probably not going to happen. I've been PMing someone who says they have a JS way of displaying bracket data, so I might do that. I don't really give a **** about anti-spoilering, though; this is an archive site, not a news site.
with links to each youtube video. And then eventually we could add tags for which characters are used, etc so we could search for videos from each matchup...
Basically my first priority is getting the site in a state where
A) It works correctly and
B) Mods have the power they need so that my hands are free to add other stuff.
Then I will start adding new features like allowing people to link to youtube videos, etc.
We need to assemble a team of volunteers. People who will scour through old results, and make them by hand in tio.
A little of this has already been done by e.g. Zivilyn Bane. It's labourious work, though. Anything anyone has the time and energy to contribute is extremely welcome!
Is there any way I can talk to you over skype?
I never remember to get on skype, but you're welcome to IM me. it's FoxLisk15 on AIM and I'm on a lot.
I'm not sure if it's the date, particularly, or other internationalization issues. I realized I needed to take date processing into account, and I have the parser check the region tag when it's trying to read in the date, so afaik that one should be okay. The Tampora 3 file never actually opened in my copy of tio, but I eventually got it parsed. I might be handling special characters (umlauts, accents, etc) poorly... it's one of the things I know I need to look deeper into and find a real solution for.