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Official Florida Melee Power Rankings Discussion

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Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)

It's been quite some time since there was a last FL power rankings...

October 4th, 2007
Ranking Smasher Previous Rank Movement Character
1. DaShizWiz 1 - Falco, Fox
2. LambChops 3 ▲ 1 Falco
3. KeepSpeedN 2 ▼ 1 Fox, Sheik
4. Colbol 11 ▲ 7 Fox
5. QueenDVS 6 ▼ 1 Marth, Fox
6. SheikSSBM N/A - Sheik, Luigi
7. Rice 9 ▲ 2 Falco, Fox
8. Exarch N/A - Peach, Roy
9. Green Mario 8 ▼ 1 Mario
10. Smashmac


Well, 3 years and a hundred tournaments later, I think we have the ability to create (or at least attempt) some kind of a list that appropriately depicts the level of rankings of players in Florida.

In case you were not aware, Florida is ****. We ARE one of, or if not THE best state, I don't really care what anyone else says; I'm just going off rankings N' junk.

And props to Lambchopz. He's been consistenly beating Jman and Hax up in New York, so he's definitely holding it down. (He's still FL in my heart lol, but not for the list)

But yeah, we have like a million amazing players. I want to set up some kind of a panel, discuss the list and rankings system, compile previous tournament data, etc.

Let's start out with this:

[13:43] juanthefatty: danny
[13:44] juanthefatty: give me that list of top FL players again
[13:44] thetrueuuaa: lol
[13:44] thetrueuuaa: um
[13:44] thetrueuuaa: okay hold on
[13:44] thetrueuuaa: hbox, shiz, colbol, skratch, dop, green mario, uuaa, dark sonic, linguini, Queen, Legion, Rice, Nicaboy, Rockcrock, Uberice, Plup, Apollo, Harriet the guy, Raistlin, Garbanzo, Fearless, Zoro, Action B, Nasty, Polmex, Mojo,
[13:45] thetrueuuaa: why?
[13:45] thetrueuuaa: what r u doing?
[13:45] juanthefatty: the thread
[13:45] juanthefatty: mwhahahah
[13:45] thetrueuuaa: lol yes!
[13:45] thetrueuuaa: -mbison-
[13:45] thetrueuuaa: yes!
[13:45] thetrueuuaa: lol

Well obviosuly they're not all top players, it was just a random list he made.

I would need someone to compile all of the previous results we have had here in Florida; namely the guys doing the FLorida Thread should have all of that already listed.

And lastly I want you guys to post your own list. I don't want any criticism here, anyone is entitled to their own opinion.

So yeah. Hop on it!

My top 15 in no order: Shiz, colbol, me, uuaa, Skrach, Dop, Green Mario (?), RockCrock, QDVS, Linguini, Dark Sonic, Plup, Rice?, Harriettheguy, Legion (lol?)

yea its gonna be hard to make a list.

stay with 10 only please!

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
its easy to make a list unbias if u just use points to rank players. the higher the player is on the list the more points u can get off beating him. it makes it that players have no choice to travel to get the credit they deserve if they are willing to travel to fight the ranked players.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2003
Play Project: M! Florida
  • The vast land mass of Florida and isolation between regions hinders the effectiveness and accuracy of a numbered ranking system. Instead, I propose the use of tiered ranking system, as it better accommodates the indiscernible skill difference between forthcoming players in distinct regions.
    [*]For example: Plup and Nicaboy are both prominent players who place reliably well in their respective regions. However, the absence of interaction between CFL players and SFL players allows for very little accuracy when grading them against one another.​
  • A tiered system overcomes the limitations of a numbers list in other regards too. Let’s say that player X beat player Y three weeks ago. But then player Y beat player X last week. Is it fair to say that Y is noticeably better than X just because he had the more recent victory? Or is it more likely that they are probably comparable adversaries? What specific purpose does a numbered system really serve? Tier approximations allow for higher accuracy and still accomplish the same goal of ranking players.
  • Also, the tiered rankings need to be a collaborative effort. I have lots of trouble gauging players from other regions, and so should everyone else. In order for Florida’s power rankings to be accurate statewide, there must be interaction between regions. If players don’t travel, the list will become undependable.
My rough list:
A: Colbol, DaShizWiz, Hungrybox, Linguini
B: Blea Gelo, Dark Sonic, Dop, Green Mario, Harriettheguy, Nicaboy, Plup, QueenDVS, RockCrock, Skrach, UberIce, UUAA
C: Apollo, Legion, Nasty, Raistlin, Zoro

And like Chops said, if you really want the rankings to be unbiased, just create a point scale for tournament results.

