Well spoken Grim Lizard, and I agree.
However, there is one point I wish to make.
TP was a 'core-game'. Yet I must say it was FAR too easy. Seriously - WAY to **** easy as far as combat (and even some puzzles) were concerned. The reason this is like that is because Nintendo wants to create a large audience as we all know. If ANYONE can play it, and beat it - mission accomplished. The masses will enjoy it, because billy joe down the road who's 8, can go up to Mr. Cool gamer and say "I BEAT IT, I BEAT IT!!" Game creators on Nintendo's side are TOLD this - "Make the game friendly to everyone" because that's the new direction.
Now, I'm not saying Smash will be too easy, or won't be deep, or won't deliver etc... But I am saying that it's no impossible either. As much as Sakurai would LOVE to make a truly deep game, he WORKS for Nintendo; he's GOTTA do what they say... and if they say "Remove the dodging technique; it's too hard for everyone to use" (lol so not gonna happen, but it's an example!!) then that's what Sakurai's gotta do. I have faith, I know this game won't disappoint - but you never know. Again, look at TP. I thought it would of course be pretty challeging - all new. Now I'm going through again with 3 hearts just to get a challenge. Great great great game regardless, though.
It's very important to remember one important trend that Nintendo follows:
The games may LOOK like they're for kids, but they play like they're for the hardcore. Games like mario, Zelda, Smash all can LOOK somewhat childish (some argue not, that's fine too) but they truly PLAY like dreams, and I can seldom find games elsewhere that deliver that fun, gameplay, and intricacy that Nintendo often offers. I wear TP shirts around and people ask me "You're STILL into that?" because they belive 'games are for kids', they view games asthetically and do not understand the depth to these games. I'm 19, and I'm still interested in Nintendo games - and since I perfer to think of myself as intillectual - there's a good reason for it. Fun fun fun fun fun, gameplay gameplay gameply...
Anyways, that's all lol.