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Official Critique Topic


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Yeah, good stuff.

Wish I could do all that. It's more I don't want to put the time into it rather than I just flat out can't do it.

I'd probably stick with colored pencils should I try something.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
I really can't offer much on the realm of critiques here... but I'd totally buy the wolf, daffy, and the orca. xD
That's like the best compliment you can give someone lol

Yeah, good stuff.

Wish I could do all that. It's more I don't want to put the time into it rather than I just flat out can't do it.

I'd probably stick with colored pencils should I try something.
Thanks :]
Not bragging or anything, but I only spent about 5-6 hours on it though.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Thanks Dan :p
Don't feel bad critiquing me, everything I read was spot on. I was mostly limited by experience in that piece, so looking specifically at the things I need to keep a lookout is something I need to know.
Besides, I take any form of criticism well, even if it's genuine dislike. It's a bit of a drive for me, you know?
Awesome, yeah, it definitely drives one to improve. I can't wait to fix up my chick painting. :D

As for the tablet, I have my eyes ultimately set on an Intuos4, as I've hear endless praise for them.
For now though, I just wanted to start off a little cheaper. I won't have $300 saved up for a while, so I ordered a Bamboo Pen and Touch with some leftover pocket change and birthday cash lol.

Which one would you reccommend?
Though Bamboos are nice, due to their affordability-- I HIGHLY recommend an Intuos 4. 2,000+ levels of pressure sensitivity. Can't go wrong there. I currently sport an Intuos 3, it gets the job done-- though I'd love a Intuos 4!

I'd honestly recommend the SMALLEST size. I have the smallest size Intuos 3, which is like 5 inches by 4.5 inches. The reason I'd highly recommend the smallest size is because...

•it's VERY portable. I take it to school with me, and like a big art nerd, hook it up in the comp lab-- I love the looks I get from people. Most have never seen one, and are curious.

•size doesn't matter in the digital world. I mean, if you're doing a massive painting, you can zoom out, and sketch, or draw, and obviously, once zoomed out a tad, it takes a tiny stroke to draw across even a five-foot-span. Basically, my point is, you're never at a disadvantage with a small tablet because you can adjust the scale within the art program on the fly. Secondly, you'll never run off the edge of the tablet, unless of course you're that new to it. I've never had a problem, not in 6+ years. Conversely, you're at a disadvantage with a larger tablet because a) it's not portable, b) larger surface area means more movement, to accomplish what you can accomplish with a smaller tablet in less movement, this means you can fatigue earlier. For the record, I have done quite a few large-scale paintings-- 4-5 feet for clients. Again, all with a cute, compact tablet.

•Oh, and it's cheaper... :)

For the record, I'm EXTREMELY excited! I'm purchasing a Cintiq 21UX within the month!! I've wanted one for... as long as I can remember. I can't wait!!! Just need to pay some bills, first, then I should be good.

btw your sig is showing again xD
OMG!!! I hate my sig. Is there a way I can make it so that it's not auto-checked!!? So freaking annoying!

Wow guys. Everything looks great!

You can all call me Kurt or Tiger... don't matter to me.

I really can't offer much on the realm of critiques here... but I'd totally buy the wolf, daffy, and the orca. xD
Aww, thanks Kurt! :D

I think we all get bragging rights after making something in this thread.


<- so manly

By the way... does cake art count as a form of sculpture art?

Dude, that bunny cake is adorable! Hahaa! My sister would LOVE that, she often makes a bunny cake around Easter! Seriously though, that's cool-- yes, I'd consider it a form of sculpting art. :D


Guys, please help me in THIS thread. :)

Thanks!!! :D


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
Wow thanks. I'll remember all that

Yeah I'm just starting off with the bamboo because I can afford it and I want to get comfortable using it.
Intuos4 is a bit out of my price range.

For the record, I'm EXTREMELY excited! I'm purchasing a Cintiq 21UX within the month!! I've wanted one for... as long as I can remember. I can't wait!!! Just need to pay some bills, first, then I should be good.

