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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Hmm, I have to agree with Nick on this one.

It is unfortunate that fools stick with fools, hurting their chances of ever becoming anything more...

It's clear that Kelvin is better than you in singles Lucas.

Please point out where I disputed this.

I'm sure you are better in doubles but you have Trevor. He's a good team mate and overall player.

Idiot! How many more times must I prove that Trevor is not a requirement for me to win nor is he the reason I am a doubles genius?

I enjoy teaming with him and enjoy how easy it is to massacre everyone with him on my team, so I won't be baited into ditching him when I can have him, but come on. Just look at the results.

I would assume that if Kelvin teamed with Trevor just as much as you and cared for doubles just the same then he would probably achieve about the same results.

Incorrect. Trevor and I do not have amazing teamwork from teaming with each other so much, but rather with playing with each other so much for such a long time, but I suppose us teaming often is good.

However, it's plainly obvious that I am more compatable with more players than Kelvin is, as well as more experienced and more passionate when it comes to doubles.

It would take him quite some time to achieve the same results, as mirroring results as good as mine takes being a God like Mew2King.

About this "caring" stuff, the same could be said of me in singles. I beat him twice this season in MK dittos because I enjoy those and care about them. I do NOT care about fighting extremely boring characters like Snake, ROB, and Sonic, though. Not even the chump change I can win here can motivate me to camp massively and deal with massively boring camping in singles.

You'll do well with others too but you care about teams to that extent. You may play more characters than him(maybe, i dont know) but hes better than you with the characters he does use so why bother to bring that up. Anyone can invest time into more characters.

Hardly. His Meta Knight isn't better than mine and my Snake's certainly better than or on par with the rest of his characters (his Lucario being a possible exception). His Meta Knight is sorely lacking in doubles experience (Kelvin learns quickly, so this is going to change soon) and I'm clearly better at the ditto right now. I'm also significantly better against Toon Link, likely better against Dedede, and just more well-versed in a plethora of match-ups and in doubles in general. He's amazing and really good...but better overall (note this word, as it has been my main point the entire time that both you and Nick simply can't understand) than me? No, not quite.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009

You sound foolish for saying nobody can see the "overall" part of your statement. Nick actually addressed that from the start by saying that you include trivial achievements in your arguement. Low tiers do not matter.

I wont get into your "I don't need Trevor to do well" commentary. It may be true, but he's still a reason why your team does so well and that you play together at almost every event. You are good in doubles, but it's not like you dont always have a good partner.

Just because you get bored doesn't make your johns for losing any better.

Overall, you're wrong :) I have spoken.

See? I can play the stupid gifs game too :bee:


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey

Another pitifully weak response to crush... When will you people learn?

You sound foolish for saying nobody can see the "overall" part of your statement. Nick actually addressed that from the start by saying that you include trivial achievements in your arguement. Low tiers do not matter.

That child didn't "address" anything. What he did was discard valid evidence that didn't agree with his point of view, which isn't acceptable in this court.

Apparently the definition of "overall" is something you never learned.

"in view of all the circumstances or conditions"

Knowing this, it is impossible for you to prove me wrong.

I wont get into your "I don't need Trevor to do well" commentary. It may be true, but he's still a reason why your team does so well and that you play together at almost every event. You are good in doubles, but it's not like you dont always have a good partner.

I don't even understand the point of this garbage paragraph.

Obviously my team mates help me do well. It's teams.

Why does me always getting a good partner matter? I should team with garbage players and lose money because they suck? That's ridiculous. Good players team with good players in order to win and make the experience enjoyable because teamwork and other such things exist between good players. I team with good players...because I'm amazing in doubles and everyone good wants to team with me. I could team with Mew2King, Ally, Dojo, Tyrant, UTD Zac, ChuDat...none would say no, because I have proven myself capable of giving them 1st at hard events.

Just because you get bored doesn't make your johns for losing any better.

Overall, you're wrong :) I have spoken.

