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Official Ganon/Ganondorf for Brawl (updated)


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2007
Viva Mexico Cabrones!

Heavy, very very powerful, slow and full of evil lol, preety much the same as his melee status.

I prefer his mage/hand-to-hand fighting style than his swordsman TP version, we have enough swordsmans lol. But he indeed has his sword with him couse not having his sword will just take his TP Ganondorfness out, he has it in his waist and uses it in some of his normal A attacks, some tilts and some smash attacks and his side B.

Standard B: Rises his hand which will start to glow and later shoots a ball of light, is fast but not that powerful, has some knock back. It can be charged to make the ball more powerful. When charging it, the glow will star becoming a black cloud in his hand. When fully charged, will shoot 3 balls of light which track enemies. The not charged ball doesnt take that much time to shoot as it seems, it take a little bit more than Link's not charged arrows. The charged attack does take some time, which makes it bad for close combat, but is very effective when shooting it from distance.
(Ocarina of Time)

Up B: He will morph in Twilight matter...pixels or whatever, in the thing he turns to get inside Zelda in TP. He is able to move freely for some time (2 seconds) while in this form in any direction by holding B, but is kinda slow, making it easy for an opponent to know where he will morph back, it takes some time to recover after morphing back. You are able to morph back by yourself (cancel it) by stopping holding B. You can go through enemies. If you stop holding B (cancel it) while going through an enemie (being in the same space) it will create an explosion instead (like C. Falcon's Up B, does the same damage and knock back), and he will morph back faster and recovered, being able to attack or doing B moves, like after hitting with C. Falcon's Up B. Is preety much a different more evil, dark, TP version of his Melee Up B.
(Twilight Princess, kinda lol)

Down B: He will he the ground with a powerfull punch (his had will glow green with some green smoke) and create a wave around him, which will knock enemies in an angle depending of how close to Ganondorf they are, the closest, the uppest (if this word exist lol), and more damaging. If done in the air, he will go down like Yochi's Down B, and the wave will be a little bit bigger, but not that much, but enough to see the difference. If he connects with an enemie in the ground while doing it in the air, he will punch him very hard, making some good damage and sending them up. If it connect with an enemy while the enemy is in the air, it works as a smash attack.
(Ocarina of Time)

Side B: He will draw his sword, charge, and thrust forward very hard, is not as powerful as Falcons Punch and doesnt have that much knock back, but it does have good knock back and it takes a little bit less to charge. It oviously has a little more range.
(Twilight Princess)

Final Smash: Turn into Ganon. I was thinking he would turn in OoT Ganon, but with TP art, you know, better looking. He would not be able to use Ganondorf specials (I think Gigabowser can use Bowser specials) but when using his "Special button", he would unite his blades (Pit like) and throw them like a boomerang (from Ling to the past). Ganon would have a lot of range and very poowerful, maybe not as much as GigaBowser, but would indeed have more range.
(Almost every Zelda game)

This I think is a balanced version of his hand fighting, magic abilities (he is indeed a sorcerer) and his sword fighting, and aslo taking the B attacks from both OoT and TP, and not only basing it in only one game.

Hope you like it lol :p
I made this a long time ago, I kinda fixed it a little, hope you ca understand it ^^!!


Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
Good range of attacks, it would be good if he had a choice of switching from sword moves to hand/magic moves

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
Zelda could totally take Ganondorf. I mean, she even has the Gods on her side, and glowing "feet" hurt. A LOT.

I support Ganon as a FS, just because it would be awesome, and, if you can record matches, I could make reactments of TP, which would be awesome.

Ganondorf is in. We all know. If ANY Zelda character has a chance, it's him above anyone else.

I plan on maining Link and Ganondorf this time around, even though I just main Zelda. Then I'll call myself "Master Of The Triforce".


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
ganondwarf should be in the next game, but only if he has a new move set. just because the attacks are a tiny bit different doesnt give a different fighting style all togeather.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
i'm real curious to see what they do with ganondorf as far as movesets and such. i can't wait to see him in game all TP-ed out.. He will probably be a lot of fun to play


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2007
Blood Gulch, Halo
Nice moveset Noshiee. Best one i've seen so far. Anyway, back to flaming Ganondorf defilers! =D

Zelda could totally take Ganondorf. I mean, she even has the Gods on her side, and glowing "feet" hurt. A LOT.

