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Official Ganon/Ganondorf for Brawl (updated)


Smash Cadet
Apr 19, 2006
Ganondorf is not African nor is he only Middle Eastern. This is what I have come up with with regards to Ganondorf's ancestry/nationality:

MeLeo said:
His (last) name, Ganondorf, as well as his physical appearance, reveal that he’s 1/4th German, 1/4th Irish, 1/4th Persian, and 1/4th Indian. Why is this cool you may ask? I don’t know, I just think it is :)

Ganon is an Irish surname (a less common, alternative spelling of Gannon):
Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Mag Fhionnáin, a patronymic from the personal name Fionnán. This name, from a diminutive of fionn, “fair”, was borne by several early Irish saints.

Dorf is a German surname:
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname or topographic name for someone who lived in a village, German Dorf.

So that’s where his blazing red/orange hair and impressive build come from!

Also, Link’s name has German origin as well:
German, Dutch, and Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname for a left-handed person, from Middle High German linc, Dutch linker, links, Yiddish link “left (side)”. In Europe left-handed people were long regarded with suspicion as clumsy, awkward, deviant, and even untrustworthy.

Obviously this name was chosen because Link is left-handed (except in the Wii TP, for gameplay reasons, because most people are right-handed).

Ganondorf’s tan/brown (OoT) to darker tan/brown (TP, although it’s also greenish) skin means he must also be part Persian and Indian.

Those other two names that appear in earlier Zelda games, Ganondorf Dragmire and Mandrag Ganon, were only included in the American releases. More specifically, they were in the instruction booklets, due to poor translation protocols at the time. Also, Miyamoto stated that OoT is first chronologically in the Zelda storyline and so Ganondorf is his true name.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
Warlock Ganondorf's moveset

Yeah yeah! i told some weeks ago that i wanted to do a moveset here i go.

Before anything, i want to point that im full supporter of the Melee Ganondorf, which is of what my movesets are based on.......and totally dislike the swordman ganondorf. The other posters have made it clear why he doesnt need his TP or OOT sworrd, and in addition i want to say that in reality, what sakurai is doing , is tweaking some of the moves of the clones, for them to be original and to still have their essence of the past game. Including a sword in ganondorf´s play would practically make him another player,,,, and we already have enough swordmen. If ganon had any possibility to be a swordman, was with a powerful and slow game, and Ike seems to already have this spot, so Ill say a NO-NO to sword Ganon. OK now to the move set:

My vision of Ganondorf is a powerfull magician, capable of using dark magic and overwelm everything with his power. Since i agree with some here that he needs to maintain his melee essence, i will make my moves based on the ones of melee, but adding special features like magic effects and some distinctive attacks that will greatly differ him from Chaptain Farukon XD.

Speed: Ganon will reatin his old speedd. He is ok with it and fits him perfectly.
Weight: Definitely needs to be heavier, in the range of Samus or maybe a little less or more.
Jump : The same as melee, he is fine with it. I really think that ganon needs some more mobility in the air, im talking about DI, as he is comboed too easily in melee. A little more would be great.
Grab game: A little more range, since he is so big but players like Marth which are smaller, leave him in shame. At least the same range as marth.

Fighting stance:
Oh yeah one of my favs. In this game, ill have Ganon to rest his arms ,his punches closed. his chest to the front (like the TP stance) and the animation of him breathing. Also, a dark aura with a kick *** animation coming out of his body.
Walking/Running animations: His walking ani would be like the one used in the last fight of TP, as it looks threatening, but a little more faster, just a little.
Now, for his running animation, ill make him go floating with aone of his shoulder in front of im and the rest of the body behind. His cape would move swiftly and also would leave dark aura behind him. Even when he is floating in animation i want to point out that he IS NOT in the air, the floating is just for stetycal purpouses and doenst affect gameplay.

Standard A attacks

Neutral A "Jab": Well the old jab couldnt be taken out, as is one of Ganondorf trademarks moves. The only variation i would add, is that instead of him punching, he will attack with his hand opened and show dark magic glowing of it. Damage and other stats remain the same.

Forward tilt "front kick": The same old kick from before but with some ligthning effects!.

Up tilt "Rising Force": Instead of his Slow kick, i replaced this move with an anti aerial, IMO how it should be. The movement is like this: From his fighting stance, Ganondorf open his arms with punch closet and emmit evil spirits that travel upwards. Is a quick move and can launch enemies into the air with potential of knocking at high percentages. Around 6-7% damage.

