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OFFICIAL AZ Power Rankings & Social Thread (Updated: 11/27/13)

Vat- Zero

Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2007
Vat, your horrible grammar is enough for me to just ignore you outright. I play Brawl a lot a lot, and I assume you're garbage because I know who was good in AZ for SSBM, and I never once heard of you. Then again, anyone outta the top 5 or so wasn't too scary, so I doubt you were ever good at Melee, especially if you refer to WD/SHFFL as "cheap". Hell, using "cheap" when talking about fighting games leaves a sour taste in my mouth, because then you have people whining about things not being fair. I played Peach, I had to fight Fox, Marth, and Sheik on a VERY regular basis. I may have jokingly complained about how easily they got kills, but I never once claimed I lost because of something "cheap". In Brawl, "cheap" stuff, like tripping and getting fsmashed, happens a lot more often.

Calling me a Melee fanboy is cute and all, but you're really just acting like a Brawl fanboy. Personally, I like Brawl, but prefer games like GG and MvC1, where you can actually punish upon prediction. Really annoying to analyze someone, punish them, and only get 12% because of it. Brawl is based around defensive play and camping currently, not around pressure and punishment.
First off, G-mo, love post and is Marth low tier? Hahaha

Oh, yeah,InterimatrixOfZeal***, I'm not in a school school zone so I cane Car les ubout yo ensults yuo ritord. Hahahaha Anyway, relax Zeal, all your doing is johning about the game because you prob suck at it. I also think you don't know how to read. I really do. Please don't ask me why I think you need to go to a debate class cause yo arguments belong in the same place your melee skill belongs....In the garbage. So what basically what you said is that AZ isn't too good when you suggested that your not afraid. Now, if you try to say that it wasn't an insult, then why didn't you try saying something nice about our top 3 or top 5? No, you went on and said something negative about AZ and Now I must say something negative about you. See how it works? I also have not heard of you, maybe because you have a gay name likeIntermatrixOfZeal***, but maybe its because you like to argue about crap that doesn't matter anymore like how "AWESOME" melee is compared to Brawl.

"Ahhh...brawl sucks because I can't get used to it and new talent is coming into the smash the scene and I'm too old to start my smash career all over again!:mad:" -InterimOfZeal

But Seriously Zeal, chill, its no big deal. Who cares which game is better...all that matters is the community and the love of a great game. This Forum is alike a Virtual Playground with many different games and places to chat. I don't like it when my teacher wants to play with me. It makes me feel....it makes me feel...like I'm being spied on. are you a spy InterimOfZeal? Because if you are, then you'll have to tell me. * vat- Zero looking around if anyone is watching him type.:chuckle:


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2006
Glendale, AZ
First off, G-mo, love post and is Marth low tier? Hahaha

Oh, yeah,InterimatrixOfZeal***, I'm not in a school school zone so I cane Car les ubout yo ensults yuo ritord. Hahahaha Anyway, relax Zeal, all your doing is johning about the game because you prob suck at it. I also think you don't know how to read. I really do. Please don't ask me why I think you need to go to a debate class cause yo arguments belong in the same place your melee skill belongs....In the garbage. So what basically what you said is that AZ isn't too good when you suggested that your not afraid. Now, if you try to say that it wasn't an insult, then why didn't you try saying something nice about our top 3 or top 5? No, you went on and said something negative about AZ and Now I must say something negative about you. See how it works? I also have not heard of you, maybe because you have a gay name likeIntermatrixOfZeal***, but maybe its because you like to argue about crap that doesn't matter anymore like how "AWESOME" melee is compared to Brawl.

"Ahhh...brawl sucks because I can't get used to it and new talent is coming into the smash the scene and I'm too old to start my smash career all over again!:mad:" -InterimOfZeal

But Seriously Zeal, chill, its no big deal. Who cares which game is better...all that matters is the community and the love of a great game. This Forum is alike a Virtual Playground with many different games and places to chat. I don't like it when my teacher wants to play with me. It makes me feel....it makes me feel...like I'm being spied on. are you a spy InterimOfZeal? Because if you are, then you'll have to tell me. * vat- Zero looking around if anyone is watching him type.:chuckle:
Allow me to summarize a summary:

AZ too good.

Cecilia K.

Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2008
Hello Arizona people...

I did some browsing around the forum and learned a little more about Smash and looked up this tier list.
From what I see all around smashboards (and especially the Brawl Tier Discussion by AlphaZealot), people seem to think Yoshi is a bad character. Why is this? =[


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2007
Glendale, AZ
Hello Arizona people...

