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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Lmao at this

*waits for Chibo's response...*
aaaaaannnnd.... now.

I'll see what I can do a.k.a I'm not livestreaming anything lol

You better be at Viridian City Aug. 29th!
I highly doubt I'll be there. It's too tough to get to Viridian tourneys when I'm not living at college and have a ride preferably. I move back on campus in September. The last one I went to the commute from the venue to home was approximately 7 hours one way. I would have rather driven to the midwest lol. Not to mention that my bday is the 30th, so that night at midnight I'm probably gonna hit up Atlantic City, which is a 5 minute commute for me :)

It's not a question of being afraid to ban, it's whether or not there is the need to ban, and that's highly debatable. I'm not going to deny the statistics; as it is, there are tiers within tiers similarly to how MK dominates this. Like I said, Pokemon is glorified rocks-paper-scissors; provided you have hours and hours and hours to spend breeding for good IVs and then EV training your team, all you have to do is go with a standard moveset and item slot and you can beat 99% of teams just by type advantage.

Also, fast sleepers were only good before Insomnia, Sleep Talk, and items to get rid of sleep. oh, and a huge abundance of first-hit moves. I maintain that the Pokemon community is scrubbier than the Smash community is, and that is based on their "GAH BAN IT" reactions to anything that seems unbeatable (If it gets unbanned, than it never should have been banned).

Actually, my entire post can be summed up by: GO REREAD SIRLIN.

ETA: After G/S/C, aside from tier separation which I can agree with to a point, there was very little worth banning.
Ok, if you want to get onto technicalities, no pokemon are banned, they are just ordered in tiers and the standard competitive play is OU tier and below, as it's been proven that Uber tier pokemon completely overpower and destroy the OU metagame. The data and testing shows that there is a need to ban. They don't ban right away unless it's painfully obvious. Such as if when Palkia was introduced, it's pretty obvious that was uber and was placed accordingly at the beginning. A situation in which a Uber pokemon wasn't banned right away was Shaymin-S. Shaymin was determined to not be Uber (despite having the Mew stats, though other Mew stat pokemon aren't Uber as well) and when Skywin was introduced in Platinum, it was kept in OU. Yea, that lasted real long... So for the standard metagame of OU, yes, there is absolutely a need to ban Pokemon out of it. This is to increase the number of viable Pokemon in the standard metagame, and for those stuck up players that dont believe in banning, then play Ubers and face the same teams of the same 15 or so pokemon, since any team in ubers that isn't centralized around uber pokemon will get destroyed.

At first look it seems like glorified RPS, but you should know (assuming you know stuff about pokemon judging by your last few posts but even im not sure of that anymore -_- ), that strategy far outweighs simple counters. The mono tournament recently held here on SmashBoards proves that. The tournament was a 16 person double elim bracket, which each player randomly assigned one of the 17 types (no one was given steel), and those players had to use a team of only pokemon of that type (or a mixed type with that as part of it). Despite the type advantages, iirc grass had beaten fire, and poison had beaten ground. The game is furhter changed beyond pokemon's types and movesets with hold items, most noteably choice scarf/specs/band which completely change the usefulness of pokemon and their role in a team. Spending hours and hours EV and IV training isn't the point of the game really. Most competitive analysis take place on shoddy battle where there is no such thing as training, or waiting for the right values. simply the skill and mind of the player, creating their vision of the perfect team - which is what battling comes down to in the end really. if it was true that anyone could win with a standard set and an item, then there would be no competitive aspect. there are tons and tons of sets for each viable pokemon, and only in very rare situations do some pokemon have only one really viable set. not to mention the hold items can completely change what moveset the pokemon works with.

As for your counter argument to fast sleepers:
Pokemon that learn Insomnia:

Of these 5 pokemon, Honchkrow is currently being tested on the edge of OU and UU, Noctowl, Ariados, Banette, and Hypno are all NU. Not even one full OU Pokemon, and the same Pokemon is the only potential UU. The rest are worthless NU.

