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.:: Official Brawl Info Thread ::. (Mod's Close)

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Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam
Ridley, King DeDeDe, Captain Falcon (a MUST), Diddy Kong, Sonic would be sweet...baby bowser too...and yea...Paper Mario
i agree on all of those except for paper mario. imo we dont need any more than one mario. and u forgot ww link. he needs to take young links place, and he could definitely have a unique moveset based on the wind waker game(hammer, grappling hook, etc)
edit: @sariku: true i forgot we were dealing with a mastermind lol
and i agree. no shadow mario. shadow mario=phail

teh pr0

Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2007
Ellicott City, MD || UMD, College Park
oooo...Twilight Princess link...can transform into wolf and pwn noobs. Didn't know we already had icon for falcon though, thats good. I just want a big roster of people...like Jump Ultimate Stars lololol...like 300 characters in that one. In that case...I def wouldn't have a social life ...for a while. I feel like my finals are going down the sh*thole already


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
oooo...Twilight Princess link...can transform into wolf and pwn noobs. Didn't know we already had icon for falcon though, thats good. I just want a big roster of people...like Jump Ultimate Stars lololol...like 300 characters in that one. In that case...I def wouldn't have a social life ...for a while. I feel like my finals are going down the sh*thole already
Yeah, look at the Samurai Goro update. The Falcon Logo.

No Wolf Link... Please.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Dedede is likely because he's supposed to have gotten in since the original, plus he's Sakurai's own creation, and it's now or never for him to get in.

how is olimar more realistic than sonic? or lucario? they are way more likely than freakin olimar. granted, i dont know what bowser jr.'s real chances are, but sonic and lucario are very good candidates and would have alot more going for them than...... olimar.
idk ive played pikmin b4 and olimars kinda wierd, i mean what can he really do?
Olimar is more realistic than any 3rd party because Nintendo owns him. He's a new series since Melee came out, and there is a 99% chance of a Pikmin game for the Wii (based on a comment by Miyamoto). He was also one of the top 5-10 characters based on Sakurai's polls. All of that with the fact that he could be more unique than any other character make him one of the top contenders for a spot in Brawl.

What Olimar "can do" is also what sets him apart from every other fighter. I don't see him having really many physical attacks like punches and kicks, but most of his moves would involve using Pikmin. That would make him an amazingly unique character. He could use them in a variety of ways, and there are also 5 different types with different abilities. They could easily use their imaginations to come up with a moveset.
Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam
Olimar is more realistic than any 3rd party because Nintendo owns him. He's a new series since Melee came out, and there is a 99% chance of a Pikmin game for the Wii (based on a comment by Miyamoto). He was also one of the top 5-10 characters based on Sakurai's polls. All of that with the fact that he could be more unique than any other character make him one of the top contenders for a spot in Brawl.

What Olimar "can do" is also what sets him apart from every other fighter. I don't see him having really many physical attacks like punches and kicks, but most of his moves would involve using Pikmin. That would make him an amazingly unique character. He could use them in a variety of ways, and there are also 5 different types with different abilities. They could easily use their imaginations to come up with a moveset.
lol ive been pwned, ok ic now. ive been convinced. olimar would be cool. and i really did like those pikmin games. i guess we'll see. but stafy? dont count on it.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Stafy's just a hope. I think he would be really cool, but he isn't a "make it or break it" character. I just like him based on what I've seen from his games.
Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam
Stafy's just a hope. I think he would be really cool, but he isn't a "make it or break it" character. I just like him based on what I've seen from his games.
ya thats why i would also like to see a water pokemon in brawl, because theyre pretty cool from what ive seen, but its totally unlikely, because none of them are important or popular enough. i mean, what would the most likely one be? suicune? kyogre? theyre cool, but most likely will be pokeballs, so ya. no water pokemon :urg: so our best bet right now is lucario and blaziken
Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam
Stafy's just a hope. I think he would be really cool, but he isn't a "make it or break it" character. I just like him based on what I've seen from his games.
ya thats why i would also like to see a water pokemon in brawl, because theyre pretty cool from what ive seen, but its totally unlikely, because none of them are important or popular enough. i mean, what would the most likely one be? suicune? kyogre? theyre cool, but most likely will be pokeballs, so ya. no water pokemon :urg: so our best bet right now is lucario and blaziken
edit: dam it my computer is so gay


