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Official Ganon/Ganondorf for Brawl (updated)


Smash Ace
May 10, 2007
So I'm guessing I'm the only one who would prefer to see Ganondorf use his Melee moveset? Additions would be cool, though, maybe if he switched styles like it has been suggested before. Forgive me, I don't have the time or energy to go through all the pages.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
He shouldn't have his Melee moveset again. It doesn't reflect his moves in the game, even though it captures his style. A moveset that captures this same style, but uses his own moves would be perfect.


Smash Rookie
Oct 16, 2007
I really hope Ganondorf comes back. His style in melee was wonderful, but I agree that his moveset needs to be brought up to date with the games.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
He does have the cool and evil factor going for him. I am sure he will be fun with any moveset. It is fun playing against Ganondorf in Melee, because when you go in for an attack you know one move could skyrocket your percentage if you are not careful.

Like taunting a bull.


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
In your mind!
No matter the moveset 'Dorf Should be in with Ganon as a FS, Why would they not include another villian, didn't Sakuri say he wanted more villians in this one...


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2007
the ganondorf from twilight princess should definitely show up in super smash bros brawl and he should pull out the sword in one of his b attacks....he looks badass in twilight princess


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2007
Blood Gulch, Halo

Ganondorf was about power in Melee and finishing off your opponent in as few hits as possible. I think this theme should be prevalent in Brawl.

But now Ganondorf is older and more beefed up (regarding the TP model). Heavy armor, a bulkier frame, and more arrogance. However, I think that Ganondorf should not be an exclusive sword fighter. In fact his sword should only make an appearance in a move or two and perhaps in his victory pose.

My version of Brawl Ganondorf will be even more powerful and slightly heavier. Yet he will keep his horrible jumps and awful run. Yes, he can still be combo bait, but he only really needs to land just a few of his hits to really decimate his enemy.

A attacks​

Dash A: Extends an arm outwards. If his hand collides with the opponent, he throws them down, and rides them like a sled for a moment. Dark electricity overwhelms the poor lad or lass below him. At the end of the animation, Gannondorf will kick off, sending the opponent in the air behind the dark wizard.

Nuetral A: Same punch as in Melee. Nice way to clear away enemies, especially the speedy kind. Except now this attack comes out faster.

Toward A: Like in the final fight in TP, Ganondorf rises one leg straight outwards kicking his enemy in the chest. Propels the enemy in a straight trajectory.

Down A: Performs a quick sweep kick with his cape flourishing outwards. Slightly shorter range then the old down A, but much quicker and still pops the enemy.

Up A: Punchs straight upwards while his arm is engulfed in dark eletricity. Hits only those immediately above him, but sends in a straight vertical path.

Up Smash: Bends one knee and crouches low as he charges up a ball of dark energy reminiscent of his other games. Peers upwards with a sinister grin. Charging the smash will make the ball bigger. Releasing the move will cause the dark wizard to hurl the ball upwards. The ball goes a certain height (depending on charge) and upon contact explodes in a ring of energy (impact depending on charge).

If the top of the ball hits the enemy, the explosion ring will be vertical and send them up. If the sides hit, then the explosion ring will be horizontal and send them in the opposite horizontal direction.

Down Smash: Places a palm over a fist above his head and then swings down like a hammer towards the ground. The floor ripples like a body of water in a circular area [/COLOR](above the length of Gannondorf's old down Smash) from the point of impact. Characters on that section of the floor will be flung upwards.

Forward Smash: Similar animation and stats to his elbow smash. But instead forms a trident made out of dark energy and stabs it forward. Slightly more range.

B- Power Well: Ganondorf crouches and doubles over while shaking his fists. Chargeable, but not mobile. Cannot roll out of it. A dark transparent aura with crackling energy surrounds him. Upon release, he throws his arms and face up towards the heavens and bellows. Takes 5-15 percent damage deending on charge. Dark electricity travels through him. The next move he uses has extra knockback , damage, and after lag.

