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Official BBR Tier List v5

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Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I dunno, characters who D3 can't CG have a tendency to **** him while he counters many good characters he does CG. D3's CG by itself makes a few characters unviable if infinites aren't banned.

D3 doesn't have a solid kill move outside of utilt... : / tons of D3 offstage kills get setup by the CG as well.
I feel like Dedede would still be rather good without the chaingrab--B-Throw is powerful and sets up for chasing fairly well. D-Throwing someone offstage is nice and can set up for gimps or edgeguards, but that could be done without the chaingrab, too. D-Smash is a good KO move that few people use because his other options are just so much safer. When B-Air isn't staled five times, RAR B-Air is safe and powerful, and F-Air is pretty powerful in itself. At higher percents. D-Tilt can do it, too.

Oh, yeah; I meant to say it in the previous post, but Dedede also has a command grab, and you know how much I love command grabs.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Agawam, MA
It is relevant because if he didn't have it he wouldn't be where he's at. Is he not where he's at because he does good against said characters? If he was not would he still b there? NO. He's still a good character yes, but saying his CG doesn't play a part of it is just plain ignorant.
I meant the "if he didn't have CGs..." was irrelevant because it is part of his character and Pikachu suddenly won't lose ability to chaingrab.

It is similar to discussing Snake without grenades or MK without all of his jumps.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA
DDD is a great character without the CG, he never really has to approach and if makes a good read for the kill his kill moves are damn strong and even at low percents allow for followups. Fastest fastfall in the game, no?

Besides, the characters he can't CG usually can out camp him

EDIT: This post should have just said: I agree with everything Reflex said.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
You people are insane. You're basically saying outliers determine the tier list. Based on that Reflex would make Pt top tier and so would Polter with Yoshi.

Whoever said Ic's are worst then they are is a moron. Ic's can only get better, but people have stopped using them. I still remember the days when Meep was unbeatable, but he got bored of everyone complaining about infinites this and infinites that, so he now uses Fox.

Ic's completely destroy Olimar and GaW. Why would Olimar go above Ic's when he loses that matchup by such a large margin.

What are people's opinion on Marth? I think Marth is pretty decent and only loses to Mk and D3. But he isn't solid enough to win nationals and regionals because of his lack of ways of killing And Mk being quite prominent.
The days when Meep was unbeatable? You mean, that specified period of time you construed in your mind that did not exist in the real past? You know why Meep really quit? Cause people started camping the sh** out of him whenever he went IC's. I'm sure you watched M2K vs Meep right, do you know what happened less than a month after that set? A LOT of people decided to play gay against IC's, and Meep had to spend more than 3-4 minutes trying to get a single grab on those mother ****ers.

Don't give me that baloney about "He quit cause people QQ'd about infinites" when he quit cause he was tired of people camping his *** so hard. I don't live on the EC, and even I know that's the real reason he went to Fox. I've never heard a legitimate IC player quit because "People around him complained about how strong they were". Ever.

I remember that tournament awhile back, where a guy named Max went to a tourney on the EC, came out of nowhere, and he won it. I think it was MK banned, not sure. Anyways, Inui and "Y" predictable gentlemen complained to kingdom come about all of that. You had some vocal complaints about IC from THAT incident, but even tournaments where Meep won you didn't have blasts from left field about "**** you Meep that **** is gay".

You can say what you want about IC's. They will always be limited by the stage list and by a person's willingness to camp the **** out of them. They won't drop much lower if they do, and they won't rise much higher if they do. End of story, simple as that.

Gonzalo Barrios

Smash Apprentice
Dec 8, 2010
South America, Chile
The days when Meep was unbeatable? You mean, that specified period of time you construed in your mind that did not exist in the real past? You know why Meep really quit? Cause people started camping the sh** out of him whenever he went IC's. I'm sure you watched M2K vs Meep right, do you know what happened less than a month after that set? A LOT of people decided to play gay against IC's, and Meep had to spend more than 3-4 minutes trying to get a single grab on those mother ****ers.

Don't give me that baloney about "He quit cause people QQ'd about infinites" when he quit cause he was tired of people camping his *** so hard. I don't live on the EC, and even I know that's the real reason he went to Fox. I've never heard a legitimate IC player quit because "People around him complained about how strong they were". Ever.

