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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Apprentice
Dec 19, 2014
If they were going to stick in a character that's from a popular game just for the sake of the game being popular, then I'd have to say Steve/Minecraft would probably come first. Minecraft would fill the same purpose of being a meme pick, popular game among the youth, add building mechanics, and be able to represent both males/females with Steve/Alex.

The only thing I could see Fortnite having on Minecraft is being a battle royal rep but my personal bias would prefer a lego/creative western indie rep to be added to the game before Epic's game.
It's weird to think of Steve and Jonesy as competing for the same role in Smash, but of the two, I'd prefer Minecraft for somewhat petty reasons. I'd obviously be biased towards representation from the only one of the two games I actively played, but it's moreso that Minecraft is just kind of more respectable, what with reports of bad working conditions at Epic Games, the presence of loot boxes in a kinda kid-friendly game, and the whole thing with the dance taunts being taken without credit or payment from their original creators. I ultimately wouldn't mind a Fortnite rep if it happens, though.
y'all really arguing on the next 3rd party not realizing that the game was already rigged from the start

also this remix is fire
I sympathize, but that theory's kinda dead at this point, isn't it?


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
View attachment 243450

You call THIS an UP TILT?
How the hell would that work?
Obviously, the vertical height you get from a Power Dunk would have to be reduced slightly (which isn't a new thing, the Power Dunk's vertical height fluctuates game to game). I envision the Power Dunk working like a combination of Mega Man's up-tilt and Captain Falcon's up-tilt. It would have the high-startup and slight vertical boost of the former, while being a two-hit move with a spiking hitbox on the second hit like the latter.

If you want an idea of exactly how high this would go, I'd say Capcom vs. SNK is a good example of how Power Dunk would look as an up-tilt:
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 19, 2014
Obviously, the vertical height you get from a Power Dunk would have to be reduced slightly (which isn't a new thing, the Power Dunk's vertical height fluctuates game to game). I envision the Power Dunk working like a combination of Mega Man's up-tilt and Captain Falcon's up-tilt. It would have the high-startup and slight vertical boost of the former, while being a two-hit move with a spiking hitbox on the second hit like the latter.

If you want an idea of exactly how high this would go, I'd say Capcom vs. SNK is a good example of how Power Dunk would look as an up-tilt:
There's too much horizontal movement for it to make sense as an uptilt, I think. Though I'm not sure where else it would go, besides a special move.
Eyyyy welcome aboard
Don't forget to take your complimentary herb.

thanks mate
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Oct 31, 2018
Actually, Power Dunk could be incorporated into Side B. True that in the brief glimpse of Terry we got back in 9/4, Burn Knuckle looked like his Side B, but what if Sakurai makes his Side B behave differently depending on Terry's positioning (on ground = Burn Knuckle; on air = Power Dunk)? Bayonetta's Side B also varies depending if its performed on the ground, or in the air.:seuss:
I'm actually wondering if it would make a good aerial down-B or neutral-B instead. Power wave wouldn't make as much sense in the air and the move would work for that purpose visually. It would have to be changed a bit to be stationary, but most of his specials are ground-only anyway.

Going off of KoF XIII (my main reference point) Terry could make a fairly standard fighter. In that game he doesn't even have power dunk. He has moves for basically every input except up-smash, up-air, and back-air. The only extra move he has would translate to a second F-smash (either heavy kick or forward light punch in KoF). Some liberties could be taken to give him the extra specials in the air, but the real question to me is what up-air will be. It could be a drag-down version of rising tackle or it could be a copy of Ryu's.
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Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
Just saying, but Power Dunk actually has a break (cancel) version where Terry doesn't go airborne.

Anyway, I can't wait for Power Charge only matches.

And I have no idea how he'd grab the ledge with Rising Tackle, so IDK if it would be his Up-special anymore. D: Overall, I'd to see how Smash will make him work.
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Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
I don't think they should be compared because they're radically different games. I mean, I pray no one actually plays Minecraft for the combat.
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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
I find it odd that people put Jonesy up against Steve when Minecraft has existed for 10 years and is much different from Fortnite :I
Likely because of superficial reasons: being very popular builder games for example, despite being completely different from each other in practice. They do share one very important trait (Sandbox-y games) but that's that IMHO.

