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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA

I'll handle this for my little brother. A von Karma's logic is always perfect.

5 tournaments out of 9 weekends (one of them was tiny and eh) and you barely ever post in the regional zone or results thread... I have every reason to believe you are not that active. You are suited to be a panelist right now, but not moreso than Doom.
Many people would say that more than one tourney every other weekend is pretty active, especially considering the number of smashfests I attended + people I had at my house. I have always been an active player.

Only a foolish fool too foolish to even know that he is a fool would foolishly utter such foolishness!

I see more players than you constantly because I am far more active. I am constantly on the boards with them. This has to be a joke.
Wow, you're slacking tonight. I said that I have more Direct contact with players than you, and your argument is that you talk to them on the boards? Even though I have not traveled OOS to NY and PA tourneys, I still see lots of players at various smashfests, including mine and J.G.s.

Also, I do read the boards, even if I don't post as frequently as you. I read the tourney results as well. For tourneys I can not attend in person myself, I still get the results from Wyatt and Kelvin. However, this is all a relatively moot point. I simply wanted to point out that you failed to use logic, and I'm disappointed.

Kai has beaten me not once, but twice. Sorry, but I am a bigger fish than you.
I agree, however Zucco also has a countable win on you, and having a win on me and you is better than just having two wins on you. Victory diversity is greater than beating the same player over and over again. If I beat ADHD 5 times in one season, I wouldn't expect that to make me automatically ranked two if I lack wins against you, Atomsk, Ksizzle, Kai, and Zucco.



Not agreed; all tournament sets are for cash because you pay to enter and winning puts you closer to cash.
This is once again flawed logic. Your statement seems to imply that all low tier singles matches should count toward rankings just because we pay to enter. This is quite obviously false. Refer to my last post to refresh your memory of where I used logic to show why we should use matches placing in the money. A single dollar money match puts you closer to cash, but that doesn't mean it's relevant. Neither do early Low Tier matches. Good players should be seeded apart, and hence they should be playing money worthy matches later. If you think that you are fighting someone who is hard earlier than money, and it should count towards rankings, perhaps you should consider paying out more. Wouldn't you agree that if a match is worthy of getting counted towards ranking, it probably should be worth some money? In this environment, money is considered the best way to measure success, and I promote the use of it as a measuring tool here.

Again with this same foolishness... Kai picking Diddy Kong against the likes of you decreases his chances of winning because you main Marth and are amazing against Diddy Kong. In the low tier environment, your character loses. If you beat Kai in a low tier tournament, it's quite the accomplishment, and it definitely matters. Eazy has covered this. I have covered this. I don't know why you try to persist. If I beat Shugo's Sonic in a low tier event, and he mains Sonic, and my character, Ike, loses to Sonic...I will be proud of that win and hope to God that it counts.

That being said, both recent low tier sets with Zucco were for cash. Losers finals the other day, and winners semis at No Maps!. Interesting.

Ike is one of my true mains. If you defeat my Ike in a low tier event, you have beaten me. I will accept the lost. Cloudfox beat me this season. Kai beat me twice this season. Snakeee, Minty, Jash...all beat me. End of story. Do not disrespect my Ike, unless you want to lose to that trash character in tournament next and get embarassed.
Cool, so in regular tourney, this should count. In low tiers, it counts if the match was for money. If seeding is done properly, this should rarely become an issue, and this doesn't ruin the fun of a side-event, which help make your events so popular.



Yes, you do. The other panelists and I looked at everything. You had more head to head wins, but he outdid you overall. Look at something like the last TerraBite as an example.
The last Terrabite was the first tourney of the next season. I had a pretty solid advantage over DM that season. Now, the mis-ranking is my fault as well for not speaking up, but seeing as I'm on the panel, I didn't feel like it was important enough to try and move myself up one spot.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
LOLOL 5/9 weekends isn't active? Jesus Christ let people have a life.

And Inui, stop saying the low tiers count if you main Ike and Kai mains Sonic. Obviously Kai mains Sonic a lot moreso than you and Ike, but having a Diddy at his disposal GREATLY increases his skill and superiority in regular singles. If he had not had Diddy, I would have destroyed him at Restricted Area.

And let's face it, when you go Ike, you've garnered up tons of losses here and there that you simply write off saying that they didn't count. Matches where you've pulled the Ike john that come to mind are against Rhyme and Cable. When you want to win, you go MK. Why didn't you go Ike on .com, Xzax, and Zucco at Restricted Area?

