well... I am a little upset with this at best. The reason being that I am a Bowser main. I was watching some vids with him and he still has that HORRIBLE lag with his back air. Like.. arg.. I don't see why it has to be taken out. It seems like it will make a lot of characters have unfair advantages over characters with a few laggy moves like Bowser, Ike, or maybe DeDeDe. I am really impressed with DeDeDe btw. Idk. I guess I won't really know until I play the game. I just worry that it won't be as competitive as melee and won't require as much skill. What I feel is that if they have taken out lag cancelling, then why not just get rid of lag all together? Now there's a novel idea. I think this is my only complaint about the game thus far. A lot of people complain about the roster, and I don't see why. The only other person I feel should have been included was Megaman because he is part of the reason Nintendo is what it is. Also, I think the online could be way cooler (headsets, usernames against random people, and rooms). But that's just my 2 cents. Take it or leave it