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Official Critique Topic


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
I have a cheap plastic Helix electrical eraser, and it works just fine. I have used professional grade ones before, but honestly, like most things, it only makes a difference if you go all the way, like $50+.

I don't know how you can stand to spend that amount of time on a single piece D:
I get so lethargic.
I think what it is for me is the satisfaction of seeing how the picture improves each time I work on it. This is especially noticeable with digital paitning if you save a jpeg at the end of each 'session.' When I'm done drawing I like to look at the progress I've made that day, or within the past few hours. It's amazing. I love it! My true problem is that I often lose motivation. For example, I started the Avatar piece in January... here we are 9 months later. I haven't touched it in the past 2-3 months easy. I have a bunch of unfinished pieces. The Avatar one is definitely one that I intend on revisiting soon.

Right now I'm concentrating more on my soon-to-be university studies doing video game art, so I've been spending less time on portraits than I'd like to, but I'd always like to squeeze in more drawing time reguardless.
All I've wanted to do, for the past few months, is have ample time to draw what I want to draw. I've been in midst of commissions of various sorts, and working my promotions job. It's my die hard goal to be the best I can be at drawing (especially people). Some people pop out a nice pic every day, or every week. Ever since January 1st 2010, I've made it my goal to draw as much as I can. So far, so good-- but I've still been slacking wayy too much. When I DO have time to sit down and draw, I don't. Oftentimes hanging out with friends/family, going to work, etc, gets in the way of what's truly important to me. I'm not kidding when I say drawing is the most important thing I have in my life save for my loved ones. -- with that said--- I NEED to draw more.

Right now Stephan Martinier and Mike Butkus are my real push, they're hands down, THE best of the best.
Again... this is an awesome night! I've been introduce to so many artists, from the ones in this thread to these amazing inspirations that you've unveiled to me! It's great to see whats out there. I seldom look. However, studying other peoples art is a GREAT way to improve your own. Needless to say, I'm shocked by the artists in the above quote. Another height I must reach! I have no doubts in my mind that you and I WILL be that good. None. At all. Practice makes perfect-- there's no way these guys were that good INSTANTLY either, they too looked up to other artists. :)

That said, here's an equivalent artist. I've mentioned him in this thread previously, but have yet to link him. He is ASTONISHING (I've used that word WAYYY too man times tonight, and for good reason). Seriously though, he's my fav. digital artist of all time. The best thing is that so many of his paintings are available to watch in speedpaitning form on youtube--- you may already have seen his stuff:


However, let's not stop there, after you're done adding Nico to your top artists of all time, perhaps you should add Drew Struzan? Whether or not you WANT to see his art, you already have--- it's EVERYWHERE. If you haven't heard of him, he's the guy who's art you LOVE and you never even knew it. He's one of the greats, for sure. God... his paintings sell for $300-600,000 USD, and they ACTUALLY SELL. HOLY HUFG@#F(*


Look at the link.. wait, that's right, he's the guy behind the poster art for such titles as "Star Wars," "Indiana Jones," "Harry Potter," "Back to the Future," and the list keeps going. He has a VERY distinct style too.

Woah. Active topic got unusually active.
Yes, yes it has. :D

Yes, we've been practically interviewing orca u_u
Pretty much :D

He brought new life into our usually drudgingly boring discussions.
I try :D


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
As a matter of fact, I have seen his stuff on youtube before, it was another megan fox piece haha.

Needless to say, I'm shocked by the artists in the above quote. Another height I must reach! I have no doubts in my mind that you and I WILL be that good. None. At all. Practice makes perfect-- there's no way these guys were that good INSTANTLY either, they too looked up to other artists. :)
exactly what I'm thinking. On;y thing holding me back is myself.
Yeah, they're both prestigeous award winning artists, pretty much of the highest calibur possible for the areas they work with, and definitely the Apex of achievement you can reach. On a personal level of course, I have no idea if they're starving artists or whatnot lol