If anything Jonesy (or any other BR character) should be considered more in line with third person shooter characters and sandboxes like GTA / RDR. One could argue Minecraft has similarities with GTA, RDR and Fortnite, but those are incredibly flimsy. I'd argue Steve should be compared more to other purely builder characters (Could one make the argument that Steve shares more with lets say Villager / Animal Crossing? That's admitedly flimsy at best, but still.).


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
Conceptually, Terraria is the closest thing to Minecraft I can think of.

Btw, that game is called Dead Rising, Diddy. Basically an open world survival horde zombie game where you MacGyver a bunch of kooky weapons.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Likely because of superficial reasons: being very popular builder games for example, despite being completely different from each other in practice. They do share one very important trait (Sandbox-y games) but that's that IMHO.

If anything Jonesy (or any other BR character) should be considered more in line with third person shooter characters and sandboxes like GTA / RDR. One could argue Minecraft has similarities with GTA, RDR and Fortnite, but those are incredibly flimsy. I'd argue Steve should be compared more to other purely builder characters (Could one make the argument that Steve shares more with lets say Villager / Animal Crossing? That's admitedly flimsy at best, but still.).
I can see similarities to Villager, though Steve has a lot of unique item potential and Villager doesn't have near as much liberty with building.

He has even more liberty than Jonesy, too.

Terraria can work as a comparison since Smash takes place on a 2D plane, but they still have some unique items from each other and can work differently. But I already had a Terraria and Steve argument with someone and I can't believe "Steve's game only lets him put blocks next to other blocks" as an argument against having TNT or an anvil in an air move as if it's some magical force in the game's canon and not just a gameplay restriction to make things work, just like Terraria. Ender pearls teleport the player differently than the wand in Terraria, too, and Minecraft has its own kind of buffed/magic arrows in the form of Tipped Arrows...it was just a matter of the characters doing things differently and both still having a lot of potential of their own, so, I didn't understand it at all...
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
If we ever get Frank West, they need to add him to :ultmegaman:'s Final Smash.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
Uh, if Dead Rising is the only way to get Darkstalkers representation, I... can live with that.

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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Me when I see people talking about important Sega franchises to put in Smash and not a single person brings up Kiryu:
The chair he was sitting on: Wheeeee!

I find it odd that people put Jonesy up against Steve when Minecraft has existed for 10 years and is much different from Fortnite :I
Likely because they were both are/were inescapable as pop culture phenomena.

If we ever get Frank West, they need to add him to :ultmegaman:'s Final Smash.
Dante as well.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Likely because they were both are/were inescapable as pop culture phenomena.
I guess...?

I don't see it as a problem, or that they're really inescapable.

Although, there were a bunch of commercials with a Fortnite dance or the game itself pushed into view...not really a big deal, though :/ They're just popular games, after all.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I guess...?

I don't see it as a problem, or that they're really inescapable.

Although, there were a bunch of commercials with a Fortnite dance or the game itself pushed into view...not really a big deal, though :/
It's not an inherently bad thing, but it's something I believe they share. Minecraft was everyone and their mother's favorite game for quite a while (unless it wasn't and you despised the game for some reason), and nowadays you can't really take five steps online without hearing the sound clip associated with the default dance, or seeing someone do the dance, or floss, or whatever. That's why I think they're being compared here.

Beyond that though there aren't really any similarities and I'm not entirely sure it's really a fair comparison.
Oct 31, 2018
nowadays you can't really take five steps online without hearing the sound clip associated with the default dance, or seeing someone do the dance, or floss, or whatever.
Or even offline sometimes. I couldn't even count how many times I've seen nine-year-olds do the floss dance real quick when they think nobody's looking. It's bizarre.

I agree, though. The biggest comparison is their large casual audiences. Moveset and character-wise, they really don't compare very well. Fortnite characters probably have as much in common with Master Chief.


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Or even offline sometimes. I couldn't even count how many times I've seen nine-year-olds do the floss dance real quick when they think nobody's looking. It's bizarre.
It's saying something that grocery stores carry Fortnite mags and display them right next to the standard comic book mags. Yes, even small local ones do that (at least here).