I support Ganon as a FS, just because it would be awesome, and, if you can record matches, I could make reactments of TP, which would be awesome.

Ganondorf is in. We all know. If ANY Zelda character has a chance, it's him above anyone else.

I plan on maining Link and Ganondorf this time around, even though I just main Zelda. Then I'll call myself "Master Of The Triforce".
There is no way in hell Zelda could ever take Ganondorf. Ganondorf is effectivly immortal, in addition to his monstrous strength and power. Ganondorf has more power than Zelda, thus the TRIFORCE OF POWER. Ganondorf has the "absolute power of the gods", granted to him by the triforce. Zelda gains magical prowess, but her skill is more technical than powerful. Link in granted courage, the abilty to wield the Master Sword (the only weapon capable of defeating Ganondorf short of the Goddesses themselves), and many allies and weapons to aid and test him on his quest. Zelda is the weakest of the three from every point of view. She is one oif the easiest bosses to defeat in the entire series, and that's without Midna's supprt. When has zelda ever done anything bigger than shoot light arrows at Ganondorf? She can't even aim the **** things. It took me longer to unmount Ganondorf in TP than it did to kill him on foot because Zelda missed almost every time.

Let's take a final comparison of the two:
Ganondorf - Immortal, All powerful King of Evil. He has survived being stabbed in the chest with a mystical sword, the master sword (multiple times i might add), and sealed in another dimension. He now wields the power of the Twili, the Gerudo, and the Triforce of Power, and spends every game promptly capturing Zelda because she's an easy Triforce piece.

Zelda - A mystical princess, captured by Ganondorf in almost every game excet MM because she didn't appear in that one. She never actually fights, she just hides behind Link, gets captured, or shoots light arrows with the accuracy a blind, old, senile man might brag of. Oh joy. (did I mention it takes 3 hits to kill her in TP? yes, you heard me. 3 hits.)

I wonder who ethanrodgers223's favorite character is? *points at sig and rolls eyes*

Reanactments of Zelda missing 50 billion freaking times? no thanks. (Epona isnt gonna get in brawl anyway..... and Zelda won't have light arrows.)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I'm almost assured that Ganon Transformation will be Ganondorf's final Smash now after seeing the characters Final Smash's

People said it was too close to Bowser's...But look at other people's...


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
Why you would use a mere piece of metal to fight , when you are almost a god who can use magical powers to no limit and have the brute strentght of an ogre?.

Warlock ganon for brawl!


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Why you would use a mere piece of metal to fight , when you are almost a god who can use magical powers to no limit and have the brute strentght of an ogre?.

Warlock ganon for brawl!
Because having a sword as a weapon and using magic for sepcials is better than having fists as a weapon and magic for specials

Mr. Ocax

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
I actually wish they used a 3d version of OoT or WW Ganondorf wielding his TP sword. I hate TP Ganondorf so much. He looks so freakin stupid and sounds horrible. The worst part is, I know they are going to use TP Ganon.


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2006
In your kitchen, drinking your kool-aid
I actually wish they used a 3d version of OoT or WW Ganondorf wielding his TP sword. I hate TP Ganondorf so much. He looks so freakin stupid and sounds horrible. The worst part is, I know they are going to use TP Ganon.
Stupid looking? WW Ganon was fat, and Oot Ganon had a long nose. Both his earlier renditions can't match how cool he looked in TP.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
yeah TP ganondorf was leaps and bounds ahead of earlier iterations. i remember the first time you see him in TP, i was just blown away by his badass levels..

and as far as zelda being more powerful than ganondorf.....there's a reason ganon's the one taking zelda hostage, possessing her, etc. do you think she would just let him do that? nope...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
yeah TP ganondorf was leaps and bounds ahead of earlier iterations. i remember the first time you see him in TP, i was just blown away by his badass levels..

and as far as zelda being more powerful than ganondorf.....there's a reason ganon's the one taking zelda hostage, possessing her, etc. do you think she would just let him do that? nope...
Maybe she is into the kinky stuff


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Nice moveset Noshiee. Best one i've seen so far. Anyway, back to flaming Ganondorf defilers! =D