Insomnia barely does anything to counter fast pokemon with guaranteed sleep moves, such as BP'ing speed to a Breloom, etc. The only thing it really does is prevent Buterfree's near guaranteed sleep move in the NU environment, but since we're talking competitive Pokemon here, it's probably best we refrain from even mentioning the NU metagame -_-

As for Sleep Talk, you aren't even guaranteed in getting the attack that will counter the pokemon, and missing one crucial move not only allows a Pokemon like Breloom to recover a massive amount of HP (toxic orb + leech seed), a pokemon could also set up substitute, etc. This also means that you have to waste one of your four moves on the off chance that you come across such a Pokemon. The only way you would be able to beat such a sleeper is by having a specific counter for them on your team, which overcentralizes the metagame in requiring teams to all run specific things hampering variable styles of play (this is one of the big problems with Garchomp and why he was banned). I still neglect to see how the Pokemon community is "scrubbier" (define that plz) especially when the smash community has players like you posting such nonsense on here knocking other communities for advances that they admittedly have over the smash community. things can certainly become unbanned, mainly with two things: 1. new introductions to the metagame. platinum was released not too long ago. this changed the metagame quite a lot with some pokemon learning new moves (gaaah bullet punching Scizor), and plenty of Pokemon learning new moves via Move Tutor (Outraging Salamence johns). 2. the other reason is that it's near impossible to predict exactly what will happen after you ban a pokemon from a certain level of competitive play. there are 493 pokemon, each with a seemingly endless amount of movesets (except lol Wobbuffet and... Kakuna?), all being able to be used in conjunction with one and other, the only way to see the true effects of a ban is to test it. This is entirely similar to the idea proposed of a temporary ban of MK to see how the metagame changes, which as writing this Essay of Pokemon Pwnage makes me realize that it's probably not such a bad idea. People can play theory games all they want and speculate what will happen, but anything can truly happen, especially with the possibilities of other character's meta games changing with a more centralized focus on them.

Just another addendum:

If Pokemon is as competitive as you say it is, why, with its large-*** playerbase (MUCH bigger than Smash's) that has been around for over a decade never produced a tourney that has had the size or money amount that any other competitive game has had?

I can tell you why: It's glorified rocks-paper-scissors and nobody with half a brain is gonna put money on that **** in a real competition.

Also, lawl @ Shoddy; a non-obligatory system only gets data that is willingly put into it, and that's what we call "volunteer bias" in stats, making the data questionable if not worthless.
Yes, Pokemon's "large-***" playerbase is larger than Smash's, but the average age of a Pokemon player is even less than that of a Smashers. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the average age of a competitive player between the games is higher in Pokemon, due to the knowledge needed to truly understand the game and the strategies behind it that younger minds simply can't comprehend on average. Lower average age = less tourney attendance. It's funny that you should bring up numbers like that however, as conviniently Nintendo is holding their annual tourney circuit now and Genesis - the largest Smash tourney so far just happened. Neither Melee nor Brawl singles topped 300 at Genesis, add in some people who didn't enter singles, take out some people who entered both games, and you've got about a ~550 attendance. The Pokemon tourney circuit consists of like 4 or 5 tourneys across the US before heading to the finals. One of the qualifiers, not the national finals, in Philadelphia had over 900 players. OVER NINE HUNDRED PLAYERS. No smash event has ever reached such numbers, nor will it ever top Pokemon in top turn out probably.

Money however is something that Smash has over Pokemon. Is that such a big deal however? Money isn't even a big thing in the Smash community in other areas of the world outside of the US. There are places like Japan that play for pride over money as that's what matters to them. If anything, it shows more maturity to me than people *****ing at small tourneys wondering why 3rd place in teams doesn't at least get money back. However the Nintendo sponsored events do feature some pretty nifty prizes worth more than any Smash tournament, similar to how they did with the official Nintendo/GameStop Brawl tournament. Lee Martin won more from that one series of tournaments than M2k did at Genesis.

