for those that are curious how my matches with jman went, first set i won 3-0, a 1 stock and two 2 stocks, two marths and once I was fox.
2nd set he beat me 3-1. First game was last stock 90 on YS fox ditto, 2nd I forget another fox ditto, but I think it was 1 stock mid %, 3rd was 2 stock high % I won that one, 4th was 1 stock 60% i was marth on YS. He was playing better, so he won.
3rd set I won 3-0, I think I 2 stocked him twice then jv 4d him on DL64, all fox dittos. I guess it was a combination of me playing better and him playing slightly worse (but it's mostly because he gets demoralized and then plays worse, which is a problem that both me and him share sadly). We have tons of friendlies, I guess I win like 2/3 or so in fox dittos overall, but he beats my marth like half the time when he's playing good, but usually he's not playing good. Generally when he's playing good I have to be playing at least average to go even, the proportion is something like that. His main problem is consistency, but I guess mine is too since I'm also a technical player, as is the nature of Fox McCloud. Jman's gotten much better recently.