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Official Ganon/Ganondorf for Brawl (updated)


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
If Ganondorf returns, which I very much hope and think he will, I can guarantee he will be the Twilight Princess model. It would be inconsistent not to with the other Triforce possessors taken from that game. He could be done without a sword, but I kind of like it. I hear people say there are too many swordsmen. Well, one could argue that there are too many punchers. Having a sword doesn’t mean you’ll fight the same as anyone else with one. It’s like saying Mario and Donkey Kong are alike because they both use their limbs a lot when attacking. Anyway, since he will most likely be taken from Twilight Princess, I had an idea. Perhaps his special moves should mix a bit with Zant’s abilities, since after all they were derived from Ganon’s magic. So here is a short summary of my idea of his special attacks:

Standard Special <Dark Fireball>: Ganondorf raises his sword-free hand and fires red magical energy from his palm. The energy homes in on a nearby opponent, similar to Samus’s side special but with a more erratic flight pattern. The energy can be charged for increased speed and power. A fully-charged blast will split into several blasts that can home in on various targets. Based more on Zant’s abilities (which are, after all, derived from Ganon’s powers).

Side Special <Triforce Crush>: Ganondorf flies forward with his fist outstretched in front of him and his Triforce symbol glowing. This is his strongest special attack and can easily send foes flying. It is based on the way he killed the sage spirit in Twilight Princess, but slightly altered.

Up Special <Gerudo Spiral>: This special attack involves Ganondorf’s sword. He dives upwards with his sword pointing over his head and spins rapidly. The direction of the leap can be controlled, but only slightly. The move also does a bit of damage if it hits another player. This attack is based on a move Zelda uses when possessed by Ganon in Twilight Princess.

Down Special <Shadow Warp>: When this move is used, Ganondorf crouches and turns a solid black, then disappears by breaking up into square twilight particles. Ganondorf will then reappear, but if a direction is held while he is gone, he will appear a small distance away in that direction. Similar to Meta Knight’s down special.

And last but not least, his Final Smash. Becoming Dark Beast Ganon was my first idea, but the whole ‘turning into something big and nasty’ trick is already taken by a few other characters like Bowser and Fox. So…:

Final Smash <Phantom Rider Summon>: By executing his Final Smash, Ganondorf calls upon his army of Phantom Riders seen in Twilight Princess. The riders fly through the air from either side of the stage, striking anyone in their way. Getting hit by one is very damaging and will send the struck player far if his percentage isn’t too low. Ganondorf can be controlled normally once he calls out his minions, so he can make the best of the situation by throwing other players into oncoming riders.

And of course Ganondorf's standard attacks would utilize his sword, and can be modelled after the various moves he used in the Twilight Princess final duel.
I like this moveset alot because it's really mixed. Ganondorf has moves with the sword and without it which is kinda cool. And I really really like this guy's creative final smash especially for it's orginality.

I give the whole thing a 9.2 out of 10.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
Final Smash <Phantom Rider Summon>
It reminds me alot of Pit's. But I think a way it could be different is if Ganondorf's horse appeared beneath him and he rode along with the phantom riders. The only attack he could do would be Neutral A, but it would be a devastating hit.


Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
They should incorporate some OOT moves as well such as the platform slam attack in the final battle


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2007
i do have to give it up to him in melee if it wasnt for him i would have never beatin event 50 and for that i thank you ganondorf and i hope you come back but this time with a better move set :) like your own and not a clone


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
No one i think!! :p

Im still supporting the "No sword/magician barlwe ganon"...

whoever stands against my will , prepare for the consequences!


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.

That beard of his makes him look like an Irishman.:chuckle:
I wonder how big he'll be... 'Cause Link comes up to a little higher than Ganondorf's waist (the red line if you need help visualising that). So...they'll probably make him bigger like they did with Bowser but not to the point of his head poking through the bottom of platform he's standing under. Or something. He should at least be the tallest character since he's, like, nine or ten feet tall in OoT and TP.

