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No Waahs 2: Balls Mandatory Saturday, April 10th, 2010 Scarborough, Canada


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
ok ok, things to address;

1. Pharoah, I know you and nick ain't afraid of having to play someone in a video game..that was more of a challenge, a failed funny.

2. SRTM, it ain't small just cause we have some of sauga out. Troll is driving meaning some people will come from sauga (sexy, akariss, maybe ace, randoms who want to get picked up). I also have not pmed or advertised on AiB yet so expect more people to confirm

3. Sauga WOULD have attended but seeing that two of their three drivers are not coming it really limits how many of them can come.

4. Raidos is coming, meaning he can bring people like kuenzel, tippr, and maybe another niagara person who actually wants to play (although probably VERY rare)

5. Ally; Canada is a joke cause we suck, but not cause we cry about losing or cause we are afraid to play people or whatever. It is unfortunate but this date is all I have for this tournament and thus people have exams and need to study. Our scene was slowly picking up again, but then we had another dry time and hence the improvement rate staled or decreased again.

Overall, don't try to make it look like this tourney will be bad, I find it interesting to see what people will step it up now that the serious competition is out of the way.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
and another thing, top 5 is being paid out again, no waahs. So pharoah, if you were bored that day, you can either make money or at least get your money back.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
and another thing, top 5 is being paid out again, no waahs. So pharoah, if you were bored that day, you can either make money or at least get your money back.
well that changes things, if top 5 is being paid then ill show


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
niiiiicceee, knew you had it in you pharoah, don't disappoint toronto. And sorry ally, means less money for you, buit i gotta keep the community in mind.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Brawl is incredibly unbalanced and overcentralized, so you won't find too many low tier mains that do well.
I disagree. Brawls' not incredibly unbalanced. It just so happens that some of the top tiers (ex. MK) are easy to do well with at lower levels of play, as well as being the best in the game. Which makes them seem way more broken than they actually are. If you lose to a scrubby MK, it's your own dumb fault for being just as scrubby.

Brawl's general mechanics (no long-lasting combos aside from some situational chains; in most matches, situations reset to neutral very often) allow the game to be reasonably balanced with a big cast. Enough matches of Rock-Paper-Scissors, no johns if you lose, it's not as if you're getting 80:20'd due to one-sided to-death combos in most matchups. In Brawl you're getting outsmarted multiple times before you die.

just IMO.

everything bowser does is powershieldable on reaction
Since when is a grab powershieldable? or your up-B for that matter... that mess scares me :urg:

first post on sb o.0
oh god please tell me that ur the cute l'il kid who lost survivor


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
most likely coming, not 100% sure though

Me, Ally, Terra, Nevermind! and maybe KKong/Fornaxx from montreal are probably coming in a car. I was wondering if someone could provide housing Friday night and Saturday for 5 people. We don't need a ride to the tournament, just housing.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2008

Me, Ally, Terra, Nevermind! and maybe KKong/Fornaxx from montreal are probably coming in a car. I was wondering if someone could provide housing Friday night and Saturday for 5 people. We don't need a ride to the tournament, just housing.
Please house us =)!

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia


Yo, I already told you, Troll and his Lucas top 10.
No joke, I was starting to think this was possible, until I read the following...


well that changes things, if top 5 is being paid then ill show
Nice, finally some incentive, will u still go if these guys show up?


Me, Ally, Terra, Nevermind! and maybe KKong/Fornaxx from montreal are probably coming in a car. I was wondering if someone could provide housing Friday night and Saturday for 5 people. We don't need a ride to the tournament, just housing.
Where sauga lacks, Quebec steps it up :bee:. Now all we need is the Quebec Brawl+ crew and we're good to go :D.


...so troll, since all these scrubs are coming, 1st place is a reasonable goal for u?


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2009
If it was only of me Im coming 100%, But I still need to ask to be off friday and saturday at my work :(
Holy if im coming I got a ride then ?

And now I dont want any johns about my bowser :)


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Its all sauga (-troll, akariss, & ace, edit: marik)
I haven't johned once about coming to this, and I'm entering vBrawl and Brawl+ singles.

Mikey has exams, and Hype also has exams. If anything, everyone has legit reasons.

You're horribly misinformed, as usual. I'm going to have fun tossing you around like a rag doll in Brawl+.

Infzy, Brawl isn't balanced at all. The simplified and defensive mechanics only support people to overcentralize around top tiers, and to camp the entire match.

vBrawl is anti-competitive, Sakurai intended it to be designed that way.

I'm not Cinder, and I'll still play vBrawl because the community is one I'm familiar with, but it doesn't store as much potential for competitive measures like Melee or Brawl+.

I'm not johning, I'll see everyone at this tournament.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
of course, we're getting ten teams max.

Team Troll?

I thought It was team Lucario (trolls lucas and Phiddlesticks Mario). :ohwell:

I haven't johned once about coming to this, and I'm entering vBrawl and Brawl+ singles.