I remember that tournament awhile back, where a guy named Max went to a tourney on the EC, came out of nowhere, and he won it. I think it was MK banned, not sure. Anyways, Inui and "Y" predictable gentlemen complained to kingdom come about all of that. You had some vocal complaints about IC from THAT incident, but even tournaments where Meep won you didn't have blasts from left field about "**** you Meep that **** is gay".

You can say what you want about IC's. They will always be limited by the stage list and by a person's willingness to camp the **** out of them. They won't drop much lower if they do, and they won't rise much higher if they do. End of story, simple as that.
Pretty much.

I usually destroy IC's at tournaments, how? Camp. Camp. and more Camp. And don't get grabbed.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
I gotta admit I do feel a lot of limitation is on the ICs because of the realization of how crippled they get by stage picks and people learning to play them, but I feel that the primary reason that is given by the latter is two-fold. I feel ICs are still in a very dormant state of metagame that is stale from a camp complex that limits players even when they're losing. I feel ICs can have some potential results-wise (at least against characters that aren't Wario or MK) if they got someone to liven it up again. I still feel it's ridiculous how much damage one proper buffered grab -> throw can do even when you don't know the CG (hobble/insert throw setup -> smash even is pretty legit, not to mention the tons of setups into uair traps, seriously I think that you can make some opponents get like 30% minimum each juggle when you get both to cover for desynched juggles). The barring limit especially against MK is especially hurtful too, makes them really hard to get anywhere/attract people to invest in them. That being said they're terribly hinged on advantageous scenarios and they're not really going anywhere nowadays, although I feel that's somewhat a good thing (I hate playing against ICs even if I'm okay against them).


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
What are people's opinion on Marth? I think Marth is pretty decent and only loses to Mk and D3. But he isn't solid enough to win nationals and regionals because of his lack of ways of killing And Mk being quite prominent.
Overrated tbh. I dont care who he 'loses' to and 'beats' in super theorycraft bros since that means nothing and is probably wrong, from what I can see he only really has 2 players capable of doing anything with him which is no different to olimar, pikachu and even sonic rofl. Difference being with the first two, they have shown to be more consistantly able to place high at the MLG's/apex.

Since people are often incapable of understanding that the tier list is an iterative process, I'll restate that I think he is overrated at this point, he COULD potentially be mid A tier in the future but as of the 14th of January 2011, I think results (from what I've seen) for this last 8 or so months, COMPLETELY DISREGARDING OLD, IRRELVANT AND LIKELY WRONG DATA, point to him to being around 8th below pika and olimar. IC's debatable.

This describes D3 much more more than it does pika IMO

What reflex said...
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
Good thing she goes even or slightly disadvantaged with a lot of them!
Yep, basically. She has a few scattered 6/4s here and there.

Characters she beats solidly (65/35 on smashboards, 7/3 everywhere else in the universe): King Dedede, ROB, Kirby, then a few low tiers. That's... basically it. King Dedede, ROB, and Kirby are, incidentally, not considered to be as good as they used to be. :p

She has a few nice slight advs though, like against ICs, Olimar.

ZSS just has a tool-set that isn't good at destroying. She's a good punish character but doesn't really have god-like baiting tools, lol. Thus she tends to just scrape by in a lot of cases.

Doesn't she only barely beat pretty much everyone in low tier aside from the obvious ones like Ganon?
She beats Jigglypuff horribly, and Zelda. But she loses to Link.

@Browny: totally agree about Marth, but I think he could be amazing in the future.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2007
Overrated tbh. I dont care who he 'loses' to and 'beats' in super theorycraft bros since that means nothing and is probably wrong, from what I can see he only really has 2 players capable of doing anything with him which is no different to olimar, pikachu and even sonic rofl. Difference being with the first two, they have shown to be more consistantly able to place high at the MLG's/apex.
What exactly do you mean by "doing anything"? Because from my viewpoint, Sonic has quite a bit more than 2 players "doing anything".

Since people are often incapable of understanding that the tier list is an iterative process, I'll restate that I think he is overrated at this point, he COULD potentially be mid A tier in the future but as of the 14th of January 2011, I think results (from what I've seen) for this last 8 or so months, COMPLETELY DISREGARDING OLD, IRRELVANT AND LIKELY WRONG DATA, point to him to being around 8th below pika and olimar. IC's debatable.
Agreed. The EXACT current evidence and state of the metagame is important to consider.


Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
i don't and have not ever kept up with this discussion. that being said its time to make a post based off of this pages previous texts.

imo you guys should start with discussing characters who are starting to show a lot of metagame improvement in their AT development and application, tournament placing, and is showing lots of improvement in difficult or now is no longer difficult MUs. i mean im no expert sense i just compete in tournies not host em but here it is my really long and only post i will make in here until the new tier list comes out (cant wait to see wat you guys decide on for placements)!

the characters who ive seen really start to develop the above stats and could possibly qualify for tier placement movement are (no i don't take a character's learning curve being hard to learn as a handicap as all it takes dedication. trust me i main pit/marth and second fox/falco so don't copiously complain about complexity constantly because trust me i know.) :

falco and diddy- imo there needs to be a serious discussion as to whether or not falco, snake, and diddy should be switched around some because recently diddy has doing better in tourney than snake while falco's rapidly advancing strategy and metagame continues to keep scoring higher and higher on the tournament scene. also there have been a lot of changes to these character's MUs ratios throughout these advancements.

Marth- marth's performance in tournament has done nothing but improve since early 2010. his character board has active metagame and strategy advancement on a consistent basis, and due to his only improving match ups ratios due to this performance (all though i think we all can agree that his only two "bad" match ups are MK and DDD, everyone else beware or be even), i think it should be discussed as to whether or not marth should be in second placement on the tier list and then be proceeded by snake diddy falco. imo even though snake has a better match up against MK than marth does, as you proceed to look at the rest of the cast MUs ratio in comparison of the two, you will find that overall marth has better match ups against almost every character snake that goes even with snake, and is also just as good or better at snakes good MUs too. also if the marths were to get super focused and studied character specific "true combo" with all of marths moves based on frame speed and frame advantage (much like the on the fox boards for their DJC and dair frame proven combos) they would be an even deadlier force to reckoned with.

pikachu-even tho as a character pikachu's metagame and eventually tournament placement advanced in 2010 with all this CGing going on and a lot of people doing good with pikachu, the only matchups it had a major impact on (only ones that matter that is. i obviously aint mentioning every single characters little adjustmest they made to adapt) are MK, falco, and fox. the reason i say it had a major impact on MK is because not very many characters have ANYTHING on mk throughout an entire match let alone at the low percents of the first stock. and since the solid percentage lead>follow ups that pickachu's chaingrabs can deal to MK also come with amazing recovery options, speed, and all in the form of a small target to boot gives him enough edge to shows that pikachu deserves his place as a high tier character. thus his placement under the other top tiers suits him perfectly. there got pika outta the way 4 u guys (god i do not like playing scrubby pikas. if you cant get his concepts and you think he is only good because of the CGs then you should not play him. play anyone else. trust me i tried to main pika for a while but when you are not made to use that char. dont fight it)

Zamus- as a character zss has been proven to be high tier material thanks to the effort of nick riddle and other ranked zss players. however, like many other characters in this position, she is lower than she deserves to be because of her high learning curve. with overall great MUs, very few actual hard MUs, a well developed metagame, plenty of advanced techniques, and good pro bracket results imo zss should be high tier in between pika and olimar because while she does have hard counters, olimar definately still 1ups her on the performance scene tho so he deserves his place right above her. overall she is one of the most solid characters in this game even despite the high learning curve.

next is just the order i think Toon Link-Luigi should be on the next list. that way i can go down the list of characters in the order that they should be and why:
ROB, toon link, pit, fox.

ROB- this is sure as hell one hard character rank on the tier list. as far as character traits go ROB is an amazing character. the majority of his MUs rock either his advantage or even. however he is also beaten quite hard by a few characters and unfortunately MK is one of them. in the tournament scene ROB has always done rather well in all categories. however since the majority of ROB users aren't actually winning most tournaments let alone in the pro bracket (which reminds me congrats on ur recent victory stinger), his AT game, which is solid, has pretty much been as developed as it can get unless some new tech or glitch is found out, the same goes for his general metagame. however since several of those listed below him on the tier have yet to advance their metagame and AT game to his level i don't see him dropping in placement until the others advance their metagame and AT game to/beyond ROB's level.

