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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
LOL no one EVER says anything negative to each other in person but they may say it behind ur back tho to another smasher... but to each other... yea right lol. Obviously saying things about each other while hiding behind the computer monitor is the ideal thing to do.
For most people thats correct. Wrong when it comes to a few though.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2009
Fairlawn, New Jersey
Ksizzile really? First of all you started this on aib saying stuff to me when i never said anything at you first,lol so i cant say this irl?? ive never said anything bad about you irl or on internet, matter of fact ive never even played you. And also i love how youve said something to me in person and you say i cant say anything in person lol. Also i suck at everything? your real athletic....but like i was saying you say i cant say anything irl but your da one going no aib and bashing peolpe for ther opionions. And kai i understand now.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
Ksizzile really? First of all you started this on aib saying stuff to me when i never said anything at you first,lol so i cant say this irl?? ive never said anything bad about you irl or on internet, matter of fact ive never even played you. And also i love how youve said something to me in person and you say i cant say anything in person lol. Also i suck at everything? your real athletic....but like i was saying you say i cant say anything irl but your da one going no aib and bashing peolpe for ther opionions. And kai i understand now.

edit- i had put (no offense) but it seems everyone's picking on this guy... so in order to fit in among my piers i'm gonna just insult him too!


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
LOL no one EVER says anything negative to each other in person but they may say it behind ur back tho to another smasher... but to each other... yea right lol. Obviously saying things about each other while hiding behind the computer monitor is the ideal thing to do.
Not me. I'll say it in person.

And Inui, seriously, calling JFOX a has been or (insert insult here) isn't gonna get you guys the password back any sooner. So unless you're really planning on putting in the extra work to making a completely different thread, i suggest you keep the insulting of the guy with the password to a minimum. It just seems like the smart thing to do imo lol
Who cares? Keitaro is the one that's getting it, not me. If he takes offense to what I say (the truth) and takes it out on everyone like a baby, that shows that he doesn't care anymore and doesn't matter.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
Not me. I'll say it in person.

Who cares? Keitaro is the one that's getting it, not me. If he takes offense to what I say (the truth) and takes it out on everyone like a baby, that shows that he doesn't care anymore and doesn't matter.
yea but you should still try to help the situation so the thread could make some much needed progress

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Wait we are all FINALLY bashing BigM?
I'm a bit confused, why is he being bashed? I'd like to be filled in with the cool kids :laugh:

Sneak, other than rankings, I don't really see how this thread is important.

Inui, if Keitaro can't get the password, why not just make a new thread?


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
Sneak, other than rankings, I don't really see how this thread is important.
Yea and thats the main problem, I don't think the thread was created ONLY for rankings. I thought its intent was to help people in NJ find other smashers in the area and an easier way to find out whats going on in the state in general like tournies, smashfests, etc.. It was also supposed to help crewless NJers find crews or look at vids of smashers in the area but its now turned into an ego thing where the only thing people care about is how high they are on the list. That's why i been trying to get them to update the 1st page since about forever.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
I was happy Kai happy.

I had written "Jai" by accident....sorry man....
^Either a drunken post, or not Bleachigo^ Im convinced

Edit-Sneak, I suppose. If you believe those things are important then I can see why you dislike all the bickering. On the other hand I find tourny attendence to be the judge of how people act, play, and what they contribute or what crew would best suit them. Just a difference of opinion I guess. I see this for rankings only really...


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2009
Fairlawn, New Jersey
Yea and thats the main problem, I don't think the thread was created ONLY for rankings. I thought its intent was to help people in NJ find other smashers in the area and an easier way to find out whats going on in the state in general like tournies, smashfests, etc.. It was also supposed to help crewless NJers find crews or look at vids of smashers in the area but its now turned into an ego thing where the only thing people care about is how high they are on the list. That's why i been trying to get them to update the 1st page since about forever.
lol well i was wondering what kind of tournament results and stuff that it takes to be in rankings


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Sadaharu Inui;7810979 Herr JFox crossed me and deprived us all of access to the finder even when it didn't concern him anymore. I do not appreciate such nonsense.[/QUOTE said:
I understand your dilemma mein Fruend but attacking Jfox head-on only leads an even less favorable outcome.



Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Why do people care so much about being ranked? it's not that big a deal..
I think unranked people reguraly care alot about rankings if they have never been ranked.

Ranked people care much less especially since they aren't ranked but I don't believe they don't care at all. It's just usually not their top goal from attending tournaments.

But either way, it's fun compitition and the higher spots like top 5 give OOS popularity which is fun.

Eg: There should be alot of people sucking Ksizzle's **** after COT4 and especially Apex :D

Also some people may have personal goals. My goal has always been kinda unmotivated but it's to try to stay in the top 10. At the beggining of the season though I say **** it but then I always try to kick *** at the end of the season.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Uh, I'm not going to say I completely don't care about rankings, but it's not one of the more important things to me when I play. I'm at the point where people that matter know who I am, and most of the ones that care about NJ PR know how good I am. I'm inconsistent, and that means that I'll place poorer than my best possible skill a lot, and my ranking is probably about accurate. It simply doesn't matter to me as much.

