So I just found this thread after being on this site for idk a week. I am glad I found this xD
I talk about who is gonna be in the next brawl with my friends irl all the time. I just can't wait for the next one. Now idk if I should wait but I think ima post a few I think (morely hope) is gonna be in SSB4.
1. Paper Mario - has done alot for nintendo, has many different varieties of attacks and would be a fun new addition plus the stage that would be made for him would be fun as well.
2. Gomai Samurai - SSBB needs a new F-Zero character to go with CF
3. Bowser Jr. - With his combination of the paintbrush and being a cool koopa he would definetely be a fun character to join
4. Toad - eeeeehhhhh not really but eh is all I can say but my friend said to post this character (he is cool but what would he do)
5. Birdo - Now she would be a cool character and be considered a Yoshi or Mario villain character. She has been in the mary party games and a villain and a bunch of random games. She is also different with her egg shooting also her strength a bit.
6. Leon S. Kennedy or any cool Resident Evil character but ASHLEY!!!! >_< - Psh I wish! xD Sorry this is like a dream character cuz he would be fun however not suited for this game style....can still dream though even though he will never be put in or any of the others. (If they put Ashley in to spite I would kill but Ashley can't do anything so yay she will never be in.)
7. Midna with Wolf Link - Midna alone cannot do much but with Wolf link it would be such a fun character to play. You got Midna with her arm/head/hair thing and you got the awesome wolf form of link, however the Zelda game franchise has alot of reps in the SSBB games already.
8. Tetra/Toon Zelda - The pirate girl from 2 of the Zelda games is popular (among my social circle) and this is how. Tetra is like a new Sheik so she would fight more with her pirate sword and have some cool piratey tricks. Then she could transform into Toon Zelda and have more of like a minature version of Zelda with a few cool tricks. I would hope either midna with wolf or T/TZ gets in. It would be fun but all I can do is hope.
9. Different Pokemon - With the release of HG/SS it is possible to see P.T. get an upgrade to the Johto pokemon or you might see if be featuring some new 5th generation pokemon. Who knows with Nintendo.
10. Billy Hatcher - Okay now this is NOT my idea but my friend (same who requested Toad said to say this). Billy Hatcher is like Olimar. His game is not that well known but still sold adequately and was a fun game. He has eggs and stuff and would make battles VERY(said to stress) interesting.
11. King K. Rool(sp) - Sorry I forgot how to spell his Last Name but anyways. King K. Rool is a maybe for me and my friends. He is the major DK villain and would be....interesting a little bit. However idk what they would do with him. However We think they might add him cuz it would be like completely the DK family a bit and would be cool.
12. Dixie Kong OR Tiny Kong - Now everyone seems to be talking Dixie. Dixie is just a female Diddy. Nothing really different with her. However I gotta go with Tiny. Tiny is a cool character that has a lot more to go on. Tiny Kong was in the DK64 and was a fav character. Nintendo realized this when they brought her back for Diddy Kong Racing DS and for an assortment of DK games. They also brought her back for Mario Superstar Sluggers Wii. Tiny has spin hair and she would get all the weapons from the DK64 games such as the grenade oranges, her Sax, her bow gun, plus she would be an air beast. I think Tiny if done correctly would have a very high chance of making it into SSB4 over Dixie and I would much prefer it that way.
13. Krystal - Now with Krystal you either hate her or ya like her. Idc what you say she is kindof cool plus she is a different side of the fox family. She has a staff but also in that one game if I remember correctly she was a pilot, had a gun, and drove a tank. Now in the game she premiered in she was a character you could play as. Also the ability to use her staff would be a new addition cuz they do not have a character that uses a staff. Plus if they got rid of Wolf for Krystal....I wouldn't really mind but Wolf is still pretty awesome. However Krystal rates a little higher in my book over Wolf but she is not better than Falco or Fox.
14. Sega character pick - Now me and my friends have been discussing and came to a conclusion. If Sega does allow another of their characters to come into brawl it would be narrowed down to these 4

no order)
1. Tails - Sonic's sidekick simple enough explaniation
2. Amy Rose - Her hammer and dif play style and also a huge fanbase surrounds her.
3. Knuckles - Fighting style, Gliding, powerful, awesome
4. Shadow - ehhhhh sonic clone with hover shoes (still loving him though)
My personal pick is hoping for Amy Rose. Then Knuckles then Tails. Amy Rose is suited perfectly for the brawl fight style with her comical Piko-Piko hammer and the way she moves. Knuckles is like the power house of the sonic gang and would be fun to play as.