I don't think Sakurai would choose Jonesy because of Fortnite being a pop culture phenomenon alone, but it being a phenomenon hints at what makes Fortnite a phenomenon. Intriguing gameplay elements etc. Ditto games like GTA, Sims and Minecraft - those games became incredibly popular and pervasive (partly) because both games allow people to do whatever*. To respond to TheCJBrine TheCJBrine , that's where one very important similarity might be actually.

Sakurai notes that in his Minecraft column:

"You can build to your heart’s content, which makes gathering the resources you need to actually do that building, fun. The simple action of digging has a payoff in the future."
Following that logic: If Sakurai were to choose Jonesy it'd likely be because of similar reasons as Steve - different as they are: gameplay elements that allow whatever and / or very interesting mechanics for Smash. Fortnite being - practically - everywhere is only a bonus really.

*(One can argue the same with games more limited than Sandbox style games, like Tekken / Mortal Kombat, Puyo Puyo and Resident Evil, because those games still allows the player to practically control the pace and be creative with how to solve problems / win.)

(Edits made for clarity's sake)
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
They'd allow interesting mechanics for Smash in the form of building, but I'd imagine building would only take up 1-2 moves, and Steve is more flexible in that department. Otherwise they have items unique to each other, and some items that are the same but can be used differently (Fortnite having much less of the same stuff as Minecraft).
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
I dunno... maybe it's just me, but I can't exactly see how to translate some of Fortnite's core aspects into Smash - not easily at least. With Minecraft, Steve (or the player) can build stuff, but you can also make armor, potions, weapons and paraphernalia. So there are multiple ways to implement crafting into Steve's moveset.

The way Fortnite works would mean that, to be "as accurate as possible" Jonesy would need to be able to build stuff that modifies terrain, like walls or stairs - most of which, if I'm not mistaken, don't exactly break in one hit in game.

Not that it's impossible, because at this point I don't think any playstyle truly is impossible to implement, but I have to say that at least to me it sounds like a balancing nightmare. Unless they take a lot of creative liberties with it, like, say, stairs that work as an up special and then disappear when the animation is over.

On popularity terms, though... it's not something people can deny - though I still think there are other mass appeal games that would have priority over Fortnite.
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Come on the Grinch Leak wasn't that bad (says the person that has the Grinch Leak as their pfp for a Halloween joke) it was a very interesting leak and the story plus the sheer amount of coincidences going for it is really interesting.

The fallout was bad but the leak while it was a thing was fun from my experience.
I didn't support the Grinch leak based on the evidence provided. I thought the roster was great, but was skeptical as a whole. I got ridiculed and called all sorts of names by blind supporters of the leak. I make an effort to not ignore people, but I legitimately had 10-15 users on my ignore list because they were so toxic towards me.

Don't forget the wide amount of hatred and death threats thrown to insiders within the community. While they were certainly smug at times, they didn't deserve what they got.

I have never been more ashamed to be a Smash Bros. fan than during that time.
I don’t know if this was been posted before but here’s an interesting tweet of how Japanese players view the idea of Doomguy: https://twitter.com/itjustbelikeit/status/1187153986555731968?s=21

With this in mind, can we please stop painting Western audiences in a negative light and treating them like uncultured swine just because they’ve never played or heard of a game that’s niche in their home country?

I’m not saying this to justify Hero and Terry being “wasted slots” as they’re definitely not but maybe now we can stop pretending Japanese Smash fans are this innocent peaceful group who are civil about character choices when they’re acting no better.
Ah yes, the "X does this too! So Y is okay!" argument.

Spoilers: Just because the Japanese treat Western characters with skepticism and ridicule doesn't make Western fans doing the same any better.
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Deleted member

I didn't support the Grinch leak based on the evidence provided. I thought the roster was great, but was skeptical as a whole. I got ridiculed and called all sorts of names by blind supporters of the leak. I make an effort to not ignore people, but I legitimately had 10-15 users on my ignore list because they were so toxic towards me.

Don't forget the wide amount of hatred and death threats thrown to insiders within the community. While they were certainly smug at times, they didn't deserve what they got.

