the whole ed reed thing throwing flacco underneath the bus was not intentional in a way
he tried the whole criticism thing like a coach would but did it in the wrong way, he did not mean for it to sound like he was completely throwing flacco under the bus as he was trying to do a positive reinforcement thing
so, yes, while reed did throw flacco under the bus, it was not entirely intentional, which pretty much means he should never be a coach for a team, haha
the pro bowl is a joke, i remember watching it one year, david diehl (however he made it in) owned the d-ends life, putting the guy on the ground, but during the play, diehl helps the guy up and then the two of them play patty cake the rest of the play
yea i know they don't want injuries, but seriously! while it was comical to watch, they need something else for this pro bowl to be entertaining (i'd say do something like basketball, have a whole list of events that lead up to the pro-bowl game of athletes, like position obstacle courses and whatnot)