Honorable Mentions: Blackanese,Zen,ChaosMarth,Dabuz,Basic Sausage,Anti, bum, KirinBlaze
Blackanese - actually one of the best players in NY. He doesn't enter singles for money purposes, but when he does, you can expect a top 8 most of the time.
Zen - idky he's on
Chaos Marth - He actually just missed the cutoff. He's very underrated and does a lot of things that goes unnoticed, and considering he was actually 11th this season, he should be on.
Dabuz - Wins tourneys with Oli lol
Basic Sausage - Has the skill to be mentioned on here, but barely plays so IMO should be taken off.
Anti - derp
Bum - was ranked last season, he's getting back into the game, he should still be mentioned, as he'll probably start going to tourneys again.
Kirinblaze - was ranked last season, didn't go to many tourneys. He's going to tourneys again.
It's fine imo. Wes should be added, though.