Smash Apprentice
Question. When momentum canceling, use fair --> downB right?
Well, what's the best thing to use for fair? I use the regular control stick in forward position and hit A to trigger the Fair, then go straight into the downB from there. But is it more effective to use the Cstick to get the fair, then use the control stick to execute DownB? Is there any difference at all btwn the two methods? I feel like i momentum cancel pretty well with all the other characters i use (space animals, ZSS) but they all have different aerials for momentum canceling (bair or uair, none use fair) and i use the Cstick for all of them. It works real well for them, but I always feel like my sonic's momentum cancel isn't working as well (perhaps since i don't use the cstick for him?), though it may just be a feeling and nothing more. Still, any help is greatly appreciated. thanks!
Well, what's the best thing to use for fair? I use the regular control stick in forward position and hit A to trigger the Fair, then go straight into the downB from there. But is it more effective to use the Cstick to get the fair, then use the control stick to execute DownB? Is there any difference at all btwn the two methods? I feel like i momentum cancel pretty well with all the other characters i use (space animals, ZSS) but they all have different aerials for momentum canceling (bair or uair, none use fair) and i use the Cstick for all of them. It works real well for them, but I always feel like my sonic's momentum cancel isn't working as well (perhaps since i don't use the cstick for him?), though it may just be a feeling and nothing more. Still, any help is greatly appreciated. thanks!