OMG!!! I hate my sig. Is there a way I can make it so that it's not auto-checked!!? So freaking annoying!
I think there's an option in user CP.
I never liked using my sig, so I just got into the habit of unchecking it.

*sharp gasp*
bunny cake
I D'awwwed


Smash Champion
Jan 17, 2010
Northern Virginia
I actually don't like the flat snow...

I mean everything else is so detailed, I'd rather see some lighting/shading shifts in the snow, or dead grass, or something. It looks like you left the bottom half of the paper as is but in an incomplete way.

The wolf is really good though, especially the fur, I don't even want to think about how long it took. The right hindleg is looking a little unfinished though, like it's too angular.

Also... people who leave their sigs on need to turn 'em off. >:l
I wanted to make something with a high contrast, so I just left it black and white. As for the leg, I don't know what I could add to it xD but thanks for the critique.

That sounds frustrating. I had a portrait done for a man a while back when I was still in high school. It took me almost a month to get my $80.

And speaking of Orcas:

I drew this a while back.
Anyone wanna critique? I love doing wildlife sketches, but I'm not the best with colored pencil :/
I really like the texture of the water. The colors seem a little flat though, which is common with colored pencils especially when there's only one pencil color. You could try blending colors of different hues.

Also, like Dan pointed out the left water is lighter than the dark water. The white water in the foreground sorta blends in with the left water and the sky. I think it'd look nicer with darker reflections in the splash or a darker sky.

The orca looks really nice though. I like sea animals :D

Yeah, good stuff.

Wish I could do all that. It's more I don't want to put the time into it rather than I just flat out can't do it.

I'd probably stick with colored pencils should I try something.
My wolf picture actually took me 5 months... I started in June 2009, sketched it and painted the face, then left it unfinished until October, when I worked on and off for a couple weeks. xD I think it's easier to finish something big when you do it in pieces. And it's totally worth it when you show people and they go "Wow!"

I think we all get bragging rights after making something in this thread.


<- so manly

By the way... does cake art count as a form of sculpture art?

It's so deliciously cute. I want <3


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Holy ****, look at my newly improved, and rather sexy SWF name! Super exciting, right?

Yeah Global, there's nothing wrong with taking your time. As you've pointed out, being patient with something often brings upon the 'wow!' factor by viewers, which is always an incredibly satisfying thing.

Like I said, I can't believe its watercolor, I never thought watercolor could look that good, and have that much detail.

Also, I must add that I like when people take creative liberty here and there, instead of taking the road well traveled. Global, I'm referring to how you dealt with the background on the wolf painting. The fact that the snow is suggested, and that the wolf's stance causes him to stand atop the horizon is a really neat statement, if you ask me. It's stylish.

Taking this a step further, on the topic of suggestion in art, I find suggestively drawn/painted people really fascinating. There's definitely a right and wrong way of doing this, but when it's done right, it's awesome. I'm hung up on this because I recently went to Rockport, MA, and went into about a dozen different art galleries, most of which sported beautiful oil paintings. Looking at the many styles, I always found it interesting how well suggestion works, yet, how difficult it is to use properly. I'd like to study said style, and try I out.

An example of the style I'm getting at is this: say there's a painting of a dance floor. The focus of the painting may be a couple dancing, both of which are beautifully detailed. Around them, eyeing the couple dancing, clapping on, the bystanders go from detailed, to nothing but suggestive human-esque shapes. Generally fading to less saturated colors, fading into the distance.

Right now, I'm too focused on detail to draw something in a stylish way that only alludes to the human form. Needless to say, I have a to of learning to do, and I'm excited to go about practicing. :)


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
Nice name change haha
But what happened to the sexy crimson P:M color :0

Yeah I love suggestion. I've worked a lot to make my drawings suggest detail, when really if you look closely there isn't as much. I think it comes from never putting a lot of time into my work, so naturally I've just got better at quickly suggesting detail rather than actually taking the time to do it.

