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Nice Point Mafia Day 6 (5/8 to Lynch, Deadline: Saturday the 19th at Midnight)


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
OS, what is up with you and your fluff? I'm tired of this WIFOM bull**** that you keep bringing to us. I agree that if i got (a) dragonball(s), i would not give them to cello. Liking Nich's case on TPK. He seems to be heavily following Overswarm around as far as cases go. Look at early game. OS was suspicious of cello. So was TPK. Now OS is suspicious of Nich. So is TPK. So TPK is heavily buddying and parroting, he's also posting one liners when he doesn't parrot and OS keeps bringing fluff and WIFOM to the discussion, with the occasional good post.

So right now, the people who can go are: Hilt, TPK, OS, and possibly Cello.
Yeah, the "fluff" is pretty much centering around Cello and Nicholas because they bring it to the table.

Hilt said:
If nothing else, OS and I were always in disagreement, arguing with one another.
I thought this too. Hahahaha, I was like WTF? XD

Deleted member

OS, wouldn't trading away the dragonballs before the lynch be an option?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009

That's idiotic and fluff. If the person dying is town he'll give away all his dragonballs to the person/people who he thinks is town, while if he's scum he'll give his dragonballs to his scumbuddies in private. Unless someone's ******** and quickhammers (in which case we have scum, and your system couldn't prevent it anyway), there's no need to worry about such things.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I think self hammering is best because Bulma is most probably town aligned and she probably has a scouter (or can train to get one)


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
OS, wouldn't trading away the dragonballs before the lynch be an option?
Only to people that are Mason or Mafia. Everyone else would have to publicly trade, which is just as good for us. If that person shows up as mafia after they're lynched, we know where they sent their dragon balls. If that person shows up as town, we still know where the dragon balls went.


That's idiotic and fluff. If the person dying is town he'll give away all his dragonballs to the person/people who he thinks is town, while if he's scum he'll give his dragonballs to his scumbuddies in private. Unless someone's ******** and quickhammers (in which case we have scum, and your system couldn't prevent it anyway), there's no need to worry about such things.
I don't think you know what fluff means >_>

You also are missing the point.

The idea isn't about the person getting lynched, it's about the person doing the hammering. If you hammer someone and get their dragon balls, that makes you a target in multiple ways.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Any player that isn't an idiot will have traded their dragonballs away before being hammered, making the point moot.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
No, you definitely were skimming, swords. Especially on the part on me and OS.

This is another instance of you wanting to quicklynch cello.
No, it was another instance of me wanting the Cello wagon to get movin. Did I say "c'mon X more people vote Cello let's lynch this kid"? Can bandwagons only be used to lynch a player? I think it's funny that you're the only person that actually believes that I wanted to quicklynch Cello and you're trying to run with it.

Who is scum aside from cello right now?
Stop putting words in my mouth, I never said Cello is scum. I find him scummy, yes. My vote (and his bandwagon, if it ever happens..) is to find information on who is scum. As for anyone else I think is scummy, not liking nick's play. He's bringing up points that make no sense or have no relevance, to defend himself (such as his "how do i know you're town, OS?" defense against OS asking why he was so sure of Cello being town), and his trust in Cello is a bit extreme for someone to have this early D1. And you as well, now, for your skimming, and (as TPK pointed out) parroting nick's stance on OS, both of which I find scummy. But not as much as Cello. And let's not give the "But Cello always does this" excuse, you gave earlier in the game.

Jungle really needs to post.

Xonar, could you go on with your Mentos case? I'm not understanding why you find him scummy, and I don't think I've played a full game with the kid so I'm not seeing what you are. Is it just based on meta? Or has he actually done something?

OS, I agree on the hammering point for self hammers. Considering whoever hammers is going to be the main target of night kills, it's going to be too risky. If the doctor is ever killed, hammering is far too dangerous. And if there is a doctor, he's pretty much forced to protect the player that hammered. But trading them (to multiple people if there are enough you trust, and you have more than one) would be the better option.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Really, Hilt? Do you really think that someone's going to let themselves be hammered/hammer themselves without giving the dragonballs away? Town or mafia, that makes no sense.