There is no way in hell Zelda could ever take Ganondorf. Ganondorf is effectivly immortal, in addition to his monstrous strength and power. Ganondorf has more power than Zelda, thus the TRIFORCE OF POWER. Ganondorf has the "absolute power of the gods", granted to him by the triforce. Zelda gains magical prowess, but her skill is more technical than powerful. Link in granted courage, the abilty to wield the Master Sword (the only weapon capable of defeating Ganondorf short of the Goddesses themselves), and many allies and weapons to aid and test him on his quest. Zelda is the weakest of the three from every point of view. She is one oif the easiest bosses to defeat in the entire series, and that's without Midna's supprt. When has zelda ever done anything bigger than shoot light arrows at Ganondorf? She can't even aim the **** things. It took me longer to unmount Ganondorf in TP than it did to kill him on foot because Zelda missed almost every time.

Let's take a final comparison of the two:
Ganondorf - Immortal, All powerful King of Evil. He has survived being stabbed in the chest with a mystical sword, the master sword (multiple times i might add), and sealed in another dimension. He now wields the power of the Twili, the Gerudo, and the Triforce of Power, and spends every game promptly capturing Zelda because she's an easy Triforce piece.

Zelda - A mystical princess, captured by Ganondorf in almost every game excet MM because she didn't appear in that one. She never actually fights, she just hides behind Link, gets captured, or shoots light arrows with the accuracy a blind, old, senile man might brag of. Oh joy. (did I mention it takes 3 hits to kill her in TP? yes, you heard me. 3 hits.)

I wonder who ethanrodgers223's favorite character is? *points at sig and rolls eyes*

Reanactments of Zelda missing 50 billion freaking times? no thanks. (Epona isnt gonna get in brawl anyway..... and Zelda won't have light arrows.)

Maybe she is into the kinky stuff

posts of win.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2007
Oregon, West Linn
I'm going to post my two cents on Ganondorf,
Personally, I think the Twilight Princess version of Ganondorf will be the most likely version of him, and I think they are going to use a sword variant of him, as he was originally being designed for that, but that cut it because they had Wind Waker come out.
However, I don't think a 100% sword style would fit Ganondorf ether. I can see two styles for him:

1. A Sword Sheath Style. In this he would hold the Sage's Sword in his right hand, and the Sheath for it in his left going behind him. He would do heavy long ranged attack with the sword, and quick attack with the sheath. This gives him the range of the sword, and also makes him play differently from other sword characters.

2. A Sword Fist Style. This is similar to the Sword Sheath Style, as he would hold the Sage's Sword in his right hand, but his left hand would be empty. He would attack both with the long arc of the sword, and do powerful close range punches and kicks. This like the Sword Sheath Style, has him play differently from other sword character, while still giving at least a nod to his Melee incarnation.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i think Ganon should return with an a partially new moveset. i think he should have different specials and ground moves that involve his sword. but man do i love his aerials in Melee. i hope he keeps those at least (especially his down aerial, that's one of my favorite moves in the game)

but i wouldn't mind a whole new moveset, since Ganon is one of the characters i'll play as frequently anyway

Ganondorf for Brawl


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005

Ganondorf was about power in Melee and finishing off your opponent in as few hits as possible. I think this theme should be prevalent in Brawl.

But now Ganondorf is older and more beefed up (regarding the TP model). Heavy armor, a bulkier frame, and more arrogance. However, I think that Ganondorf should not be an exclusive sword fighter. In fact his sword should only make an appearance in a move or two and perhaps in his victory pose.

My version of Brawl Ganondorf will be even more powerful and slightly heavier. Yet he will keep his horrible jumps and awful run. Yes, he can still be combo bait, but he only really needs to land just a few of his hits to really decimate his enemy.

A attacks​

Dash A: Extends an arm outwards. If his hand collides with the opponent, he throws them down, and rides them like a sled for a moment. Dark electricity overwhelms the poor lad or lass below him. At the end of the animation, Gannondorf will kick off, sending the opponent in the air behind the dark wizard.

Nuetral A: Same punch as in Melee. Nice way to clear away enemies, especially the speedy kind. Except now this attack comes out faster.

Toward A: Like in the final fight in TP, Ganondorf rises one leg straight outwards kicking his enemy in the chest. Propels the enemy in a straight trajectory.