Wrong! The definition of that word "overall" crushes your whole argument!

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009

Looks like I should have said, "Over all of things that matter". This would exclude your low tier arguement and playing more characters than him. Basically it would leave doubles and singles. You're better in Doubles and he's much better in singles.

Doesn't take a genious to see this.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Looks like I should have said, "Over all of things that matter". This would exclude your low tier arguement and playing more characters than him. Basically it would leave doubles and singles. You're better in Doubles and he's much better in singles.

Tsk tsk tsk... Why do you persist? How much something matters is based completely on that person and the prize involved. Tell me, how much money does one win if they win singles when compared to the person that wins doubles and both low tier events? Much less. That's what matters. Low tiers matters to me and everyone else that enters and enjoys those events, and it counts towards how good someone is OVERALL if they are proficient with those characters and know how to fight them.

If you're going to claim he's "much better" (he isn't) than me at singles, then you should also claim I'm "much better" in doubles. The gap is about the same, if not larger between us in teams.

Doesn't take a genious to see this.

One should learn how to spell the word "genius" before insulting someone based on the word...

Did you guys not have that discussion about doubles not counting towards rank?

Irrelevant. This discussion has nothing to do with the rankings.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
I wasn't sure about the "o". Oh well, caught me there :laugh:.

You are "much" better than him in doubles. Happy?

Still, at the start you said, they would admit you are the over all better player. This has been wrong from the start. Why would they admit that for something that you care about and not them? Including them in your arguement is lol worthy


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
Kai you spelt genius wrong AGAIN! LMAO

Inui i know were not crewmates but can we team again soon? i wanna win money :). btw i guess ur better at the ditto but we both have our share of characters were both good against. u cant just say ur mk is better than mine cuz ur better than me at the ditto. thats like wyatt being better than atomsk with ddd cuz he wins all the dittos.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
You are "much" better than him in doubles. Happy?
No, because I'm really not THAT much better than him in teams. He recently learned a LOT about doubles from staying over my place and teaming with me and he's learning quickly about teams. He'll be amazing in no time.

Still, at the start you said, they would admit you are the over all better player. This has been wrong from the start. Why would they admit that for something that you care about and not them? Including them in your arguement is lol worthy
No, I said it's true whether they admit it or not, not that they would admit it.

Inui i know were not crewmates but can we team again soon? i wanna win money :). btw i guess ur better at the ditto but we both have our share of characters were both good against. u cant just say ur mk is better than mine cuz ur better than me at the ditto. thats like wyatt being better than atomsk with ddd cuz he wins all the dittos.
I was saying my Meta Knight was better because I was including teams. Yours is better in singles, maybe. We both have a crushing weakness to a different common character but **** those weaknesses when we swap splaces. This is why we make such an incredible team. There isn't a weakness to pick on.

Sadly, I'm unsure if I can team with you much as long as I have Atomsk around, but we're not against teaming with other people at smaller local events since it'll be exciting to fight against each other instead of just getting a guaranteed easy 1st every time.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ

I thought almost all of NJ agreed that Doubles doesn't matter.

Why is this discussion even taking place??

DM and Ksizzle have been doing better than you in singles Inui. I'm not saying they are better, but they have done better this season. Simple as that.

Your singles placings are actually so low, that it could be possible for someone else to come ahead if they pull off some amazing victories.

Also, no, you are not top 5 in doubles in the world. Armada clearly came over from Europe and showed that the rest of the world matters so I get annoyed when people talke about *best in world!!* when we haven't seen the world yet.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I thought almost all of NJ agreed that Doubles doesn't matter.

Why is this discussion even taking place??

Idiot! This discussion has nothing to do with rankings, and I will go ballistic if you ever utter the words "doubles doesn't matter" in front of me!

DM and Ksizzle have been doing better than you in singles Inui. I'm not saying they are better, but they have done better this season. Simple as that.