You're skill is severely hampered without MK
Kai's skill is hampered without Diddy
Zucco's skill is severely hampered without Lucario

Pierces post was awesome. I especially like the only $5+ MM's count part, something I'm already trying to implement into PA's system. The only part is the logic on the low tiers finals matches counting. The logic is interesting, but I don't find it valid. So what if Zucco's Ness is good enough to make it to the top of a low tiers bracket, a bracket filled with oddles of players not using their mains and using low tiers that they suck with. People still enter these events with crappy low tiers because it's a side event, and they want to have fun. Even if the finals came down to Inui v Zucco in low tiers where money on the line, both players are held down from their top potential from not being able to use MK and Lucario respectively. Perhaps the gap of skill from Zucco's Ness to Lucario is greater than Inui's skill gap from Ike to MK, but just because both we're able to make it through a side event bracket shouldn't make it valid.

According to your logic, since both players were skilled enough to make it to the point where money was involved, then you might as well involve all side events, including Brawl+. Both players involved in a finals set in a B+ side tourney did prove their skill enough to make it to the finals didn't they?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Wow, you're slacking tonight. I said that I have more Direct contact with players than you, and your argument is that you talk to them on the boards? Even though I have not traveled OOS to NY and PA tourneys, I still see lots of players at various smashfests, including mine and J.G.s.
Doesn't matter. I've attended an event every weekend and see certain players very often. My interacting being on the boards...is actually better when it comes to data and being aware of things. The results are here.

Also, I do read the boards, even if I don't post as frequently as you. I read the tourney results as well. For tourneys I can not attend in person myself, I still get the results from Wyatt and Kelvin. However, this is all a relatively moot point. I simply wanted to point out that you failed to use logic, and I'm disappointed.
Prove your activity. I told this to Eazy already. Make your presense felt. Nobody wants a shadow panelist.

I agree, however Zucco also has a countable win on you, and having a win on me and you is better than just having two wins on you. Victory diversity is greater than beating the same player over and over again. If I beat ADHD 5 times in one season, I wouldn't expect that to make me automatically ranked two if I lack wins against you, Atomsk, Ksizzle, Kai, and Zucco.
Too bad the situation you outlined doesn't matter because it didn't happen. We're not talking about extremes. Kai beating me twice is better than Zucco beating you and me once each. Kai also loses to me, so it's not like some instance of me being style countered. Kai has other big wins under his belt, such as Shadow, that outdo what Zucco has.

This is once again flawed logic. Your statement seems to imply that all low tier singles matches should count toward rankings just because we pay to enter. This is quite obviously false. Refer to my last post to refresh your memory of where I used logic to show why we should use matches placing in the money. A single dollar money match puts you closer to cash, but that doesn't mean it's relevant. Neither do early Low Tier matches. Good players should be seeded apart, and hence they should be playing money worthy matches later. If you think that you are fighting someone who is hard earlier than money, and it should count towards rankings, perhaps you should consider paying out more. Wouldn't you agree that if a match is worthy of getting counted towards ranking, it probably should be worth some money? In this environment, money is considered the best way to measure success, and I promote the use of it as a measuring tool here.
So a tournament match before money is directly on the line doesn't matter? That's what you're implying.

Actually, nah, that's dumb. Just as dumb as what you just said. I stated over and over that all tournament sets or MMs for $5+ involving mains matter. Why would anyone disagree with that? Me beating Vex's Bowser with Ike doesn't matter because it was quarters, but beating Zucco's Ness with Ike in semis matters because the winner gets money?

Cool, so in regular tourney, this should count. In low tiers, it counts if the match was for money. If seeding is done properly, this should rarely become an issue, and this doesn't ruin the fun of a side-event, which help make your events so popular.
Sorry, but I'm not going to beat Lawz, Camalange, and Vex's mains all in a row in a tournament and not have it count and then beat Zucco's secondary in semis and have it count because the winner got cash. That is just dumb.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
zucco over kai

pierce doom and me have agreed already
This, I was also going to suggest both Doom and Bleachigo over me, but then I was reminded of my win over NinjaLink.

I also want to trim down the honorary mention list. I don't think it's necessary to list every player that has hovered around the bottom of the rankings list. I would cut it down to Spam, Ryoko, Eazy, Keitaro, Yes!, and DM. Other players have either not been ranked above 10 ever or in 3 seasons or simply missed the list, and are not huge threats to talented OOS players.

Oh, and players like Cable, who are not ranked due to inactivity, but have the accomplishments to be ranked should be listed. But I can't think of anyone outside of those 7 off-hand. Seph, and Puffster perhaps.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
And Inui, stop saying the low tiers count if you main Ike and Kai mains Sonic. Obviously Kai mains Sonic a lot moreso than you and Ike, but having a Diddy at his disposal GREATLY increases his skill and superiority in regular singles. If he had not had Diddy, I would have destroyed him at Restricted Area.
Between us, no. Sonic beats Ike. Meta Knight beats Diddy Kong. Low tiers is more in his favor, not the other way around. This has been explained over and over.