Down A: Performs a quick sweep kick with his cape flourishing outwards. Slightly shorter range then the old down A, but much quicker and still pops the enemy.

Up A: Punchs straight upwards while his arm is engulfed in dark eletricity. Hits only those immediately above him, but sends in a straight vertical path.

Up Smash: Bends one knee and crouches low as he charges up a ball of dark energy reminiscent of his other games. Peers upwards with a sinister grin. Charging the smash will make the ball bigger. Releasing the move will cause the dark wizard to hurl the ball upwards. The ball goes a certain height (depending on charge) and upon contact explodes in a ring of energy (impact depending on charge).

If the top of the ball hits the enemy, the explosion ring will be vertical and send them up. If the sides hit, then the explosion ring will be horizontal and send them in the opposite horizontal direction.

Down Smash: Places a palm over a fist above his head and then swings down like a hammer towards the ground. The floor ripples like a body of water in a circular area [/COLOR](above the length of Gannondorf's old down Smash) from the point of impact. Characters on that section of the floor will be flung upwards.

Forward Smash: Similar animation and stats to his elbow smash. But instead forms a trident made out of dark energy and stabs it forward. Slightly more range.

B- Power Well: Ganondorf crouches and doubles over while shaking his fists. Chargeable, but not mobile. Cannot roll out of it. A dark transparent aura with crackling energy surrounds him. Upon release, he throws his arms and face up towards the heavens and bellows. Takes 5-15 percent damage deending on charge. Dark electricity travels through him. The next move he uses has extra knockback , damage, and after lag.

Toward B- Hell Steed: A dark horse of shadows with burning ember eyes and smoldering hooves appears under him and launches forward the length of his Warlock Kick. Gonondorf's sword of sages appears in his hand. If he contacts an opponent, he slices them sending them up and behind his wake. If used on the ground the horse leaves a trail of fire for a moment that can burn. Somewhat aimable, but leaves Ganondorf without the use of attacks or B moves if used in the air.

Up B- Dark Dive Revised: Gannondorf performs the animation of his taunt. Laughs and spins around. But he also levitates off the ground in a similar path to his Melee Up B. If he contacts someone, he grabs them with one hand and punches them in the face with the other. There is a blast of electricty and the opponent flies away.

Down B- Shadow Melt: Gannondorf melts into a liquid stream of shadow that falls straight down. (invincible during this animation). Does no damage. Once it hits the floor, Gannondorf reappears quickly with little lag. Good way to dodge air battles.

If used on the ground, Gannondorf melts into a shadow shapes like a triforce for a brief second. If anyone walks over it, he reappears grabbing them. (Can then perform his throws.)


Up A: Same flip.
Forward A: Performs the downcut as in Melee and then spins around to deliver another one with his opposite hand. Both come out faster, but are less powerful individually.
Back A: Spins around with an elbow. Powerful and fast, but pathetic hitbox and range.
Down A: Same as in Melee.
Nuetral A: Releases a pulse of energy that pulls characters in a certain vicinity closer to him. Deals no damage.

If he used Power Well the vicinity allowing enemies to be dragged closer increases.


A: A palm to the face.

Forward A: Grabs the opponent's face. He yells, summoning strength as he spins the character around one lifting their feet off the ground and then sending them forward. Slighty further then his current throw but sends enemy on an upward arch.

Back A: A quick disregarding toss backwards as he snorts. Same length as current throw.

Up A: Tosses opponent upwards, then shoots upward to catch them again for a second throw up. Longer then current up throw and leaves Gannondorf in the air with all his jumps intact.

Down Throw: Same as current down throw


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005

Ganondorf was about power in Melee and finishing off your opponent in as few hits as possible. I think this theme should be prevalent in Brawl.

But now Ganondorf is older and more beefed up (regarding the TP model). Heavy armor, a bulkier frame, and more arrogance. However, I think that Ganondorf should not be an exclusive sword fighter. In fact his sword should only make an appearance in a move or two and perhaps in his victory pose.

My version of Brawl Ganondorf will be even more powerful and slightly heavier. Yet he will keep his horrible jumps and awful run. Yes, he can still be combo bait, but he only really needs to land just a few of his hits to really decimate his enemy.

