so to celebrate my 1000th post, here's a picture of all the current amiibos i own, in the order that i obtained them:
front row: Kirbster, Yoshster, Marister, Pikaster, Linkster, Didster, Luister, Peachsta, Samsta, Donkster.
second row: Foxster, Zelsta, Bowster, Falconster, Shulkster, Toonster, Sheiksta, Ikester, Megaster, Sonister.
third row: Dededester, Pitster, Pacster, Nesster, Warister, Metaster, Charizster, Wii Fitsta, Marthster, Greninster.
fourth row: Jigglysta, Macster, Villaster, Lucarster, Lucinsta, Robinster, Rosalinsta, Pittooster, Zerosta, Palutensta, Ganonster.
i'm finally a smash lord! looking forward to the next title! and the rest of the amiibos on the way!