I've been working with something that has been giving me good results. In the case where I land a move that makes the opponent tech, I will go for an instant float fair on the spot where they tech. I've worked it out for several variations, allow me to explain.
Fair on tech spot variations:
1. They tech away- In this case, you want to FC as soon as you can react, then dash in. I believe at this point the opponent has time to block, so a dash attack is not a guaranteed hit, unless you were almost inside of them when they tech. However, you have an advantage that a dash attack will beat any attack that they attempt. They might also shield. You can grab, but I don't like this, because they can attack from their shield and hit you while you are still running, or they might grab if they react to your non-dash attack. In this case I go for instant float nair and try to land it from maximum distance, which leads to other shield pressure. If they tech away and their back is to the ledge, it is ok to dash attack to push them onto the ledge. Time the dash attack so that it hits with the last possible frames, this way it is harder for them to ledge hop onto the stage and hit you.
2. They tech in place- Depending on how close you are when you fair, there are several ways this can go. I should note that even if you are not close enough to land the fair, let the actual hit come out. The reason is that even if they tech in place and attack, there are almost no attacks they could do to hit you (I have not run into any attacks that make me not go for this strat), since you began your fair early. If they block it it is an easy set up for a grab because of the shield stun. If they dash away from your fair they will most likely dash back in for a grab, so here I like to f-tilt or dash attack. Depending on stage position they will react differently after dashing away. If they are cornered they are most likely to try and double jump around you, so either full jump nair or pull out a turnip and wait for them to land to continue your advantage. If they have a lot of stage behind them then they will probably run to the corner and play it safe. At this point I would dash away, if they keep dashing away I will pull a turnip and re-approach. If they dash in after I dash away I will float and prepare to hit them with a bair.
3. They miss the tech- If you are close enough you hit them, GG. If not then drop fair and dash attack, you should have enough time to land the close hit which pops them up. Nair, grab, ftilt, fair, uair, do whatever you like right here. Please do something good though
4. They tech behind- This is my least favorite scenario. I think it is because of the forward momentum and time that it takes to turn around that Peach seems to be at either a disadvantage here or neutral. If you were far away when they tech, however, they will be close to you, and at this point you can hit them. You can set that up easiest when the tech spot is near the ledge. Just space your fair so that you hit with the crown, if they tech behind you they are close enough to hit, they tech in place or miss they will be hit, they tech away they will not go far enough to escape a dash attack. In most cases though, when you are close to the tech spot, you will have to play semi-defensive. I usually start by dropping the fair, then instant float again and bair to cover their immediate offensive options. Cortling your way to safety and re approach.
So that's my plan with fairing tech spots. I am still working on this strategy however, and I think that depending on the range there are better options. So far, the fair works best so that you hit their tech spot with your hand, just a little bit inside of maximum distance, or if they are any farther. If they are closer, I think going for instant float uair is actually a better choice, since it has better combo potential.
Comments welcomed.