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Official Brawl Tier Discussion (OP Updated)

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Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
one reason that I dislike this discussion is the bias people present by their own mains
I main Fox (in Brawl), but I don't think he deserves anything other than mediocrity (he's good but not that great this go around). As far as tiers are concerned, I don't even know where he should be placed in the scheme of things. A lot of people in this thread have been putting him in a hypothetical middle-ish tier and that IS agreeable, but that's just it. It's agreeable. Not set in stone, not absolute. Just something I absently nod my head at and relate to. I'll wait until the actual results are in before I really pass judgment.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
wow, seriously, stop trying to prove yoshi is anything but suck. he doesnt have a third jump. that automatically should make him be botom tier. on top of that, the really only good thing he can do is RAR pretty well, but that only gets you so far because luckily for your opponent they also have a shield and can grab the crap out of you after your legnthy back air. yoshi will never be anything but botom tier along with gannon. i think falcon and ganon should be bumped above him just because of the fact that they both have a third jump.
XD this is the stupidest thing I have ever read on these boards. With this logic, Olimar is the worst character in the game. Yoshi has SA in his second jump, and his second jump will almost always make it back to the stage. If it doesn't make it back, he gets a small boost with his eggs.

Have you ever actually played against a Yoshi before?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2005
Small hole, looks nice though~
one reason that I dislike this discussion is the bias people present by their own mains
im not really bias,i main Fox,second as IC,and Yoshi third,as far as my main and second's placement,im ok with(not so much for fox tho)yoshi is.....well,not good,but at the same time not bad,the problem with this topic is the people who bash him no nothing about him.if it were up to me,yoshi would be dead middle....with sheik


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2008

Have you ever actually played against a Yoshi before?
No, but I bet he's played a meta -_-

[I'm new to the forums, so where would i go about finding a current teir list? Or do we not have one yet? If so, can i find a ***. (<<<< not the ethnic slur) teir list?]


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
who said that I wanted him in mid tier? Or higher for that matter? I didn't state the placement Yoshi should have (you should read my post better). I said that if people cannot back their arguments up on why Yoshi is bottom tier (which hell he's not) then to not post stupid claims that have been argued and been proven wrong.

You want tourney results? We have about 3 yoshi mainers placing in the top 8 this summer (ankoku hasn't fully added all the points). With all the points, if they were added in, he'd be in 33rd right now, with about 5.7 points.

You want my argument? Go back about 50 pages, or better yet, use the search engine about my posts I made here.

You want a vid? Well, get your *** on youtube and use search. The current best that you can look at are Me (though I don't really count since online doesn't mean much), Mmac, Pride, Burnstocks, and some others that I may not know. Heck, look at the japenese players. They play Yoshi, so you should get an idea of what Yoshi is capable of.

And before you pull out the, "Well, his matchups all suck bawlz" go to the Yoshi forums for the inprogress, matchups. That matchup thread in the tactical discussion is a waste since it isn't even being updated anymore.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
who said that I wanted him in mid tier? Or higher for that matter? I didn't state the placement Yoshi should have (you should read my post better). I said that if people cannot back their arguments up on why Yoshi is bottom tier (which hell he's not) then to not post stupid claims that have been argued and been proven wrong.

You want tourney results? We have about 3 yoshi mainers placing in the top 8 this summer (ankoku hasn't fully added all the points). With all the points, if they were added in, he'd be in 33rd right now, with about 5.7 points.

You want my argument? Go back about 50 pages, or better yet, use the search engine about my posts I made here.

You want a vid? Well, get your *** on youtube and use search. The current best that you can look at are Me (though I don't really count since online doesn't mean much), Mmac, Pride, Burnstocks, and some others that I may not know. Heck, look at the japenese players. They play Yoshi, so you should get an idea of what Yoshi is capable of.

And before you pull out the, "Well, his matchups all suck bawlz" go to the Yoshi forums for the inprogress, matchups. That matchup thread in the tactical discussion is a waste since it isn't even being updated anymore.
This wins the thread. *sips Coke*

Deleted member

Bigman, what r u talkinz0rz aboot. YOshee has bayd matchups, everyone beatas him badly he has 2-8 matchups with everyyy1. Ankokous listing shows every tournament obviously, and yoshi has nevr w0n. He has a bad recovery and now third jump, and all yoshi ma1nerz r dummies.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
I'm going to give all of you a hint.