Anyway, this thread needed to be bumped.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2007
Ganondorf is not a giant

He's probably like 7 foot something

10 feet are you crazy?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
O - to the -maha, NE
I totally support Sword ganondorf. I think something unique is to have that ball of light he used in OoT, where you could hit it and send it back at him. Now, this may seem like a bad attack because you can get hit with it yourself, but I think ganondorf should be able to send it back to the enemy easier than the enemy can at him. He would send it send it super-fast, there would be only a small time to hit it back, and ganondorf, when the ball was out, his B (or whatever button you use for it), would be a wave that would be able to push the ball back at them much easier. Also, he would send it back much faster than the enemy would.

Other than that, I'm up for any movest, as long he's not a Falcon clone.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Ganondorf is not a giant

He's probably like 7 foot something

10 feet are you crazy?
Seriously. In TP, he's almost twice as tall as Link is which would make him at least nine-foot-something and he's about that size in OoT.

I totally support Sword ganondorf. I think something unique is to have that ball of light he used in OoT, where you could hit it and send it back at him. Now, this may seem like a bad attack because you can get hit with it yourself, but I think ganondorf should be able to send it back to the enemy easier than the enemy can at him. He would send it send it super-fast, there would be only a small time to hit it back, and ganondorf, when the ball was out, his B (or whatever button you use for it), would be a wave that would be able to push the ball back at them much easier. Also, he would send it back much faster than the enemy would.

Other than that, I'm up for any movest, as long he's not a Falcon clone.
Ya, I was thinking something similar like his forward B could be a cape swish that ends in a backhand like he does in OoT that adds extra speed to his energy balls.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2007
Really? Him 9 foot

That freakishly tall even for Ganondorf

Maybe like 8 foot Link is pretty short you know?

I want Ganondorf to use magic and possibly the sword mostly magic


Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2007
Heres a quick moveset I made for gannon:
it will bear a resemblance to his current moveset, with a few alterations

Ganon WILL have his sword, but aside moves where he uses it, it will remain sheathed on his back.

-A: same old 2 frame jab
->A-tilt: Same
-^A-tilt: purple flame uppercut, much like the hitting animation of his current side-b
-vA-tilt: Ganon kneels and punches the ground directly infront of him, causign a small pillar of purple flame.

-Nair: spin with his sword extended at a downwards angle infront of him(slight resemblance to roy/marth, but much more powerful and slow,single spin)
-Dair: he retains his current lighting kick of ultimate doom
-Fair: same old fist o'death
-Bair: He elbows out behind him and remains facing forward,if this move connects gannon will continue to drag the person until he hits the ground with them beneath him. Sort of a "suplex"
-Uair: every moveset that changes his current Uair kills 10 babies.

->smashA: Ganon draws his sword, and on release lunges far forward with it, mid-high startup time, extreme knockback
-^smashA: his curren up kick, but at a slightly lower angle, hitting more infront of him than currently.
-vsmashA: sweeps his sword along the ground, first infront then behind. about the speed of roy's current downsmash but with a large range, and powerful knockback.

-B: tapping will shoot a single dark fire orb, which will home quite well, but deal small damage. holding b will create another projectile every .2 secs, max 5 orbs, releasing b or fully charged will release the current amount.
-^B: His current up-b, however his reach stays above him, allowing him to sweetspot
->B: Ganon charges forward, if he connects with a target he will do 3 quick slashes with his sword
-vB: same as current, however if you jump before he begins moving, it will cancel the attack(cancelling it in midair is also possible, but will not give the jump back)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Minneapolis, Minnesota
^ That's not a bad moveset although I think his ^smash and ^b should implement his sword and I would like to see his endless down b recovery return as well, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2007
Currently: lost in the realm of Akanea.
he's kinda already a gimme, we all kinda know he's comming back, it's like Captain Falcon. We all know he's in the game, just not announced... Keep in mind, Sakurai has yet to release characters that were unlockable in either SSB64 or SSBM



Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
That moveset could do with some magic in it I mean he is primarily a wizard of soughts he definetly needs a powerful projectile attack like he uses against Link in all the 3D games


Smash Rookie
Oct 30, 2007
-Uair: every moveset that changes his current Uair kills 10 babies.
If every proposed moveset that changes his Uair kills 10 babies, what sort of genocide will be wrought if his final moveset changes it? I shudder to think.