Also, the "How do I know you're town" thing... that's why I scumhunt. I have a town read on Cello, and I'm going to stick by it. The point was that the argument Overswarm was using could be used at anyone. I have no proof that anyone is town besides myself. It's why I scumhunt.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
If you have no proof, then why were you so sure of him being town (enough to trust him with your dragonballs)? Also, your point that you made still had no relevance.

I do agree that trading the balls away before lynch would be the best idea. My last point was made towards his original point in that we do need to pay attention when someone gets close to lynch, and not ignore the fact that the dragonballs will go to whoever hammers.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Really, Hilt? Do you really think that someone's going to let themselves be hammered/hammer themselves without giving the dragonballs away? Town or mafia, that makes no sense.
Um... yeah, it does. If you're holding three dragon balls and you know the mafia has some, you getting hammered will inevitably result in mafia getting all three dragon balls. If mafia doesn't hammer you, they'll kill whoever did. The only way to stop this is for the doctor to protect who hammers, which basically removes the doctor from play all game, which is ********. Self-hammer results in the dragon balls being spread out again.

Also, the "How do I know you're town" thing... that's why I scumhunt. I have a town read on Cello, and I'm going to stick by it. The point was that the argument Overswarm was using could be used at anyone. I have no proof that anyone is town besides myself. It's why I scumhunt.
This doesn't make any sense.

OS, I agree on the hammering point for self hammers. Considering whoever hammers is going to be the main target of night kills, it's going to be too risky. If the doctor is ever killed, hammering is far too dangerous. And if there is a doctor, he's pretty much forced to protect the player that hammered. But trading them (to multiple people if there are enough you trust, and you have more than one) would be the better option.
If we could trade all of the ones we possessed out and around to multiple members before getting hammered, it would lessen the impact... but we'd need multiple dragon balls in the first place to do it. More importantly, it's a losing strategy. Scum wouldn't do this, and so inevitably we'd be dropping dragon balls onto them that wouldn't come back to us. It'd be like if we had a group of people passing pennies around randomly except one person got to put his in his pocket; eventually that guy just collects all the pennies.

If someone is holding multiple dragon balls at some point, mass spreading could be a good idea though.... but not beneficial to using the ability. A confirmed townie would be very useful.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Yeah, spreading them to multiple people would be the least dangerous, if the person doesn't want to self hammer. if they have multiple dragon balls. I still think self hammering is a pretty good idea unless there are enough people you trust. With a confirmed townie, we could trade them to multiple people, to make it harder for mafia to steal more than one, and then trade them all to the confirmed townie at the start of the day, couldn't we? That would keep mafia from moving them around between them. But since we don't have a confirmed townie yet (and may not), that's not really doable at the moment.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Hilt said:
But trading them (to multiple people if there are enough you trust, and you have more than one) would be the better option.
Hilt, are you in the habit of constantly rechecking the OP for the rules?

Up until 2 pm yesterday, the rules didn't allow giving individual Dragon Balls. Ronike didn't announce anything; how did you know that the rules had changed if you weren't the one (or someone you can communicate with privately) responsible for that rules change? Why was that of such concern to you?

This also destroys any viability to "all-searching". That plan was based on scum being forced to give up their Balls with the command listed in the OP.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
If you have no proof, then why were you so sure of him being town (enough to trust him with your dragonballs)? Also, your point that you made still had no relevance.
For the infinity-eth time, it's because I scumhunt and have a town read on Cello. I've seen enough of Cello's play to know he's a good player and has a plan. Scum cello (or scum anyone for that matter) would not dare to attract this kind of attention this early (or all game for that matter.). However, I've seen town-Cello pull this kind of stunt before. I am fairly certain that Cello is town, and I'll stick by this read. Besides, the fact that Cello's #1 attacker is also one of my top scum reads is another point in his favor. (But only a small one until we see Overswarm's flip.)

My point is that that I don't have any proof that anybody is town at this point, I'm simply relying on my scumhunting abilities.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Hey Cello, what was the rule beforehand? Was it "Give all dragonballs to player" or something like that?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Nick: Yes.

Actually, OS was the first person to make a reference to trading a single Dragon Ball.