Toward B- Hell Steed: A dark horse of shadows with burning ember eyes and smoldering hooves appears under him and launches forward the length of his Warlock Kick. Gonondorf's sword of sages appears in his hand. If he contacts an opponent, he slices them sending them up and behind his wake. If used on the ground the horse leaves a trail of fire for a moment that can burn. Somewhat aimable, but leaves Ganondorf without the use of attacks or B moves if used in the air.

Up B- Dark Dive Revised: Gannondorf performs the animation of his taunt. Laughs and spins around. But he also levitates off the ground in a similar path to his Melee Up B. If he contacts someone, he grabs them with one hand and punches them in the face with the other. There is a blast of electricty and the opponent flies away.

Down B- Shadow Melt: Gannondorf melts into a liquid stream of shadow that falls straight down. (invincible during this animation). Does no damage. Once it hits the floor, Gannondorf reappears quickly with little lag. Good way to dodge air battles.

If used on the ground, Gannondorf melts into a shadow shapes like a triforce for a brief second. If anyone walks over it, he reappears grabbing them. (Can then perform his throws.)


Up A: Same flip.
Forward A: Performs the downcut as in Melee and then spins around to deliver another one with his opposite hand. Both come out faster, but are less powerful individually.
Back A: Spins around with an elbow. Powerful and fast, but pathetic hitbox and range.
Down A: Same as in Melee.
Nuetral A: Releases a pulse of energy that pulls characters in a certain vicinity closer to him. Deals no damage.

If he used Power Well the vicinity allowing enemies to be dragged closer increases.


A: A palm to the face.

Forward A: Grabs the opponent's face. He yells, summoning strength as he spins the character around one lifting their feet off the ground and then sending them forward. Slighty further then his current throw but sends enemy on an upward arch.

Back A: A quick disregarding toss backwards as he snorts. Same length as current throw.

Up A: Tosses opponent upwards, then shoots upward to catch them again for a second throw up. Longer then current up throw and leaves Gannondorf in the air with all his jumps intact.

Down Throw: Same as current down throw

Nice moveset, I really like the throws and A - attacks. However, my solution for B - attacks is a mix of OoT and TP.

Up - Twili MorphMorphs into Twili - see page 21 for details (TP)

Standard - Energy Ball - see page 21 for details (OoT)

Side - Sword Thrust - See pa- okay, if you can't get the gist of this move from the name, then you are a ******. But if you absolutly must see more, see page 21 for details. (TP)

Down - Power Fist or something like that - Think Bowser Bomb, but faster, more powerful, and sends a shockwave out depending on height. See page 21 for details (OoT.... you know... that annoying move Ganondorf uses to destroy your platforms? THAT move)


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
I haven't posted here yet but I've read it ALOT! This is what I'm getting from this.

For Specials:
A power ball is a MUST!!! Don't care what but it would be best.
And his fist slam/shockwave is prefered for a down be, something like a "melt" and other tricks can work but the shockwave is...cooler :)
I still haven't heard of a decent UpB though, at least nothing that makes me go OOHH!!!
I like the horse idea, and possibly a massive sword move or another blast

More than one recovery would be nice, (it seems to be for everyone). Maybe his >B can be his main one like the horse or a sword lunge that gives him good distance, even vertically too (only DK UpB steep). And his UpB is like that TP pixel teleport thing or the melt or a blast in which elevate him slightly if at all. Maybe even just like a small (Mewtwos Forward B) type of thing movement from them but he can use them more than once.

Other than that, I don't want a sword for Standards. :)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2007
Blood Gulch, Halo
ethanrodgers. scince you only post when noone is flaming you, I'm forced to repeat myself.

There is no way in hell Zelda could ever take Ganondorf. Ganondorf is effectivly immortal, in addition to his monstrous strength and power. Ganondorf has more power than Zelda, thus the TRIFORCE OF POWER. Ganondorf has the "absolute power of the gods", granted to him by the triforce. Zelda gains magical prowess, but her skill is more technical than powerful. Link in granted courage, the abilty to wield the Master Sword (the only weapon capable of defeating Ganondorf short of the Goddesses themselves), and many allies and weapons to aid and test him on his quest. Zelda is the weakest of the three from every point of view. She is one oif the easiest bosses to defeat in the entire series, and that's without Midna's supprt. When has zelda ever done anything bigger than shoot light arrows at Ganondorf? She can't even aim the **** things. It took me longer to unmount Ganondorf in TP than it did to kill him on foot because Zelda missed almost every time.