I have never been more ashamed to be a Smash Bros. fan than during that time.
Well I was not here while the Grinch leak happened nor did I think it was fake so I most likely had it best with no hate or whatever thrown my way. Sorry that happened to you for non-believers it must've been an awful experience. From my experience it was harmless but for others it must've been awful including your experience with it.

Still my experience with it wasn't so bad so I don't look at it with hatred or disgust I thought it was fun. People should've treated others like humans instead of garbage then but it's all in the past.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I didn't find the Grinch leak to be as bad the Square Enix and Microsoft wars. The Grinch leak debacle lasted for a week, meanwhile the SE/Microsoft wars lasted for at least half a year. Nothing will be as bad as that time period in terms of Smash speculation. Months and months of the same played out arguments and hatred. I legitimately thought of leaving speculation because of how awful that time period was and how repetitive things were getting.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I didn't find the Grinch leak to be as bad the Square Enix and Microsoft wars. The Grinch leak debacle lasted for a week, meanwhile the SE/Microsoft wars lasted for at least half a year. Nothing will be as bad as that time period in terms of Smash speculation. Months and months of the same played out arguments and hatred. I legitimately thought of leaving speculation because of how awful that time period was and how repetitive things were getting.
Some of us had to form a suicide pact just to break up the monotony.

And even that didn't help. It just meant now we got to hear "oh man i hope erdrick's in so i don't have to delete my account" over and over again. :p


Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
...if Nintendo had a list of potential DLC characters, did this mean they already did all the negotiations before development on their characters even started? So there's some companies who were totally onboard and ended up being left out anyways?
I'm intrigued by the possibility that leaks could be based on preliminary negotiations by Nintendo for characters that Sakurai hasn't chosen.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2007
Interesting so I assume that who ever fighter 5 is a rather big secret.

Me when I see people talking about important Sega franchises to put in Smash and not a single person brings up Kiryu:

Didn’t the Yakuza devs say a Yakuza rep wasn’t likely?
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Well I was not here while the Grinch leak happened nor did I think it was fake so I most likely had it best with no hate or whatever thrown my way. Sorry that happened to you for non-believers it must've been an awful experience. From my experience it was harmless but for others it must've been awful including your experience with it.

Still my experience with it wasn't so bad so I don't look at it with hatred or disgust I thought it was fun. People should've treated others like humans instead of garbage then but it's all in the past.
The spirit of something possessed Smashboards and the entire fandom during that time of speculation, and as a whole it was a bad time. I dislike when anyone portrays it otherwise since it's a case study in how fast a fanbase can spew wide hatred at the turn of a hat.
Some of us had to form a suicide pact just to break up the monotony.

And even that didn't help. It just meant now we got to hear "oh man i hope erdrick's in so i don't have to delete my account" over and over again. :p
I sometimes wish I'd lost that bet.

But here I am regardless.

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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Damn, I wish Hayabusa was this next character... not necessarily just cause I wat him either but it's been swirling that he's still very likely for after the Pass and that means that we're gonna be speculating on him for longer which means people will get tired of talking about him even more... and I like talking about him.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2019
I find it odd that people put Jonesy up against Steve when Minecraft has existed for 10 years and is much different from Fortnite :I
The biggest reason you see the two compared is because whenever Fortnite is legitimately being suggested for Smash, the biggest arguing point is, “how extremely popular the game is”. The thing is, while the game is popular, the mid-up is that the game is one of the most profitable games, not exactly the most popular. At its peak, Fortnite was sitting at 79 million players/month last year but it’s playerbase has dropped quite a bit this year, to the point where Epic won’t release any player counts and only boasts 250 million accounts made now (which accounts made in a F2P game does not reflect active accounts at all). Minecraft is currently sitting at 112 million monthly players and is still the highest selling game, passing Mario, GTA5, and even Tetris recently.

Again, this may be my personal subject bias but anytime Fortnite is brought up for serious discussion it usually boils down to it being a popular game, sometimes for being a BR rep. KatKit KatKit is the first person I’ve seen to suggest the game’s inclusion for a different reason outside of that (this case being for a Puerto Rican character).

Edit: Oof, tagged the wrong person. Sorry, KitKat lol.
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