Look at the link.. wait, that's right, he's the guy behind the poster art for such titles as "Star Wars," "Indiana Jones," "Harry Potter," "Back to the Future," and the list keeps going. He has a VERY distinct style too.
Yo I just **** bricks
I mean
I already knew about him as an artist of course, but:

http://www.drewstruzan.com/illustra...8&mp&gallerystart=26&pagestart=1&type=mp&gs=2 - Drew Struzan
http://www.mikebutkus.net/butkispics/1_07e.jpg - Mike Butkus

I'm confused, because I was under the impression that Mike Butkus was involved in a lot of those EXACT SAME movies you just listed.
And to match that, their styles are very similar.


http://www.drewstruzan.com/illustra...0&mp&gallerystart=51&pagestart=1&type=mp&gs=3 Drew S
http://www.mikebutkus.net/butkispics/1_08a.jpg - Mike B

very very similar style.
That's cool.
They obviously work together on a regular basis.


Oh... Well here it goes. My scanner is currently dead... so I wont be posting any new sketches for a while. I posted these a while back.. but hopefully you can help :D
I think I remember seeing some of these.
Nice stuff Tiger. Liking the proportions, but get that contrast going! Don't be afraid to make those darks really dark, it really gives your work more dimension.
You still need to do a self portrait for the social thread too ;D


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Oh... Well here it goes. My scanner is currently dead... so I wont be posting any new sketches for a while. I posted these a while back.. but hopefully you can help :D

From what I can tell, you're definitely on the right track. They look good, it's too bad the quality is so bad. Were those scanned or were they photographed? I can't tell if they were originally darker or what, but as blowtoes pointed out, contrast is nice. ;) Still, the form looks pretty solid on most of them, definitely keep this up! I should do something like this, it'd be great practice.

More pics nao!

As a matter of fact, I have seen his stuff on youtube before, it was another megan fox piece haha.

Yeah, they're both prestigeous award winning artists, pretty much of the highest calibur possible for the areas they work with, and definitely the Apex of achievement.

Yo I just **** bricks
I mean
I already knew about him as an artist of course, but:

http://www.drewstruzan.com/illustra...8&mp&gallerystart=26&pagestart=1&type=mp&gs=2 - Drew Struzan
http://www.mikebutkus.net/butkispics/1_07e.jpg - Mike Butkus

I'm confused, because I was under the impression that Mike Butkus was involved in a lot of those EXACT SAME movies you just listed.
And to match that, their styles are very similar.


http://www.drewstruzan.com/illustra...0&mp&gallerystart=51&pagestart=1&type=mp&gs=3 Drew S
http://www.mikebutkus.net/butkispics/1_08a.jpg - Mike B

very very similar
That's cool.
They obviously work together on a regular basis.
Yeah, it's funny... I noticed that to when I started going over Mike's stuff. It looks as though they are from similar time periods, as far as drawing is concerned-- Drew is likely older, not sure. However, it looks as though they were competing artists, both the top of their game. Both have similar styles too, as you've pointed out, which is even more interesting. Both are very inspirational! Drew Struzun is one of the most sought after artist in hollywood, that is, for poster art anyway--- and it doesn't appear as though Mike is too far behind either. Both are spectacular. Drew landed so many MAJOR films it's crazy-- no wonder he's worth so ****ed much! My god!


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
Those were photographs xD. It was on a cellphone.. so the quality is baddd.

Ugh... I'll fetch them >>
You posted your pic in the 'Las Pictoras' thread not too long ago, and it looked to me like it was begging to be drawn.
If you get another scanner, don't get an HP

EDIT: oh, woooow very very nice, excellent contrast, and great texture to it too.
The dew drops look very realistic.
You get +rep

Yeah, it's funny... I noticed that to when I started going over Mike's stuff. It looks as though they are from similar time periods, as far as drawing is concerned-- Drew is likely older, not sure. However, it looks as though they were competing artists, both the top of their game. Both have similar styles too, as you've pointed out, which is even more interesting. Both are very inspirational! Drew Struzun is one of the most sought after artist in hollywood, that is, for poster art anyway--- and it doesn't appear as though Mike is too far behind either. Both are spectacular. Drew landed so many MAJOR films it's crazy-- no wonder he's worth so ****ed much! My god!
Drew is definitely amazing, hands down one of the top.
Of course, how can you not be amazing when you've not only drawn posters to some of the most successful movies of all time, but the majority of people don't even know they were hand drawn in the first place. Seriously it takes a real man to pull that off.