The other thing that keeps Pokemon from having such a flourished in person tourney scene (desipte there sort of being the need for one, which I plan on helping fix that along with others) is the online play. Online play is not a problem at all with Pokemon compared with Smash. There aren't any lag johns, hell, there's even voice chat. Smogon hosts tons of tourneys all the time, many with hundreds of people. You can go on there at any time and see many tournaments currently in progress.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Because most of your post is useless, I'm going to snip the parts that I feel are worth replying to on some level.

that strategy far outweighs simple counters.
Fire Emblem lawl. (inc Inui)

The mono tournament recently held here on SmashBoards proves that.
That's like saying low tiers proves something, which it doesn't.

One of the qualifiers, not the national finals, in Philadelphia had over 900 players. OVER NINE HUNDRED PLAYERS.
And what's the risk/reward factor here? I don't recall Nintendo asking for much, if anything, in order to enter. Little risk and any reward = more people. You're comparing apples to oranges here.

there are 493 pokemon, each with a seemingly endless amount of movesets
And quite a lot of that cast is either banned or so horrendously bad that they're borderline to the next lowest tier. You even discussed this (A little, at least) in your own post.

Most competitive analysis take place on shoddy battle
Once again, volunteer bias.

if it was true that anyone could win with a standard set and an item, then there would be no competitive aspect.
In my experience (Which, admittedly, wasn't particularly much due to my disgust with it) with OU play on Wifi on a few forums I'm a member of, I saw teams that tended to have the same Pokemon in varying formations. Not every team was identical; I can't recall the specifics at this point because this was closer to D/P's release, but I think it was maybe the same 21 or so 'mons in various arrangements. They had different moves or items here and there, but honestly, a Pokemon's party role is determined pretty easily by its stat weight; Shuckle is never going to be your steamroller, while a Pokemon like Rampardos isn't going to be your tank (Ignore their tiers, just making a point on raw stats here).

Now, in addition, I'm going to address the true flaw of Pokemon being competitive, and this is a factor which has many people wondering about Brawl: RNG. The main reason after what I've mentioned earlier that this game is something you shouldn't put money on is the dice roll. You are putting your money / pride / whatever-the-hell-you're-betting on the line in a glorified game of RPS (In case you still don't understand this, a deeper version of RPS, but still RPS at a base level) where essentially your hand can come down as you face off and randomly not exist. You can run the perfect strategy, but if for some reason that 99% chance you have to hit with the move you need to connect doesn't actually happen, you lose. You have done nothing wrong; you just got tripped by Sakurai into Ike's f-smash.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Shuckle is never going to be your steamroller, while a Pokemon like Rampardos isn't going to be your tank (Ignore their tiers, just making a point on raw stats here).
How can I possibly ignore their tiers? You chose two Pokemon, who are both NU tier (the lowest that's not NFE), because of how incredibly predictable they are. You are correct, Shuckle won't be offense, and it will always run the same similar stupid walling set. Sure it has it's uses - every pokemon does in ways. But the sheer predictability and limited move pools of Shuckle and Rampardos make them not too viable in competitive play. Compare it to OU pokemon who normally have fair stats in multiple departments, well laid out move pools, and can fill multiple roles.

Yes there is a sense of randomness in Pokemon, but you bringing that up in your last post is like a btw and practically dropping the rest of your argument since everything I said completely shot it down and your rebuttal does nothing but help you increase your post count. despite randomness making some people not want to invest as much money really, people are still flying/driving long distances to these regional events, there have been some tourneys with money on the line, etc. You can also appease the random events by sets (same thing as Smash), and control them due to various abilities in the game. If you REALLY want to not be crit, then use someone with an ability to not get hit, or plan every turn in mind if your opponent may land a crit (I do this on average and I would expect many others to do as well). If you're wagering on a low acc move hitting, then your still taking the chance for that, but it can be changed by using a move with a lower risk lower reward. no different than doing a snake ftilt instead of a snake fsmash rly.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Compare it to OU pokemon who normally have fair stats in multiple departments, well laid out move pools, and can fill multiple roles.
OK then, let's look at some OU pokemon that are limited, and afterwards we'll use a comparison to Brawl (Again!) to make it a bit more clear.