Mikey has exams, and Hype also has exams. If anything, everyone has legit reasons.

You're horribly misinformed, as usual. I'm going to have fun tossing you around like a rag doll in Brawl+.

Infzy, Brawl isn't balanced at all. The simplified and defensive mechanics only support people to overcentralize around top tiers, and to camp the entire match.

vBrawl is anti-competitive, Sakurai intended it to be designed that way.

I'm not Cinder, and I'll still play vBrawl because the community is one I'm familiar with, but it doesn't store as much potential for competitive measures like Melee or Brawl+.

I'm not johning, I'll see everyone at this tournament.
marik, chill man, read my post



Its all sauga (-troll, akariss, & ace, edit: marik)
Edit: Notice the negative sign? Now get off my *** dude, its getting annoying.

Edit 2:I'm not even gonna start arguing brawl+ with u cause arguing is just not fun. In my opinion, considering what happened at LBT2 (well u should know what I think. Maybe u got better, maybe...)


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
But you quoted Ally, who said everyone was johning, when they have legit excuses. Some people just don't like vBrawl anymore.

Allright, my bad.

You ***** me with Gyro mindgames during our set at LBT2. I'm not going to make excuses, you won fair and square.

I've gotten better though, Melee is going to help my game and I've been studying the way Naucitos played at Pound4.

I might not even go Yoshi against R.O.B. though, Samus is a much better option.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Marik waz mad. lolz
Not really.

Just a bit defensive maybe, I thought he was calling me out in response to Ally complaining that Canada "makes johns and is soft."


You're first on my list to get *****. I'm probably going to be hungry by the time lunch rolls around.

Tin Man, we cool. Hope to play you and get tons of matches in.

Looks like Montreal is coming, this tournament is starting to sound good again. Montreal is too good at Brawl+, time for some GtaN pride to be repped. :yoshi:


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Hahahahaha, I see what you did there.

Delusional fantasies must be a common experience for you, though. :yoshi:

$4 dollars should buy me a nice lunch.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
Nice, finally some incentive, will u still go if these guys show up?
Well since its top 5, the only people i REALLY have to worry about are


Hype is not coming, Doc and Ace might not even show up, and if they do, well then i guess ill just have to hope im lucky and get a bracket that helps me out.

but dont get me wrong, im not saying that everyone else sucks and i can beat them easily, im only saying these are the guys that i almost always lose to.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Edit: @Gi -> Put this adress in the OP


Edit2: also Gi, u need to make brawl plus rules in the OP, and confirm Brawl + singles & doubles as an event.

Well since its top 5, the only people i REALLY have to worry about are


Hype is not coming, Doc and Ace might not even show up, and if they do, well then i guess ill just have to hope im lucky and get a bracket that helps me out.

but dont get me wrong, im not saying that everyone else sucks and i can beat them easily, im only saying these are the guys that i almost always lose to.
at least ur coming which means that I dont have to place 4th like mikey said to make PR LOLOLOL.

Non-Serious Friendlies? o.o

And the bagels... I guess lol
NSF = No Sandbagging Friendlies.

and thanks for the food :bee:


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2006
Parts Unknown
I might be able to make it can't for sure.

I know of a kegger happening in April so I need to figure out when that is first before I can say for sure.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
wow nin, been a while.

And Tin Man, where can I get the rules for it? I don't know them, which is why I've never put them..i know unprofessional.

And why do we need that AiB one?


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
oh ****, Cruxis mad salty. You beat me last set, rules of the universe state I should beat you this coming set at Gi's. Can't let that MM jinx it. :D

If we don't meet in brackets, i'll be down for a mm though i dunno if I'll have enough to do a 5.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
noone offering housing to Montreal crew?

anyone's welcome to crash at my place... but I'm in Waterloo. Pretends to be an hour, but realistically about an hour and a half from downtown TO to my place..... not terrible but an annoying extra distance if you're coming from Mtl. So it's up to you guys. A spare (single) bed and two (people-sized) couches and two (smaller but sleep-able) couches available, and as much floor space as you could need, plus two smash-worthy tv's.

Not ideal but w/e

I'm still not confirmed for this but crashing is fine lol, 'specially if it means i get some friendlies :bee:


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol Kalm, if you show up, I give GiChan or Ace/Percon/Ambrose(yeah wut?)/Minus/Iliad/Doc/TinMan/Hype/holy/ally or anyone who actually knows me permission to collect on my debt :) they can even keep half of it (since that's all I really earned... also name dropping FTW! I hope you guys search your names)...

unfortunately i can't make it out to this one... too much work :( but don't get complacent... my MK is gunning for doc/ace/holy... ally, well, dude makes me feel silly every time I play him... gotta level up a few times before I smack talk him :)

edit: he is an hour and a half the wrong way lol... just red-eye it back to MTL
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