Mike focuses more on movie compositions professionally, but he worked on the original character designs for all the Starwars movies, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Robocop, and I, Robot, if I'm not mistaken. It's definitely a close resume, but I think Drew takes the cake.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
This is my pride and glory. XD. I was really motivated to make this one... for some reason

Wow!!! That's awesome! Great value!! I love the dew drops!! Help is okay, it's all part of learning! :D

These are the kind of rich values that make a good piece of art. :D

Excellent job! :D

An another note, so let me get this straight... The orange names represent artists, right? Is the quill some how attached to the color, that is, it comes along with it? The quill clearly says "Writer" but... wouldn't it be better if it said.. oh, I don't know. artist?

If I make a graphic icon to be displayed for artists, can an admin up it?

Drew is definitely amazing, hands down one of the top.
Of course, how can you not be amazing when you've not only drawn posters to some of the most successful movies of all time, but the majority of people don't even know they were hand drawn in the first place. Seriously it takes a real man to pull that off.

Mike focuses more on movie compositions professionally, but he worked on the original character designs for all the Starwars movies, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Robocop, and I, Robot, if I'm not mistaken. It's definitely a close resume, but I think Drew takes the cake.
Hmm, interesting. Talk about success stories, geez. Imagine how much the original StarWars posters sold for??!?!? I haven't a clue.. but it must be disgustingly expensive. lol.

"It's definitely a close resume, but I think Drew takes the cake." I agree.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
An another note, so let me get this straight... The orange names represent artists, right? Is the quill some how attached to the color, that is, it comes along with it? The quill clearly says "Writer" but... wouldn't it be better if it said.. oh, I don't know. artist?

If I make a graphic icon to be displayed for artists, can an admin up it?
Admins are supposedly working on a paintbrush icon, but the feather is attached to the user group. I dont mind, I might buy premium somtime soon anyways and pimp my own title.

But yeah youll have to ask an Admin or a mod about the brush, but I think theyd have to create a new user group to assign it to.

I had an HP. LMAO. This is the 3rd one to have died...

Oh and that was the original idea orca... the admins got lazy
lmao....theyre such crap garbage

HPs not admins

Admins are legit


carry on


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Screw a brush, I have a better more... easily depicted idea. I mean, the quill is so small, it's almost hard to see. I'd rather do something that stands out more. :D

That'd be cool if we got our own user group. :p What color!? OMG the options!

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
Oh and that was the original idea orca... the admins got lazy
Well not exactly. There're a bunch of postbit images to be uploaded, but there's a problem uploading them and getting them to work correctly. There's already a paintbrush icon that's been made, it's just the matter of actually getting them to show up. A new group'll probably be made once that's ironed out with the title "Smash Artist" or something of the like.

There's already enough user groups... ):< But I think Artists should have silver names yeeeaaahhh.

Lol @ this place becoming the new social thread.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Well not exactly. There're a bunch of postbit images to be uploaded, but there's a problem uploading them and getting them to work correctly. There's already a paintbrush icon that's been made, it's just the matter of actually getting them to show up. A new group'll probably be made once that's ironed out with the title "Smash Artist" or something of the like.

There's already enough user groups... ):< But I think Artists should have silver names yeeeaaahhh.

Lol @ this place becoming the new social thread.
Hmm. Yeah, hopefully they figure it out.

Silver could be cool :D

Critiquing + socializing = win. :)

Anway, here's a piece I started a while back (over a year ago now). I worked about 20 or so hours on it. So far, I like it quite a bit, however, I got bored and moved on (as always). I'm going to revisit this within the week, what do you guys think thus far?



Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
I lost
oh my god looool

Nice job so far. :D
For the sake of whatever, I think I'll critique your piece the same way I'd critique one of my own.