Blissey - This thing has mediocre stats in everything except HP and Sp. Defense; Sp. Attack is maybe decent, at best. Blissey is extremely limited.
Porygon-Z - The polar opposite of Blissey in the sense that it has very little to offer defense-wise. Once again, extremely limited.

That's a lot like Meta Knight: His range is limited, etc etc, I don't need to go into details for this on a Smash forum. But he excels in those limited departments to such a level that he can still do very very very well.

On the other hand, fitting your description ("Snake" types) we have Pokemon like Dragonite, Garchomp, Milotic, etc because they can fill multiple roles.

practically dropping the rest of your argument since everything I said completely shot it down
I think we're each doing exactly the same thing to eachothers' arguments: Ignoring the parts that makes our own suck.

Also, sets aren't for getting rid of the RNG in Smash; there wasn't much of an RNG in the game until Brawl. With an RNG, regardless of the odds, it's possible with a 99.99% chance to hit to miss every time, and anything that has that possibility isn't a good medium for competition.

EDIT: Wait, on risk/reward:

When I use Snake's ftilt, if you're in range, there isn't a chance for it to randomly miss. Same with his fsmash. A better comparison for that would be something like Solar Beam or Hyper Beam, where you lose a turn in order to land the move; but once again, I take a risk with a small hitbox for a huge reward with Snake's fsmash, but if I time it right it's going to pay off. You can't make that guarantee with the RNG.

You're not going to win in a RNG-is-fine-in-competition arguement, mah dood, I play arena PvP in WoW.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Charizard is the only Pokemon that matters. Every other one was made just so he could use Fire Blast on them. You both lose


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
well, gotta try to see this movie soon. i've read all the books... i usually can enjoy the movies, but i'm always a bit disappointed (especially with the 5th one)
me and my sister are big fans, and she said the movie was awful because many things weren't explained that are very important to the story and for what happens in the seventh one...
they always do that **** though, it's annoying to see because it's not even like they can't fit all of the story into the movie, they go into too much detail about some small parts instead of the main story.
This caught my eye.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
OK then, let's look at some OU pokemon that are limited, and afterwards we'll use a comparison to Brawl (Again!) to make it a bit more clear.

Blissey - This thing has mediocre stats in everything except HP and Sp. Defense; Sp. Attack is maybe decent, at best. Blissey is extremely limited.
Porygon-Z - The polar opposite of Blissey in the sense that it has very little to offer defense-wise. Once again, extremely limited.
The exception which I mentioned before is when they excel at what they do so great still keeps them as viable. Blissey is such an amazing special wall, that there is no way you are gonna take it down ohko with a special attack thats not extremely boosted.

However, you are still WRONG. You're simply using stats as the end all decision for what determines the role of a Pokemon. There are many variations of Blissey for example. There are special walls that can cripple their opponent with Thunderwave/Sing/Charm, there are calm mind special sweepers, there are those that can have a set up role with moves like Stealth Rock, and you also have to determine which kind of wall they are running if that's how they roll - using Protect + Wish or Softboiled.

Same applies with Porygon-Z, he has a very nice movepool while it's generally not too hard to guess one or two of his attacks, you have variations in Choice Spec Porygon-Z's, Life Orb'd, Nasty Plotting, whatever Hidden Power move you feel like putting on him, both of his abilities are good so you generally don't know which one you're going to face, etc.

Stop giving me ammo for this argument, its too easy. Fortunately I commonly run Blissey and Porygon-Z on my teams.

That's a lot like Meta Knight: His range is limited, etc etc

On the other hand, fitting your description ("Snake" types) we have Pokemon like Dragonite, Garchomp, Milotic, etc because they can fill multiple roles.
If you really wanted a Pokemon - Smash analogy, it's that Snake is Scizor and MetaKnight is Heatran. Scizor is an extreme force that resists many Pokemon and it can be tough to deal with him on a whim. However he can be countered by switching in Heatran. Scizor can deal with Heatran with the right moves and predictions, but the only true counter in the game to Heatran is another Heatran.