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
ya thats why i would also like to see a water pokemon in brawl, because theyre pretty cool from what ive seen, but its totally unlikely, because none of them are important or popular enough. i mean, what would the most likely one be? suicune? kyogre? theyre cool, but most likely will be pokeballs, so ya. no water pokemon :urg: so our best bet right now is lucario and blaziken
Why does everyone say Blaziken? Yes, hea awesome, but is he really that popular? He's about as popular as Charizard was, and we all saw what happened to him.
Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam
Why does everyone say Blaziken? Yes, hea awesome, but is he really that popular? He's about as popular as Charizard was, and we all saw what happened to him.
eh hes like a thousand times cooler than charizard was. and he's unique too. i mean ya, a big fire-breathing dragon/lizard is cool and all, but a totally awesome kicking fire chicken? count me in. he doesnt nearly have much of a chance as lucario does, but he's second best. so if they give us more than one pokemon newcomer, chances are that second pokemon will be blaziken.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
How about Poliwhirl, Squirtle or Bulbasaur? :p

I really wouldn't mind any of those, but I'm not an avid Pokemon fan either...
Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam
How about Poliwhirl, Squirtle or Bulbasaur? :p

I really wouldn't mind any of those, but I'm not an avid Pokemon fan either...
i dont think any1 is really, there are just some cool pokemon that would look good on the game. they need to make mewtwo badass. and blaziken and lucario? well, you can't get much better than the kicking fire chicken and the energy blasting dog lol


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!

Man I hate going against ya but:

Blaziken aint unique, Infernape has the same types as him, thus the only uniqueness he has is gone, most of the people that want him is because of the cool factor, because he looks awesome...

Charizard is far more popular, and a fliying fire dragon is more unique that a punching and kicking fire bird, at least for smash, since we already have a fire punching and kicking character, capt. falcon...

Besides what gives him rite to become playable? hes a starter like infernape, charizard and typlosion, why cant one of them be playable...



Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi

Man I hate going against ya but:

Blaziken aint unique, Infernape has the same types as him, thus the only uniqueness he has is gone, most of the people that want him is because of the cool factor, because he looks awesome...

Charizard is far more popular, and a fliying fire dragon is more unique that a punching and kicking fire bird, at least for smash, since we already have a fire punching and kicking character, capt. falcon...

Besides what gives him rite to become playable? hes a starter like infernape, charizard and typlosion, why cant one of them be playable...

-bows down to Stryks- Wow dude, you said it way better than me. But what about Lucario, what kind of chance does he have?
Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam

Man I hate going against ya but:

Blaziken aint unique, Infernape has the same types as him, thus the only uniqueness he has is gone, most of the people that want him is because of the cool factor, because he looks awesome...

Charizard is far more popular, and a fliying fire dragon is more unique that a punching and kicking fire bird, at least for smash, since we already have a fire punching and kicking character, capt. falcon...

Besides what gives him rite to become playable? hes a starter like infernape, charizard and typlosion, why cant one of them be playable...

naw its cool. i forgot about infernape lol. idk i just suppose blaze would be cool, but i guess its unlikely. lucario ftw.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
Well all I know about pokemon in Brawl is that Pikachu's in, Jigglypuff will probably be unlockable via shooting credits, and then maybe Pichu, and one more.

There are too many cool looking Pokemon to choose from in my opinion, but a water type would be freakin awesome.....like that penguin from the newest game....I don't know it's final evolution's name though ><


3DS Surfer
Jan 21, 2007
Akron, OH
Lucario's probably the sole new Pokemon character, replacing Pichu. I, unlike most people, believe that Mewtwo and Jigglypuff will return and that Pichu will be dropped altogether. No matter HOW popular Pokemon is, I just can't see more than 4 playable ones in Brawl. I mean, I play Pokemon EVERY DAY, it's not like I don't get my fix already.

Lucario's fighting style, though, has a few things in common with Mewtwo's Melee moveset, actually. His Aura Sphere behaves similar to Mewtwo's Shadow Ball, and his Metal Claw would resemble Mewtwo's Shadow Claw. However, since Lucario doesn't have telekinetic powers, he wouldn't float or teleport around, but would "feel" much more heavy and grounded, like Falco. Also, since Lucario's tail is very short and not suitable for so many of Mewtwo's attacks, all of his aerials and most of his tilts would be very different in appearance. Expect a lot of kicking and backhanding.

A cool Final Smash for Mewtwo would be a gigantic Psychic attack that hit all characters in a large circular radius for massive damage over a one to one and a half second span, with little to no knokback to compensate for the ease of preying on airborne foes.