Let's take a final comparison of the two:
Ganondorf - Immortal, All powerful King of Evil. He has survived being stabbed in the chest with a mystical sword, the master sword (multiple times i might add), and sealed in another dimension. He now wields the power of the Twili, the Gerudo, and the Triforce of Power, and spends every game promptly capturing Zelda because she's an easy Triforce piece.

Zelda - A mystical princess, captured by Ganondorf in almost every game excet MM because she didn't appear in that one. She never actually fights, she just hides behind Link, gets captured, or shoots light arrows with the accuracy a blind, old, senile man might brag of. Oh joy. (did I mention it takes 3 hits to kill her in TP? yes, you heard me. 3 hits.)

I wonder who ethanrodgers223's favorite character is? *points at sig and rolls eyes*
And stop changing your sig, my posts aren't making sense anymore.

Ah, mic_128 must be rolling in his grave. Or if he's alive, rolling in his sleep yelling "STOP THE MADNESS!!! ......snore......"

Oh, yeah, Dynamism. I guess that sums it up pretty much.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2007
Blood Gulch, Halo
I haven't posted here yet but I've read it ALOT! This is what I'm getting from this.

For Specials:
A power ball is a MUST!!! Don't care what but it would be best.
And his fist slam/shockwave is prefered for a down be, something like a "melt" and other tricks can work but the shockwave is...cooler :)
I still haven't heard of a decent UpB though, at least nothing that makes me go OOHH!!!
I like the horse idea, and possibly a massive sword move or another blast

More than one recovery would be nice, (it seems to be for everyone). Maybe his >B can be his main one like the horse or a sword lunge that gives him good distance, even vertically too (only DK UpB steep). And his UpB is like that TP pixel teleport thing or the melt or a blast in which elevate him slightly if at all. Maybe even just like a small (Mewtwos Forward B) type of thing movement from them but he can use them more than once.

Other than that, I don't want a sword for Standards. :)
i don't want a sword myself.... but i like a > B to be sword thrust or something to justify the TP apperance and make it so he can hold a sword in his hand he's not using.


Smash Cadet
Oct 24, 2007
Ganondorf should return in brawl but this time with is own moves set.
He don't need those capt. falcon moves anymore, he have many moves of is own in ocarina of time and twilight princess.

the homosaurus rex

Smash Cadet
Oct 17, 2007
North Carolina State University
No. Just no. Stop it now. Stop.

If anything, Ganon should stay how he is in Melee, with only some tweaks, which I will suggest here:

-DashA shouldn't send the opponent behind you anymore
-Grounded DownB should have very high priority (meaning a jab or a laser shouldn't cancel it)
-Fair should have more range and priority, as well as have a sweet spot on the end of his fist
-UpB should have more priority

Really, Ganon doesn't need a sword. He just doesn't. As stated before, he's got the Triforce of Power, and being a fist fighter suits his role as the wielder of the Triforce of Power.


Smash Cadet
Oct 24, 2007
Ganondorf can have a sword for is smash or for is A moves but not is special moves.
They need to be more powerful than just sword slashes.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2007
Blood Gulch, Halo
No. Just no. Stop it now. Stop.

If anything, Ganon should stay how he is in Melee, with only some tweaks, which I will suggest here:

-DashA shouldn't send the opponent behind you anymore
-Grounded DownB should have very high priority (meaning a jab or a laser shouldn't cancel it)
-Fair should have more range and priority, as well as have a sweet spot on the end of his fist
-UpB should have more priority

Really, Ganon doesn't need a sword. He just doesn't. As stated before, he's got the Triforce of Power, and being a fist fighter suits his role as the wielder of the Triforce of Power.
one more tweak.....
strong up A - make it not suck.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2007
I hope he comes back as a heavy sword user, somewhat like Ike, except with long ranged magical attacks for his B moves. That'd make him more like Links counterpart, using his sword for his A moves and having a bit of long range ability too.