OS said:
Mafia can move dragon balls amongst themselves, so they can just take the balls, give them to another member, then publicly give only one to someone else

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Hilt, are you in the habit of constantly rechecking the OP for the rules?

Up until 2 pm yesterday, the rules didn't allow giving individual Dragon Balls. Ronike didn't announce anything; how did you know that the rules had changed if you weren't the one (or someone you can communicate with privately) responsible for that rules change? Why was that of such concern to you?
I thought it was always like that .-. Why do you know when it changed? Also, were you implying I could change rules? TPK suggested it too, do you think he's a rule changer as well? Also, it wasn't a "concern to me, but it's a good idea when someone is close to lynch.

@Nick: Getting a town read off of them and trusting them with your life (or your dragonballs) are two different things.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Wait, there was a rule change without an announcement? WTF @ mod


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Multiple people asked to be able to trade individual balls before the game started (the majority of people in fact), and I have been meaning to make the change for a while, I just never got around to it. I got around to it at 2:00 pm yesterday.

@OS: There was a rule change about something that has not been put into play yet, and as such I felt no need to interrupt discussion with a notification since it would have changed nothing. I would have announced it tomorrow.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Wow. That's just sad guys.

@Hilt: By responsible for a rules change, I'm suggesting that you contacted Ronike asking if you could individually pass Balls to a teammate, and he subsequently changed the rules. I am aware of the time because the bottom of the post has "Last edited by Ronike; Yesterday at 02:02 PM.." written there. The "concern" I'm talking about is "Why did you go to Ronike asking for a rules change?", because I certainly don't believe that you regularly check the OP.

@Overswarm: So, you just assumed that after talking to Ronike, he's post an announcement? It's your own fault for talking about such a change that apparently only you (and Hilt) were aware of.

Hilt, OS, and Mentos are scum. That was easy enough.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Hey Cello, what about TPK? He's contradicted himself, given some Oh-my-gosh-you-suck, and proven to be skimming. That seems like some fairly scummy behavior to me.

You're off as far as Hilt goes. A wagon and a quicklynch are not at all the same thing, and his thing about lynching Cello was obviously sarcasm (although admittedly, it's difficult to pick up through this medium.)


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I think "No pithy come-back" is a scumtell for OS.

@Nick: I don't know, I haven't read over his posts in-depth, just once or twice over. OS and Hilt really have my attention right now.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Man. We have like three or four players who post very rarely, and two or three that need to go before lylo. If things don't change soon, I don't know how much of a chance town has at endgame.

whoever is a doctor, protect xonar so he will be alive in lylo >_>


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I think "No pithy come-back" is a scumtell for OS.

@Nick: I don't know, I haven't read over his posts in-depth, just once or twice over. OS and Hilt really have my attention right now.
No plithy comeback to what? I'm still not sure exactly what you're talking about.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Hey Cello, what about TPK? He's contradicted himself, given some Oh-my-gosh-you-suck, and proven to be skimming. That seems like some fairly scummy behavior to me.

I found a picture of you and Cello. You're the little one.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Overswarm, how did you know about the rules change? Obviously, you were one of the people that asked that question privately. Why did you act surprised or have distaste towards the lack of an announcement of that rule?

Deleted member

OS, being funny once or twice ok, but now just focus and don't post fluff.

if anyone knows where Jungle and Meta-kirby are and/or can give them a poke on an IM, please do.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Wow Overswarm, run out of arguments already? It's sad when someone has to revert to insults this early into a game. It really is.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Xonar, we'll get Mentos toMorrow, and Hilt the Day after. Let's go OS now.

Nick, I'll look over Paprika, but you should vote for OS now.

I'll go over why we should lynch OS tonight, but I need to get ready for work now.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Overswarm, how did you know about the rules change? Obviously, you were one of the people that asked that question privately. Why did you act surprised or have distaste towards the lack of an announcement of that rule?
I wasn't aware there was a rule change, hence my distaste at the lack of announcement.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
And yet, you were the first person to speak about trading individual Balls. The rules were different at the beginning of the game, and surely you don't expect us to believe you just NOW read them?
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