And let's face it, when you go Ike, you've garnered up tons of losses here and there that you simply write off saying that they didn't count.
Wrong. My losses to Jash and Minty were both presented to the panel as legit losses, as well as my loss to Cloudfox in a low tier tournament. Those are losses.

Matches where you've pulled the Ike john that come to mind are against Rhyme and Cable.
Rhyme beat me.

I didn't play Cable this season.

When you want to win, you go MK. Why didn't you go Ike on .com, Xzax, and Zucco at Restricted Area?
Ike loses 10/90 to MK and Olimar. Why would I go Ike in those match-ups? Use your brain.

I did go Ike on Zucco.

You're skill is severely hampered without MK
No, because I have Snake. I also do better with Ike against several players than I do with MK, like Anther and Snakeee.

Please stop posting in this thread. You are not on the panel. You are not eligible to be ranked. You are clearly uninformed.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
We could continue this discussion for fun, but we have business on our hands. So I'm just going to quote the part I want to talk about.

Too bad the situation you outlined doesn't matter because it didn't happen. We're not talking about extremes. Kai beating me twice is better than Zucco beating you and me once each. Kai also loses to me, so it's not like some instance of me being style countered. Kai has other big wins under his belt, such as Shadow, that outdo what Zucco has.
I disagree greatly, especially because we have no loss to you for either of these players recorded. I think that if you beat one player, it implies that you could beat them multiple times provided the right setting. However, beating a larger variety of good players using different characters and different style clearly shows a greater mastery. Panel, please vote on which will count for more in the future, two wins against player A, or a win on player A and a win on a slightly lesser ranked player B.


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
Kai has other big wins under his belt, such as Shadow, that outdo what Zucco has.
I wish Shadow would go All Wario on me like he did to Kai, cause I kinda ***** it at got milk. Unfortunately Shadow cared about winning, and brought out that **** Metaknight of his.

pointless post is pointless lol.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I disagree greatly, especially because we have no loss to you for either of these players recorded. I think that if you beat one player, it implies that you could beat them multiple times provided the right setting.
No. Plenty of one-time wins occur. I lost to NinjaLink twice, then beat him at Harry Potter and the Planking Meta Knight, and then lost the next three sets to him and haven't beaten him since. It doesn't mean you can beat them multiple times if you win once. You took me out once on like my worst day ever and lost everything else. I haven't beaten Atomsk in a very long time even though I've won before that. Mew2King no longer loses to NinjaLink at all. Etc.

However, beating a larger variety of good players using different characters and different style clearly shows a greater mastery.
I agree that you beating ADHD 5 times but failing to score other good wins doesn't give you a very high rank.

But such is not the case in the current situation. We're talking about only a few sets and a few players.

Panel, please vote on which will count for more in the future, two wins against player A, or a win on player A and a win on a slightly lesser ranked player B.
Two wins on a better player are better than a win on that good player and another win on a lesser player.

This is pointless, anyways. I am the only panelist that feels Kai should be above Zucco, and I don't have the care right to argue with all of you at once. I think Kai beating me twice, beating Vex, and beating Shadow > whatever Zucco's done.

I wish Shadow would go All Wario on me like he did to Kai, cause I kinda ***** it at got milk. Unfortunately Shadow cared about winning, and brought out that **** Metaknight of his.

pointless post is pointless lol.
You are ever so timid in person, and you act like this on the boards...full of sarcasm and arrogance.

If you're going to be like that, at least have the courage to bring some of it to real life.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
I wish Shadow would go All Wario on me like he did to Kai, cause I kinda ***** it at got milk. Unfortunately Shadow cared about winning, and brought out that **** Metaknight of his.

pointless post is pointless lol.
Wow.....what a **** comment.

**** you too


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
You are ever so timid in person, and you act like this on the boards...full of sarcasm and arrogance.