★J.G WentWorth★

Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2007
Makin Movies, S.W.R. HQ
Uh, I'm not going to say I completely don't care about rankings, but it's not one of the more important things to me when I play. I'm at the point where people that matter know who I am, and most of the ones that care about NJ PR know how good I am. I'm inconsistent, and that means that I'll place poorer than my best possible skill a lot, and my ranking is probably about accurate. It simply doesn't matter to me as much.
That's completly understandable, btw next time I see you I wanna hear crazy stories from Cali lolz


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Uh, I'm not going to say I completely don't care about rankings, but it's not one of the more important things to me when I play. I'm at the point where people that matter know who I am, and most of the ones that care about NJ PR know how good I am. I'm inconsistent, and that means that I'll place poorer than my best possible skill a lot, and my ranking is probably about accurate. It simply doesn't matter to me as much.
I agree but I still super care about doubles. Even if dmbrandon and ksizzle won't admit it, they and everyone else know that I'm the better overall player even though they're going to be ranked above me. :p

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
I agree but I still super care about doubles. Even if dmbrandon and ksizzle won't admit it, they and everyone else know that I'm the better overall player even though they're going to be ranked above me. :p
uhhh... i'm pretty sure if you asked a bunch of regular tournament goers.... they would almost all say ksizzle is better. i don't see how you can think you're better than him at all >_>.
i think dmbrandon is better too because he's almost as good as you in doubles and is better in singles <_<


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
uhhh... i'm pretty sure if you asked a bunch of regular tournament goers.... they would almost all say ksizzle is better. i don't see how you can think you're better than him at all >_>.
i think dmbrandon is better too because he's almost as good as you in doubles and is better in singles <_<

You missed the word "overall," in which case, no, the argument for them being as good as me can't be formed without you sounding like an idiot.

I don't give a crap about singles. If I somehow get motivated, I can beat people, but I really don't care. They can be "better" than me in singles for all I care.

I play way more characters at a high level than they do (Brandon has literally one, while Kelvin has just a few, but I have at least ten).

Brandon is not my peer in doubles anymore. Not at all. I am easily top 5 on this planet in teams. This entire coast, including Brandon, you, Frank, etc. with the exception of only ChuDat, is extremely easy to crush in doubles. I'm going to tell you right now; I do not consider a team without ChuDat on it (now that Jason is gone) to be a threat to Atomsk and I. Call me cocky...but...I back it up. We've been not only winning, but utterly crushing everyone in this region for about three months now. Kelvin recently got super good in doubles since he soaked up a lot of information and tricks from me one weekend, so I'd say he's better than Brandon now in teams. Brandon's aggressive to a fault and he teams with someone campy to a fault. It's too easy to beat.

Now let us look at low tiers. Well, that's enough of looking at that, since they don't have anything. Haha.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York

You missed the word "overall," in which case, no, the argument for them being as good as me can't be formed without you sounding like an idiot.

I don't give a crap about singles. If I somehow get motivated, I can beat people, but I really don't care. They can be "better" than me in singles for all I care.

I play way more characters at a high level than they do (Brandon has literally one, while Kelvin has just a few, but I have at least ten).

Brandon is not my peer in doubles anymore. Not at all. I am easily top 5 on this planet in teams. This entire coast, including Brandon, you, Frank, etc. with the exception of only ChuDat, is extremely easy to crush in doubles. I'm going to tell you right now; I do not consider a team without ChuDat on it (now that Jason is gone) to be a threat to Atomsk and I. Call me cocky...but...I back it up. We've been not only winning, but utterly crushing everyone in this region for about three months now. Kelvin recently got super good in doubles since he soaked up a lot of information and tricks from me one weekend, so I'd say he's better than Brandon now in teams. Brandon's aggressive to a fault and he teams with someone campy to a fault. It's too easy to beat.

Now let us look at low tiers. Well, that's enough of looking at that, since they don't have anything. Haha.
this is all irrelevant because you obviously count some trivial achievements as what makes you better than them >_>. you claim that they are both worse than you because you can play more characters and because you do better in low tiers... well i could just say the same thing you did about doubles dude lol. "they don't care about that, they don't even try".

brandon and kelvin haven't even ENTERED a low tier tournament and the last time i heard "whoever can use the most characters the best is the better player" was at the Impact tournaments in toms river, which required you to switch characters. that idea was mocked relentlessly when it was suggested, i don't see why anyone would find that important at all. some simply just don't try to get good with other characters, because they don't want to.

none of this is important anyway, but you shouldn't make such foolish claims.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
****** ******

N-i-g-g-e-r F-a-g-g-o-t

Kill all diddy kong mains starting with the best one...and ending with him.

That is all


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
this is all irrelevant because you obviously count some trivial achievements as what makes you better than them >_>. you claim that they are both worse than you because you can play more characters and because you do better in low tiers... well i could just say the same thing you did about doubles dude lol. "they don't care about that, they don't even try".

I suggest having a nice cup of delicious bitter darkness to stimulate your empty brain. Godot Brand #107 should do.

You completely missed my point. I said "overall player," which takes all aspects of play into account. Doubles, proficiency with many characters, low tier tournaments, etc. I am not referring to "how high someone places in only singles", which is what you're talking about.

brandon and kelvin haven't even ENTERED a low tier tournament and the last time i heard "whoever can use the most characters the best is the better player" was at the Impact tournaments in toms river, which required you to switch characters. that idea was mocked relentlessly when it was suggested, i don't see why anyone would find that important at all. some simply just don't try to get good with other characters, because they don't want to.

Fool! You obviously COMPLETELY missed the word "overall" in my orgininal statement and the following explanations! How can one have such poor reading comprehension?

I explained myself above. There is no point in repeating myself.

none of this is important anyway, but you shouldn't make such foolish claims.

I am not the fool here. All of my claims can be backed up with evidence and are legit.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Hmm, I have to agree with Nick on this one. It's clear that Kelvin is better than you in singles Lucas. I'm sure you are better in doubles but you have Trevor. He's a good team mate and overall player. I would assume that if Kelvin teamed with Trevor just as much as you and cared for doubles just the same then he would probably achieve about the same results. You'll do well with others too but you care about teams to that extent. You may play more characters than him(maybe, i dont know) but hes better than you with the characters he does use so why bother to bring that up. Anyone can invest time into more characters.
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