Tier position does not ****ing matter.

You can all go back to your regularly schedules lunacy now.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
2 be honest, idk wth i'm talkin bout man. I just play da dino cause he gotz dem nikes that he signed up wit yo. Like, Yoshi was neva good in anything cept lickin **** dawg. Even Mario jumped off da dino when he ain't needed da foo anymo.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
It's been at least ten pages since anyone has said that. It's good to have these people back.

Also, bigman = whitest guy since Tom Hanks
That's not what I meant, but you're free to interpret it that way.

What I meant was it's hilarious to see people arguing for their mains to be higher on a tier list, when that position is only, in fact, a position on a list; It doesn't affect what happens in actual play, especially considering this is Brawl, and you could win to your opponent tripping into an Fsmash, or on a platform receding into a blastzone. As well, people have been winning with low tiers (Azen much?) for a long time, so that's another notch on the belt.

Tier lists don't do anything for tourneys; Instead, you could have spent your time arguing about rulesets and stage lists, but I think we're already pretty much done with that. So you can have fun here, arguing about your opinions of the metagame, while the results speak for themselves.
Mar 25, 2008
Coppell TX
who said that I wanted him in mid tier? Or higher for that matter? I didn't state the placement Yoshi should have (you should read my post better). I said that if people cannot back their arguments up on why Yoshi is bottom tier (which hell he's not) then to not post stupid claims that have been argued and been proven wrong.

I have a whole arsenal of Copypasta at the ready, if you wanna go we can do this **** all night long. I will win, I do not lose period.

You want tourney results? We have about 3 yoshi mainers placing in the top 8 this summer (ankoku hasn't fully added all the points). With all the points, if they were added in, he'd be in 33rd right now, with about 5.7 points.

Key word right now is if, and 33rd isn't impressive in it's own right anyway amd certainly not enough to warrant a complete re-evaluation of any other facets. Plus for the most part these seem to be some pretty small time tournaments.

You want my argument? Go back about 50 pages, or better yet, use the search engine about my posts I made here.

Ok, it would be pretty outdated by now

You want a vid? Well, get your *** on youtube and use search. The current best that you can look at are Me (though I don't really count since online doesn't mean much), Mmac, Pride, Burnstocks, and some others that I may not know. Heck, look at the japenese players. They play Yoshi, so you should get an idea of what Yoshi is capable of.

Have already done

And before you pull out the, "Well, his matchups all suck bawlz" go to the Yoshi forums for the inprogress, matchups. That matchup thread in the tactical discussion is a waste since it isn't even being updated anymore.

You claim some of us to be biased when that Thread has people who have the nads to think Yoshi goes even with MK? What? OF course his matchups are going to seem better there, but until I see actual tournament placing to back up all of this theory to a character who in most general areas Below average at best, we cannot say that his matchups are any much better to warrant him out of Bottom or Low in Low.

The Bottom line is, WE NEED MOAR TOURNAMENT RESULTS TO BASE DATA OFF OF, Espiacially in the case of this enigma called Yoshi

Comments in Bold


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Yoshi is the biggest egg-laying dinopimp in Brawl that comes in several naturally and artificially flavored fruit flavors. Can any other character honestly make that claim?
well ness comes in a bumblebee suit, so that makes him automatically jump up a tier? oh, and when im using the bumblebee suit, and i use my Bair i act like im stinging someone, so then that means with the added coolness factor ness should be high tier right?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2005
Small hole, looks nice though~
thats all we need but cant really obtain until we see viable results,yoshi is an temporary incomplete character because of the LACK OF DATA we possess


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
well ness comes in a bumblebee suit, so that makes him automatically jump up a tier? oh, and when im using the bumblebee suit, and i use my Bair i act like im stinging someone, so then that means with the added coolness factor ness should be high tier right?
I love how you completely ignored Big's (and practically everyone else's) posts about Yoshi.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
I love how you completely ignored Big's (and practically everyone else's) posts about Yoshi.
well its not hard, i just don't care about the big stupid dinosaur, i mean, if i run across a yoshi in tourney play i don't really worry too much about it really at all, because he just isnt good, and u can't resist that bumblebee asstastic *** attack that ness gots, it totally beats anything yoshi can do.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
You claim some of us to be biased when that Thread has people who have the nads to think Yoshi goes even with MK? What? OF course his matchups are going to seem better there, but until I see actual tournament placing to back up all of this theory to a character who in most general areas Below average at best, we cannot say that his matchups are any much better to warrant him out of Bottom or Low in Low.
Where did I say I was calling someone biased? Please read my posts correctly. I SAID that either make debatable claims, or shut the **** up. Claims that have been brought up for the 100th time are not needed if they have been proven wrong. Note, I did not say ALL claims. And for the matchups, they've been disscussed with other mains in other baords >_> You haven't backed anything to counter that.

