i've got a rough bracket made, but it's weird right now with 33 spots. like, 32 is the perfect number...so one person gets a bye all the way until finals. i'm trying to find a way so that the bye changes...but i haven't found a way yet.
and i can't figure out how to use this program. it gets so far, then it won't work anymore...you'll have to help explain some things at le tourny, dr drewthedragon, because once it gets to losers round 2...it won't move any further...
edit: k, well ****. i tried doing it again and again, it gets to winners finals just fine, but it can't have the winners finals because spot 33 is frozen without anyone to fight. losers finals gets to round 2, where it stops because it's waiting for more people that aren't there. it's like player 2 v____, player 6 v _____, and it's not smart enough to just move them together...
and even if i tried finishing it by having "player 34-64" and just having them blank spots so it would advance(yes, i know, i'm a genious), it gives player 33 a bye all the way to winners finals, which is bullcrap, we all would say. so, i dunno...i dunno how to work this :\, or if i'm doing it right and it's just ******** if you're not using squares of 2.
edit: well i just found out how to get byes...i have to make it spawn a random bracket, than manually change each name in there :\
the only thing is, instead of someone getting a bye...everyone will get a bye except 2 people, who will have to fight first
it's hard deciding what two people to put down first to fight round 1, no one deserves to have to fight extra
and i'm sure more people will show up, which will ruin other people's byes...so, in the end it won't be too bad for any particular person. probably baout 2/3 of the people willg et byes, 1/3 will fight into the top 32. but it had to happen.
YAY, I'VE OFFICIALLY SET UP A TOURNAMENT BRACKET! gotta do doubles, and i'll set up crew without any contestants yet, and do that at le tourny.