Probably also why I suck at hair. No shortcuts there :[


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
My PM color will come back. :)

You see, one of the perks to premium is that you can "prank" one person, which can be yourself. Basically, pranking entails turning that person's name pink. I decided that because my premium account is but a day or two from expiration, I'd use the features that I never have; the name change and prank.

So, it's temporary.

What I REALLY want is an orange name. :(

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
You can still technically get one, y'know...


You gotta know how to write well though.

I agree with a lot of what you were saying about suggestive styles vs. realistic rendering, and I have to say I lean heavily towards the former. I still study realistic perspective/human anatomy etc. since it's important to know, but ever since I've been drawing it's been more fun to draw things unrealistically. :laugh: And it can be really hard to pull off, but it's cool to see people draw things in a way that's different/strange but still somehow recognizable. Guess I'm a cartoonist at heart.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
I wish I could say that.
I'm totally OCD when it comes to my art, and at the same time I'm attention deficient...

It's an interesting combination drawing video game art with a realistic style though. Makes me feel professional.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Meh, that's a big pile of lame sauce. If they don't have art competitions anymore than they should at least give the art title out to those of us who partake in the AE often, especially in this critique thread, you know?

I like this guy.

But at the same time, i could see how that would be problematic. This place would get hoarded by people posting minimally.

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
Meh, that's a big pile of lame sauce.
Well dang.

And I doubt admins would do that, they'd have to give an orange name to every single person who posted in this thread once. Spam all day. It's just easier to keep track of contest winners.

I didn't realize orange was such a sought after color.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
I wouldn't mind more people posting here.
But you can't just give out an orange name non-chalantly. I mean, it's orange.

I'd suggest people could decide by vote if they thought a person was good enough, but I'm not one to judge different people against each other.

If only neon had the ability to hand out orange names. :[
We could just do our own art contests.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2009
Cape Town
Seems the OCT's been buzzing lately. blowtoes the at piece blows anything I've ever done with coloured pencils out of the water, so awesome.

A realistic styling of a character is kind off tough, since you tend to lose the essence of stylized characters without breaking rules to get something that make the picture look like that thing rather than something dressed up.

Cd cover for a friend based on a photo styled after a 2Pac anniversary poster thing.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA

I like this guy.

But at the same time, i could see how that would be problematic. This place would get hoarded by people posting minimally.
haha, Roxy :D

Well, than it can be decided by some sort of vote... The person being decided upon would have to meet certain requirements... For example, he has to post his works on a consistent basis, and contribute by giving constructive feedback to others. If you want to add a skill factor, than perhaps the Orange Council can decide if said member is good enough to be admitted. If not, that person can continue to improve his/her skill until they decide that individual has improved enough. Obviously we're talking about arbitrary things, as there's no quantifiable way to measure ones skill, or how much one has improved. It will have to be a subjective analysis. Artistic improvements are VISUAL, and they WILL show in the person's work. I don't think it's mean to dismiss people from getting it either, if anything, having a higher standard to be admitted into the Orange Council is a good thing because it would further promote self-improvement, and lots of practice (probably more so than the art competitions). As such, it'd get MORE art work into this thread, and would fuel more people to draw more often.

I personally think this is win all around. In some disclaimer, it can simply be stated that the Orange Council has the final say, if they deem that said individual needs some notable improvement, than that's the final verdict until they next review him. The Orange Council could help to give said artist goals, telling him what to work on, and telling him/her their strong / weak points.

Ideas? Because, I'm an artist, and for me to NOT have an orange name is frustrating-- especially seeing as how there's NO WAY FOR ME TO GET ONE. No, writing doesn't count, I don't care to be a writer. :)

In the end, I think this will start a creative wave from many people. :)


Seems the OCT's been buzzing lately. blowtoes the at piece blows anything I've ever done with coloured pencils out of the water, so awesome.