If you're going to be like that, at least have the courage to bring some of it to real life.
Nobody starts fights with me irl, so I have no reason to act like that.

ack, kai hates me now.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
Inui you told me on aim that the set with kai and shadow was a fluke becuz of the sd. when i mentoned that kai cane take your 4th spot you said this

Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:16 AM): nah man im guaranteed 4th
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:17 AM): by a lot
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:17 AM): lol
KelvinTooGood (12:03:27 AM): not by a lot
KelvinTooGood (12:03:34 AM): ur biggest win
KelvinTooGood (12:03:42 AM): i dont think its close to shadow
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:53 AM): he beat shadow's WARIO off of an SD or some ****
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:54 AM): LMAO
KelvinTooGood (12:04:04 AM): i saw the set. he sd'd at 14
KelvinTooGood (12:04:11 AM): and then kai wrecked him, no sd'd on delfino
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:14 AM): one fluke win vs a secondary doesnt negate the large amount of wins i have
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:19 AM): sry
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:24 AM): it's not rly debatable
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:28 AM): even kai himself knows it
KelvinTooGood (12:04:29 AM): well see about that
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:38 AM): kk GL arguing for him above me lmao
KelvinTooGood (12:04:44 AM): thanks for the luck
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:52 AM): it is truly needed, after all
KelvinTooGood (12:04:59 AM): whatvee ru say
Sesshomaru010101 (12:05:10 AM): i think i have an extremely big lead
KelvinTooGood (12:05:22 AM): then keep thinking that XD


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Two wins on a better player are better than a win on that good player and another win on a lesser player.

This is pointless, anyways. I am the only panelist that feels Kai should be above Zucco, and I don't have the care right to argue with all of you at once. I think Kai beating me twice, beating Vex, and beating Shadow > whatever Zucco's done.

You are ever so timid in person, and you act like this on the boards...full of sarcasm and arrogance.

If you're going to be like that, at least have the courage to bring some of it to real life.
Sometimes, certain people find it easier to express themselves in different situations with the internet as a tool. I don't think Zucco was trying to offend anyone.

Also, if the majority of the panel shares your opinion about two wins player A being greater than a win on player A and a slightly lesser ranked player B (and I will say within 4 rankings spots away is a good standard to measure "slightly lesser ranked:, since that is the distance we will be ranked apart) then I will concede to Kai being ranked above Zucco. For the time being, I believe Zucco beating me and you is more of an accomplishment.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
You call me being ranked on inui's list bull**** and your recent comment needs no explaining. How did I start anything? If you wanna be a prick thats fine, but do not act friendly beforehand

A fluke? I was fox for ****s sake


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
read my edit guys or ill just post it again :)

Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:16 AM): nah man im guaranteed 4th
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:17 AM): by a lot
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:17 AM): lol
KelvinTooGood (12:03:27 AM): not by a lot
KelvinTooGood (12:03:34 AM): ur biggest win
KelvinTooGood (12:03:42 AM): i dont think its close to shadow
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:53 AM): he beat shadow's WARIO off of an SD or some ****
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:54 AM): LMAO
KelvinTooGood (12:04:04 AM): i saw the set. he sd'd at 14
KelvinTooGood (12:04:11 AM): and then kai wrecked him, no sd'd on delfino
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:14 AM): one fluke win vs a secondary doesnt negate the large amount of wins i have
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:19 AM): sry
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:24 AM): it's not rly debatable
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:28 AM): even kai himself knows it
KelvinTooGood (12:04:29 AM): well see about that
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:38 AM): kk GL arguing for him above me lmao
KelvinTooGood (12:04:44 AM): thanks for the luck
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:52 AM): it is truly needed, after all
KelvinTooGood (12:04:59 AM): whatvee ru say
Sesshomaru010101 (12:05:10 AM): i think i have an extremely big lead
KelvinTooGood (12:05:22 AM): then keep thinking that XD

and we know about the rainbow cruise fluke. anywho i wont take the win away from big m as he did good at powerplay vs kai as well. just like puffs win vs atomsk counted fully


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
I support 0 "fluke arguments". I choke in tourney all the time, and I could say Zucco's win against me was a fluke, but that would be rude (just using you as an example Zucco). It happens all the time, but unfortunately, there is no redo. What matters is that one player advanced in bracket.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
read my edit guys or ill just post it again :)

Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:16 AM): nah man im guaranteed 4th
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:17 AM): by a lot
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:17 AM): lol
KelvinTooGood (12:03:27 AM): not by a lot
KelvinTooGood (12:03:34 AM): ur biggest win
KelvinTooGood (12:03:42 AM): i dont think its close to shadow
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:53 AM): he beat shadow's WARIO off of an SD or some ****
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:54 AM): LMAO
KelvinTooGood (12:04:04 AM): i saw the set. he sd'd at 14
KelvinTooGood (12:04:11 AM): and then kai wrecked him, no sd'd on delfino
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:14 AM): one fluke win vs a secondary doesnt negate the large amount of wins i have
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:19 AM): sry
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:24 AM): it's not rly debatable
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:28 AM): even kai himself knows it
KelvinTooGood (12:04:29 AM): well see about that
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:38 AM): kk GL arguing for him above me lmao
KelvinTooGood (12:04:44 AM): thanks for the luck
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:52 AM): it is truly needed, after all
KelvinTooGood (12:04:59 AM): whatvee ru say
Sesshomaru010101 (12:05:10 AM): i think i have an extremely big lead
KelvinTooGood (12:05:22 AM): then keep thinking that XD

and we know about the rainbow cruise fluke. anywho i wont take the win away from big m as he did good at powerplay vs kai as well. just like puffs win vs atomsk counted fully

Even I said bigM gets the win. He won, simple as that although details go further.