So far her face is well done, it has good structure albeit very very subtly warped. Of course I haven't seen the picture you're working off of (assuming you are working off a reference), so I couldn't be sure, but her nose looks a tad uncentered, or at least it draws itself to the right nearer the tip. (possibly her lips are shifted a bit to the left, or her left (your right?... -> this one) eye is slightly high. It's small enough that I can't tell right off the bat. Either way, something's up. It's more apparent when reversed.
I would also suggest slightly darkening under the eyebrow on the right nearing her ear, and you'll likely smooth out her forehead later, etc...

Perspective and shading on her left arm is great, and you've done a good job with her hair so far, it has a good flow to it, looks natural. Body proportions are done well, one could argue that her hips are a biiiiit low, but I've seen lower irl so I'll just shutup now

Of course, I know you haven't finished yet, but those are just some suggestions I'm throwing out haphazardly.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Wow! I can't wait to see the finished product. Her assets look a bit perky though... unless that's what you're going for xD.
Hell yes-- that's what I'm going for. Also... the model has very large/perky assets. So. lol.\

I'm working on my self-portrait!

I'm working off of this:

This is me so far:

Let's see, it looks as though you're going for a form of zombificaiton. So far, it's not a bad start. However, try to be more soft with your lines, and give more form to the strokes. It seems as though this is really early in the drawing, but I'll continue anyway-- I'd re-draw the mouth area. Not sure if you wanted it to look like the reference image, but you've obviously changed it quite a bit. I'd go back to the reference. For example, if your aim is a dead / zombie look, draw image similar to the reference, then change things once everythings layed out correctly. You can easily just remove teeth by blacking out the area, and change the texture/details to represent dead skin, blood, tears in the skin, whatever else zombies have going for them.

In the end, I'd urge not to rush quite as much (sorry if you didn't actually rush, but it looks like you initially set out to create a spin off of the ref photo, but got tired and did the mouth/teeth quickly). I think you can follow the ref. a bit more closely and still achieve the zombie look you appear to be aiming for.


I lost
oh my god looool

Nice job so far. :D
For the sake of whatever, I think I'll critique your piece the same way I'd critique one of my own.

So far her face is well done, it has good structure albeit very very subtly warped. Of course I haven't seen the picture you're working off of (assuming you are working off a reference), so I couldn't be sure, but her nose looks a tad uncentered, or at least it draws itself to the right nearer the tip. (possibly her lips are shifted a bit to the left, or her left (your right?... -> this one) eye is slightly high. It's small enough that I can't tell right off the bat. Either way, something's up. It's more apparent when reversed.
I would also suggest slightly darkening under the eyebrow on the right nearing her ear, and you'll likely smooth out her forehead later, etc...

Perspective and shading on her left arm is great, and you've done a good job with her hair so far, it has a good flow to it, looks natural. Body proportions are done well, one could argue that her hips are a biiiiit low, but I've seen lower irl so I'll just shutup now

Of course, I know you haven't finished yet, but those are just some suggestions I'm throwing out haphazardly.
Excellent critique! Thank you blowtoes! I'll be sure to check out those areas when I continue work! You're absolutely right though, the face could use some slight tweaks here and there. I thought the same-- it's nice to hear that some1 agrees with my thoughts.

Right now I'm actually drawing Donald Duck for my Grandma, not exactly what I want to be drawing, but I'll post that later... :)


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
You know I was actually working on a self portrait (I was serious up until after I made the outline of the face).

I just got annoyed and frustrated so I went loco on it.

@ Orca... lol that wasn't serious at all. I just got annoyed at it and doodled on it XD.


Smash Champion
Jan 17, 2010
Northern Virginia
Hmm. Yeah, hopefully they figure it out.

Silver could be cool :D

Critiquing + socializing = win. :)

Anway, here's a piece I started a while back (over a year ago now). I worked about 20 or so hours on it. So far, I like it quite a bit, however, I got bored and moved on (as always). I'm going to revisit this within the week, what do you guys think thus far?

Orca you're amazing. O_o

I would like to point out that her head seems somehow stiff considering the way she's leaning back. Her hand sorta seems like it's forcing her head up. Also, either her nose is slightly bent to the right (starting at the left, bending towards the middle) or her right eye and eyebrow are too low. Or it could be because us humans aren't really symmetrical. xD

I think this was mentioned earlier but her breasts really do jut out. Real ones have a much gentler curve or slope at the top.

