I refuse to believe that I won't get better than Taj, Wobbles, Forward, Light, Axe, Tai, GG7, SK, Ruby, Okami, Coty, Jackie, V3ctorman, or anyone else currently better than me. There are people that they lose to. There are people that those people lose to, and so on. I might not ever be on top, Ken, PC Chris, M2K, Mango... but my aspirations are not mirages nor impossible to achieve.
The PR should be a ranking of the current best players in state. Not the all time best. Not the coolest. Not the one what made the most combo videos. Not everyone in the state. The current, top players. If someone isn't showing, they shouldn't be showcased. If someone is performing and doing well, they should be recognized. That simple. This is what the list needs: Accuracy, up to date; Competition, ability to prove yourself; and Motivation, punishment for absence/low placings.
Tai, you need to deal with being #1. Taj says he's retired, at least for now. GG7 and Axe haven't been to a tournament since Genesis. Wobbles played in Sept and Forward in Oct. If the people that would normally be ranked higher than you stop playing, then, naturally, you will be in first place. Maybe that makes you feel uncomfortable or that it's an honor undeserved, but it's the truth. If there are no competitors above you, you are number one whether you like it or not. Deal with it and stop hatin yourself. You are amazing.
Likewise, Jeff, you don't dare give up on participating in AZ smash. I need to ****ing destroy you with my Samus. I need to. I need to. If you stop now, I won't get that chance. You would take that hope away from me without my consent. You know what that is? Stealing. You know what that does to my dreams? It kills them. Murder. Threatening to stop showing up to tournaments for an asinine reason as the one currently being discussed is repulsive, malicious, premeditated murder. Can you live with that?
Xander. Self ostracizing emo behavior. V_V*
Personally, I think the list just needs to be more regularly updated and should be based more off a pure mathematical algorithm instead of subjective democracy. Voting makes any change difficult since you have to get everyone's opinion. Some people don't even show up to tournaments, some don't watch online videos, some don't even play during times of nomination. Just make the thing factual, that anyone can read and understand, and update it constantly. I don't think anyone would be particularly unhappy about that and the PR could source AZ tournament results threads if there are any ranks in question.