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Official MBR Tier List

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x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
M2K also argued that DK is a Fox counter on FD cus he beat Cactuar in a friendly there.

Mango says Jiggs/Marth is 80-20 in Marths favor(unless he's playing of course)

Dogysamich says Falcon is one of if not Doc's hardest match ups. HMW and Shroomed say he's not that bad.

Every player, good and bad has opinions. Just because someone is better than someone else doesn't automatically make them right. M2K has been known to blow stuff out of proportion, don't automatically assume he knows exactly what he's talking about. The fact that HE can beat many players with random characters is mostly due to the fact that he's just that much better than them, so just because he can do it doesn't mean it's 100% what's going to happen if two equally skilled players go at it.

Mango's a troll and he can't pass math.

Dogy, HMW and Shroomed are all extremely talented Doc players, but each has their own specific play style, so what may be difficult for one may not be for another.

I think what everyone needs to remember here is that in truth, the tier list shouldn't be a specific "This character is better than this character so they go here" list but rather a list of characters that have proven themselves capable of specific levels of play.
this entire post is correct and people should read it a second time

"hey guys I know somebody who's really good and places 1st in all state tournaments and he says marth is a fox counter, so I'm gonna go ahead and believe what one person says"

Deleted member

for all tournament purposes, fox is definitely doc's worst match-up. ban FD, platform camp to nair spam until doc is in the air, then bair him so he can't land until KO. requires alarmingly little talent.

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
sheik and peach players hate fox(cuz its the only character they have to think vs).

falco players hate marth

fox and falco players hate bad controllers

marth players hate smash


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
M2K also argued that DK is a Fox counter on FD cus he beat Cactuar in a friendly there.

Every player, good and bad has opinions. Just because someone is better than someone else doesn't automatically make them right. M2K has been known to blow stuff out of proportion, don't automatically assume he knows exactly what he's talking about. The fact that HE can beat many players with random characters is mostly due to the fact that he's just that much better than them, so just because he can do it doesn't mean it's 100% what's going to happen if two equally skilled players go at it.

Mango's a troll and he can't pass math.

Dogy, HMW and Shroomed are all extremely talented Doc players, but each has their own specific play style, so what may be difficult for one may not be for another.

I think what everyone needs to remember here is that in truth, the tier list shouldn't be a specific "This character is better than this character so they go here" list but rather a list of characters that have proven themselves capable of specific levels of play.
And do you see how you looked at opinions of other ppl and considered them. I never said he was right. I said, that we were merely arguing over what he said was the best character in the game. Everyone made note it was his opinino, hes not always right, and I said that it does no harm to just think about it.

Id consider all of those opinions, you gave and come to a conclusion. One reason is because they are known and respected smashers, and they have a certain amount of credibility. In some of those cases they are considered specialists and would easily have more exp in that field or whatever.

m2ks a melee specialist. Just be openminded, and then weigh the arguement.Bottom line is you still make your own decision and form an opinion, whether you are right or wrong, or you dont know enough and just say IDK.
That still doesn't justify the fact that it's just his opinion, just as all tiers are. I'm not disproving the existent of tiers, but all it is are multiple opinions tossed into one pot and a roulette was played out. Somehow, Mewtwo was below Pichu for seven years.

See, I made some proofs.
I made it clear, that I said at least consider. Im aware that its only one mans opinion, and like I quoted previously HE IS NOT OMNISCIENT. Im saying that if Kobe Bryant said that this particular basket ball is top tier, Id have to at least take that into account.

Im saying be open minded, and respect the fact that other players are indeed more qualified than you[generic] to make certain allegations.

If m2k said Dk was the best, Id at the very least wanna ask him why he thinks that. After he tells me, Id probably be like haha whatever guy, but even tho hes wrong sometimes its to your benefit to at least listen.

He didnt get that good by knowing nothing is all im saying.

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey Kage. You think Ganon would place higher than ICs on a new tier list? Considering Chu doesn't place highly anymore like he used to and there are way more Ganon players now, including well-placing ones like you, Linguini, RockCrock, Tipman (soon), and even a player that beat Armada in pools at Genesis.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
yea i was talking to M2K one time last year
and he was like "dk ***** fox but he gets ***** by Falco and ***** by Sheik and ***** by Falcon"
i think he just exaggerates. he's not really in any position to be giving opinions on how good DK is at different things because he doesn't main him and play high-leveled players with him. I don't really think that him saying that is any reason to completely discredit any other thing he says, though, because he IS smart and he DOES know a lot about this game.
the worst that could possibly happen from you listening to what someone has to say is that you disagree with them, which is a horrible ****ing tragedy isn't it.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
Hey Kage. You think Ganon would place higher than ICs on a new tier list? Considering Chu doesn't place highly anymore like he used to and there are way more Ganon players now, including well-placing ones like you, Linguini, RockCrock, Tipman (soon), and even a player that beat Armada in pools at Genesis.
For the record, that Ganon player beat him the first match, Armada complained that the TV was lagging, so they switched TVs and that same Ganon got 3 stocked twice.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
ic's still have a better matchup than ganon against fox/falco/falcon/sheik lol

ganon a lot better against peach and marth probably, and ESPECIALLY samus and luigi who can give ic's so much trouble


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
for all tournament purposes, fox is definitely doc's worst match-up. ban FD, platform camp to nair spam until doc is in the air, then bair him so he can't land until KO. requires alarmingly little talent.
Actually, Doc's probably not that hard to beat as Falco or Fox if you got the tech skill down. The spacies have better attack priority than Doc. Drillshine kills everytime :ohwell:

So yea, alarmingly little talent is accurate!


