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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
The King said:
Um....lolololol I've been meaning to ask this for about 4 months about these biweeklies...
What's the ruleset? LOL I'm serious, what exactly are we using here? MLG rules? Does Dave's Stupid Rule even still take effect? Cool, plz lemme know.

King Out
Dave's stupid rule ALWAYS takes effect. Especially when you're not expecting it.

As for the brackets, it looks like I will do them and Shadow will help. I'm gonna bring my lucky 20-sided die.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Santa Clara, California
poor Killa he got kicked off the power rankings. Wait he was up there right? I just dont remember the old one cause I only glanced at it once then closed the window since it didnt matter to me back then. And mike thanks thats really gunna help since I dont know that place for crap >.<


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Scamp said:
Dave's stupid rule ALWAYS takes effect. Especially when you're not expecting it.

As for the brackets, it looks like I will do them and Shadow will help. I'm gonna bring my lucky 20-sided die.
Yup always in effect.

Oh, and that sounds good I can handle everything after the brackets are made too if you want, and I can have a loud enough voice to announce matches, and I'm not afraid to kick people off tv's either, haha, see ya guys there.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
san francisco
so lunin im not gonna be there tomorrow, so let's postpone that money match til next biweekly. i will most likely be able to attend the next one, hopefully u can make that one too.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
I'm bringing a big bag of ramen for you all.

And Myko, you do get your own.

I'm tired see you all tomorrow.

BTW Not sure if my partner will arrive on time (PHD), but if he doesn't, I'll need partner for teams.

Tired right now and not really into crazy posts. I'll save the energy.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Santa Clara, California
O.o no way >.< Ive learned my lesson from someone else when two kids MM'd hella at fanime. Well actually 3. He earned 10 bucks and a art booklet. I dont think Im gunna MM without atleast a little bit of human experience...Ive only gotten that chance at a convention that was last year and this year...and thats about it...I still suck and I know it and am not ashamed to admit it>.<


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
ohh youre that one guy with the twin or something right? with the shoulder length hair that played puff. i remember you

wanna mm?


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Santa Clara, California
Why am I getting so many requests for a money match >.< Ill do a ramen match =3 ill bring a box. A pack a match if I win I get 10 cents since thats how much it basically is O.o
EDIT: Well per pack atleast >.<


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
Last... AGAIN! And the sad part was, there were people I could beat. Curse my match-ups.

Clod and Meep are too good for me. For now. Tiem to work even harder on them ICs.

Few other shouts.

Myko: Hope you enjoy that ramen. It'll make you as good as Bombsoldier. XD

Yen: It was ncie meeting you for the first time. Item matches = hella random! You kept getting all the Pokeballs.. Stupid Down Smash. You and Lun's sister. -_____-

PHD: Yeah we need to work on teams.... You always get the easier matchups.

Meep: I WILL get the hang out Luigi someday. Did better than last time though. Shows some improvement on my part. I think.

Clod: Eh I dont think you go on SmashBoards, but yeah..... Good Falcons annoy me.

Lunin: Just stfu. Cause I said so ^_____^

*sigh* Maybe next time... I'll get a win. I jsut wish I was as good at Smash as I was at MKDS.


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2005
isai forfeited early after losing to Silentspectre. As of now, King and Luninspectra are playing in the finals and Silent finished 3rd.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Milpitas CA (bay area)
haha ok ok so i didnt do so great, no worries i still had a great time as usual.

sky...alright you are the real ice ninja, and im a pseudo imposter. you gotta admit its kinda funny that the name that i thought of and used was something that a guy at a local tourny uses. huh.

zhu you're too good for me. maybe i'll stand a chance someday but not now.

mike, thanks a ton for bringing these back!

scamp and shadow, thanks for keeping things running smoothly even if things started late. sorry i dissapointed. good thing i had a bunch of 1's atleast! yay!

isai, it was cool to finally meet you.

frotaz...you're pretty good! even off character you've got me beat.

to all of you i was friendlying with using the blurry TV, those were some great matches. thanks for the training! i had a good time.

almost forgot one! yen! we didnt get to finish our match! next time, k?

until next time!


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2006
that was so much fun~~~

whiteboyninja sorry I'm a bad teammate and kept killing you lol well bob and hydrokirby killed eachother much more then we did

TC1 your a good fox our match was hella close

Zhu my Garden Gate friend sorry we didn't get to play

Hydro Kirby (Chris) we did teams togeather quite fun~


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Santa Clara, California
Ahh....My first Biweekly. Packed with a gamecube and the vision of my jigglypuff being tossed around the arena Ahh....I knew Id get my *** handed to me anyways. I have so much room for improvement


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Good matches :o

Foxroar: It looked like I was doing ok the first stock of the first match. Then I proceeded to get *****. Eh well, need more Marth practice. Good matches ^^

Ian: Lol, those team friendlies were so ********, we got more team kills than regular kills >_>


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Cupertino (Norcal!), CA
god ****nnn too many names to remember... omg i suck with names... i'm good with faces!!!!