I like the idea of the sheathed sword being used in select moves; perhaps the sword could be used as the ending to combos. For example, tapping A repeatedly could result in the trademark jab followed by a roundhouse punch followed by a vertical slash.

Also, if Ganondorf is given a projectile, it would be a sweet feature if Link could deflect them with his sword.


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2006
In your kitchen, drinking your kool-aid
How about this?

standard A: Same as from Melee.
standard AA Same as above but with a quick stab from the sword.
up-tilt: Ganon swings his sword over his head in a semi-circle fashion. Similar to Marth's old up-tilt.
side-tilt: Horizontal sword swipe. Good knockback and quick.
down-tilt: Ganon crouches and blasts some dark energy at the opponent's lower body. Very smilar to Mewtwo's down smash, and works like Ganon's old d-tilt, except slightly less range.
dash attack: Ganon does a strong shoulder block that engulfs opponents in dark flames. It would knock the opponent in front of him instead of behind him this time.
up-smash: The same powerful double kick in Melee, but with a different animation, and the knockback is more diagonal than vertical.
side-smash: Ganon swings his sword from all the way back in a vertical arch. The best way I can explain how it looks is it would resemble Marth's standard B, except Ganon would end in a crouch and the move would be much slower and much more powerful. It would have crazy knockback, range, and if hit with the very tip of his sword, an opponent would get engulfed in dark flames. However, to balance this move out, it would have some lag.
down-smash: Ganon swings his sword low in front of him and behind him. Fast, and with no lag, but not as much range as his forward smash.

standard B: Ganon produces a red energy orbs like ones Zant used in TP. Imagine this as Ganon's version of Shiek's needles.
up-B: This would be like a revamped version of his Up-B from Melee. Ganon becomes engulfed in a twilight aurora and anyone who comes in contact with it is grabbed and caught in an dark energy explosion. If you grab an opponent and tilt the control stick up, Ganon launches the opponent upwards. If the control stick is tilted down, Ganon spikes the opponent (but nothing too critical). This move can also be sweetspotted.
side-b: Works exactly the same as in Melee, except Ganon simply slides
across the stage with his sword thrust out in front of him. Can be used as a recovery.
down-b Ganon strikes the ground with his sword and causes a shockwave from both sides. Fairly quick, but little knockback compared to his other moves.

nair: Ganon's version of DK's nair, but knocks the opponent vertically.
uair: Same move from Melee.
fair: Same move from Melee.
bair: Ganon swings his sword behind him in mid-air. Decent range and knockback.
dair: He keeps his "hell stomp" from Melee, but with a slightly different animation.

grab attack: Ganon *****smacks the opponent.
up-throw: Same as in Melee.
forward-throw: Same as in Melee, but with more knockback.
down-throw: Ganon throws the opponent down and shoves his sword down into their stomachs while they are still on the ground. Leads to a combo.
back-throw: Ganon, with one hand, effortlessly tosses the opponent aside like some cheap garbage behind him.


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2007
If Ganondorf has a twilight princess model and uses his sword ... I'm gonna find it extremely difficult not to play with him.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
yea, he's Twilight Princess look looks AWESOME!!!, I'm just hoping he will actually have his own moveset this time around especially his sword which = TOTAL PWNAGE


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
w/e here's my try at a moveset:

Taunt 1: rises in the air laughing all evil-like at first, hunched over with his head down and his fingers in a position as if they were claws but then he laughs even more and like he does at the end of his Melee taunt and his eyes glow like they do before he goes pig form in OoT
Taunt 2: holds his hand out in front of his face with the palm facing him, showing of a dull Triforce of Power, then he clutches his fist and the triforce glows.
Taunt 3: like the victory taunt involving his sword in Melee...

B: Dark Force - he can charge this attack by holding the B button(or 1 button or w/e....you get it) or just release a small orb of energy like the magic he uses during his "tennis" matches with Link in OoT and what Ganondorf's Shadow or w/e did in WW...(btw disjointed hitboxes can reflect this attack). Holding it makes him go into that animation in OoT where he charges up that green energy to shoot it at you and it splits up into many little energy blasts....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrfvGo2LgrE

UpB: Rising Shadows - he first splits up into twilight particles then quickly rises upwards and if he comes in contact with anyone he re-materializes(but his color doesnt come back...so he is entirely shadow) and does the same thing as his Melee UpB...the direction of this can be controlled when he's splitting up...