I hope his final smash is turning into Ganon too, especially if it's the OoT version, that huge pig monster that dual wielded swords, oh yeah.

the homosaurus rex

Smash Cadet
Oct 17, 2007
North Carolina State University
If Ganondorf comes into Brawl with his sword, chances are he won't turn into the Ocarina of Time pig monster, because he didn't use a sword in Ocarina of Time; if Ganondorf uses a sword in Brawl, he'd be based on the Twilight Princess Ganondorf.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2007
If Ganondorf comes into Brawl with his sword, chances are he won't turn into the Ocarina of Time pig monster, because he didn't use a sword in Ocarina of Time; if Ganondorf uses a sword in Brawl, he'd be based on the Twilight Princess Ganondorf.
People use that same logic to try to explain why Shiek won't be in brawl. But there's a 99% chance Shiek will be back anyway.

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
If Ganondorf comes into Brawl with his sword, chances are he won't turn into the Ocarina of Time pig monster, because he didn't use a sword in Ocarina of Time; if Ganondorf uses a sword in Brawl, he'd be based on the Twilight Princess Ganondorf.
Twilight Princess Ganon has the pig-beast form. Have you played TP yet?


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Is it me or does Ganondorf in SSBM look like Robert England?

Anyway, I think it'd be funny (and cool) if they gave Ganondorf his sword and look from TP but kept most of his attacks pretty much identical in function. Like, for example, two slashes upward for his up-smash and a quick stab then slash back for his down smash; pretty much just keep his frame times and hitbox data and just change the animation for some of them and give them a disjointed hitbox, longer range etc. Change his B to his energy ball attack from OoT, make his forward B a cape swish that can self combo into a nice backhand, and give a different up B to make him more original and make his down B look like his punch from OoT but make it do the exact same thing it did in SSBM.

Make his up-tilt do something useful. :/ Talk about an overbalanced move. And make his rolls look more like Mewtwo's.

So we got sword, TP look, SSBM moveset but tweaked, not a Captain Falcon clone (at least as much as Samus is)...sounds perfect to me. :1


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2007
I want Ganondorf to be in Brawl really bad

His FS could be Ganon in the Wolf form

I hope he doesn't have his sword
If he does he would be just like Ike slow with a sword

crotch protector

Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2007
Is it me or does Ganondorf in SSBM look like Robert England?

Anyway, I think it'd be funny (and cool) if they gave Ganondorf his sword and look from TP but kept most of his attacks pretty much identical in function. Like, for example, two slashes upward for his up-smash and a quick stab then slash back for his down smash; pretty much just keep his frame times and hitbox data and just change the animation for some of them and give them a disjointed hitbox, longer range etc. Change his B to his energy ball attack from OoT, make his forward B a cape swish that can self combo into a nice backhand, and give a different up B to make him more original and make his down B look like his punch from OoT but make it do the exact same thing it did in SSBM.

Make his up-tilt do something useful. :/ Talk about an overbalanced move. And make his rolls look more like Mewtwo's.

So we got sword, TP look, SSBM moveset but tweaked, not a Captain Falcon clone (at least as much as Samus is)...sounds perfect to me. :1
yea, i had a similar idea not long ago. it would be hot if his sword only appeared when he needed it, and he kept a lot of fist moves; hes just a thug at heart anyway......

one thing is for certain though, he needs some magic. pwnsauce magic.

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
Saying Ganondarf not being on there is like saying Luigi is not is going to be in Brawl. He in for sure, and I don't mind supporting him through.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2007
Augusta, GA
Ganandorf in Twilight Princess form with a ganon transorm fsm also I keep Imagining him with z really awesome white and gold alternate color.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
yea, i had a similar idea not long ago. it would be hot if his sword only appeared when he needed it, and he kept a lot of fist moves; hes just a thug at heart anyway......

one thing is for certain though, he needs some magic. pwnsauce magic.
Ya, I envisioned the sword replacing his kicks since his TP body has differently proportioned legs than the more exaggerated and cartoony OoT version. Like, a ground sweep for his down tilt and a waist high slash for his forward tilt. He'd keep his aerial moves except for his up air and neutral air which would just get replaced with mimicing sword moves. ...And his up-tilt would just do something different. <_<

I can't say I agree with this whole "brawler" thing, to be honest; if anything, the older Ganondorfs (the TWW and TP ones) are more calm and calculating and maybe a little more debonair and sinister than how he's portrayed in SSBM.