Toon Link- another solid character who character and AT development is similar to ROBs current situation. mostly good-great match ups with not very many bad MUs more (than ROB tho). armed with one of the most (if not the most) comprehensive and massive advanced techniques games in brawl. however seeing as how there just are not enough toon links rockin like MJG tournament wise so his tier placement makes sense. an incredibly advanced character with tons of ATs and a solid yet still somewhat growing metagame as more people actually get good with TL. if anything when their metagame has advanced enough to make his MUs better than ROB then he will exceed ROB probably but only if his tourney wins (or at least top 3 placement) can exceed ROB.

Pit- this is the hardest character to place fairly on a tier list hands down. as the fourth best char in japan pit obviously has the potential to succeed as a character when played correctly. his current match ups are superb in comparison to those both above and below him as he only has a few bad MUs that don't even exceed 60:40 in ratio. however here in the U.S.A. there are just not enough pit players in the tournament scene let alone players doing well (koolaid aside). also while he already has a good amount of ATs at his disposable we (the pit community) are actually still discovering/discussing new ATs. On top of that pits in america are no where as set in with his general metagame as the japanese (once again, koolaid aside) are. while obviously developed enough to compete semi-successfully in the tournament scene pit as a character has yet to make a huge impact on it (koolaid aside once again). when pit becomes a fully developed character and can better use the tools given to him i can see pit going as far as low-midhigh B-tier but not until his metagame and ATs are far more developed than their current state.

Fox- it was hard to decide to between putting him above or below pit. however im pretty sure i placed him right. fox has been doing quite well on tournament scene as of recent, has a thourough and developed general metagame, and his ATs are definately well researched. however he still has some major set backs that when compared land him this tier spot. first off MUs. while fox has many good match ups against high tier characters (most notably 50:50 against MK and snake) fox also gets completely shut down by several characters in this game as well as often falling victim to general game mechanics. fox also fails on more stages than most other characters in his tier as opposed to not getting counter picked even after banning a stage.

well there it is. a really long, well founded, but probably pointless tier list analysis. for those of you who agree thanks. other wise i turn this post over to the trollolols

Gonzalo Barrios

Smash Apprentice
Dec 8, 2010
South America, Chile
Rule: if ZSS beats a character they probably aren't very good.
Nick Riddle?

@Maharba the Mystic: Good read dude. I readed the whole post and I agree with the 99% of your Post, I think that Fox is FAR better than Pit, but that's my opinion.

Why? Because of his Snake and MK matchups, Excelent kill move, great combos and a great, great projectile. Effective way to get rid of Tornado. Out Camp Snake.

That's my point of view from the matches I Have watched at the tournaments I have atended.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
Even NickRiddle would probably agree that ZSS doesn't have a ton of counter match-ups.

How do you lose to link?
How does ZSS safely approach him? How does she safely juggle him? How does she take advantage of his weaknesses? He honestly does a better job of doing that to her. :)

@Long post dude: number of ATs has nothing to do with how good a character is, lol.

Die !

Smash Cadet
Jan 12, 2011
i don't and have not ever kept up with this discussion. that being said its time to make a post based off of this pages previous texts.

imo you guys should start with discussing characters who are starting to show a lot of metagame improvement in their AT development and application, tournament placing, and is showing lots of improvement in difficult or now is no longer difficult MUs. i mean im no expert sense i just compete in tournies not host em but here it is my really long and only post i will make in here until the new tier list comes out (cant wait to see wat you guys decide on for placements)!

the characters who ive seen really start to develop the above stats and could possibly qualify for tier placement movement are (no i don't take a character's learning curve being hard to learn as a handicap as all it takes dedication. trust me i main pit/marth and second fox/falco so don't copiously complain about complexity constantly because trust me i know.) :

falco and diddy- imo there needs to be a serious discussion as to whether or not falco, snake, and diddy should be switched around some because recently diddy has doing better in tourney than snake while falco's rapidly advancing strategy and metagame continues to keep scoring higher and higher on the tournament scene. also there have been a lot of changes to these character's MUs ratios throughout these advancements.