A realistic styling of a character is kind off tough, since you tend to lose the essence of stylized characters without breaking rules to get something that make the picture look like that thing rather than something dressed up.

Cd cover for a friend based on a photo styled after a 2Pac anniversary poster thing.
Wow! Joe, that's awesome!! I love vector art! Just curious, as I haven't done much vector work yet. Did you start with a photo, and build the vector over it in Illustrator or some other program (I use illustrator).

Anyway, great work!! I love the lineart, and the way you went about highlighting / shading areas!

Well dang.

And I doubt admins would do that, they'd have to give an orange name to every single person who posted in this thread once. Spam all day. It's just easier to keep track of contest winners.

I didn't realize orange was such a sought after color.
Read my above wall-of-text. It wouldn't be handed out, but earned. The Council of Orange, and perhaps mods, would have final say. :D

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.

I forgot how awesome vectors were. There's some color bleed on the back of his neck. The way you rendered the hair is unique but it's really awesome.

I sort of wish Lwansta had a different font and less Outer Glow. Maybe a little smaller so the focus is more on "The Rap Off" (which has awesome font, keep it).

The soft smoke looks a little odd since the image is a vector, and everyting is hard edged. I would try to include some harder edged designs somewhere so there's cohesion. The background is a little plain but there's also those bright areas. I would say add something more or make it a solid, more muted color. Right now it might be straddling the fence.

Awesome CD cover. I said awesome 4 times in this post.

Edit @ Orca: Ummm.

At the risk of sounding like a snob which I'm really not trying to... Council of Orange is not... real.

I mean like yes, it is a sign that we placed top 3 in a past contest but WWYP doesn't have judges composed of all the past winners, neither did AWYP. The judges were usually 2 mods and an admin.

And if you're just going to have mods decide based off of the person's artwork, well that's basically the same thing as an AWYP. Which I dunno if it'll return because the other 2 Artwork Emporium mods are busy. And to me it seems there's no fair way for me to choose 2 other members to be judges.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Neon Ness said:
I sort of wish Lwansta had a different font and less Outer Glow. Maybe a little smaller so the focus is more on "The Rap Off" (which has awesome font, keep it).
Yeah, I agree. I don't like the Lwansta font, or the gradient it has. The fonts in general seem to have too much of an outer glow to them.

Save for those gripes, i like everything else. As Neon Ness pointed out, I'd fix up the color bleed.

With regards to the soft smoke... I think it'd be cool to see some vector smoke in there. Something stylish and sexy like Toon Link's bombs.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2009
Cape Town
Thanks guys, I was trying to actually trying to emphasize the text with the glows, but I'll try out your recommendations :laugh:
I don't think you'd consider this vector since it was done on raster layers :chuckle:

Also, the orange names, what do they do? I mean other than being a mark of excellence?

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
Yeah, the name and feather don't do anything. That's sorta why I'm surprised people want them so badly lol.

I personally find Backroom purple to be the nicest color.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2009
Cape Town
Oh I see, the tier list, makes sense now :laugh:

I will now post this to avoid this being spam or something.

Full life consequences+ Mother:

This feels like something I could make into a shirt sorta.

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
Nah I wouldn't have considered that spam really.

But yeah, just wanna say to everyone we do actually have a social thread lol. If you wanna show off random sketches/art without looking for serious CnC it should probably go there. But if you really do want some help on improvement posting here is fine.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
the Council of Orange is not... real.
It's real in my heart!! :(

Without an orange name... I just don't... I don't think I can survive this harsh and cruel world!

I want to be in a user group that represents what I'm all about. Also, the orange color is pretty sexy, it's nice against the black/grayness of SWF.

In other news...

I drew the following picture with Facebook's graffiti, in the weeks before Brawl came out:



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Yo, bro, chill about the orange color.