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
lol *shrug* i beast on falcos all dai with ic's and with ganon it would seem ilke he would get stuck in some situations

Jon K

Smash Rookie
May 18, 2009
How could there be a final tier list for melee when people are still playing it to this day?


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
Unless you're trolling, that has to be the stupidest post on this thread.

Cause, you know, the metagame isn't changing after new ATs aren't discovered. Of course.
He may have been a little off center of the truth, but his post really wasnt all that dumb.

I mean we really arent finding that many new AT. We simple are applying the old one in different ways, this is mainly what makes up the meta game.

Also, its pretty clear that atm you are the one trolling.

But, just curios what are some of the new AT that you can recall?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Berkerey, CA
M2K also argued that DK is a Fox counter on FD cus he beat Cactuar in a friendly there.

Mango says Jiggs/Marth is 80-20 in Marths favor(unless he's playing of course)

Dogysamich says Falcon is one of if not Doc's hardest match ups. HMW and Shroomed say he's not that bad.

Every player, good and bad has opinions. Just because someone is better than someone else doesn't automatically make them right. M2K has been known to blow stuff out of proportion, don't automatically assume he knows exactly what he's talking about. The fact that HE can beat many players with random characters is mostly due to the fact that he's just that much better than them, so just because he can do it doesn't mean it's 100% what's going to happen if two equally skilled players go at it.

Mango's a troll and he can't pass math.

Dogy, HMW and Shroomed are all extremely talented Doc players, but each has their own specific play style, so what may be difficult for one may not be for another.

I think what everyone needs to remember here is that in truth, the tier list shouldn't be a specific "This character is better than this character so they go here" list but rather a list of characters that have proven themselves capable of specific levels of play.

This. Like 100 times this. Also sig'd.

This is why I'm getting back into melee. Balance and combos. Much win to be had.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2009
Toronto, Canada
wait here it says jiggs and falcon are tied for 6th place(like It always was). But on smash bros wikia it says falcon is 8.1 and jiggs is 8. Anyone know why? Are the guys there just falcon biased(understandable) or did some random falcon main edit it for fun.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Actually, Doc's probably not that hard to beat as Falco or Fox if you got the tech skill down. The spacies have better attack priority than Doc. Drillshine kills everytime :ohwell:

So yea, alarmingly little talent is accurate!
you misread umbreon's post... he said that it was easy for fox to win <_<

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
wait here it says jiggs and falcon are tied for 6th place(like It always was). But on smash bros wikia it says falcon is 8.1 and jiggs is 8. Anyone know why? Are the guys there just falcon biased(understandable) or did some random falcon main edit it for fun.
That's definitely edited by someone, but it really doesn't matter because most people already know that Jiggs would place higher on a new tier list.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Yeah I know smsh wiki sucks, I went on it to see all the previous tier lists for melee. Anyways thanks, I was pretty sure someone edited it anyways.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2008
Torrance, CA
ignorant question time!!!!

since lower-tier characters have fewer options in certain situations, does that make them easier to learn?
do they inherently have some bonus because the matchup is less well known?

In chess at least, i often pick obscure openings which are fairly dubious in the hopes that my opponent won't know them and fall into my traps (muahahaha). Is that a valid analogy?

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
ignorant question time!!!!

since lower-tier characters have fewer options in certain situations, does that make them easier to learn?
do they inherently have some bonus because the matchup is less well known?

In chess at least, i often pick obscure openings which are fairly dubious in the hopes that my opponent won't know them and fall into my traps (muahahaha). Is that a valid analogy?
A lot of them are easier to "learn" ie get the basics of but the few options suck so it is "harder" to win and make use of those options if that makes sense. Some are actually pretty hard to learn just the basics while also trying to make due with their terrible options.

It is somewhat viable at mid level play and slightly higher if the person doesn't know the matchup, but at highest levels of play, it won't happen unless the low tier character has some kind of evenish match against a top tier or high tier character and those are pretty rare.

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
The easiest characters to learn are the ones you're most comfortable with, imo.

eah, it's nice to use a character that your opponent doesn't know how to play, but that's not something you should take for granted.

Also, learning difficult things that pay off well are very much worth the effort.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
A lot of them are easier to "learn" ie get the basics of but the few options suck so it is "harder" to win and make use of those options if that makes sense. Some are actually pretty hard to learn just the basics while also trying to make due with their terrible options.

It is somewhat viable at mid level play and slightly higher if the person doesn't know the matchup, but at highest levels of play, it won't happen unless the low tier character has some kind of evenish match against a top tier or high tier character and those are pretty rare.
Ya but if someone really wants to win a tournament, taking a low tier all the way is extremely tough to do well as you will encounter most likely bad matchups after bad matchups.. even at Top level play. Even if you encounter an even matchup then it can go either way so you gotta step your game up. There's only so much a low tier can do. Ya, you can place well at Nationals but chances to win is close to 0% lol. Ya... you can surprise people but still.. depends what you want really.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
hmmm, idk ganon hits hard but hes really defensive. It comes down to who can camp the best. Most of the high tiers can be played more than one way.
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