Lighting and stuff is gorgeous though. I can't wait until everything gets smoothed out <3

Since this topic is suddenly alive, I would like to post my painting that I did back in November for critique:

I haven't really done any realism since then xD


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
Wow impressive global
very impressive.

I like the split between the dark bg and the light snow.
Only criticism I can give is that some areas have less fine details than others, and that some of your brush strokes go off in different directions around the wolf, it's a bit distracting.

and np Orca :]


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Orca you're amazing. O_o

I would like to point out that her head seems somehow stiff considering the way she's leaning back. Her hand sorta seems like it's forcing her head up. Also, either her nose is slightly bent to the right (starting at the left, bending towards the middle) or her right eye and eyebrow are too low. Or it could be because us humans aren't really symmetrical. xD

I think this was mentioned earlier but her breasts really do jut out. Real ones have a much gentler curve or slope at the top.

Lighting and stuff is gorgeous though. I can't wait until everything gets smoothed out <3

Thanks for the kind comments, and thanks for the critique! As far as her breasts go... they are HUGE. I'll take a look at the breasts again, though, I'm pretty sure everything is intentional. I wanted to draw a busty girl, and that's just what I did. Most boobs aren't that big. lol. As for the other comments, I'll take them into consideration when I start work on the pic. ;)

Since this topic is suddenly alive, I would like to post my painting that I did back in November for critique:

I haven't really done any realism since then xD
Awesome! I love how the snow is suggested, just a flat line that the wolf is atop of! Really cool! Like blowtoes, I also like the black meeting the white, obviously that's a high contrast spot. As for the wolf, I love the texture, the detail is excellent! Nice job! What medium is this? Oil?

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
I actually don't like the flat snow...

I mean everything else is so detailed, I'd rather see some lighting/shading shifts in the snow, or dead grass, or something. It looks like you left the bottom half of the paper as is but in an incomplete way.

The wolf is really good though, especially the fur, I don't even want to think about how long it took. The right hindleg is looking a little unfinished though, like it's too angular.

Also... people who leave their sigs on need to turn 'em off. >:l

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008

Can't think of much to say since it's mostly attempting to replicate someone else's style, which you did almost perfectly. Nice background haha. Whoever your employers are I hope they pay you well.

Permission to call you Dan from now on?

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
If they don't pay you well enough...we have our ways to fix that....

Orca, you are seriously skilled. And thats an understatement.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA

Can't think of much to say since it's mostly attempting to replicate someone else's style, which you did almost perfectly. Nice background haha. Whoever your employers are I hope they pay you well.

Permission to call you Dan from now on?
Thanks! :D

Yes, actually, I've been meaning to say that you guys can call me Dan. Orca isn't exactly personal. By this point, considering we're all sharing with each other, it makes sense to me that you guys call me by my name. :)

Oh yeah, sorry for the occasional sig slipping through. When I "go advanced" it automatically checks the option, which I ALWAYS overlook. I always go back and edit, and remove it though. :)

If you guys would like me to refer to you by your ACTUAL names, feel free to post them. :D

If they don't pay you well enough...we have our ways to fix that....

Orca, you are seriously skilled. And thats an understatement.
Thanks very much!! With regards to payment, I get payed well, it's just the rate at which I'm payed which is silly. I got this promotions job of mine recently, 3 weeks or so ago. I've done huge things for this new company already-- like landing them a job with the Deadliest Catch guys. The guy who signed it off is Jeff Cohen, an actor from The Goonies, he played the part of "chunk" back in the day. I guess Jeff is their manager, or PR guy-- and he really liked my stuff! :D Needless to say, exciting opportunities are ahead. I have no doubts about that.

Oh, for the record, I haven't been payed for the Deadliest Catch job. I'm calling my boss tomorrow... He's a nice guy, but I feel like I'm taken for granted.

Thanks guys,


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
Good job on Donald haha

Yes, actually, I've been meaning to say that you guys can call me Dan. Orca isn't exactly personal. By this point, considering we're all sharing with each other, it makes sense to me that you guys call me by my name. :)

If you guys would like me to refer to you by your ACTUAL names, feel free to post them. :D
Yeah I think I agree. I'll be changing my SWF name soon anyways, because blowtoes is ****ing stupid.
So if everyone would call me by Bren, that would be ideal.