Honestly, I think Florida could do without power rankings. Anyone worth a dam knows where they stand. Ranking is a difficult process that often makes players uneasy and instigates petty disagreements. No thanks.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Probably waveshining really fast somewhere, K-town
  • The vast land mass of Florida and isolation between regions hinders the effectiveness and accuracy of a numbered ranking system. Instead, I propose the use of tiered ranking system, as it better accommodates the indiscernible skill difference between forthcoming players in distinct regions.
    [*]For example: Plup and Nicaboy are both prominent players who place reliably well in their respective regions. However, the absence of interaction between CFL players and SFL players allows for very little accuracy when grading them against one another.​
  • A tiered system overcomes the limitations of a numbers list in other regards too. Let’s say that player X beat player Y three weeks ago. But then player Y beat player X last week. Is it fair to say that Y is noticeably better than X just because he had the more recent victory? Or is it more likely that they are probably comparable adversaries? What specific purpose does a numbered system really serve? Tier approximations allow for higher accuracy and still accomplish the same goal of ranking players.
  • Also, the tiered rankings need to be a collaborative effort. I have lots of trouble gauging players from other regions, and so should everyone else. In order for Florida’s power rankings to be accurate statewide, there must be interaction between regions. If players don’t travel, the list will become undependable.
My rough list:
A: Colbol, DaShizWiz, Hungrybox, Linguini
B: Blea Gelo, Dark Sonic, Dop, Green Mario, Harriettheguy, Nicaboy, Plup, QueenDVS, RockCrock, Skrach, UberIce, UUAA
C: Apollo, Legion, Nasty, Raistlin, Zoro

And like Chops said, if you really want the rankings to be unbiased, just create a point scale for tournament results.

Honestly, I think Florida could do without power rankings. Anyone worth a dam knows where they stand. Ranking is a difficult process that often makes players uneasy and instigates petty disagreements. No thanks.

giiad Dennis is right. This form of rankings is much better. reminds me of who the tier list for brawl characters is but thats fine!!! :D XDD Tier B ftw! lol


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
lol at Rock's post. I read the whole thing with your voice narrating in my head. at the HIGHEST level of play....


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
October 4th, 2007
Ranking Smasher Previous Rank Movement Character
1. DaShizWiz 1 - Falco, Fox
2. LambChops 3 ▲ 1 Falco
3. KeepSpeedN 2 ▼ 1 Fox, Sheik
4. Colbol 11 ▲ 7 Fox
5. QueenDVS 6 ▼ 1 Marth, Fox
6. SheikSSBM N/A - Sheik, Luigi
7. Rice 9 ▲ 2 Falco, Fox
8. Exarch N/A - Peach, Roy
9. Green Mario 8 ▼ 1 Mario
10. Smashmac

I like this list but move SheikSSBM with ColBol.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2009
Gainesville, Florida (and Boca Raton)
Dennis always has to change things....for the better lol Your 2nd tier is filled with people. How active does someone have to be to be considered? If someone is really **** but doesn't go to many tourneys, but is known as a great player then where do they stand in this discussion?

Edit: Javi, Pat, and Josh should definitely come down to Emilio's tournament.


Smash Ace
Feb 10, 2006
Dennis always has to change things....for the better lol Your 2nd tier is filled with people. How active does someone have to be to be considered? If someone is really **** but doesn't go to many tourneys, but is known as a great player then where do they stand in this discussion?
I assume you're talking about Raph.

This is actually a fairly important question. We had this same problem with Rice last time. We knew he was very good, but due to distance, Rice didn't go to a lot of big CFL/SFL tournaments. How do we account for players like this?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2009
Gainesville, Florida (and Boca Raton)
Yes, but how many tournaments must they attend? How big of a tournament does it have to be to be taken into consideration? These questions have to be thought about before you start making a complete list.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
Waaaaaait, wait wait wait.

5. Rock's Yoshi.

UF guys know what I'm talkin' 'bout, BEAST rofl
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