Hydrokirby - first off, i love you for giving me a ride all the way there. second... uh... thanks for letting me watterfall your ice tea! and third... that you for eating lunch with me!! that is all~

Sky - dude ur so energetic XD. it's fun being around u... and yes interesting marth...becaues of you i give up marth T_T... lost so bad in marth ditto T_T

(black guy who plays sheik) - haha... i'm sorry for being so god**** gay with my falco's lasers but yes i'll stay that way! good friendlies XD.

(white guy who said his marth was different from sky's) - yes sorry for sounding racist lool but i can't remember any of ur names. anyways fun friendlies1!!! u seriously scared me when u said "is that a threat"? (or something like that... eh somethign dramatic sounding anyways)... no seriously i thought u were gonna punch me or something T_T...

BTZO - Uh... i don't like playing matches where i feel like i have no control T_T... it feels like playing basketball.... (and i can't score unless the hoop is like 30 feet wide) gahhh anyways good sheik, and thanks for pwning me / Falcomist in teams >_<

FMF - YES U... haha thanks for eating with me.... thanks for using such a creative name... and thanks for GETTING HIGHER PLACE THAN ME U JERRKKKKK. T_T...haha jk... we didn't play at all... we only played teams together XDDD. i don't think we did THAT bad eh?

ICE ninja - hmm... i thought of ur name... and i see ninja... and then i think naruto... then i think of kunais... then i think of hands throwing the kunai... then i realize i have a cut on my left hand.... wttf?!?!?! anyways fun playing with u, and don't give up so easily... i'm very beatable >_<

Tall guy who uses DK! - Haha only played one game agaisnt u.. still its not fair... u get to play Falco's all the time!! why don't i get to play DKS ?!?!?!?! XDDD anyways enjoyed playing that one match w/ u. (i'm that asian kid who used falco on stadium)

Valis - wheeee i know u know that i know you're better than me and i'll always accept that. it was just a bad day for u >_<. unless u were sandbagging !!!! then thats ok too!!

Yen - boo. i don't like CC -> dsmash... T_T... ppl warned me about this happening if i use nair / bair too much... and i didn't listen and got owned >_<. although i am proud of that 15-20 wall shine i did on u!!! anyways great peach, honestly the best girl smasher i've met (except the girl who introduced me to smash)


Yen is Peach

Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
San Jose
Yay for biweeklies! Thanks for keeping things running smoothly Dave, BTZO and Mike! (i think there were more ppl taking care of things but i forgot) :p


Kurtis: My rival...i shall beat u badly one day...the whole tech museum thing got me to play competitively...i guess i should thank you...>.> just u watch Kurtis!!!! hahaha

Tang: hahaha man...ur too scary ^_^ nice matches...i guess i did okay against u...that is....assuming u didn't sandbag...XD

Jeff: too bad we didn't get to play. hahaha no1 wanted to MM you...

ProdigyKid: Hey nice matches. ^_^ hope to play u more next time...RAMEN! hey i totally won that match!

Ryan: XD Fanime boy...BoOooOO hahha u got crushed agen!

King: T_T sigh* ur jiggly is too good. ;P

BTZO: aw we didn't get to play... next time okay?

Frotaz: we only got one match in...next time we'll play more. Iono how ur attacks didn't hit me...luck? hahah

Sky: sorry we didn't get to play. stop hating hahah

Mari: we'll do better in teams next time!

MXCN: scary DK. pretty close

Dave: :( we didn't ge to have our item matches...

Zhu: we finally get to play...I wanna play u agen! 2 matches wasn't enough. You know...i can't even remember our match...hahaha but i DO remember that infinite thing against the wall... :ohwell:

Justin: *cough*....sory we didn't get to play..... Mr. Falcolmist...XD

Sorry if i forgot anyone...see u all next time!


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Santa Clara, California
**** you yen...I will get better...Its just cause I dont get any help...*sings* IIIMmm All Alone. There is no one here beside me...All my help is all gone and thers no one to BEEE RIIIIDDEEE MEE!...But ya gotta have Faith...*stops singing* okay im done...


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
RPK said:
**** you yen...I will get better...Its just cause I dont get any help...*sings* IIIMmm All Alone. There is no one here beside me...All my help is all gone and thers no one to BEEE RIIIIDDEEE MEE!...But ya gotta have Faith...*stops singing* okay im done...

It's "Deride" me. Fear my ICs. XD Ok maybe not.

meep FTA

Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2006
Stockton, CA
Hey, Its me KFC on MEEP's account... uhm i left a green plaid backpack with a gamecube and binder and other stuff inside there.. can somebody hold it for me till the next biweekly??

Yen is Peach

Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
San Jose
RPK said:
**** you yen...I will get better...Its just cause I dont get any help...*sings* IIIMmm All Alone. There is no one here beside me...All my help is all gone and thers no one to BEEE RIIIIDDEEE MEE!...But ya gotta have Faith...*stops singing* okay im done...
XD see ya next biweekly! and at next years fanime! muahahah :laugh:
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