I think we're each doing exactly the same thing to eachothers' arguments: Ignoring the parts that makes our own suck.
If you feel I have skipped over a part of your argument that makes mine suck, please point it out and I will gladly counter it with true logic or show why it has no place in this debate from the original point.

Also, sets aren't for getting rid of the RNG in Smash; there wasn't much of an RNG in the game until Brawl.
The only thing really Brawl has over Melee in random elements is tripping, which hardly completely changes the random element between the two smash games. Not to mention people have hacked the game to remove tripping. Melee still had misfires, stitch turnips, 9 hammers, beam swords, bob-ombs, and Mr. Saturns.

With an RNG, regardless of the odds, it's possible with a 99.99% chance to hit to miss every time, and anything that has that possibility isn't a good medium for competition.
There are no moves that have an acc of 99.99% -_-
While agree some of the randomness in Pokemon is lame, it is balanced out by that lower accuracy moves compensates for better attacks, and is used in a form of balance (as to balance Hypnosis in Platinum the accuracy of it was lowered).

EDIT: Wait, on risk/reward:

When I use Snake's ftilt, if you're in range, there isn't a chance for it to randomly miss. Same with his fsmash. A better comparison for that would be something like Solar Beam or Hyper Beam, where you lose a turn in order to land the move; but once again, I take a risk with a small hitbox for a huge reward with Snake's fsmash, but if I time it right it's going to pay off. You can't make that guarantee with the RNG.
You're completely contradicting yourself. First you talk against his ftilt and fsmash for it's chance to not miss if you connect it, then later on you mention the risk reward of a great hit with a small hitbox, and with timing you can pull it off (teams?), which in pokemon the same could be said by increasing your accuracy or using various other abilities to set up the attack.

Regardless, the random element of Pokemon wasn't even the base of the argument, you completely strayed off course of your original point. Your original point was calling a community "scrubby" for playing what you called glorified RPS. Correct me if I'm wrong but you can't miss in RPS either. You also started by complaining that you don't have **** on anyone without broken combos that were banned for a reason. Why was DDD's infinite banned? Cause it was deemed as unfavorable by the community.

PeysakhovYou're not going to win in a RNG-is-fine-in-competition arguement, mah dood, I play arena PvP in WoW.[/QUOTE]

It's cool guys - this guy definitely knows what he's talking about ;)


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Your original point was calling a community "scrubby" for playing what you called glorified RPS.
My original statement is that Pokemon is glorified RPS and that the community behind it is scrubby. Two separate things. Neither one is dependent on the other.

Why was DDD's infinite banned?
Isn't at Evo. I don't agree with the Smash community's scrubby habit of banning things, either, stages notwithstanding.

There are no moves that have an acc of 99.99% -_-
Do you know what a hypothetical situation is? :facepalm:

Melee still had misfires, stitch turnips, 9 hammers, beam swords, bob-ombs, and Mr. Saturns.
You're going to tell me Rampardos and Shuckle aren't worth discussing and then bring up G&W's hammer in Melee? You got one some good stuff in the last 12 hours brah.

However, you are still WRONG.
The general role of those 'mons is fairly constant, especially compared to some of the other 'mons in the OU tier. I'm not debating that they're good, but they're still limited - Blissey will always be a wall and P-Z will always be on the offensive. They just happen to excel at those aspects as well as having a few options available to them to give them a bit of added flavor; but at this point we're debating using Chains of Ice vs Frost Fever with Chillblains attached. It still achieves the same end, without actually, in the end, changing the actual effect.

