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Official Brawl Tier Discussion (OP Updated)

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Smash Champion
May 26, 2007
Brampton Ontario, Canada
Yoshi isn't hard to play.

How well yoshi does depends on 2 things Match ups and skill.
Yoshi has enough OK match ups that he can go to top of Low Tier and bottom of Mid Tier if he is very lucky.
otherwise he's near/at the bottom of the Low Tier.

Anyways this thread needs more Jigglypuff hate.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
Can someone please give a clear definition of a "tier list" or "tier placement" so we can shut up all of the noobs who keep saying their character is top tier?
tier lists are lists that define the rank of a character in the event that every character be played perfectly with the same skill in a one on one match. So, let's say for example that Snake is top tier and Sonic is low tier (I don't believe Sonic's low tier, but let's just say that for argument's sake.). If two people of equal skill play this match (Snake vs. Sonic) and they play perfectly (impossible, I know), then Snake is favored to win the match. Also, If Snake is supposed to play a gauntlet of matches against players of equal skill and perfection, he'll likely win more matches than Sonic doing the same gauntlet against the same characters.

Tiers can theoretically exist in every game where there's multiple playable characters because the fact of the matter is that characters are generally created with who the character is in mind, not how they can use a certain way the game is programmed or developed (be it physics, animation frames, etc.). Unfortunately, no game is perfect, and unless a game goes through years and years of testing specifically to balance characters and make sure that no one charater is more beast than another or that no one character can use the way a game is made to have an advantage, tiers will exist.


Top Tier:
Whoever you play the best as/pwn with

Mid Tier:
Whoever you're ok with

Low Tier:
Whoever you suck the most with

Nothing denies this tier list. NOTHING.
And as far as I'm concerned, this is a true statement... if Snake is high up on an "official" tier list, then by no means should you pick Snake if you've been beastin on people with DK, Sonic, Yoshi, or any other "low tier" character. You're better off learning your character to its fullest potential and learn WHY YOUR CHARACTER IS LOW TIER. I used to be just as ignorant until I saw the website about that explained imperfect programming, ut I forgot what it was.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
This is how this entire thread is going down.

People say Yoshi Bottom Tier. Yoshi's Disagree = Arguement
Yoshi's Say that Yoshi should be placed Higher Low Tier/Lower Low-Mid. People Disagree = Arguement
Everyone else use this thread as a personal Chat Room = Off Topicness

Nobody is saying that Yoshi should be in High/Top/God/Brokenz/Cookie Tier. I fact I bet not a single person in this entire thread placed Yoshi no higher than Mid Tier


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
This is how this entire thread is going down.

People say Yoshi Bottom Tier. Yoshi's Disagree = Arguement
Yoshi's Say that Yoshi should be placed Higher Low Tier/Lower Low-Mid. People Disagree = Arguement
Everyone else use this thread as a personal Chat Room = Off Topicness

Nobody is saying that Yoshi should be in High/Top/God/Brokenz/Cookie Tier. I fact I bet not a single person in this entire thread placed Yoshi no higher than Mid Tier
Yoshi is bottom tier.
You can still play him despite that fact. No one's stopping you.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
This is how this entire thread is going down.

People say Yoshi Bottom Tier. Yoshi's Disagree = Arguement
Yoshi's Say that Yoshi should be placed Higher Low Tier/Lower Low-Mid. People Disagree = Arguement
Everyone else use this thread as a personal Chat Room = Off Topicness

Nobody is saying that Yoshi should be in High/Top/God/Brokenz/Cookie Tier. I fact I bet not a single person in this entire thread placed Yoshi no higher than Mid Tier
Exactly. It's honestly not about him being the best, he's just not the cream of the crap. Every character has a obstacle to overcome. How this is done depends the player.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
Alright so the East coast is overrun by Snake's with some metaknights and Lucarios. The west coast is overrun with Dededee's then Snake's and Metaknights. Then you have the south and midwest, neither of them seem to be even playing the same game. Can someone confirm that they are in fact playing brawl? Where are the snake and metaknights in those regions?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2008
You know, some character communities actually want their characters to be low tier. Right now, apparently, some Yoshi users are saying that Yoshi shouldn't be bottom. He should instead be in low, mid, or cookie.

Well, about a month after the game came out, in the Diddy Kong forums I believe (I main so many characters that I forget which one it was. It might have been in Pikachu forums), there was a thread about how they were hoping that Diddy/Pikachu/Whatever was in low tier.

I was completely of this mindset. Basically, I didn't want Diddy to be top or high tier, because then there would be a massive influx of noobs shouting "TEACH MEH DIDY PLX!" So I saw some one's tier list from somewhere that had Diddy in low tier, and I was actually happy about it.