I did some browsing around the forum and learned a little more about Smash and looked up this tier list.
From what I see all around smashboards (and especially the Brawl Tier Discussion by AlphaZealot), people seem to think Yoshi is a bad character. Why is this? =[
My buddy Tai wants to take you out on a date. You dig?


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Tai, it's probably some dumb April Fool's Day joke. I didn't do it.


Mario (Ma rio)
Luigi (Lui gi)
Peach (Pe ach)
Bowser (Bo wser)
Sonic (Son ic)
Mr. Game & Watch (M r. Gam e & W atch)
Solid Snake (Sna ke)
King Dedede (Ki ng De dede)
Ike (Ik e)
Marth (Mar th)
Captain Falcon (Capta in Fal con)
Pikmin & Olimar (Pik min & Ol imar)
Samus (Sam us)
Zero Suit Samus (Z ero S uit Sa mus)
R.O.B. (R.O .B.)
Link (Lin k)
Toon Link (Too n Li nk)
Ganondorf (Gano ndorf)
Zelda (Zel da)
Sheik (She ik)
Diddy Kong (Did dy Ko ng)
Donkey Kong (D onkey Ko ng)
Falco (Falc o)
Wolf (W olf)
Fox (Fo x)
Ice Climbers (I ce Cli mbers)
Lucas (Luca s)
Lucario (Luca rio)
Meta Knight (Meta Kn ight)
Kirby (Kirb y)
Jigglypuff (Jigg lypuff)
Ness (N ess)
Pikachu (Pikac hu)
Pit (P it)
Pokémon Trainer (Poké mon Tra iner)
Squirtle (Squir tle)
Charizard (Char izard)
Ivysaur (Ivys aur)
Wario (Wari o)
Yoshi (Yo shi)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 21, 2007
Tucson AZ
Who in this thread likes Brawl better and who likes Melee better? I want to know how AZ is split, also I play snake.

Edit:I wanted to see what would happen when I type in names.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Coin matches are for boobs. (I know you meant Sto ck)

Dammit, SWF. >_>

Also, it will be nice to play some Sierra Vista people for a change... NOT ONLINE. Namely you and PXG (if he does come).

April 5th will be a grand day of lulz.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Well, I might be somewhat Sierra Vista, but I am more or less Tucson. PXG on the other hand is more or less New Jersey. We just happen to live here lol.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
I see, my mistake. <_<;

Well uh, I'll be bringing a new partner with me to Goop's tourney, so be prepared everyone!



Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Man, what's with all the silly trash talk going on in here? I remember back in the day if you wanted people to think you were good you actually went places and beat them in matches.

I guess now we all just tell each other how bad we all are until we have heart attacks. Seriously AZ, what the hell happened?

(also, I don't want anybody to think that I'm some kind of elitist, so to show willing, here is another post more true to the current "style")

- - - -

lololol, wtf people its liek u all think ur good but none of u hav even played ME yet, my metaknight (lol caballero) can fsckin **** EVERYBODY i barely lose to anybody except for idaho (cept he plays gay, lolol) so its liek wtf, u guys can all talk about eachothr but ull never actually beat ME, so whys it matter?!



Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Man, what's with all the silly trash talk going on in here? I remember back in the day if you wanted people to think you were good you actually went places and beat them in matches.

I guess now we all just tell each other how bad we all are until we have heart attacks. Seriously AZ, what the hell happened?

(also, I don't want anybody to think that I'm some kind of elitist, so to show willing, here is another post more true to the current "style")
so Sayith the Wobbles, so sayith the flock.
Everyone needs to calm down...

and agree that LoveDove gives people Nightmares.
Spooky stuff.


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
What you meant to say was:

"I think Wobbling is a pretty cool guy. Eh gays Ken and doesn't afraid of anything."


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
I get the feeling that on my tombstone it's going to read,

"Robert 'Wobbles' Wright
Beloved Son, Brother, and Smasher,
Except That Time He Lost $2000 to KOS-MOS.
Seriously. What The Hell, Rob?"

Edit: If I played the April Fools Wordfilter in tournament, it would ALSO cost me 2000 dollars.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Tucson AZ
wobbles you still playing metaknight right? give me some tips on using marth aganist metaknight since i'm sure there's someone over there who uses marth against you. what dumb stuff can marth players do

edit/ Wow.
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