Arguing that P-Z is going to have different moves/items is like arguing that Peach can pull a Beam Sword. Sure, it might throw you off a bit, but it's still Peach.

which in pokemon the same could be said by increasing your accuracy or using various other abilities to set up the attack.
That you're trying to compare RNG to timing is laughable at best.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Nothing from your last reply was even remotely close to adding to the overall state of the argument/debate. You're killing it yourself. This is over. I declare me the winner. End of story.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
College Park, MD

There are two things I'm a fanatic for. The first being smash, the second is ADVENTURE TIME.

Adventure time was a 7 minute short made by Pendleton Ward for Nickelodeon. He also made a second short for them called "The Bravest Warriors" which you can watch if you want, but I won't like that one because this post is about Adventure Time. When offered to make Adventure Time a full feature cartoon on Nickelodeon, they didn't do anything with it until eventually they lost the rights at which point Cartoon Network bought Adventure Time.

There's a blog you can follow here: http://frederatorblogs.com/adventure_time/ that'll update with art, storyboards, or random jibber jabber that they decide to post. It looks to be amazing and will be airing most likely early spring of 2010 where you can be sure that I'll post another thread about it. This show is too good. Pendleton Ward is also a storyboardist for the show "The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack" which is also on Cartoon Network if you're interested. I really can't stress how much I love the style of comedy and character this show has to offer. If anyone can post something similar, I'll totally check it out. To give you an example, in one of the storyboards for this show Jake's alarm clock starts rinigng. Finn (who in the short is called Jake) says "What's the alarm for, dude?" to which Jake replies "Trainspotting time dude". Trainspotting, for those who don't know, is slang for shooting heroin. However instead of the characters indulging in illegal substance, a train emerges from a hole in the ground, flies through the air, and lands in another hole about 50 yards next to it. Trust me guys. This is going to be a good show.
That show is hilarious. Was this they only episode?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Quick Announcement:

The new admins for the NJPlayerFinder are Chibo, Crismas, Sneak, and Yes!
So, let me get this straight.

1. A player from PA.
2. Someone with no leadership or top player status, but she does co-host with Alex, so eh...
3. An extremely inactive player.
4. A retired Brawl player that openly hates the state.

I don't see Keitaro there. Why?


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm

Inui, this is the very last time I'm gonna explain this to you thick skulled morons, so listen up. THE NJ PLAYER FINDER IS IN NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH THE POWER RANKINGS!

That means that it really doesn't matter how active you are as a player, so long as you are active on the boards. You don't have to know jack **** about smash to update this thing. All you gotta do is when someone posts their info, you add it to the first page. The fact that power rankings is on the first page does not mean that the NJPlayerFinder admins are gonna create the power rankings, lol. A completely separate panel has always been chosen to create rankings, the player finder is just a place to put them.

Chibo is a trustworthy guy who knows a lot about these forums and has experience already. He lives in NJ and PA, so I don't see a problem.

Yes and Cris are both trustworthy people who are active on the boards and have involvement with both smash communities.

Sneak is trustworthy and shows a lot of aspirations to make changes. For a long time the player finders (not the god**** power rankings) have gone almost completely unchanged. I look forward to seeing some of sneak's ideas, and i know he will do a good job keeping things up and running.

Keitaro not only broke one of the biggest rules as an admin, but he also let the player finders become rather stale without keeping up with updates. Same with tec0 and mog. You, in addition to being a *******, and not ever being chosen to be an admin in the first place, have shown that all you care about is your precious brawl power rankings, which was not ever intended to be the primary use of this thread.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Inui, this is the very last time I'm gonna explain this to you thick skulled morons, so listen up. THE NJ PLAYER FINDER IS IN NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH THE POWER RANKINGS!

That means that it really doesn't matter how active you are as a player, so long as you are active on the boards. You don't have to know jack **** about smash to update this thing. All you gotta do is when someone posts their info, you add it to the first page. The fact that power rankings is on the first page does not mean that the NJPlayerFinder admins are gonna create the power rankings, lol. A completely separate panel has always been chosen to create rankings, the player finder is just a place to put them.

Chibo is a trustworthy guy who knows a lot about these forums and has experience already. He lives in NJ and PA, so I don't see a problem.

