Speed Weed
Smash Master
I shall refer to an older post of mineWhat does everyone prioritize when choosing a most wanted character for Smash?
1) You really like the game or series the character comes from even if the character themselves isn’t your absolute favorite from that series. It would just be cool to see the game represented. For me, I’ll go with Bill Rizer and Lance Bean from Contra. Bill and Lance are still really cool characters but my primary reason for wanting them is that I grew up playing Contra on the NES and SNES. I really enjoyed those games as a kid and it would be great to relive that experience through Smash.
2) You really like the personality or story of a particular character. Basically, you just really connected with the character themselves in some way even if the game they came from isn’t your absolute favorite. Some examples for me here are Vi and Shionne. Vi is just a really badass character with a great story in Arcane and I really loved Shionne’s character growth in Tales of Arise.
3) You really like the visual design or moveset potential of the character. One example for me here is Raziel from Soul Reaver. I’ve always really loved his design and he has a unique gimmick of life loss and life gain that could make for an awesome Smash character. Playing as a blue skinned vampire wraith that gains power by absorbing souls is just so unique and cool for Smash. Legacy of Kain is really cool but I was never able to get very far in the games.
4) You really like other aspects of what the character could bring to Smash. Whether you love the soundtrack from their game, think that the game has a perfect setting for a stage, or something else. Getting a character would be the easiest way to get many of these along with them. For this, I’ll go with H’aanit from Octopath Traveller. I really like H’aanit as a character but I’d be happy with almost any Octopath character. Those games have such amazing soundtracks and cool, unique visual design, I’d love to see it get some kind of content.
5) Something else that I didn’t mention above. Whether you feel the franchise is too iconic or impactful to leave off the roster or the character has a lot of fan support and you want to please as many people as possible with their inclusion.
Are they a SEGA character