SideB: Death Lunge - he slides forward like his Melee SideB but does and elbow ram and then spins around delivering a backwards slice at the opponent...just like in 1:25~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vPheBem6pc

DownB: Dark Tremor: he raises in the air a bit and punches the ground with great force causing a powerful shockwave to surround him...basically a short-ranged version of the quake attack he used in OoT.......he has no-flinch frames at the ending lag...

Final Smash: his right hand glows with the triforce and he becomes Ganon....he runs around the stage and is mostly invincible(he is only hurt if you hit the gem on his forhead), touching him is like touching a Snorlax...he also has only one jump in this state...this lasts for about...10 seconds...

A: same Melee jab but its a little bit weaker and has a little bit less knockback...
Dash A: an overhead slice just like in TP...he has no-flinch frames at the beginning of the ending lag...
Ftilt: same as in Melee
Dtilt: a low slash from his sword. has some slight lag at the start but works alot like Falco's dtilt...
Utilt: same as in Melee but it has some no-flinch frames at the the beginning of the startup...also its slightly more powerful...and the explosion is made of that purple flame

Fsmash: same as if he did an Fsmash with a homerun bat or a beamsword in Melee(has some no-flinch frames at the startup)...also engulfs the foe in dark flames
Usmash: works very much like his Melee Usmash
Dsmash: he stabs forcefully at the ground in front of him, which causes a mini explosion of darkness like his victory taunt in Melee involving his sword, and then quickly slices behind him...essentially mimicing his Melee Dsmash...but with a different animation...

Nair: he does a single spin attack with his sword
Fair: same as in Melee
Uair: same as in Melee
Bair: similar to his Bair in Melee but he uses the base of the hilt to strike
Dair: same as in Melee but the foe gets engulfed in dark flames...

Grab Animation: he grabs with the hand that isnt using his sword(the left one)
Grab Attack: he slams the base of the hilt to gut
Fthrow: he raises the grabbed foe and punches them away from him
Uthrow: same as in Melee
Bthrow: headbutts them and throws them behind him to the floor like trash
Dthrow: he raises the enemy to the air then forcefully slams them down

Edge Attack -100%: same as in Melee
Edge Attack +100%: same as in Melee

Victory Pose 1: he twirls his blade over his head twice and slams it onto the ground just like in Melee
Victory Pose 2: he rises in the air laughing with dark energy in his hands
Victory Pose 3: same as the one that ends in that backhand strike at the screen but the Triforce is showing this time...

....w/e its not that good but who cares.......


Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2007
Been thinking.

Gannon is the wielder of the triforce of power, its what makes him awsome(aside from being the only guy of his race for a thousand years!). So I think his final smash should center around it.

Just gonna wing by an idea here
Final Smash: Triforce of Power
when he activates it, the camera zooms in and gannon, and he holds up his glove(which has the triforce symbol on it) and the bottom right triforce glows bright red, then as the camera zooms out again; Ganon lets out a roar and is wreathed in glowing read flames. first 10 seconds of the smash, you are invulnerable and deal 4x knockback and 4x damage. next 10 seconds you have 3x knockback and damage, and no invuln. For the last 10 seconds you get x2 knockback and damage. The Flames surrounding him will decrease in size as the smash goes on, giving the player an idea on how long remains.

Ideas/thoughts are welcome

and to the moveset done by spitfire, I like it. But I feel there is too much use of his sword in it, yes the sword is uberwtfbbqpwncool but there are already going to be several sword characters in brawl, we can make him far more unique with his "I punch people harder than you can hit with a sword" style, while adding in some unique sword attacks.

Storm Eagle

Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2007
You cannot give Ganondorf a "weak" Final Smash. He ist supposed to be a strong but slow fighter and chaning that would not suit him.

Just make him Beast Ganon. If it shares similarities whith Giga-Bowser, so what?