Downtilt "downkick": Practically the same as before, but differences should be applied in the way he move the eg to do this kick, to difference it from Falcon´s. The damage and stats should could remain the same. The frames used in the move stays the same too.

Smash attacks

UpSmash "Rising kick": In comparison with his last up smash, Ganondorf this time just executes one kick. Doing less damage than the previous 2 blows but gaining speed and practical use in comboing and in reaction. Emmit dark aura too, but doesnt affect its range.

Forward smash "Darklariat": Similar to his previous forward smash, Ganondorf laid back a little charging the blow from one of his arms, then launching a single blow moving his arm to the front leaving dark aura on its trace. The blow has more or less the same range than the previous smash, but with the same stats (speed, power,knocback).It covers middle range in front of ganondorf, allowing him to hit small characters too (he crouches just a little while releasing the blow).

Downsmash "doublegroundwave": Ganondorf charge his power in fashion, then he release the power of his punch to the floor (he is still standing). The first move covers his front, releasing a dark wave near his arm which actually hits... then he turns around and do a similar move to the other side. Imagine this move like mewtwo's down smash but in both ways.

Aerial moves

Up Air "Ganon flip": The same as before, this moves simply owns

Forward air : The same too, this moves rocks!. But add to this some dark flames and cool effects and thats it! ownage!.

Down air "Warlock stomp":I want too point that this move will be basscaly the same move in stats(speed, power lag) but the difference will be in the animation. Instead of the current stomp, ganondorf will cross his arms in his chest and do a quick spin, while releasing the powefull stomp with his legs. A dark aura will appear creating the form of an arrow to the ground (which will cover Ganondorf´s but without affecting range).The frames and the range of the hit will be the same.

Back Air: The same!!

Special B moves

Neutral B "hold your horses!":: Instead of that laggy warlock punch, i thought of a proyectile for ganondorf. I dont like the idea of a powerball because IMO is unoriginal and ganondorf, being a VERY good melee fighter, could be a little overpowered if given a fireball. Instead, i was thinking about this:
Ganondorf moves hin hands and summon those black horses (or whatever they are) from the TP last battle. They travel some meters in front of him and then dissapear. Their damage could be around 5-7%(divided in 3 quick hits) and they dont have KO properties. The distance they trabel is not far, forcing ganon to use this move at middle range. This move is usefull to mix it up, as it can move players even when they are CCanceling and help ganon with his speed issues. They come out very fast too.
I have thought about Ganon being able to charge this move but still not sure.

Side B "Ganonboost": The moves is very similar to his last side B, but instead of doin an uppercut a la captain falcon, ganondorf does a blow which slams his opponent to the floor, sending the opponent to the air(the opponent ends engulfed in dark flame).

Down B "???": For this move im not very sure yet. I want Ganondorf to slams his hand to the floor and release a force in the form of a darktriforce, which will act around him. But, to please the ones who want a swordganon, if ganon would use a sword, could be with this move. BUT, the moves will only be something like one slash from his sword in some way and then the sword will dissapear. He wil not take out his sword and switch standçce like some of the forum members propose, as i see it too cheap for a player like him to be able to fight as good in melee combat and to have a big fat sword to punish even more. Is not fair.

UpB "Dark Metamorfosis": This move is a little tricky. When you press the up B, Ganondorf will turn himself into a dark matter. While on this state (you need to keep the B button pressed to keep in this form) Ganondorf can travel around for one second or a little more (or stop when you release the B) invincible. In other words,, you ll see more or less the spirit wandering but ull not be able to hit him in any way. When the transformation time ends, Ganon will appear in the point he ended... without being able to do anything and free fall if he is in the air like any recovery move. Also, the lag when he appears leave Ganondorf opened for some nasty counter attacks, this is if you ended in the wrong spot.

Grabs,Dashes and Taunts!

Dash attack: Ganon willñ turn himself into a dark meteor and hit the opponent. Think of this move like the Kick *** vesion of the crappy kirby dash. The frames and stats of this move will be equal to his last dash, this means that the meteor form will appear and dissapear very quickly while he hits the target.

Grab attack: Ganondorf grab his foe with one hand(on the neck)...having his face near the opponent's face while the other hand of ganon will be up in the air. Each time u press the attack button, vengetfull spirits will appear from the upper hand and travel to the opponents face and do damage. This will happen very fast.

Ganon release his opponent by sending him airborne with force

Downthorw: Ganondorf will slam his foe to the floor withone hand, and then hit him with an uppercut with the other hand!.