A great FS for Jigglypuff would be having her inflate herself to about Bowser's size and then wildly bouncing around the arena, causing huge knockback but little damage, with incoming projectile attacks mostly just slowing her down or changing her direction.

Lucario, I admit, is hard to think of a decent FS for. A barrage of energy balls fired in many directions seems alright at best, considering the over-the-top nature of so many FSes. Likewise, one big Focus Blast attack would look a lot like Mario's FS. But then, what else is there? Hyper Beam? Dragon Pulse seems interesting in that it seems to incorperate some lightning or tornado effects when it hits in the Pokemon games.

Just my thoughts.

Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Mewtwo. Everyone else can go sit in a Pokeball.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
considering what we have left for the 3rd generation, blaziken is very likely. if any others happened to get in, i would have to say Heracross to replace pichu for 2nd generation. there is a bunch of potential for him. blaziken for 3rd gen, and lucario for 4th.

but considering the chances of pika, jiggs, and mewtwo, you can kick out the 2nd gen or 3rd gen


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2007
North Georgia
I feel sorry for all the Deoxys fans/fanboys who've been wanting Deoxys to be playable for some time now. Now they get the same treatment as Goroh. =(

I am pretty neutral about Deoxys, but I don't like how he uses Hyper Beam when he comes out of the pokeball. His full potential isn't even being used. I was hoping that if he comes out of a pokeball, he will change into any of his forms randomly, and attack the summoner's opponents in a variety of ways, depending on the form he's currently in. I feel Sakurai is pretty much wasting him.


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2007
New Hampshire
As long as any Mother 3 characters don't get the same treatment as Goroh and Deoxys i'm fine. Also IMO any Pokemon that appear in a smash game should be pokemon everyone or a huge majority of people know, and sadly Blaziken just isn't one of those pokemon (or Deoxys really) i mean when i hear "pokemon" i don't think of deoxys OR blaziken i think Pikachu and mewtwo aswell, so yeah theres my 2 cents ^^


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
As long as any Mother 3 characters don't get the same treatment as Goroh and Deoxys i'm fine. Also IMO any Pokemon that appear in a smash game should be pokemon everyone or a huge majority of people know, and sadly Blaziken just isn't one of those pokemon (or Deoxys really) i mean when i hear "pokemon" i don't think of deoxys OR blaziken i think Pikachu and mewtwo aswell, so yeah theres my 2 cents ^^
I 2nd that about Pokemon..
Also yeah.. Hopefully atleast one mother 3 character makes it as a playable. I'm hoping for Flint.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Also IMO any Pokemon that appear in a smash game should be pokemon everyone or a huge majority of people know, and sadly Blaziken just isn't one of those pokemon (or Deoxys really) i mean when i hear "pokemon" i don't think of deoxys OR blaziken i think Pikachu and mewtwo aswell, so yeah theres my 2 cents ^^
Agreed agreed agreed. That is so true. What the pokemon fanboys don't realize is that the "popular pokemon" are completely unknown to the average gamer, let alone the average person. I know most of the 1st gen, but I didn't know any 2nd gen until Melee came out and they appeared. I didn't know about Blaziken or any 3rd gen until people were talking about it here, and Deoxys and Lucario were completely unknown to me until a few months ago.

All that to say that most people will recognize 1st gen. Pokemon. Throw all the ones you want into pokeballs, but PCs are sacred for Pokemon. Pika, Jiggs, and M2...plus a couple new ones. Personally, I'd like another 1st gen PC, but I don't know if that's realistic.

I like the "daily" updates to the original post.
That is true...the last couple weeks are missing. Everything after ATs, I believe.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
I'd like another 1st gen PC, but I don't know if that's realistic.

1. Has a important role in the Pokemon anime series..
2. Supports Team Rocket.
3. Actually talks and has a personality.
4. Was in the films.
5. A moveset would be easy to create.
6. Is popular and is well known.. just like Pikachu.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
Nowadays there's too many pokemon to count, so I think first gen sounds like a good bet for where a new playable pokemon might come from...

I can't wait for Pit's final smash... *crosses fingers* tonight!...><


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007

1. Has a important role in the Pokemon anime series..
2. Supports Team Rocket.
3. Actually talks and has a personality.
4. Was in the films.
5. A moveset would be easy to create.
6. Is popular and is well known.. just like Pikachu.
wow, I totally forgot about Meowth....that's a great idea. I could see that happening

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004

1. Has a important role in the Pokemon anime series..
2. Supports Team Rocket.
3. Actually talks and has a personality.
4. Was in the films.
5. A moveset would be easy to create.
6. Is popular and is well known.. just like Pikachu.
Ah, I forgot about him. I was thinking somebody else entirely, but I don't know if I like Meowth that much, though. Again, I'm going off of very limited Pokemon knowledge. The only thing I know from him is his little coin attack in SBB64 ;). Do you really think that the animes/films have an impact on who's gotten in? I'm not being facetious; I really don't know the answer to that...