Also, late payments make me furious. >:[


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Good job on Donald haha

Yeah I think I agree. I'll be changing my SWF name soon anyways, because blowtoes is ****ing stupid.
So if everyone would call me by Bren, that would be ideal.

Also, late payments make me furious. >:[

Yeah, I've been toying with the idea of changing my SWF to Dan. lol. I mean, I do like Orca... but.. I like when people can identify me by my actual name. My premium account is nearly ended, I should change it nao! :p

But yeah, for a group of "professionals" (the guys running this company) it's amazing that they don't respond to e-mails when I ask questions, and haven't payed me in a timely fashion. Not for anything, but the company has no over-head, that is, no center. It's run out of their houses, and spreads through word-of-mouth. They worked for some major promotions company before breaking off and making their own. So, they know what they're doing.



Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
That sounds frustrating. I had a portrait done for a man a while back when I was still in high school. It took me almost a month to get my $80.

And speaking of Orcas:

I drew this a while back.
Anyone wanna critique? I love doing wildlife sketches, but I'm not the best with colored pencil :/


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
That sounds frustrating. I had a portrait done for a man a while back when I was still in high school. It took me almost a month to get my $80.

And speaking of Orcas:

I drew this a while back.
Anyone wanna critique? I love doing wildlife sketches, but I'm not the best with colored pencil :/
LoL "speaking of Orcas." That's pretty awesome, Bren! I love colored pencils, though I will NOT lie and say I use them a ton-- once I went digital years and years ago I never looked back. hehe.

Okay, as for the critique:

First off, I think you did a really great job, I feel like this would have been difficult to approach with colored pencils!

• I think the left and right side portions of the piece should have more uniform color. If you notice, the right side is a MUCH darker more intense blue, going all the way back to the horizon. On the other side of the splash, to the left, the water is significantly lighter. I feel that it would be better to keep it uniform, either both dark, or bother light. I think that the right side is the way to go though, as more contrast against the wave is nice.

• You did a good job with the water, the splashing and mist. However, I think the splashing water could use more clarity. More definition.

•It might also have been nice i the sky had a SLIGHLY darker tone, something where the white, foamy sea-water would stand out against the sky.

I like the reflections on the underside of the whale, very nice! I also like that the whale does in fact feel immersed in the water, what with the water splashing over his fins and all. Definitely a solid piece.

As for my critique, I generally feel bad giving them. I don't want to step on peoples' feet, but then again I understand that constructive criticism is important to improving. In addition, when it comes to critiquing, many of the points will be opinion based. I mean, unless it's a glaring issue like anatomy, other points may or may not be necessary change. None the less, I guess feedback is always good.

Oh yeah, Bren, what kind of tablet are you looking to get? I saw a few pages back you mentioned you wanted one. I have lot's to say about them.. so... yeah. I'd like to point you to a certain one. :p



Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
As for my critique, I generally feel bad giving them. I don't want to step on peoples' feet, but then again I understand that constructive criticism is important to improving. In addition, when it comes to critiquing, many of the points will be opinion based. I mean, unless it's a glaring issue like anatomy, other points may or may not be necessary change. None the less, I guess feedback is always good.

Oh yeah, Bren, what kind of tablet are you looking to get? I saw a few pages back you mentioned you wanted one. I have lot's to say about them.. so... yeah. I'd like to point you to a certain one. :p

Thanks Dan :p
Don't feel bad critiquing me, everything I read was spot on. I was mostly limited by experience in that piece, so looking specifically at the things I need to keep a lookout is something I need to know.
Besides, I take any form of criticism well, even if it's genuine dislike. It's a bit of a drive for me, you know?

As for the tablet, I have my eyes ultimately set on an Intuos4, as I've hear endless praise for them.
For now though, I just wanted to start off a little cheaper. I won't have $300 saved up for a while, so I ordered a Bamboo Pen and Touch with some leftover pocket change and birthday cash lol.

Which one would you reccommend?

btw your sig is showing again xD
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