Very Impressive List Gentlemen. Kudos. Nice to see so many names moving around; goes to show Norcal is anything but stagnant these days. Also, great move putting Isai at the #0 spot, he is in a league all his own.
Lol @ WoW. It's not a game you can be good at, as in a lot of ways, the game plays itself. All it takes is time, and progression is near-guaranteed. You can't really be "good" at it; in a sense, what you aspire to is to not suck at it, and therein lies the pinnacle of WoW.
And as far as smash goes, I've no intention of leaving, even though I may not have been present for a bunch of biweeklies. I'll be back soon, but it's still up in the air as to whether I'll keep playing Puff outside of teams (I'm still brutal as **** in teams with it). This is probably due to playing Jigglypuff nonstop and as no other real secondary for over a year in every tourney, biweekly and smashfest. For what it's worth, I like other character's combos as well, and since all my secondaries suck equally well when compared to my puff, I'm probably gonna keep testing them in tournies for a bit.
My love goes out to Ragado and the founder of the quote in Rollout. And to Bob$ of course, his Downsmashes are really, really, really good.
King Out