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Official Brawl Tier Discussion (OP Updated)

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Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Oh yeah.

Where the hell is my PROOF?!? oh wait, you don't have any

Then where the hell is my MONEY?!?

And he has been ranked and we've been working on his matchup's, arrogant fool.

Also Ivysaurs are cool, but I don't like the other two at all...

If only I could just only use Ivysaur :(
Yes, ranked in E rank.

Ivysaur isn't hard. Spotdodge bulletseed to Fsmash or usmash.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Oh yeah.

Where the hell is my PROOF?!? oh wait, you don't have any

Then where the hell is my MONEY?!?

And he has been ranked and we've been working on his matchup's, arrogant fool.

Also Ivysaurs are cool, but I don't like the other two at all...

If only I could just only use Ivysaur :(
ok? so your WORKING on his matchups right now, and he still doesn't have tourney results, so i don't get what you are saying here, yoshi still sucks.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Victory me.
Now, Now.... You didn't forget about me, did you? ;)

ok? so your WORKING on his matchups right now, and he still doesn't have tourney results, so i don't get what you are saying here, yoshi still sucks.
We just posted his Tournament Results >_<

And it's rather simple really. Yoshi does not suck.

I don't see you're reasons on why Yoshi sucks. All I'm seeing from you is just "Yoshi Sucks!" from you over and over again.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Now, Now.... You didn't forget about me, did you? ;)

We just posted his Tournament Results >_<

And it's rather simple really. Yoshi does not suck.

I don't see you're reasons on why Yoshi sucks. All I'm seeing from you is just "Yoshi Sucks!" from you over and over again.
ok so u posted some tourney results and got a few top 8 and a top 4? so that makes yoshi better than what? falcon, link, and ganon? oh no!!


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Ok people, I'm sick of this crap. Look at this:

When talking about your and you're:
'Your' is a word that is possessive. "Your fault. Your toy. Your crappy character."
'You're' is a contraction of the word you and are. "You're a bad person. You're an idiot."

When talking about to, too, and two:
'To' is an infinitive. "We are going to dance." 'To' is also a preposition. "We are going to your work"
'Too' is an adjective. "You are going too fast. That is too much."
'Two' is a number. "If you are reading this example, your IQ is two."

When talking about there, their, and they're:
'There' is a noun. "The town is over there. We aren't there yet."
'Their' is a possessive word. "That is their child. Their dog is a boy."
'They're' is a contraction of the words they and are. "They're going to move. They're shooting at us!"

When talking about its and it's:
'Its' is a possessive word. "Its place is here. Its coming right for us!"
'It's' is a contraction of the word it and is. "It's going to get dark soon. To think, it's possible."
Remember this song:
If it's possessive, it's just I T S. If it's a contraction, it's I T APOSTROPHE S.

Hopefully. this will help some people.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Now, Now.... You didn't forget about me, did you? ;)

We just posted his Tournament Results >_<

And it's rather simple really. Yoshi does not suck.

I don't see you're reasons on why Yoshi sucks. All I'm seeing from you is just "Yoshi Sucks!" from you over and over again.
Yoshi does not suck in the same way that the other characters in E rank do not suck, i.e. he's terrible.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Just a note here:
I love how this argument is still going, and Tim is just standing back and making fun of everybody.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2008
Uh oh.... In comes an 08'er, lacking posts, an avatar and a signature (as of the writing of this post). What list will this n00b conjure?

Hello there, fellow Smashers. Although I admit my stats aren't exactly pretty for my credibility, tier lists seem to be the rage these days (especially for us poor PAL dudes who just got Smash). Oh no, I've only just got Smash? Credibility -10!

Actually, I've had this game as long as you guys have, but I admit that I wouldn't stand up to you guys. I'm not all for serious competitive Brawl, but anyhoo, enough with the chitchat. Here's a tier list from yet ANOTHER NOOB!!!

N00b Number 9000's Tier List

Top Tier (CAPCOM Tier)
-Meta Knight

Why, Mr Noob?: Snake's ability to play anywhere is his greatest asset in my opinion. Long range? Nikita Spam and fellow gear. Short range? Ftilts, normal attacks and whatnot. That, and the fact that a lot of the players at the NOAus Smash tournament got through many rounds with Snake are the reason for his place in this list. Meta Knight is up there for his ability to just rack up that damage, and is only lower than Snake due to less stronger Smashes. However, with the discovery of his new AT, Meta-Knight is close to beating Snake on this n00b's list. Also, try playing "easy" mode in a Capcom game such as Megaman 2 and Resident Evil. DO YOU KNOW WHAT EASY MEANS, CAPCOM???

