlefield because it is already in. Also, I put Final Destination last because there will most likely be a level like it already in Brawl, possibly a remake.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Lol, Mushroom Kingdom should be lowest likelyhood in SSB 64, because there is a SSBM version (which isn't as good, but watever), and there might be another, so SSBM Mushroom Kingdom should be low. FD is gonna be redone like Battlefield probably, so we won't miss much.

The reason I put Icicle Mountain on my list is I had a strange feeling about it, and moving courses have better chances, plus I doubt there will be a new IC course. Here, just for fun I'll join in and make a complete list, just for the heck of it, from greatest to least chance as well:

SSBM Coruses:
-Hyrule Temple
-Princess Peaches' Castle
-Rainbow Cruise
-Mute City
-Fountain of Dreams
-Icicle Mountain (don't know why, but watever)
-Yoshi's Story
-Green Greens
-Poke Floats
-Kongo Jungle
-Big Blue
-Yoshi's Island
-Jungle Japes
-Flat Zone
-Mushroom Kingdom
-Zebes Depths
-Mushroom Kingdom II (least fav course of all time!)
-Corneria (might be redone with the same type of style again!)
-Pokemon Stadium (show in trailers, though probably that is Pokemon Collisieum)
-Final Destination (might be redone)
-Battlefield (has been redone, or at least in the trailers)

SSB 64 Courses:
-Peach's Castle
-Congo Jungle
-Dream Land
-Yoshi's Island
-Saffron City
-Hyrule Castle
-Mushroom Kingdom (=better than the awsome SSBM version, it probably has no chance!)
-Sector Z (Corneria is exactly the same, only about half the size. it isn't coming back.)

Hmm very intresting, very intrestng comparing mine to yours x-x-Dyce-x-X, it about half the same, half diffrent, but I'm probably more biased (die MK II) towards some of the stages, lol. For some strange reason, Yoshi's Story is one of my favs & I don't know why, lol!


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Yea it is very close. I'm gonna say most people would have similar lists. I put most of the really involved and interactive moving courses down lower because they probably take up the most memory and they're definitely going to concentrate on putting more new, original courses in Brawl. Also, I'm not gonna lie, I was biased and lazy in making the SSBM list (I'm only human).

... Also, I think I missed a few courses. Who's human? "I am!"


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Yea it is very close. I'm gonna say most people would have similar lists. I put most of the really involved and interactive moving courses down lower because they probably take up the most memory and they're definitely going to concentrate on putting more new, original courses in Brawl. Also, I'm not gonna lie, I was biased and lazy in making the SSBM list (I'm only human).

... Also, I think I missed a few courses. Who's human? "I am!"
Alright baised and lazy ppl (w00), go us! I put the interactive courses up higher because they require a certain skill and are defintely the msot innovative, but the memory deal is a intresting point. Despite being a intresting point, if it was downloadable content, the Wii has a harddrive and could handle this very easily.

Yes, hopefully the SSBB team will work on original courses (that are good! *Cough* not MK II!), rather than reviving the past. That is the exact reason why I love downloadable content, beause the SSBB team can focus on original courses, while later they add back the past stages.

Also I just had a thought, Sakurai said he was intrested and plans on making a DS version of SSBB. I wonder if they do go through with the DS version, will you be able to transfer or get courses from that (such as past stage or new stages) that you couldn't get before?

Geez, more and more questions I am thinking of, with minmimal answers! I bet if Sakurai goes though will the DS SSB game, you can sort of wirelessly communicate, and maybe transfer data to unlock achievements, courses, etc. in both version.

An example of this off the top of my head is in Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion, using the GC GBA link cable, you can get the original Metroid Game on Metroid Prime, as well as a Fusion Suit option. The possible DS version adds another thick layers of questioning, lol! :laugh:


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I don't know about a DS version. As much as I want one, and think it is possible to work well enough to play just fine, I put a Smash DS thread up and it got shut down pretty hard. All I asked was if you thought it would be a remake of SSB64 with some additions (ex: Super Mario 64 DS), its own game with all different material, or a tweaked down version of Melee or Brawl. I was told "No shut up. It's a rumor and it would be a bad game anyway. You don't get to hear the voice of opinion. Idiot." And they closed it. And I was all sad.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
On another forum, I had a disussion about how the DS action for SSB would fit. I came to the conclusion that the bottom screen would show the action up close, a zoom on your character, and the top would show a zoomout of the level to show the entiere thing. So I doubt much detail would go into the backgrounds, otherwise it would clash with te gameplay on the small screens, and it would be hard to see. I'm against a handheld SSB.