A attacks​

Dash A: Extends an arm outwards. If his hand collides with the opponent, he throws them down, and rides them like a sled for a moment. Dark electricity overwhelms the poor lad or lass below him. At the end of the animation, Gannondorf will kick off, sending the opponent in the air behind the dark wizard.

Nuetral A: Same punch as in Melee. Nice way to clear away enemies, especially the speedy kind. Except now this attack comes out faster.

Toward A: Like in the final fight in TP, Ganondorf rises one leg straight outwards kicking his enemy in the chest. Propels the enemy in a straight trajectory.

Down A: Performs a quick sweep kick with his cape flourishing outwards. Slightly shorter range then the old down A, but much quicker and still pops the enemy.

Up A: Punchs straight upwards while his arm is engulfed in dark eletricity. Hits only those immediately above him, but sends in a straight vertical path.

Up Smash: Bends one knee and crouches low as he charges up a ball of dark energy reminiscent of his other games. Peers upwards with a sinister grin. Charging the smash will make the ball bigger. Releasing the move will cause the dark wizard to hurl the ball upwards. The ball goes a certain height (depending on charge) and upon contact explodes in a ring of energy (impact depending on charge).

If the top of the ball hits the enemy, the explosion ring will be vertical and send them up. If the sides hit, then the explosion ring will be horizontal and send them in the opposite horizontal direction.

Down Smash: Places a palm over a fist above his head and then swings down like a hammer towards the ground. The floor ripples like a body of water in a circular area [/COLOR](above the length of Gannondorf's old down Smash) from the point of impact. Characters on that section of the floor will be flung upwards.

Forward Smash: Similar animation and stats to his elbow smash. But instead forms a trident made out of dark energy and stabs it forward. Slightly more range.

B- Power Well: Ganondorf crouches and doubles over while shaking his fists. Chargeable, but not mobile. Cannot roll out of it. A dark transparent aura with crackling energy surrounds him. Upon release, he throws his arms and face up towards the heavens and bellows. Takes 5-15 percent damage deending on charge. Dark electricity travels through him. The next move he uses has extra knockback , damage, and after lag.

Toward B- Hell Steed: A dark horse of shadows with burning ember eyes and smoldering hooves appears under him and launches forward the length of his Warlock Kick. Gonondorf's sword of sages appears in his hand. If he contacts an opponent, he slices them sending them up and behind his wake. If used on the ground the horse leaves a trail of fire for a moment that can burn. Somewhat aimable, but leaves Ganondorf without the use of attacks or B moves if used in the air.

Up B- Dark Dive Revised: Gannondorf performs the animation of his taunt. Laughs and spins around. But he also levitates off the ground in a similar path to his Melee Up B. If he contacts someone, he grabs them with one hand and punches them in the face with the other. There is a blast of electricty and the opponent flies away.

Down B- Shadow Melt: Gannondorf melts into a liquid stream of shadow that falls straight down. (invincible during this animation). Does no damage. Once it hits the floor, Gannondorf reappears quickly with little lag. Good way to dodge air battles.

If used on the ground, Gannondorf melts into a shadow shapes like a triforce for a brief second. If anyone walks over it, he reappears grabbing them. (Can then perform his throws.)


Up A: Same flip.
Forward A: Performs the downcut as in Melee and then spins around to deliver another one with his opposite hand. Both come out faster, but are less powerful individually.
Back A: Spins around with an elbow. Powerful and fast, but pathetic hitbox and range.
Down A: Same as in Melee.
Nuetral A: Releases a pulse of energy that pulls characters in a certain vicinity closer to him. Deals no damage.

If he used Power Well the vicinity allowing enemies to be dragged closer increases.


A: A palm to the face.

Forward A: Grabs the opponent's face. He yells, summoning strength as he spins the character around one lifting their feet off the ground and then sending them forward. Slighty further then his current throw but sends enemy on an upward arch.

Back A: A quick disregarding toss backwards as he snorts. Same length as current throw.

Up A: Tosses opponent upwards, then shoots upward to catch them again for a second throw up. Longer then current up throw and leaves Gannondorf in the air with all his jumps intact.

Down Throw: Same as current down throw


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
...Are you going to post that on every page?
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