Yes and Cris are both trustworthy people who are active on the boards and have involvement with both smash communities.

Sneak is trustworthy and shows a lot of aspirations to make changes. For a long time the player finders (not the god**** power rankings) have gone almost completely unchanged. I look forward to seeing some of sneak's ideas, and i know he will do a good job keeping things up and running.

Keitaro not only broke one of the biggest rules as an admin, but he also let the player finders become rather stale without keeping up with updates. Same with tec0 and mog. You, in addition to being a *******, and not ever being chosen to be an admin in the first place, have shown that all you care about is your precious brawl power rankings, which was not ever intended to be the primary use of this thread.

Fool... Where did I mention that my objections to your decisions had anything to do with the Brawl power rankings? I don't require access to this thing in order to be the leader of this state, but I don't think inactive people and/or people with no interest at all in the state or its Brawl players should be in charge of the state's player finder. It's clearly illogical.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
inui im gonna curb stomp you

No, you will do nothing. Just do us a favor and fade away again. Hopefully the current admins do something smart...like changing the password and e-mail in order to lock you out of the finder. You shouldn't be able to make any decisions with regards to this state since you only play Melee, and you barely even play that.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
How very immature :p

It's okay if I'm not an admin, I got lazy with the updates and always felt like I was the only one updating so it's good to have new people to do whatever that needs to be done.

It's really annoying updating the finder too. I hope the new admins have fun hoping the other admins update until a players quotes himself from months ago saying his info wasn't put up when he posted it.....then the player's info still doesn't get updated :dizzy:

Everything will be fine but after a while **** will go down hill just like last time.

Chibo may be able to make a change though, and that's sad, cause he's not even apart of NJ.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
i understand where jfox is coming from for the selection but

i think inui's a little bit more correct

i just feel bad for jfox <3


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Attention NJ players:

Check if your **** is on the first page. If it's not, post it again. Simple huh?

I didn't know I had to be an active bawlr player in order to use Copy/Paste :laugh:

★J.G WentWorth★

Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2007
Makin Movies, S.W.R. HQ
lol so since there's new management let's see if this goes up this time ;p

Forum Name: Smash Phoenix
Preffered Name: J.G. WentWorth
Which game you play actively?: Brawl and Melee
County: Passaic County
City: Clifton
Contact Info: AIM = JGsmashThat
Crew: 100% JUICE
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: lol yea like once
Ever been in a car wreck?: I wouldn't call it a wreck but yea i guess so.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: Teachers are bangin yo
Have you ever peed in public?: Yea i almost blew up
Coke or Pepsi?: umm Pepsi
Beer, wine or hard liquor?: That Juice babyy
Do you like horror or comedy?: Comedy
Have you ever been arrested?: Oncee



Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
Forum Name: ksizl4life
Preffered Name: ksizzle
Which game you play actively?: Brawl
County: Passaic County
City: passaic
Contact Info: AIM: OatmealMonster12
Crew: 100% JUICE

too lazy to check the first page lol


Smash Master
Aug 19, 2008
Forum Name: BleachigoZX
Which game you play actively- Brawl
County: Bergen County
City: Ridgefield Park
Contact Info: PM me if you want this stuff.
Crew: Zodiac Braves

LOL at Kelvins AIM!!


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
lol so since there's new management let's see if this goes up this time ;p

Forum Name: Smash Phoenix
Preffered Name: J.G. WentWorth
Which game you play actively?: Brawl and Melee
County: Passaic County
City: Clifton
Contact Info: AIM = JGsmashThat
Crew: 100% JUICE
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: lol yea like once
Ever been in a car wreck?: I wouldn't call it a wreck but yea i guess so.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: Teachers are bangin yo
Have you ever peed in public?: Yea i almost blew up
Coke or Pepsi?: umm Pepsi
Beer, wine or hard liquor?: That Juice babyy
Do you like horror or comedy?: Comedy
Have you ever been arrested?: Oncee

lol j i love ya bro but i can only put the necessary stuff
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