Are you FOR my win vs shadow being diminished??


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
read my edit guys or ill just post it again :)

Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:16 AM): nah man im guaranteed 4th
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:17 AM): by a lot
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:17 AM): lol
KelvinTooGood (12:03:27 AM): not by a lot
KelvinTooGood (12:03:34 AM): ur biggest win
KelvinTooGood (12:03:42 AM): i dont think its close to shadow
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:53 AM): he beat shadow's WARIO off of an SD or some ****
Sesshomaru010101 (12:03:54 AM): LMAO
KelvinTooGood (12:04:04 AM): i saw the set. he sd'd at 14
KelvinTooGood (12:04:11 AM): and then kai wrecked him, no sd'd on delfino
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:14 AM): one fluke win vs a secondary doesnt negate the large amount of wins i have
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:19 AM): sry
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:24 AM): it's not rly debatable
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:28 AM): even kai himself knows it
KelvinTooGood (12:04:29 AM): well see about that
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:38 AM): kk GL arguing for him above me lmao
KelvinTooGood (12:04:44 AM): thanks for the luck
Sesshomaru010101 (12:04:52 AM): it is truly needed, after all
KelvinTooGood (12:04:59 AM): whatvee ru say
Sesshomaru010101 (12:05:10 AM): i think i have an extremely big lead
KelvinTooGood (12:05:22 AM): then keep thinking that XD

and we know about the rainbow cruise fluke. anywho i wont take the win away from big m as he did good at powerplay vs kai as well. just like puffs win vs atomsk counted fully
so towards me, when Kai beats shadow it dwarfs all my wins, but towards Inui it just some Fluke. Nice.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
well i do look at everything. like orion told me that he sd'd like 6 times that set he lost to doom. i bviously took that into consideration. but kai i count your win fully since you wrecked him on his cp. and it was his own fault for not using the bike on yoshis


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
I was just nit picking at Inui's logic, I understood what you said clearly.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
it sucks that zucco is probably losing kai as a friend becuz of this stupid ****.
Nobody forced him to call my placement bull****, diminish my list, or imply nick wasnt trying vs me or him glad that nick made the same decision vs me(even though wario beats my mains). 5th isnt important the demeaning garbage is.

It's not brawl yes. If someone has the ability to demean me over nonsense, thats not a friend I want. Call it immaturity if you'd like


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
I said what I said, and while It may have been uncalled for, I cant take it back(or can I? is it that easy?). I'd say I'm sorry but I'm guessing a simple apology isnt enough to fix things at this point.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
I said what I said, and while It may have been uncalled for, I cant take it back(or can I? is it that easy?). I'd say I'm sorry but I'm guessing a simple apology isnt enough to fix things at this point.
Noted and accepted. Doesnt mean I want someone with this ability to spew garbage as a friend though


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
It's not brawl yes. If someone has the ability to demean me over nonsense, thats not a friend I want. Call it immaturity if you'd like
Didn't think of it that way (multi-tasking atm). Nah I don't blame you.

me love you long time
Me jerrous.

I said what I said, and while It may have been uncalled for, I cant take it back(or can I? is it that easy?). I'd say I'm sorry but I'm guessing a simple apology isnt enough to fix things at this point.
Doesn't hurt to try.

dammit kai beat me to it...but you double posted! *tattles to the thread closing mods*


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
yea the ds one.

right now im in fossil roo riding a whole bunch of gargants and flipping switches. im basically after i fought beatrix the 3rd time and she freya and steiner are still at the castle. then queen brahne attacked lindblum. oh yeah i beat that girl lani that bounty hounter. i like this game

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
yea the ds one.

right now im in fossil roo riding a whole bunch of gargants and flipping switches. im basically after i fought beatrix the 3rd time and she freya and steiner are still at the castle. then queen brahne attacked lindblum. oh yeah i beat that girl lani that bounty hounter. i like this game
Is that disc 2? My memory of event order is terrible
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