in japan they don't do stock, if you lose, then the next member fights against the person, in a 4-stock, 8:00 match no matter how close the last match was. it's insane. it's even more insane when some japanese guy(mikael) takes out ken, isai, and a third person right after another. omg.
but, i was thinking 4 members, 4 stock each, all levels for 1v1 random on random for each yes, basically kish style, with only 4 people on each crew. i'll bring a flowpad there, and signup for crew battles will be at the tournament. only, if there are more than 6 crews, not every crew will face each other. if there are a bunch, i might have to do double, or even single elimination, depending on time. but if there are only a few, each crew will face each other with a +/- system. we'll have to do it after doubles and singles brackets.
in other news, i fear plano, texas. dr. drew and DoH made a bigger impact at mlg than we did. :\
but everyone's gotten better since then so who knows.
it's too bad rayzorium isn't coming, i would have liked to seen him play.
but yeah, back to my point, the layout style is there, but how many matches won't be decided until after signup, which will be at the tournament. i will have my flow pad, and we'll let everyone know that i am the one to go to if you want to sign up for crew battles. XD