Soluble Toast

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2007
Just gonna wing by an idea here
Final Smash: Triforce of Power
when he activates it, the camera zooms in and gannon, and he holds up his glove(which has the triforce symbol on it) and the bottom right triforce glows bright red, then as the camera zooms out again; Ganon lets out a roar and is wreathed in glowing read flames. first 10 seconds of the smash, you are invulnerable and deal 4x knockback and 4x damage. next 10 seconds you have 3x knockback and damage, and no invuln. For the last 10 seconds you get x2 knockback and damage. The Flames surrounding him will decrease in size as the smash goes on, giving the player an idea on how long remains
Hm. I'd much prefer Ganon as a Final Smash.
The TOP also triggers the Ganon transformation so that can fight in with his use of the TOP.
Also , the TOP is the top triangle. Bottom right would be courage =]

An OOT style Ganon would be amazing , but if he does transform into Ganon , I can see it being Dark Beast Ganon.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
10 days without a single post? Where is the love, Ganondorf fans? I'm going to get the Ganon support flowing again with a unique moveset for the King of Evil. It involves him using his sword, magic, and physical moves together to make him more versatile.


Neutral: Same as melee, but the tip now has a magical sphere resembling his energy ball.
Ftilt: Same as melee.
Dtilt: Same
Utilt: Ah, the first real change. Ganon does a quick uppercut.

Fsmash: Ganondorf stabs the opponent in a similar animation to his beam sword stab. He still lunges back a bit like his old fsmash, but there is some super armor before he attacks.
Usmash: Same as melee, but a little bit faster.
Dsmash: A grounded one revolution spin attack with his sword. This is one of his major attacks in TP.

Nair: There is a quick explosion of dark lightining around Ganon that causes small damage and knockback. If you cannot use your slower aerials, or you are facing your opponent head on and cannot use the bair, use this.
Fair: Same.
Dair: The almighty stomp returns!
Bair: This is the same as before.
Uair: Similar to the melee version, but he uses his sword in the same way. Has more range and can still spike if properly used.
Special Moves

This is where Ganon changes the most. His other attacks make good combo moves, but the purpose of these moves is situational. These are much flashier and better than his old ones, and distinguish him from Falcon.

NeutralB: Energy Ball. Most people want it, and the only thing I will add on to the ideas for this move is that Ganon will charge it at the tip of his sword like Zelda did in TP.

SideB: Possesion. Ganondorf becomes twilight pixels, goes forward at the same length and speed as his old sideB, and TAKES OVER THE OPPONENT'S BODY!!!! He can control the opponent's every move and the opponent takes damage similar to the Lip's stick while under possesion. The character's eyes turn yellow and golden lines are visible on his/her body. Think of when Zelda was possesed in TP. You can move around and use this to suicide kill, but the opponent can escape earlier by mashing buttons. Press sideB to leave their body early and they will be stunned for a moment.

DownB: Quaking fist. He does a small hop, moves diagonally downward, and creates a large enegy wave. Fairly laggy and has super armor until he strikes.

UpB: Levitation. Ganondorf flys while a dark aura surrounds him. Think of Pit's upB. He can go in any direction and can cancel it with an aerial. But canceling it leaves him vulnerable. This improves his mediocre recovery. Ganon has shown this ability many times in most of his appearances, such as when you fight him in OoT, or when he posseses Zelda in TP.


His grabs are mostly the same, but the new physics engine might reduce his chaingrabbing ability. So I'm not going to bother with these.


Up taunt: Same as melee.
Side Taunt: He shows off the Triforce of Power and says a quick, " Hah!".
Down Taunt: He swirls his cape in a cool manner.

Hope you like these ideas. I'll be adding some more stuff later. This is just to get people to think of more inventive movesets for Brawl and get people to think of the near limitless potential a new Ganondorf could have.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
what do you think of this idea: ganondorf keeps most of his melee moves, sakurai throws in a few sword moves for ganondorf, and then captain falcon reverts to his old smash 64 moveset which was pretty different than his melee one.

could this be a good idea, yay, nay?


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
I like Falcon the way he is, so I wouldn't want him to change too much. Ganondorf must be more distinguishable to show how unique he is. Mixing the old and new will please many people.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 3, 2007
Tallahassee Florida
He is so needed for Brawl. Leaving out a villain from Brawl is a big blow to us. Even if he still clones Capt. Falcon, he still needs to be in the game.
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