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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2007
Irvine CA
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Smash Master
Jun 12, 2006
San jose
by " L " you better mean Mr. L!

and by Mr. L I mean Luigi

and by Luigi I mean Mr. L.... from super paper mario


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
Hey Norcal:

One low short into EX Legs
Two low shorts into EX Legs
Three low shorts into EX Legs
Then combo that into ultra


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2005
This is my l33t 1337th post and I'd like to dedicate this post to VANS because she didn't get my 1000th or 500th post dedicated to her and I believe she caught me at the right time to give this otherwise I would have just waited to be the 1337th poster in a thread I thought was important but I said forget it I'll just post in this thread since it's the norcal thread, the NCB thread to be more precise I was debating whether or not to have this post in the Genesis thread but I said hey the genesis thread will be long gone in 8 months or so so in the end I ended up choosing this also my stomach hurts a lot because I've been eating so darn much meatloaf and mashed potatoes oh shoot I forgot to take a picture of my food did you know I take pictures of my food so that I can watch what I eat and so that I can prove to people that I'm eating healthy and that if I don't gain so much muscle it'd be ridiculous cus I get all of my nutrients in even at freakin' 120 grams of protein everyday y'know I always put protein powder in my oatmeal because when I drink my protein shakes I always feel like I'm going to throw up and when I mix it I usually gag it's a natural response that I've developed over the months oh man my muscles are so tired from working out has anyone ever tried doing decline presses oh wow it's pretty weird because it's easy to lift and hard to balance the weights almost fell on my face but yeah also today when I was in the gym I was doing this shaheen workout where you curl the weights (bicep curls) from the lowest position half way up 7 times then you do the same thing but from the half-way point to the top for 7 times and you finish with 7 times with the full range of motion also my friend Will Shaheen (my new apprentice) is joining the community today I believe his boards name is Twelve yes the number twelve or something like that did you know I usually like to watch George Lopez from 10 to 11 then family guy from 11 to 12 everyday except friday with my little brother then I go to sleep oh the facts you'll find out through this long runon sentence with luninspectra the things that'll go through ones mind and the words that'll come out of ones mouth will tell a lot about a person anyway a very important thing to me and many other students is clarity which is something that should be worked on every freakin' day always strive to be clear and exact never write something that people won't be able to understand like run on sentences or random undecipherable line-breaks.

Dedicated to Vanessa


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz

that was funny rey and urs too vanessa

i dont like dbr for not inviting san pablo to go to the park
i cud've let my huge *** dog chase jeff and eat german's puppy =)
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