Marth- marth's performance in tournament has done nothing but improve since early 2010. his character board has active metagame and strategy advancement on a consistent basis, and due to his only improving match ups ratios due to this performance (all though i think we all can agree that his only two "bad" match ups are MK and DDD, everyone else beware or be even), i think it should be discussed as to whether or not marth should be in second placement on the tier list and then be proceeded by snake diddy falco. imo even though snake has a better match up against MK than marth does, as you proceed to look at the rest of the cast MUs ratio in comparison of the two, you will find that overall marth has better match ups against almost every character snake that goes even with snake, and is also just as good or better at snakes good MUs too. also if the marths were to get super focused and studied character specific "true combo" with all of marths moves based on frame speed and frame advantage (much like the on the fox boards for their DJC and dair frame proven combos) they would be an even deadlier force to reckoned with.

pikachu-even tho as a character pikachu's metagame and eventually tournament placement advanced in 2010 with all this CGing going on and a lot of people doing good with pikachu, the only matchups it had a major impact on (only ones that matter that is. i obviously aint mentioning every single characters little adjustmest they made to adapt) are MK, falco, and fox. the reason i say it had a major impact on MK is because not very many characters have ANYTHING on mk throughout an entire match let alone at the low percents of the first stock. and since the solid percentage lead>follow ups that pickachu's chaingrabs can deal to MK also come with amazing recovery options, speed, and all in the form of a small target to boot gives him enough edge to shows that pikachu deserves his place as a high tier character. thus his placement under the other top tiers suits him perfectly. there got pika outta the way 4 u guys (god i do not like playing scrubby pikas. if you cant get his concepts and you think he is only good because of the CGs then you should not play him. play anyone else. trust me i tried to main pika for a while but when you are not made to use that char. dont fight it)

Zamus- as a character zss has been proven to be high tier material thanks to the effort of nick riddle and other ranked zss players. however, like many other characters in this position, she is lower than she deserves to be because of her high learning curve. with overall great MUs, very few actual hard MUs, a well developed metagame, plenty of advanced techniques, and good pro bracket results imo zss should be high tier in between pika and olimar because while she does have hard counters, olimar definately still 1ups her on the performance scene tho so he deserves his place right above her. overall she is one of the most solid characters in this game even despite the high learning curve.

next is just the order i think Toon Link-Luigi should be on the next list. that way i can go down the list of characters in the order that they should be and why:
ROB, toon link, pit, fox.

ROB- this is sure as hell one hard character rank on the tier list. as far as character traits go ROB is an amazing character. the majority of his MUs rock either his advantage or even. however he is also beaten quite hard by a few characters and unfortunately MK is one of them. in the tournament scene ROB has always done rather well in all categories. however since the majority of ROB users aren't actually winning most tournaments let alone in the pro bracket (which reminds me congrats on ur recent victory stinger), his AT game, which is solid, has pretty much been as developed as it can get unless some new tech or glitch is found out, the same goes for his general metagame. however since several of those listed below him on the tier have yet to advance their metagame and AT game to his level i don't see him dropping in placement until the others advance their metagame and AT game to/beyond ROB's level.

Toon Link- another solid character who character and AT development is similar to ROBs current situation. mostly good-great match ups with not very many bad MUs more (than ROB tho). armed with one of the most (if not the most) comprehensive and massive advanced techniques games in brawl. however seeing as how there just are not enough toon links rockin like MJG tournament wise so his tier placement makes sense. an incredibly advanced character with tons of ATs and a solid yet still somewhat growing metagame as more people actually get good with TL. if anything when their metagame has advanced enough to make his MUs better than ROB then he will exceed ROB probably but only if his tourney wins (or at least top 3 placement) can exceed ROB.

Pit- this is the hardest character to place fairly on a tier list hands down. as the fourth best char in japan pit obviously has the potential to succeed as a character when played correctly. his current match ups are superb in comparison to those both above and below him as he only has a few bad MUs that don't even exceed 60:40 in ratio. however here in the U.S.A. there are just not enough pit players in the tournament scene let alone players doing well (koolaid aside). also while he already has a good amount of ATs at his disposable we (the pit community) are actually still discovering/discussing new ATs. On top of that pits in america are no where as set in with his general metagame as the japanese (once again, koolaid aside) are. while obviously developed enough to compete semi-successfully in the tournament scene pit as a character has yet to make a huge impact on it (koolaid aside once again). when pit becomes a fully developed character and can better use the tools given to him i can see pit going as far as low-midhigh B-tier but not until his metagame and ATs are far more developed than their current state.