Moral of the story: there is no moral. I just thought I would share this story with you.


Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
I've been playing Yoshi a bit more in the past couple weeks and while I am by no means good with him I can see him being a bit higher in the low tier if not low mid. He has some decent range with his Usmash and Fsmash and Dair, Uair, Bair, and Fair are all decent for juggling, comboing, and spiking IMO. What kills Yoshi is his garbage shield. He can't really shield grab because when he gets hit in his egg he slides and his throw is garbage anyways. Not to mention the shield just seems laggy coming into the egg and coming out. Anyone else kinda feel this way?

Blistering Speed

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Dot Dot Dash Dot
Well, he can pivot grab to eliminate this lag. Going into shield I believe is the same as normal but coming out is laggier then everyone else, it is for this reason that Yoshi can't jump out of his shield.
Mar 25, 2008
Coppell TX
Alright so the East coast is overrun by Snake's with some metaknights and Lucarios. The west coast is overrun with Dededee's then Snake's and Metaknights. Then you have the south and midwest, neither of them seem to be even playing the same game. Can someone confirm that they are in fact playing brawl? Where are the snake and metaknights in those regions?
West coast I see more Warios than anything else >_>.

And yeah, the Southwest and Midwest seem to have the most overall character balance.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Alright so the East coast is overrun by Snake's with some metaknights and Lucarios. The west coast is overrun with Dededee's then Snake's and Metaknights. Then you have the south and midwest, neither of them seem to be even playing the same game. Can someone confirm that they are in fact playing brawl? Where are the snake and metaknights in those regions?
Midwest, bleh. I think we have one-ish Snake here. I've seen vids of a Diddy, Zelda, Mario, and Lucario. We're just a grab bag.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Wtf samus in melee is not easy. And stop making it sound like yoshi is like increadibly difficult to play. He isnt. Hard to win with=/= hard to play.

So where are ICs ending up these days. Id say they should be high. Great approach (Sh blizzard), cgs obviously, good kill moves, nana isnt as ******** in brawl (tho still pretty dumb), i think the only thing holding them back is getting nana killed, which against a good IC is easier said than done.
I didn't say Yoshi was incredibly hard. I was saying that he was hard to win with, not that equals the same thing. And the first thing I said when I got here was maining Yoshi is a breeze for me. Why would I make him sound hard right after that.

Samus in Melee was pretty easy for me, but I didn't play competitively. I didn't say she was easy for everyone.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Alright so the East coast is overrun by Snake's with some metaknights and Lucarios. The west coast is overrun with Dededee's then Snake's and Metaknights. Then you have the south and midwest, neither of them seem to be even playing the same game. Can someone confirm that they are in fact playing brawl? Where are the snake and metaknights in those regions?
It depends on region too... New England is mostly Snake, NY is mostly Dedede.

And there aren't really many Lucarios anywhere, at least ones that are good. You'd find maybe 1-2 per region.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Greater Toronto Area, Ontario
I dunno what it's like here in Ontario, 'cause I can't find a tourney near my house... I plays as Marth, and Sheik though.
I live in ontario also,
Theres alot of MKs
But im pretty sure our top tourny winner is Wario atm.
I also seen quite a bit of Falcos recently

Imma go try to watch T9 on Sunday (not participate because im cool like that) and see if any yoshi's entered.
If none, than it doesn't mean yoshi's are losing.
see you there :p


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2008
Id say the south is alot of metaknight,snake and r.o.b.... with a good bit of falcos and some g & w.... there arent that many warios or dededes . Id say pit,ike,ice climbers are more popular here than other regions... and marth is probly about the same...


Apr 10, 2008
I've seen a bunch of MKs, lucarios, and GaWs in the south. It gets old fast.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2008
Stilly, MN
Why the HELL is everybody putting samus in bottom tier.. not to be a ***** and try to defend the character I use but seriously,have any of you used samus or played a decent one? best approach in game, 2nd best projectiles in game, some of the best stuff to do oos in game.. wth

and not to mention her spike is one of the best in game for consistancy, watch a good samus and thats pretty much the main kill move.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
I'm the only Yoshi in my area. (Yoshi Mains: The Few and the Proud.) If I fight another F@&King Ike, MK, Fox, Pikachu(the spammer kind) or Toon link, I'll off Yoshi before the match starts. Give me a Luigi, Zelda/shiek, or a Falco for goodness. I'm even begging to play against a Marth for crying out loud! Need something new to Egg Bag.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
best approach in game,
No I mean seriously, her Zair is meant for spacing not approaching.
2nd best projectiles in game,
Link, Falco, Fox, Wolf , Toon Link, DDD, and several other characters would like ot have a word with you.