I'd really like a water type...there are like 50 of them; they should just pick one. It would be unlike any other character. I'd like that, but yeah. Anyway...I'd take Meowth over almost any 3rd/4th gen Pokemon. Yes, including Lucario. Haha...he just reminds me too much of a Sheik/Falcon/Fox character. I had a huge rant about this in the Pokemon thread...Ok, I'm done.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Ah, I forgot about him. I was thinking somebody else entirely, but I don't know if I like Meowth that much, though. Again, I'm going off of very limited Pokemon knowledge. The only thing I know from him is his little coin attack in SBB64 ;). Do you really think that the animes/films have an impact on who's gotten in? I'm not being facetious; I really don't know the answer to that...
I can't think of a moveset for him, let alone a good one.

P.S. Nice sig!


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
Ah, I forgot about him. I was thinking somebody else entirely, but I don't know if I like Meowth that much, though. Again, I'm going off of very limited Pokemon knowledge. The only thing I know from him is his little coin attack in SBB64 ;). Do you really think that the animes/films have an impact on who's gotten in? I'm not being facetious; I really don't know the answer to that...
I'll have to say yes.
Even if the pokemon games came out before the anime series..
SSB64 came out after the Pokemon anime series.

Why was Pikachu popular and chosen for SSB64? Anime series.. not the game.
Pikachu is ashes Pokemon.. simple as that and the fact that Pikachu is a character of it's own and has colorful personality makes it more of a reason to be a character.
Why was Jugglypuff popular and chosen for SSB64? Anime series.. not the game.
Jigglypuff was a fan fav in Japan.. why? It's role as a singing pokemon in the anime series. Jigglypuff would put characters to sleep and write on their faces.
Why was Mewtwo in melee? Pokémon: The First Movie.. not the game.

Even though all the characters have been in the first gameboy game.. that wasn't the reason they where chosen for smash brothers.
If the anime series never existed we may of ended up seeing pokemon like charmander or a character like Red etc..

The anime and card game drove pokemon to it's success in the United States and probably Japan as well.


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2006
i agree about the pokemon thing. i wouldnt mind them putting in another first gen pokemon and to me Meowth would be pefect for that. i think it does slightly have something to do with the movies and the anime. Pikachu as an example:
in the games how is Pikachu any more important than any of the other pokemon? the show gave Pikachu a purpose and made him very recognizable. if it wasnt for the show Pikachu would not have gotten pokemon yellow which was based off the show. Pikachu was able to walk around with you just like the show. even in both SSB they give him a hat similar to the one Ash wears.

I think the newer pokemon are going to be in a pokeball. where as an older more recognizable pokemon will be playable. the newer pokemon can be represented through a pokeball or through a stage or something. doesnt neccesarily need to be playble.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Why was Pikachu popular and chosen for SSB64? Anime series.. not the game.
Pikachu is ashes Pokemon.. simple as that and the fact that Pikachu is a character of it's own and has colorful personality makes it more of a reason to be a character.
Why was Jugglypuff popular and chosen for SSB64? Anime series.. not the game.
Jigglypuff was a fan fav in Japan.. why? It's role as a singing pokemon in the anime series. Jigglypuff would put characters to sleep and write on their faces.
Why was Mewtwo in melee? Pokémon: The First Movie.. not the game.
I'd have to say that Pikachu has always been the icon of the Pokemon series. I remember when Pokemon came to America, they had a huge Pikachu in a suit and a huge promotion. Pikachu was the designers' favorite, I think. And I think that M2 was popular in the game? I have no idea. Jiggs, I'll give you, though. No reason for her to be in, but...it makes me laugh anyway.

I think the newer pokemon are going to be in a pokeball. where as an older more recognizable pokemon will be playable. the newer pokemon can be represented through a pokeball or through a stage or something. doesnt neccesarily need to be playble.
Agreed; I think this is a good idea...kind of like Pokefloats with the characters, but it would be Saffron-city like, where the Pokemon are part of the stage, but they actually interact. They could incorporate a lot of pokemon by using pokeballs and stages. That would be a good way to please the fans.
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