That is all I can remember at the moment or remember that if I do not post the ones my friends wanted would kill me.
I just also wanted to make a little note. I do not believe a couple that I have seen talked about on the two pages I have read will be in.
Not really category:
1. Daisy/Waluigi - These two have both the same problem with me. I like both Daisy and Waluigi but they are kindof like copies of Peach/Luigi. Plus you can just change P/L costume to make it be them. Also Daisy/Waluigi have both been in all the same games (except Waluigi in Mario DDR). The two most likely would have moves based around the games they have been in such as Mario Party, Mario sport games and that is about it. I would not consider putting these two in unless they start to go more into detail character with them. Like give these two their own game to show them and give them their own style otherwise idk really.
2. Vaati/and the other baddie - These two are not heard of villains in the Zelda games. These come from the GBA games with TL/TZ in their earlier years. Although they do have their own characters and backgrounds and everything I really HIGHLY doubt they will be put in cuz they are just not good enough characters for brawl. *shrug*
3. Mother Charries - Now I have been using Ness alot for fun in SSB, SSBM, and SSBB. I was a bit skeptical for Lucas but when brought in I started using him as my main for like 2 years. The Mother/Earthbound characters are a bit dead and are only staying alive with Brawl. Now they might keep both or get rid of one. (most likely Lucas cuz Ness has been in since the first SSB) Though I want Lucas to stay. Now if they do decide to bring a new Mother/Earthbound character it should be Porky most likely. Since he is their villain and would tie those characters with a pretty bow basically.
4. Mewtwo - Mewtwo was a fav in Melee but I really doubt he would make it anymore than that. I think this is what they are going to do with each brawl. They had Mewtwo in Melee but then took him out and replaced him with Lucario. I think they are gonna take out Lucario and put a new character that people love in instead. Now that is just a thought cuz that is what they did with Mewtwo and he had a big fanbase. Lucario is following in the same footsteps as Mewtwo. Though if they did bring Mewtwo back they would get rid of Lucario. They are alot similiar and only 4 pokemon really are needed.
5. Ballon Man - ....................REALLY freaking ballon man......Okay so many things wrong with him being in. I know people are excited they are using retro game titles to bring back some of the beloved characters such as: (Mr. Game&Watch, Ice Climbers, Pit, Mother/Earthbound, R.O.B., FE) But really if you try and think of Ballon man as a fighter it does not work. I have no diss to the Ballon Man game series but it should NOT be put into brawl.
6.Tingle - NEVER! Tingle should stay as a assisst trophy/nuisance. Yes he is in alot of the Zelda games and yes he is funny to watch but he cannot fight what so ever. Same with Ballon man, love the character just not a fighter to be put into Brawl
7. Roy - Now I like Ike way better than Roy. Roy was just a copy of Marth but a better copy. Some people complain Marth or Ike should be kicked out to make room for Roy. (I am not gonna talk about Lyn cuz that is a whole other mess just like Roy). Roy was in Melee and Melee is where is should stay and most likely will stay if Nintendo keeps their head right. Plus FE has two good characters repping their games however FE is like retro to nowadays games.
Characters that might be removed from Brawl to make room for more:
1. Lucario - See Mewtwo
2. Ike/Marth - If nintendo goofs and puts Roy or Lyn in one of these two will go poof
3. R.O.B. - although a power house he may be asked to leave cuz people may want Ballon Man over him plus he is a bit too quirky. Unlike Mr. Game&watch is just perfect. And R.O.B. is just okay in my book.
4.Ganondorf - I am REALLY against this but my friends seem to think he might be kicked out to make place for another Zelda character since he is a heavy CF clone and hasn't really done much since Twilight Princess. In the TL/TZ series he is not even a villain anymore. Except for Wind Waker but that is it and they killed him and sealed him underwater but who knows maybe he cane come back. He did with Twilight Princess after dieing to Link/Zelda in the final battle of Ocarina of Time.
Okay I think I am done for now (looks at post) OMG that is alot of writing but it was fun :3
If I think of anymore I will post them but till now I think that is good. Btw I like BASED arguements and just cuz you think one of the characters I picked might not be a good idea don't just say:
"Well your wrong cuz that's just stupid and I think it's never gonna happen." it's a matter of a opinion everyone is entitled to even yourself. SO idc I just wanted to put my 2 cents in a just see what would happen. Anyways enjoy and ill check back later. I hope I didn't offend anyone with our picks.
(Is super excited to see who actually makes it into Brawl.)