High Tier (but still elligble for Bachelor)
-Mr. Game, Watch and OCTOPUS
-King Dedededededede
-R.O.B (beeep!)
-Olimar (and Pikmins Reddy, Bluey, Albino, Lemony and Queer)

Why, Mr Noob?: Okay. Game and Watch is placed as so due to the fact that there were a few successful players at my local tournament, and that Game and Watch is a versatile combatant. King D3 surprisingly also had success at this tournament, even with the people who didn't chainspamgrab. Powerful. Marth pops in at third, credit to his good mix-up of moves, damage, speed and for staying with his Japanese ("I FIGHT FOR MY FRIENDS! ROFLcopter). R.O.B pops in at 4, strength, unpredictability and success at the tournaments the reason for this placing. And last but not least, Fo-... Oh wait, Olimar instead of someone from Star Fox??? Olimar for his strange, but effective attacks. Uh oh, Mr. Noob. You have to explain why any of the Star Fox team ain't here! *dodges angry mob*

Upper Tier ("Please don't flame me, they're still good!" section)
-Toon Link
-Donkey "If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt!" Kong
-Pit of DOOM

Why, Mr Noob?: I DON'T KNOW WHY! QUIT ASKING ME!!!! ;__;. Oh wait, I posted this, so I guess I have to. So while running out of wit, the "controversy" (or lack thereof) starts here. Wolf as the highest Star Foxer? Well, his strength and mobility, plus tournament result, lead to my placing of him there. Wario is next, due to his unique moveset, though his placing here is primarily due to the few surprise wins in the tournament. Toon Link follows due to this little runt's ability to just keep attacking. Moveset is good, and his Smashes aren't bad either (not to mention his aerial stuff). Lucario is in there purely from tournament results and to AT LEAST give this TIER LIST some CREDIBILITY, or SOMETHING. Donkey Kong comes next. His speed as a heavy is quite good, and his moves do some nice damage. Pit comes in for his agility and nice attacks, as well as results. Lucas is a character I had risen. I'm not entirely sure as to why people hate the dude (though I would like to hear why) but his smash attacks are some of the more powerful ones out there. Lucas is OKAY!

Middle Tier (*creepy metaphor!* [insert wit here])
-Sexy Suit Samus
-Kirby <(0_0)>
-Ike ("I fight for my friends!" *snicker* *chortle* STAB!)
-Diddy Kong
-Ice Climbers

Why, Mr Noob?: Zelda's normal attacks are formidable and her forward A aerial is always fun to humiliate with :D . Falco and Fox come in next, and Falco is on top with his strength, aerials, spike and gun control. Sorry Fox, you WERE good. Zero Suit Samus? WTH? Well, her placing came from the tournament, where one or two players manged to use her quite well and place high. Her attacks can knockout and ZSS is quite agile. Kirby = Nuff said. Vast improvement over Melee Kirby with stronger attacks. Okay, not enough said. "KIRBY+BEARD also = WIN!!" Ike is next and w... "WHAT? Ike up in Middle?" A few of the tournament players managed to get through with Ike, and although slow and unpredictable, I suppose Ike would be pretty killer if the player could read ahead. Pikachu comes in after with his Thunder and nice attacks (down smash, for eg.). Diddy Kong pops in after with his agility and nice moveset. Ice Climbers sneaks in at number 9, because not having enough experience with them is a cruel crime, and they're reported to be good. TIER LIST IS NOW OFFICIAL STUPID. Oh dear ;__;

Low Tier (or what I had for Breakfast List)
-Peach's ***
-Sonic and The Black Knight
-Ash (Doh... err... Pokemon Trainer)

Why, Mr. Noob?: Firstly, my surname isn't n00b (or should it be?). Luigi goes on top of this section because of his agility, nice attacks and the fact that HE IS WEEEEEGEEE!!! Ganondorf comes nex- WAIT, WTF? Well, I haven't vouched this for myself, but a few of the tournament people I have met tell me that if you play firmly on the ground (and read moves), Ganondorf is a force to be reckoned with. The results (strangely) did not lie, but I need to start controversy with this list, don't I? Peach comes in after with her good variety of attacks and nice damage. Ness feels very watered down, although his moveset is somewhat better than Lucas'. Sheik makes it 5th due to her (his?) speed. Sonic sneaks ahead of Mario due to his speed and due to Neutral B spam!!! Screw you Sonic. Mario slides underneath, with his F.L.U.D.D a good but mostly useless strategic move. PT's Pokemon as individuals would be varied, but as a unit PT's reliance on all three styles are what make PT too much of a hassle to bother with. Notice my tone for the characters is getting less spectacular. Bowser squeaks into the last spot with his strength and the always entertaining Bowseri-cide! "Goodbye, cruel adventure game! Eh forget it," said Guybrush Threepwood. Wait, he's not in the game. Eh, forget it.