When did I dispute this or care about it? Nowhere. I was making an argument of overall skill, not singles rankings. You're not paying attention to anything.

Your singles placings are actually so low, that it could be possible for someone else to come ahead if they pull off some amazing victories.

Wrong. The rest of this state has been doing so poorly that I can afford to mess around and not care at all and stay 6th at worst pending we keep Mew2King on our next list. The season ends...this weekend or the next one, and nothing is happening.

Also, no, you are not top 5 in doubles in the world. Armada clearly came over from Europe and showed that the rest of the world matters so I get annoyed when people talke about *best in world!!* when we haven't seen the world yet.

Perhaps you speak the truth and I should clarify myself, but first you should join me for a cup of pure dark coffee to stimulate what little brain you have.

I'm easily one of the best in doubles that we KNOW of, and that's what counts until someone proves themselves.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ

These are how alot of your arguments are. Your attacking with no fire power >_>

I will admit I'm sorry that I did not read all your posts, then I'll take it back cause

1. You post alot of garbage

2. The stupid ****ing gifs look so annoying that I end up skipping over the posts themselves.

3. When I see your name, I sometimes skip over the post entirely unless someone quotes you.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I will admit I'm sorry that I did not read all your posts, then I'll take it back cause

1. You post alot of garbage

2. The stupid ****ing gifs look so annoying that I end up skipping over the posts themselves.

It's your loss to not read and understand my amazing posts, rookie.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2007
Stupid argument, Inui is clearly the better overall player but... that doesn't matter for anything .


★J.G WentWorth★

Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2007
Makin Movies, S.W.R. HQ
What the hell happend to this thread? lolll

Simpsons > Phoenix Wright

It's a banana chocolate milkshake.
But Simpsons < Banana Chocolate Milkshake :lick:

Alright, I officially quit this stupid gif ****.
aww don't stop lmao

I found a GIF!

And I mean come on Keitaro. On smashboards you're either someone that spams nonsense or debates nonsense. GIFs just make spam more worthy.
This Emu Killer Guy is good

But ......

Tyranitar > Your T-Rex/Raptor combo :p



Banned via Warnings
May 23, 2008
The Game, NJ
This weekend is Otacon fools. thats why theres nothing going on. Cuz anime nerds outnumber game nerds i think and they're having a meeting to plot the destruction of all gamers so that anime can rule the world. Never fear, I'll be going to stop them.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
This weekend is Otacon fools. thats why theres nothing going on. Cuz anime nerds outnumber game nerds i think and they're having a meeting to plot the destruction of all gamers so that anime can rule the world. Never fear, I'll be going to stop them.
dude get that shiny desu crap out of here XD


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
So if Trevor teams with someone else and so do you, and he outplaces you, does this mean he is more of a "doubles god" than you?

Go have a look at what happens when we are seperated. He got fourth twice without Mew2King there (roflmaobbqwtf that's not even possible for me even when I teamed with Dave, who kinda sucks now), while I got second to Mew2King a shitload of times and got second to Anti and ksizzle when my partner wasn't as good as them and I couldn't deal with Snake at all yet.

This is just recently. In the past, when I was with dmbrandon and teh_spamerer, I still always did better.

There is no denying that Atomsk is extremely good and useful in doubles, but who his partner is happens to be more important than who mine is because I adapt more quickly in doubles and can function well as the attacker now. He needs a camper that can support his aggression properly. Who can do that for him in this area at a good enough level to beat a team like me and Kelvin? Nobody.

Edit: He's going to team with a few other people until SNES, and we're going to team only once before that. That's an agreement I just made with him. He will just have to see the error of his ways before realizing that I am better for him than anyone else. Kelvin, we can team at any upcoming events.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
You didn't answer my question. So IF Trevor teams with someone else and so do you, and he outplaces you, does this mean he is more of a "doubles god" than you?

I never said has or will do better than you. I just asked a question about a possible situation. I kindly await your answer :bee:
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