Fox- it was hard to decide to between putting him above or below pit. however im pretty sure i placed him right. fox has been doing quite well on tournament scene as of recent, has a thourough and developed general metagame, and his ATs are definately well researched. however he still has some major set backs that when compared land him this tier spot. first off MUs. while fox has many good match ups against high tier characters (most notably 50:50 against MK and snake) fox also gets completely shut down by several characters in this game as well as often falling victim to general game mechanics. fox also fails on more stages than most other characters in his tier as opposed to not getting counter picked even after banning a stage.

well there it is. a really long, well founded, but probably pointless tier list analysis. for those of you who agree thanks. other wise i turn this post over to the trollolols
Good Read
10 char


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2007
Maharba the Mystic said:
Marth- sense the performance of marth in tournament has done nothing but improve since early 2010,

has active metagame and strategy advancement on a consistent basis, and due to his only improving match ups ratios due to this performance (all though i think we all can agree that his only two "bad" match ups are MK and DDD, everyone else beware or be even), i think it should be discussed as to whether or not marth should be in second placement on the tier list and then be proceeded by snake diddy falco. imo even though snake has a better match up against MK than marth does, as you proceed to look at the rest of the cast MUs ratio in comparison of the two, you will find that overall marth has better match ups against almost every character snake that goes even with snake, and is also just as good or better at snakes good MUs too. also if the marths were to get super focused and studied character specific "true combo" with all of marths moves based on frame speed and frame advantage (much like the on the fox boards for their DJC and dair frame proven combos) they would be an even deadlier force to reckoned with.
Marth in 2nd??

*looks at avatar*




Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Doing anything (v):
The act of being noticeable and news of ones actions being widespread such that when people think of the character, this players name comes to mind as someone capable of taking out big names and placing high in big and national tournaments, which is all that should really matter.

Marth: Mh4ze, hav0k (no name searches)

That is all. None of them have acheived the same that a solo zss, oli or pikachu has at mlg/apex/whatever other big, RECENT, tournament (from what I've observed, and europe doesnt count)


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
@DMG: it was mixture of both, Meep stopped trying because people wouldn't give him his props and kept saying he was winning only because of chain grabs. No one would say he was winning because he is good. Then people started playing super gay and he tried even less and got super aggro when it would've been better to camp.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Yeah they would do fine sfp but I think to myself, what has the bigger margin for error:

Discounting oli/pika etc. massive success at recent, big tournaments as outliers
or giving weight to a scenario we only expect would happen, but have no physical proof.

It seems clear as day to me that going with what you HAVE AND KNOW, is more important than going with what you THINK would happen in a hypothetical scenario.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2007
Doing anything (v):
The act of being noticeable and news of ones actions being widespread such that when people think of the character, this players name comes to mind as someone capable of taking out big names and placing high in big and national tournaments, which is all that should really matter.

Marth: Mh4ze, hav0k (no name searches)

That is all. None of them have acheived the same that a solo zss, oli or pikachu has at mlg/apex/whatever other big, RECENT, tournament (from what I've observed, and europe doesnt count)
Okay then. Yeah, my definition of "doing anything" was a lot more broad; Speed and K.I.D. were included in my definition...

Flayl said:
That's not what the Dedede boards say. You might want to clear that up with them.
Numerical match up ratios are stupid anyway.

Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
They're pretty wrong though. Dedede is mad slow, and NickRiddle has basically never lost to a Dedede player. He thinks it's a lot worse than I do, actually. :)


Jan 3, 2006
ZSS ***** DDD.
IMO of course.
I just have to play coney, and Atomsk in serous matches to confirm this.
She also ***** ICs.
Like... one of their worst MUs IMO again.

She doesn't lose to Link though.


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
SFP: I'm not sure what that has to do with anything but sure, when the opportunity arises. I'll still be 3 and a half hours away from you.


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
Jeez, it's not like Dedede, ZSS and Pikachu are below average characters. How hard is it to find occurences of decent mains playing each other?


Jan 3, 2006
Does Kakera v. ZSS count as a counterargument example for ICs?
If you think the ZSS in the most recent Kakera video was good, it would.
I thought that ZSS was ****ing terrible.
Posting in green, because I'm going to be called, at the very least, a "hater" for this. I'm obviously jealous of that ZSS's immense skill.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
hehe I was afraid of that.

Some ICs think that it's their favor because of ZSS's blindspots iirc. Like angling yourself right makes it hard against her.
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