Don't start putting words into my mouth now.

It's bad for stages to recycle bad aspects, and that's clearly what I said. If a stage transformation does nothing but recycle (mostly) good, competitive aspects of the game, then by all means, it's fine and should be included.
Besides that I can't see anything else wrong with it though apporaching the left side could prove difficult due to having to land at a downward slope or use all your jumps to get close to the ledge.
Except that if you're gonna spend the whole match platform camping on the right side, then why the heck did you try to approach in the first place? You may as well camp it out on the right, which is what smart players do.
Approaching either side is difficult. One side actually presents the risk of getting infinited, while the other has way less room and a disadvantageous slope that's within attacking distance of a platform.
And the ground phase has 2 platforms right next to the wall as well. Why not take that route and approach from the left if you have to?
Because being above most chars puts one in a very disadvantageous position. Who wants to be above DDD uair/usmash/utilt or all of Falco's crap? Might as well camp it out. You've got 8 minutes. Run that clock!
At what point is "too many little things" enough? >_>
I hate PS2, the day it was collectively banned was the happiest day in Smash for me, maybe next to the day Japes was banned. I don't care how many essays people type on how competitively sound it is, it sucks to play on and everyone hates it except a few characters that CP it whenever it isn't banned. The obstacles are obnoxious, the camping is ridiculous, the silliness it brings to matches isn't fun or entertaining to watch. It just blows.
And PS1 can go fly a kite too. Any stage that encourages players to stand at opposite sides of the stage taunting each other for over a minute at a time can seriously ****ing burn.
Hey, hey, hey, call me biased but there's nothing wrong with PS1!
Actually, there's plenty wrong with it. That's my Melee side speaking.

Still, PS1 is definitely better than PS2. At least you don't have to look forwards to being screwed over or made to look like a fool
every time the stage transforms.
BTW, what's the deal with Port Town? I know people really hate the cars, but there's plenty of warning and unless you do something dumb it's pretty hard for them to kill you. The cars hurt less in melee but they were also harder to avoid and I believe present for a longer period of time. There was also some complaining about one of the walls dealing damage to you at some point during the stage, but it's no better or worse than say... Halberd.
Lolz, someone made a long post about this on some other thread that I found interesting. I think he also noted something that not a lot of people know about. Cars NEVER go all the way to the sides. If you just camp the sides when they come, you'll never get hit by them. So the cars give one ample warning, you can always platform camp to avoid them, and even if you can't or don't want to, you can just stand by the side of the road and be fine.
Well that's what you get for not being on the main stage when
ample warning was given. You know what happens when you do that on Halberd? You die. Sometimes, the stage just takes off too quickly for you to jump back, even if you left the ground already.