Backthrow: The same as in melee

Forward throw: Ganondorf will keep the opponent floating in front of him, while he charges the opponents Body with dark flame.. His two hands will be concentrated in the foe, but without touching him!. Then Ganon open up his arms and release his foe sending him forward in a considerable distance. Think of it as the grab with his up B in meleem but in the ground.

Taunt: Well i cant think of a good taunt right now, but i think i like the current one!!.

About Ganon´s Final smash......... i have still not decided it but suggestions of a transformation in "GANON" from the old games would be welcomed.
Another idea could be that ganon would transform into a dark demon with wings and engulfed in dark flames (keeping the size and mass of the normal ganon). This would be an original design for Brawl. He would be faster and deadlier than his previous form, but for a short period of time.

And well, thats it folks!!! My original moveset jajajaj that was quite long but i hope you to enjoy it and comment please!!.


Smash Cadet
Sep 20, 2007
St-Lazare, Quebec
Ohhhhhh, Ganondorf...:cool:
Not only am I without a doubt one of his 10 biggest fans in history, but...
I AM Ganondorf, I'm very big an tall like him, I have a red-haired beard like him (my hair's brown though very weird if you ask me) I have the triforce (no really I do, people call it a tattoo but I dont know what they're talking about XD) ;)
Oh and I'm also arrogant and Uber Evil! In any case,

If there is just one parallel of our universe where Ganondorf isn't in Brawl, I'll warp to japan while spinning a trident above my head and warlock punch sakurai's wife and children in the face while laughing, yeah, that sounds pretty equal in pain for a vengeance LOL XD:mad:

What bothers me most though is his new moveset. I really, really DON'T KNOW what I hope it'll be, and because I respect him too much I don't want to speculate about it...at ALL....oh, except his final smash...
I HAS TO BE GANON, I am usually COMPLETELY AGAINST Temporary Transformations as Final Smashes but I can't help but wanting this over anything else in the game!!!!

But this next thing bothers me even more...Ganondorf has about 90% Chances of Showing up in his Twilight Princess Form, which is my favorite, BUT, IF THAT MAKES HIS FINAL SMASH THE LAME 4-LEGGED WOLFxBOAR GANON FROM TWILIGHT PRINCESS INSTEAD OF THE CLASSIC BLUE PIG WITH TRIDENT AND RED CAPE GANON, I swear I'll cry like a baby.

Again, for his moveset, I dont know what to want or to expect.
All I can imagine is that he'll use a bit of all of his capacities: -The Sages' sword, -Dark Magic and -Brutal Hand-to Hand combat
Whatever it is I'll find a way to PWN every single one of my friends with him even if for some hallucinatingly incredibly impossible reason he is low tier.

Ganondorf, when I see you in brawl, pardon me, but I am going to ANNIHILATE YOU, cuz if I don't I won't unlock you so yeah XD, after that you and me are best friends again, ok?:)



Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2006
I say YAY for ganondorf, but NAY to his Falcon-clone moveset... A sword user ganondorf would be teh pwn!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2007
I'm kickin it in Lake Ridge Virginia
Ganondorf is not African nor is he only Middle Eastern. This is what I have come up with with regards to Ganondorf's ancestry/nationality:

Ganon is a negro, and it looks like he has a bit a tiny bit of Samoan in him as well. His dark skin complection is that of an African. It's just gotta be! And maybe he just dyed his hair red.

Ganon for Brawl!


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2006
In your kitchen, drinking your kool-aid
Eh. He was a clone of Falcon. I think they should give him a few projectiles and his sword. Just to add a little more diversity to the movelists.
Yeah, that's why I said his bare hands and magic. A couple of his A attacks can be revamped, and his specials can be completely different than the ones he had in Melee. I didn't inlcude his sword because he would have a lot of moves with disjointed hitboxes. *glares at Marth*

IMO Ganon is so boss he doesn't even need a sword.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2006
I jog NY
ganon has to because hes links nemesis.
i hope he looks like he did in TLOZ: TP.
I know he is.