As for the levels, I would love to see a Golden Sun one in there, as well as chacters. I was thinking the Lighthouses, which would change every so often, like the Pokemon level.
It starts off as the Venus lighthouse, and on the Venus, if you get knocked off, there are vines on the side that you can climb up if you're close enough to grab the wall. Then it would change to Jupiter lighthouse eventually, where every so often, a strong wind blows and you have to concentrate on staying on, instead of fighting ( like Green Greens with the blowy tree, but stronger wind that lasts longer) Then the mars lighthouse would come along a bit later, and the floors burn you if you stay on too long, so you need to use aerial attacks to win. Then finally it would change to the mercury lighthouse where the ground was slippery, making it hard to run. Also, occasionally it would torrentially rain, obsuring the view.

It would make it a lot more interesting to have the lighthouses all in one, rather than just one of them and the others left out. Also, the different elemental rocks could have similar levels and effects.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I don't know about a DS version. As much as I want one, and think it is possible to work well enough to play just fine, I put a Smash DS thread up and it got shut down pretty hard. All I asked was if you thought it would be a remake of SSB64 with some additions (ex: Super Mario 64 DS), its own game with all different material, or a tweaked down version of Melee or Brawl. I was told "No shut up. It's a rumor and it would be a bad game anyway. You don't get to hear the voice of opinion. Idiot." And they closed it. And I was all sad.
In SamraiPanda's Translation thread, he translated that after SSBB's completion, Sakurai is pretty sure they'll make a DS version of the game.

I think the zoom thing Caeel mentioned would be how it should work, and the game could actually work. You got you A and B buttons, a control pad, and a R and L button.

Only problem that I think might be is that might happen is basically everyone (myself included) prefer a control stick over a control pad, and the camera view, but Caeel basically stated how it should work, thus fixing the problem.

Lol, how long ago did you do this, because in October (or Novemeber) Sakurai confirmed he would like to do a DS version of the SSB series. I actually like the DS idea, and it could add even more new and classic stages back in the mix.

Plus looking at the new Pokemon Japanese trailers I saw, the improved DS online system could work great for it, and would be another sweet way to play SSB! That would be totally awsome if that was made=4 awsome ways to play smash!

As for the SSB game on the DS being like Super Mario 64 DS, I think we would all prefer it be it's own game, maybe more of a mix of Melee and Brawl, but be original. I'm guessing it will be more SSBB downgraded with some neat new DS features, but containing some of the neat stuff of SSBM (maybe cut characters/stages even).

It probablty would have about as many characters as Melee, unless it was just a rendered over version of Brawl, but I have absolutely no idea how the possible DS SSB would work out. The amount of stages would probably be in the 20's or 30's, and same with characters.

I really wonder how much memory the DS can truely use up. It is definitely passed most if not all of the N64, but the DS possibly reach the GC level soon, because the recent games (MP Hunters, Super Mario DS, Yoshi's Island DS, New Super Mario Bros) really show how handheld systems can be powerful in everything except graphics (which idc about).

So really all in all if the DS was made, I'd expect it to be made around Q4 2008 or something like that if Nintendo has already started it. If it is made, it could have as much memory as Melee (which is a ton of memory!), and would be a neat addition to the greatest fighting franchise ever, with new ways to play+cool courses! :) :) :)


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
No, I have a feeling that the same "too much involvement with technology" would come up with the stylus in the DS version. They would probably just save that stuff for menus.

But anyway, we digress.

I doubt they'll put Metal Mario stage in because it wasn't playable in either game. I'm 100% sure none of the non-accessable stages will be brought back.


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2006
Somerville/Lowell, Massachusetts USA
Why did Mic put only three of the seasons for Yoshi's Stage and leave out fall?

Check out Shy Guy! It seems he only travels solo now.

Are those claws in the corners? :confused:

Was it just me or did anyone else notice there is now a crowd in Pokemon Stadium along with a new HDTV. :p With these slight changes to the stage I am guessing that when the stage transforms it will have some new arenas than the ones that are in melee.
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