Also, for no reason at all, I've come up with a Codec conversation about Ganondorf.

Snake: Mei-Ling, who's this guy? He's huge!

Mei-Ling: That's Ganondorf, Snake, the Great King of Evil. He was the only man belonging to an Amazonian-esque desert tribe called the Gerudo before they disappeared from Hyrule.

Snake: The only man, huh? Lucky guy...

Mei-Ling: Not quite. While being the only male born in a hundred years entitled him to be the king of the Gerudo, the desert was a harsh place to live and his hatred and envy of the prospering kingdom of Hyrule and its neighboring provinces poisoned his heart causing him to seek the Triforce and take over Hyrule.

Snake: Ah...well, at least he's got a big sword.

Mei-Ling: Huh?

Snake: Nothing...

Mei-Ling: Well, watch out for that sword, Snake; he's as strong as he looks. Good luck!

Ya...I'm bored. :1


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
i just think of him that way cos of the end to WW.

watch it here (around 1:27):

He just beat Link up like that because he didn't wanna kill him, though. He pulls out his sword during that cutscene atop the Forsaken Fortress and uses his swords in the actual fight with him. Anyone can punch someone and "brawler" would suggest that he boxes almost exclusively.
Oct 23, 2007
Rochester, NY
Ganondorf for Brawl!

If Ganondorf returns, which I very much hope and think he will, I can guarantee he will be the Twilight Princess model. It would be inconsistent not to with the other Triforce possessors taken from that game. He could be done without a sword, but I kind of like it. I hear people say there are too many swordsmen. Well, one could argue that there are too many punchers. Having a sword doesn’t mean you’ll fight the same as anyone else with one. It’s like saying Mario and Donkey Kong are alike because they both use their limbs a lot when attacking. Anyway, since he will most likely be taken from Twilight Princess, I had an idea. Perhaps his special moves should mix a bit with Zant’s abilities, since after all they were derived from Ganon’s magic. So here is a short summary of my idea of his special attacks:

Standard Special <Dark Fireball>: Ganondorf raises his sword-free hand and fires red magical energy from his palm. The energy homes in on a nearby opponent, similar to Samus’s side special but with a more erratic flight pattern. The energy can be charged for increased speed and power. A fully-charged blast will split into several blasts that can home in on various targets. Based more on Zant’s abilities (which are, after all, derived from Ganon’s powers).

Side Special <Triforce Crush>: Ganondorf flies forward with his fist outstretched in front of him and his Triforce symbol glowing. This is his strongest special attack and can easily send foes flying. It is based on the way he killed the sage spirit in Twilight Princess, but slightly altered.

Up Special <Gerudo Spiral>: This special attack involves Ganondorf’s sword. He dives upwards with his sword pointing over his head and spins rapidly. The direction of the leap can be controlled, but only slightly. The move also does a bit of damage if it hits another player. This attack is based on a move Zelda uses when possessed by Ganon in Twilight Princess.

Down Special <Shadow Warp>: When this move is used, Ganondorf crouches and turns a solid black, then disappears by breaking up into square twilight particles. Ganondorf will then reappear, but if a direction is held while he is gone, he will appear a small distance away in that direction. Similar to Meta Knight’s down special.

And last but not least, his Final Smash. Becoming Dark Beast Ganon was my first idea, but the whole ‘turning into something big and nasty’ trick is already taken by a few other characters like Bowser and Fox. So…:

Final Smash <Phantom Rider Summon>: By executing his Final Smash, Ganondorf calls upon his army of Phantom Riders seen in Twilight Princess. The riders fly through the air from either side of the stage, striking anyone in their way. Getting hit by one is very damaging and will send the struck player far if his percentage isn’t too low. Ganondorf can be controlled normally once he calls out his minions, so he can make the best of the situation by throwing other players into oncoming riders.

And of course Ganondorf's standard attacks would utilize his sword, and can be modelled after the various moves he used in the Twilight Princess final duel.
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