Smash Rookie
Apr 10, 2006
Keh, I have always seen Ganondorf as this almighty warlock. There is no need for him to have a sword, he has the freaking Triforce of power for crying out loud! He could easily beat the crap out of anyone using his brute strength and awesome dark magic.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
I think he should change between magic fist-fighter and magic swordsman with his Down B...it would include all of his eternal badassness and keep both sides happy IMO...and there is no reason for him not to appear in his TP form


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Davis, CA
Sakurai said that clones won't be returning. Ganondorf won't be in Brawl.
do us all a favor and use a little brain power, will ya? the fact that clones won't be in Brawl simply means that Ganondorf won't be a clone. besides, Eiji Aonuma pretty much already confirmed Ganondorf's appearance.

anyway, i just made a new thread for this because i didn't realize that there was an official Ganondorf thread, but here it is again:

classic moves that i think would be suited for Brawl are his lightning attack and his ball of dark magic from OoT. (also, both these moves were used by Agahnim the Wizard in ALttP)

another move that would be interesting, as possibily a Down-B, would be a Phantom Ganon, similar to Sub-Zero's ice clone move from Mortal Kombat.

what do you guys think?


Smash Rookie
Sep 17, 2004
do us all a favor and use a little brain power, will ya? the fact that clones won't be in Brawl simply means that Ganondorf won't be a clone. besides, Eiji Aonuma pretty much already confirmed Ganondorf's appearance.

anyway, i just made a new thread for this because i didn't realize that there was an official Ganondorf thread, but here it is again:

classic moves that i think would be suited for Brawl are his lightning attack and his ball of dark magic from OoT. (also, both these moves were used by Agahnim the Wizard in ALttP)

another move that would be interesting, as possibily a Down-B, would be a Phantom Ganon, similar to Sub-Zero's ice clone move from Mortal Kombat.

what do you guys think?
Ganondorf is a clone. If you have Melee, go unlock him and see. Pick him and then pick Captain Falcon. You can tell that he's a clone of Captain Falcon.

And I doubt they'll add any Mortal Kombat characters.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Davis, CA
Ganondorf is a clone. If you have Melee, go unlock him and see. Pick him and then pick Captain Falcon. You can tell that he's a clone of Captain Falcon.

And I doubt they'll add any Mortal Kombat characters.
a) i'm not talking about Melee. i'm talking about Brawl, ya know, that new game coming out for Wii?
b) your reading comprehension could use some work.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Ganondorf is a clone. If you have Melee, go unlock him and see. Pick him and then pick Captain Falcon. You can tell that he's a clone of Captain Falcon.

And I doubt they'll add any Mortal Kombat characters.
You didn't even read what he wrote before you responded, did you?


Please tell me people don't actually believe that if Ganondorf returned in Brawl he would be assured to be a clone...that is the most ignorant of beliefs I've seen yet.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2007
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
You didn't even read what he wrote before you responded, did you?


Please tell me people don't actually believe that if Ganondorf returned in Brawl he would be assured to be a clone...that is the most ignorant of beliefs I've seen yet.
Right. If they haven't noticed... diversity is the mainstay of Brawl. Sakurai's bringing a lot of things to the tables to separate most similarities between characters. Since unique=good in his eyes.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
I wonder if Ganondorf will turn into a giant beast like he did in twilight princess as his final smash?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I wonder if Ganondorf will turn into a giant beast like he did in twilight princess as his final smash?
You mean Ganon...like he does in almost every game...

You do know Ganon has been around longer than Ganondorf...right?


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2007
I think it would be awesome if he would become his monster Ganon form for his Final Smash. That and his own move set (no copying the Faclon!) will give him a good welcome from his fans

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
You mean Ganon...like he does in almost every game...

You do know Ganon has been around longer than Ganondorf...right?
I do, what I ment to say is the way he looks in Twilight Princess from the other Legend of Zelda graphically.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2007
Blood Gulch, Halo
do us all a favor and use a little brain power, will ya? the fact that clones won't be in Brawl simply means that Ganondorf won't be a clone. besides, Eiji Aonuma pretty much already confirmed Ganondorf's appearance.

anyway, i just made a new thread for this because i didn't realize that there was an official Ganondorf thread, but here it is again:

classic moves that i think would be suited for Brawl are his lightning attack and his ball of dark magic from OoT. (also, both these moves were used by Agahnim the Wizard in ALttP)

another move that would be interesting, as possibily a Down-B, would be a Phantom Ganon, similar to Sub-Zero's ice clone move from Mortal Kombat.

what do you guys think?
he should look like he did in TP, but wield his sword in his left hand (hes right handed, right?). Most of i attacks would be punches and kicks, with the occasional sowrd swipe for good measure. His standard B would be the yellow baseball thingy..... but you can reflect it with A!!! and Ganondorf can chrage it like samus's charge beam. His Down B would b that huge punch to the ground he does in OoT.

Tell me what you think.....
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