If Puff hits you then runs away for 8 minutes, good luck trying to catch her. Then when she gets chased, you try to catch her, she run away, then she may pound to hit you, then run again. She does take a lot of effort to use in order to avoid dieing so early and learning her kill abilities.
My problem here is that I feel like Puff has such a hard time even getting a clean hit, let alone the lead so that she can run away all match. If she does get the lead, then yeah, things could get very annoying very fast.
your friend who plays ike isn't very good, get off his **** btw
Really now? 'Cause last time I heard, he was taking games off of you 'cause you kept falling for fsmash and usmash shenanigans.
to be perfectly honest, i don't think you could beat me with 5-6 other characters. i'm not good at melee, but you're pretty bad too; you have no right to say i suck or w.e. You never even made it out of pools or anything decent at this game. (or brawl)
Sheesh dude, calm down! No need to get so upset. I already said I'm not that good at this game:
I'm not that good at Melee, so if I'm 3-1'ing and 3-0'ing all of you down at the club, then you all suck. Period.
And ftr, I've officially beaten you in Samus dittos and with Sheik. I've also beaten you in friendlies with Doc and Marth and I believe Luigi (not so sure about that last one), and I've never lost to your Marth or your Sheik, though you never used them much. We all know we're bad; we make it a point to emphasize that down at the club. There's no need to get so offended by a little trash talk. From what I see, it happens all the time on these forums.
speaking of which, why are you posting in the tier list thread? You have no insight at brawl, no mid to top level tournament experience at this game, and you don't know what you're talking about. while this is true for most people in this thread, I think you qualify even moreso. out pls, trivial
Someone must have gotten
really angry. <__< I've already propped you before for being a notable Marth in our region. Don't expect me to give you overdue respect just because you're a great Brawl player. You suck at Melee. Deal with it. It's not that big a deal.
And ftr, you're wrong about experience. I have plenty of
at least mid-level experience in this game, and I'd like to think that I have quite a bit of high-level experience as well, what with playing against John12346 and Nuke so much, as well as playing brackets against Luigisama, Fatal, and a bunch of other notable players. I'm sorry if I pissed you off, but you don't need to get back at me by saying things that simply aren't true.