Her projectiles suck.
some of the best stuff to do oos in game.. wth
That goes to MK and several other characters that beat her out in what they can do OOS.
and not to mention her spike is one of the best in game for consistancy, watch a good samus and thats pretty much the main kill move.
Except considering the fact all spikes are meteors it can be canaled let alone the difficulty in landing the spike.
Yeah its good, but its difficult to land.

If not bottom tier she is low-low tier.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
2nd best projectiles in the game???? Hardly Jing.....I'll give it to Samus for projectile variety but some of her projectiles are completely useless...

Like charge shot. I think I'll stay in 1 spot and let a fully charged charge shot bounce off my hylian shield. Then I will taunt you afterwards.

The only thing samus is really has is a lot of options when it comes to recovering horizontally and a very good zair. Her fast fall sux so plan to get hit on the way down if your recovering vertically.

I wish yoshi could eat falco's lasers and other annoying projectiles and poop them out into eggs. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.

Yoshi Kirishima

Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2007
Rochester Hills
If Yoshi even go popular, it wouldn't stop Snake from killing him, let alone other people better than him. That's why he is low. Personal influence will always obstruct this, but with Yoshi, and in this game, it seems to be very slight.
Actually if you're talking about how they'd place, if you're talking about Ankoku's Chars Ranking List, actually Yoshi would be a lot higher than Snake due to the amount of Yoshis. For example: if 1000 yoshis placed top8, they'd still have a lot more points and therefore be higher than Snake, where may be 50 players all placed with him as top1. (Just would liike to point that out)

snake, MK
D3, Gaw, ROB, Marth, Falco
Wario, Tink, Pikachu, Wolf, Pit
Olimar, Diddy, Lucario, DK, IC, Kirby, Fox, Zelda, Luigi, ZSS
Lucas, Sonic, Shiek, Ness, Peach
Mario, Bowser, PT, Yoshi
Falcon, Puff, Link, Samus

guise, agree?

If the first post is a YES then this thread is done.
Thats a pretty good list. At first I thought you were putting TrashGOD as a char for fun, until now i realize that's a tier... lol.

You know, some character communities actually want their characters to be low tier. Right now, apparently, some Yoshi users are saying that Yoshi shouldn't be bottom. He should instead be in low, mid, or cookie.

Well, about a month after the game came out, in the Diddy Kong forums I believe (I main so many characters that I forget which one it was. It might have been in Pikachu forums), there was a thread about how they were hoping that Diddy/Pikachu/Whatever was in low tier.

I was completely of this mindset. Basically, I didn't want Diddy to be top or high tier, because then there would be a massive influx of noobs shouting "TEACH MEH DIDY PLX!" So I saw some one's tier list from somewhere that had Diddy in low tier, and I was actually happy about it.

Moral of the story: there is no moral. I just thought I would share this story with you.

DARN IT!!! i forgot all about this 'strategy'. Lol. I'll stop and see Yoshi be lower, and try to have some fun until the real tier list or until the real tier list starts placing Yoshi a lot higher or something.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2008
Stilly, MN
No I mean seriously, her Zair is meant for spacing not approaching.

Link, Falco, Fox, Wolf , Toon Link, DDD, and several other characters would like ot have a word with you.

Her projectiles suck.

That goes to MK and several other characters that beat her out in what they can do OOS.

Except considering the fact all spikes are meteors it can be canaled let alone the difficulty in landing the spike.
Yeah its good, but its difficult to land.

If not bottom tier she is low-low tier.

except considering the fact that you like pretty much anyone have never used samus. lol..


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Why the HELL is everybody putting samus in bottom tier.. not to be a ***** and try to defend the character I use but seriously,have any of you used samus or played a decent one? best approach in game, 2nd best projectiles in game, some of the best stuff to do oos in game.. wth

and not to mention her spike is one of the best in game for consistancy, watch a good samus and thats pretty much the main kill move.
Corey and lobelia are gonna rip you a new one...

Both ex-samus, a person who switched mains in digust, and a person who quit Brawl specifically because of what they did to Samus respectively.

They're the ones who are saying Samus is bottom tier, worst of the worst, because they have the expirience in top level play and see what they did to her after melee.

The rest of us tend to say low tier.

I think they overreact a bit, but in principal they're good, Samus was nerfed horribly from melee, and is an extremely bad character now.

Oh, and before she quit lobelia was considered one of the best samus players around, so don't say that she doesn't have the expirience to judge, you're asking to get hurt.

lol thats what i was thinking.
also i like how no one noticed it's missing Ike.

Ike isn't important!!!!

j/k, we like Ike!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2007
Kinda funny how at first no one really bothered to rank Snake in the highest of tiers, now look at him.

Keep up the good work!
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