I want an orange color. Hell, I want any color I can take that isn't pink for debator. I been trying for months. I been buggin folks, nagging mods, poking at administrators. But I also know how to moderate myself. I WANT TO HAVE THAT FEATHER! I entered that last contest under the impression I had landed AT LEAST top 3, and was shown otherwise. I still feel I should have placed top 3, but I harbor no resent towards anyone.

I been wanting to be a MOD for years. Several websites. But I haven't been very outspoken about it. I been buggin Exarch and those mods at AS, but I do realize that simply asking isn't enough. I gotta be a well respected member of the community, be an active member, a contributing member and not just a troll.

I know Persistence is key to getting what you want, but having Patience is also something valuable to have.

Just let it come to you, Dan. Don't go on and on every post mentioning it.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Yo, bro, chill about the orange color.

I want an orange color. Hell, I want any color I can take that isn't pink for debator. I been trying for months. I been buggin folks, nagging mods, poking at administrators. But I also know how to moderate myself. I WANT TO HAVE THAT FEATHER! I entered that last contest under the impression I had landed AT LEAST top 3, and was shown otherwise. I still feel I should have placed top 3, but I harbor no resent towards anyone.

I been wanting to be a MOD for years. Several websites. But I haven't been very outspoken about it. I been buggin Exarch and those mods at AS, but I do realize that simply asking isn't enough. I gotta be a well respected member of the community, be an active member, a contributing member and not just a troll.

I know Persistence is key to getting what you want, but having Patience is also something valuable to have.

Just let it come to you, Dan. Don't go on and on every post mentioning it.
Hey Zio, in my last post, I was merely exaggerating for fun. Do I want a orange name? Sure. Is it life or death? No. THe only reason I wrote that long winded idea is because the art competitions are over... and I was trying to come up with a fair way for people to be admitted into the user group. I was in no way begging for it on just my accord, but the accord of others who may like the opportunity. In the end, it's really not a big deal.

I find this group to be hilarious, I mean, just the joke line "the Council of Orange" is funny.

Believe me, I understand perfectly well what my boundaries are. I haven't crossed them-- at all. Judging by your articulation, you'd think I had. Either way, it's no biggie. Besides, I've only mentioned it in the past few posts, out of the MANY i've posted here through the past few days. :p

Anyways, people, more art. come on. let's see some sutff!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Hey Zio, in my last post, I was merely exaggerating for fun. Do I want a orange name? Sure. Is it life or death? No. THe only reason I wrote that long winded idea is because the art competitions are over... and I was trying to come up with a fair way for people to be admitted into the user group. I was in no way begging for it on just my accord, but the accord of others who may like the opportunity. In the end, it's really not a big deal.

I find this group to be hilarious, I mean, just the joke line "the Council of Orange" is funny.

Believe me, I understand perfectly well what my boundaries are. I haven't crossed them-- at all. Judging by your articulation, you'd think I had. Either way, it's no biggie. Besides, I've only mentioned it in the past few posts, out of the MANY i've posted here through the past few days. :p

Anyways, people, more art. come on. let's see some sutff!
Sorry, holmes. It just felt like you were bringing up Orange names alot. Me being that I want one too, I wish there were easier methods, but then again - no user group is easy to get in to other than Debators and Tournament Directors.

And I hope I wasn't coming off as rude or mean spirited.

EDIT - Want, want want WANT! Isn't it just fitting the ring I have in my avatar with my attitude? lolz


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
I have been working on and off on this for about a month and a half, I know that is a long time, but I like the outcome.

Nice!! So far so good! There's NOTHING wrong with spending an extended period of time on something. I have many pieces that I've been working for on and off. Sometimes I get tired of working on a piece and jump to another.

Keep up the good work :)


And I hope I wasn't coming off as rude or mean spirited.
Nah, it's cool. :)


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
Nice work Bush, do you consider it finished? I think you should work on bringing chief out from the white background, and give him a little more dimension with shading, especially around his waist area. A little work here and there and you'll have yourself an excellent peice.

And on topic, I don't think Dan went far enough about orange names.
This stuff is really important you know.

You get to be in a council.
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