Summary: A simple stage in appearance, however, Frigate is considered to be one of Olimar's worst stages, if not his worst. The stage is composed of two sections that the game alternates between, with a siren alerting the players of the upcoming change.
Phase One - The first phase is a non symmetrical stage, in fact the two halves of the stage are completely different. The left half of the stage is similar to our neutrals. Flat stage with a platform. Platform is positioned well for our attacks, though a little high. The platform is large, so it's not as easy for our opponents to "trap" us on the platform, such as when we're recovering. We have more room to move around when trying to get back on the ground. The right half, however, moves vertically, being either at the same height of the left half, lower, or higher than it. To top it off, the right half doesn't have any ledges. The only ledge present in the stage is on the left side. So the ledgeless right side, combined with how it oftentimes spontaneously moves, creates recovery problems for Olimar. However, the right side, when lowered, is a safe haven for us, and gives our opponent a hard time trying to approach us. Granted, this only lasts until the right section rises again to mid level. The main problem with this stage is Olimar having a lack of safe room. If you travels too far in one direction, you'll find yourself against a ledge faster than you'd expect, oftentimes one without a ledge. Several characters work well abusing Olimar's unease near the right side, although some can't take advantage of it all too well. Also, don't be afraid to abuse this stage quality, as well. Olimar is amazing at punishing characters as they land, and can destroy characters that have problems recovering, when they have to go to drastic lengths to get back on stage. Don't chase them off stage, wait for them to get back on and
then jump them.
-Has, in most opinions, the best pluck ratio a stage can have.
-Olimar is able to take advantage of some characters' disadvantage when on the right side.
-Ledgeless side on the right of the stage.
-Lack of room for mobility, which decreases when the right section moves up.
Phase Two - Considered by most to be the much better section for Olimar. Not only do both sides have ledges, unlike the first phase, but there are mercy platforms that come out from the right side, at times, and can assist our recovery, something that benefits Olimar greatly. There's a dip in the center of the stage that can be good or bad for Olimar, depending on what character we're facing. Most people consider this phase, even with the mercy platforms, to be bad for Olimar as well, and some have said that it is
worse for him than the first section. One thing to note, is that the slants on the stage, in a way, separate the stage into sections. Olimar needs to focus on holding center ground when camping, and when the center ground is not only small, but surrounded by high ground, you'll oftentimes find the opponent getting his way in easily. While the mercy platforms do help, good Olimars are usually able to recover without them, and if you
have to use them, then you're playing against a character that excels at edge guarding Olimar (Meta Knight, Marth, etc), and if that's the case, then the platforms usually won't help regardless. All in all, Frigate is considered by most to be our worst stage, although arguable.
-Like the first phase, has the amazing pluck percentage
-Mercy platforms can help, although this isn't as major of a benefit as some think
-Spacing tools become a bit better (Grab, Fsmash) when on the sides, when the opponent is in the center, but if they break through your fortress, you've already positioned yourself near the ledge, so it's a gamble
-Like the first phase, not much room to move around, and you'll find yourself having troubles keeping the opponent out
-Center can hurt our abilities to keep the opponent out
Pluck Percentages
Main Stage:
20%, 10%,
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