I agree to the fact that we do not have enough results to prove the newer claims we've made. However, I never said he is mid. I only said low tier, and not bottom tier....

well its not hard, i just don't care about the big stupid dinosaur, i mean, if i run across a yoshi in tourney play i don't really worry too much about it really at all, because he just isnt good, and u can't resist that bumblebee asstastic *** attack that ness gots, it totally beats anything yoshi can do.
This is the prime example of why it's annoying when someone comes and makes a claim like this. I'm not going to even attempt countering cause you have yet to answer my post.

EDIT: and BTW, keep your own opinons to yourself. It makes you look like an ***.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
well its not hard, i just don't care about the big stupid dinosaur, i mean, if i run across a yoshi in tourney play i don't really worry too much about it really at all, because he just isnt good, and u can't resist that bumblebee asstastic *** attack that ness gots, it totally beats anything yoshi can do.

So when someone posts the proof you were asking for, you just ignore it? If Ness actually tried a Bair (I think that's what you mean by bumblebee asstastic *** attack) then Yoshi could just pivot grab him. Just saying


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA

So when someone posts the proof you were asking for, you just ignore it? If Ness actually tried a Bair (I think that's what you mean by bumblebee asstastic *** attack) then Yoshi could just pivot grab him. Just saying
lol, i read all the posts, i didn't find any proof, just alot of yoshi fanboys, and alot of yoshi haters yelling at each other about a tier placement, but u can't pivot grab the asstastic *** attack, its unbeatable.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
I love how you completely ignored Big's (and practically everyone else's) posts about Yoshi.
They always do man. They always do. And if they don't they simply respond with something that resembles, "Not good enough." *Sigh* I mean. It's not like we actually have proof that we post a million times, mostly overlooked or "Not good enough", or that we actually know how to use our main. Because it wouldn't make any sense if we did. Of course. -_-;

So here's my simple solution so that everyone can be happy. (The following is not aimed at jump_man. It's just how I feel about all this crap. Bias is around for and AGAINST characters.)

**** the **** list and have fun with the game!

I hate it when I sound like that but that's the only way people listen on here. *Waits to be ignored or to reiceve bull****. I always do on here.*


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Oh yeah. gantrain05, you owe me $50

Also, Yoshi vs. MK is a pretty even Matchup NSS. Just because it's in a Yoshi Board doesn't make it biased. If we discussed it in... say here... We would get the same result except with 90% more hating.

Kinda like whats happening now


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2006
Columbia SC
**** NO he is not, and I've played both specs at 70.

BTW WotLK is going to be amazing PvE wise for Paladins, It'll be lolholy instead of lolret, I promise >_>.
yeah he is he is discriminated against just like Ret and Prot and you know it

I do agree that ret is looking real good in WoTLK as well as prot


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
so was the melee tier list ever fully determined? i was always hearing that it was changing. first fox was on top, then falco, then sheik, then marth, then back to sheik, then back ot marth....etc.


Smash Lord
May 15, 2008
Yoshi is like a WoW....... Erm, a broken Mage with no spec? Sorry, I had to.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2008
gantrain05 is ovbiously a troll adding nothing to this topic,also i dont really care for WoW(feel free to chop my head off)
*chops off... a big slice of HUG*

I hate WoW too.

Yoshi is bottom tier, and so is The Captain. Just play the game and leave your fanboy crap to the yoshi boards.


Smash Lord
May 15, 2008
*chops off... a big slice of HUG*

I hate WoW too.

Yoshi is bottom tier, and so is The Captain. Just play the game and leave your fanboy crap to the yoshi boards.
That's not fair. Ivy is considered to be one of the worst characters in the game, and I'm sure that you would defend it, as would the Yoshi board with with Yoshi.
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