Happy for Torrey Smith. These kinda games are especially memorable to a player. Reminds me of the game Favre had after his father passed away.
if it was against the raiders, he would've been 250+ with 3 touchdowns, the raiders just have bad luck with that
favre threw 4 TDs against the Raiders after his father died
Matt Cassel threw 4 TDs against the Raiders after his father died
But in all seriousness, I don't even know how Smith played. This wasn't a month later, a week later, or even a few days later. This was a day later, hell, hours later after hearing his younger brother died in a motorcycle accident. I don't think I could hold up my emotion for a job the next day of hearing news like that. That takes heart and he went out there and played his heart out. I send condolences and only wish for the best of his family. But Torrey Smith, you played with a purpose.
On the topic of these refs; DO NOT BLAME THEM! People are so quick to blame these refs for their "poor" officiating but really the fingers should be pointed at the NFL Owners and higher. They do not want to take money out of their own pockets just to get these referees more security and such. The Giants are so far the only team to blame the top guys of the NFL instead of these replacement officials (that I have heard so far). These refs are doing the best they can with only a week of preparation. They're used to NCAA D II rules, Arena Football rules, etc; not the NFL rules.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyAGZ41btx8 This video is of a college kid who got thrown into the spotlight after finding out his co-worker was not going to be there. You can see that he's clearly nervous and isn't doing a good job. Now look at these replacement officials, clearly they're not really ready to handle the big lights but they're doing the best they can. They just need some more time, this is only their 3rd week on the job while the old officials have 10+ years (for the most part).
But these officials do need to change. It was clearly evident during the SNF game. The refs should've thrown a flag on the first skirmish to let the players know that they're not ****ing around. They also need help to understand some of these rules and clearly, they're not getting enough. Hell, throw them in a room with Jon Gruden just so he can show them the rules for a few days. They're trying their best but it's not good enough and the NFL doesn't seem to care enough to help them out. Goodell needs to get his act together, the only thing he's done so far (how I feel, and I bet a lot of you feel as well) is help make the game safer. Which is great, but his "seemingly" lack of care for other aspects of the game really doesn't sit well with me.
The refs need help and everyone is growing tired of being patient, especially when games are taking 10+ minutes longer on average this year. (The Jets-Dolphins game took 4 hours!) They need help and no one is willing to give it to them, so before you point fingers at them, point them at the guys who don't want to help the regular officials at all.