Bottom Tier ("Quick! Call the Number for 911!")
-JigglypuffFFFWOAAAAR (*gets killed by Giant Jigglypuff)
-Manly Pink Falcon
-Link (He come to TOWN!)
-Samus ("Mei Ling, Samus took her clothes off!")
-Yoshi ;__;

Why, Mr. Noob?: And the winners of the losers list (OXYMORON ZOMG!) are pretty much the same, just in different order. Jigglypuff still has her uses, with the Neutral B and Down B moves still effective, even if NERFED life crazy. Plus her aerial game is pretty good. Captain Falcon is still as MANLY as ever, with the "Sweet Knee" and reversible "FALCON... PAAAUUUNCH!!!" good assets to the shadow of the character Falcon used to be. Link manages to keep off the bottom with his decent Smashes, bombs and Ocarina of Time. Samus almost loses it, refusing to take her clothes off unless getting a Smash Ball, and her relatively weak mix-up of attacks and movesets.

And finally, Yoshi is down in the bottom. I'm going to get eaten by the Yoshi-mongers, but really, his tournament results, range/mix of moves and shoddy recovery are few reasons to why he is constantly feeding near the bottom.

/end rant of n00b. Room celebrates.

And that is my very badly made tier list. Bah, stop complaining you guys and at least hear a list from the point-of-view of a n00b. I have no problems with you guys pointing out what's wrong with my list, as long as you discuss it in a nice and intelligent way. I'll gladly accept what you say (seeing as how you guys play it with more passion than I), but for potential flamers: THIS ISN'T A SERIOUS LIST. I am just a n00b after all :p .

Use of n00b count: OVER NINE THOUSAND! (sigh, more internet memes).

Thank you for your attention. ^_^. Credit to Xivi for the wonderful tier guide 10+ pages back.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
*stares at Mr. Noob*

Not a good tier list. Falco and Pika Middle? Yoshi last? Ganondorf low? Link bottom? Falcon not the worst? Snake not in God Tier?



Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
Well the majority of the characters seem to be in the right tiers in my opinion. Ganon is bottom though (no hate, I second/main him, but he sucks >_<)
Some shifting around with in each tier is needed though in my opinion.
Good job anyway.

On a separate note, it seems like we already really know where people are gonna end up, so I don't see too much point to this. I mean, iterating that Snake is top tier on every page is just...kinda..meh.


Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2008
Yeh, admittedly a few of my choices were forced because EVERYone's put it like that (Snake and Meta Knight >_<).

A lot of the weirder placements (Ike in Middle, Falco and Pika for example) were based off entirely on how well (surprisingly) they did/sucked in the Nintendo of Australia Brawl tournament. I agree to many of the other lists that Ike should be lower, Falco and Pika should be higher, but they didn't perform as well as I expected them to be.

Granted, I haven't been to many tournaments (seeing as how it only just came out in PAL territories) but thanks for the feedback guys. Also, Jumpman, I DID say it was going to be n00by. It was a post that designed to spoof my n00by nature :p

Edit: Darn you guys reply fast >_<. Tim, note the line "(as of writing this post)". I didn't have a sig/avatar yet :p.


Smash Rookie
Sep 5, 2007
I know no one likes a Grammar Nazi; but Corey, "too" is an adverb, for in the example you provided "too" modified an adjective.

Personally, I think Lucas and Ness differ enough in playstyle to allow at least a moderate gap, though 1.5 tiers is extreme. I'd place both in the lower half of middle tier, but what do I know with my minuscule post count and lack of true meta-game experience?


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2008
Don't go off topic and start talking about tiers Pope, this thread is about mocking noobs and yoshi mains... and the occasional grammatical ******.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
When talking about its and it's:
'Its' is a possessive word. "Its place is here. Its coming right for us!"
'It's' is a contraction of the word it and is. "It's going to get dark soon. To think, it's possible."
Remember this song:
If it's possessive, it's just I T S. If it's a contraction, it's I T APOSTROPHE S.

Hopefully. this will help some people.
I'm really sorry Corey, your post was needed, but if you are gonna be a grammar nazi then do it right...

"It IS coming right for us." aka "IT'S coming right for us".

And to everyone else, just because he made a mistake doesn't mean you can post like *******. Proper grammar would be very nice


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
It helps people understand what you are saying. This way, we don't waste meaningless posts going, "LOL wut ded u meen buy that thar post u maid liek abuv this 1."


Apr 10, 2008
*stares at Mr. Noob*

Not a good tier list. Falco and Pika Middle? Yoshi last? Ganondorf low? Link bottom? Falcon not the worst? Snake not in God Tier?

Falcon is not the worst character in brawl. He's better than Ganondoof and Jiggs.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
Falcon is not the worst character in brawl.
I agree, I have been using falcon the last week or so and when my friend came over for some matches I surprised the hell out of him by mopping up one of his secondaries with falcon
(his main still beat me though)

He is a bit worse of a smasher than I am, but not by much.

The problem with falcon is that his timing is really screwy and some of his best moves seem to lose to a jab. :|

But you can get around this with practice. I really think he is better than link and yoshi as well as Ganon and Jiggs.
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