I like Ice/Dark better but Ice/Ground is okay too.
Agreed. Although Wolves are actually rather timid by nature (sort of like what Demon said, although I wouldn't say they're among the most loyal...), they fit the Dark type rather well; mainly because of their physical features. Plus, Wolves are among the epitome of coolness, and we all know that Dark is too.
The only way it could be cooler than ice/dark is if it was like...dragon/dark. Hmmm...wolf-dragon? Naw...that's lame.
Question: Should our area be landlocked, an island surrounded by islands, an area that leads off into the ocean (kanto and jhoto)?
Bowser King
I like the idea of an island surrounded by islands. Or better put, I like the idea of starting off on an island and traveling to a lot of other islands; meaning the islands are generally about the same size and carry about the same importance. But I'm admittedly biased on that, seeing as I love the idea of water travel (despite dreading it in the Pokemon games...odd).
However...I do have something else to propose, mixing together a couple of ideas on area that have already been mentioned. What if we made made an area that was basically landlocked; which would either be industrialized or barren, and then have an area that was more like Kanto and Johto's area style, and have that one be whichever wasn't already used? Personally, I like the idea of making the landlocked area industrialized; and then through the use of an underground tunnel or something (which could possibly have a town or two of its own, if you really wanted, which would the beginning/endpoints for each part of the tunnel...allowing for the underground cities idea), you can take a path to the barren area. This would probably require the inclusion of 16 badges, of course, but it would also introduce two completely new, completely functional areas; which also happen to be radically different.
...or maybe I'm trying to turn the simplicity in storyline of Pokemon into something much more epic. x.x