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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2019
Switch FC
Didn’t the Yakuza devs say a Yakuza rep wasn’t likely?
I assume you're talking about the interview Nagoshi did with IGN Japan?
IGN Japan: Sega and Atlus characters such as Sonic and Joker have appeared in Smash Ultimate, is it possible that Kiryu and Majima will also someday?

Nagoshi: Mr. Sakurai would not want them (laughs). It is all right if he said. But he does not want, maybe.
He said he isn't sure Sakurai would pick a Yakuza rep, but he's open to a collaboration if Sakurai wants one.

Deleted member

Good morning everyone.

Also 18 EVERYBODY! (yeah, it's my birthday)

Nothing new, eh?

Deleted member

May the power of birthday luck be bestowed upon me that last Fighter will be female...

Deleted member

Damn, I wish Hayabusa was this next character... not necessarily just cause I wat him either but it's been swirling that he's still very likely for after the Pass and that means that we're gonna be speculating on him for longer which means people will get tired of talking about him even more... and I like talking about him.
What's even worse is that we're probably going to see him being brought up in a ****load of 4chan posts because of Vergeben not denying he might be DLC later on. It'll only serve to make people think Ninja Gaiden isn't a cool series to add to Smash because it's being brought up too much lessening the surprise factor when that's far from the truth. I guess the only silver lining to this would be that there won't be a situation like Square Enix and Microsoft where it's either him or another KT character because everyone is so of the belief that he's the only reasonable character they own that could potentially be in Smash (and hey, maybe if the Warriors franchise actually does closes off the Fighter Pass, it could make people believe he doesn't have a chance anymore which could make it a bit more surprising if he's in the 2nd Fighter Pass, but that's me stretching it a bit).
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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Didn’t the Yakuza devs say a Yakuza rep wasn’t likely?
I think Kiryu was disconfirmed for the first pass early on (which kinda figures since we already got a Sega character), but now that we have more DLC in development, there's nothing holding Kiryu back. The only competition he has right now is Arle and maybe a Phantasy Star character, but I personally think Kiryu has the upper hand due to Yakuza being Sega's biggest non-Sonic series right now. Hell, it's one of the few non-Sonic Sega franchises that's still seeing consistent releases, which is saying something for a company that's notorious for underutilizing it's IP.
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Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
I know the subject has changed, but personally I think Arle's very much more likely to be a post-Pass fighter than she is likely to be Fighter #5. I still think she has high chances at this point, either way.
I don't think KOS-MOS is likely to be Fighter #5, either.
Though on the subject of Puyo...
May the power of birthday luck be bestowed upon me that last Fighter will be female...
Guess what your birthday is shared with

the plot thickens
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
not sure if mentioned or not since i haven't ben here in a while

the disclaimer is that this might not be the same person and making it look like its the same person

who got the hero costumes and banjo correct ("brave" and "buddy")

said KOS-MOS is the last character of wave 1 and Reimu and RYu hayabusa is probably gonna get a game reward/pirahana plant like reveal

Deleted member

So basically, Hayabusa is almost like Erdrick for next season?

Boy... these will be some long months...
I can guarantee myself that FP5 will be what I want and that Ryu Hayabusa is a guaranteed lock for Season 2. There, that's a good situation, eh?

Brew and Shifty were just so excited that they had to make him "next fighter" and that, but we'll get him post-season.

Deleted member

So basically, Hayabusa is almost like Erdrick for next season?

Boy... these will be some long months...
Instead of Hayabusa vs [insert Koei-Tecmo character here], we get Hayabusa vs the video game universe.

I can sorta get behind the idea that Ryu Hayabusa had to fight through every single video game character just to get the Smash invitation, but it only sounds cool in my head because all it'd really be is just people throwing conspiracy theories around saying why Hayabusa is not DLC and this other character is.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
I can guarantee myself that FP5 will be what I want and that Ryu Hayabusa is a guaranteed lock for Season 2. There, that's a good situation, eh?

Brew and Shifty were just so excited that they had to make him "next fighter" and that, but we'll get him post-season.
Didn't Vergeben say that there were discussions on Ryubusa for after the pass? Nothing is confirmed yet. Or at least, as confirmed as it could be with these vague leaker statements.

Also, happy birthday!


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
Switch FC
not sure if mentioned or not since i haven't ben here in a while

the disclaimer is that this might not be the same person and making it look like its the same person

who got the hero costumes and banjo correct ("brave" and "buddy")

said KOS-MOS is the last character of wave 1 and Reimu and RYu hayabusa is probably gonna get a game reward/pirahana plant like reveal
So on one hand there are at least 2 separate posts/leaks that mention KOS-MOS (there was 3, but one of them admitted it was a prediction) that also got plenty of things right so far; but on the other hand, it's possible the 4chan post is piggybacking off the person who posted about the code names and the GameFAQs post mentioning those fighters is doctored since the original post doesn't exist (either because it was deleted or it never existed in the first place).
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
So basically, Hayabusa is almost like Erdrick for next season?

Boy... these will be some long months...
At least people aren't arguing that Hayabusa would be anything but an incredibly unique character. Sometimes there's so much moveset potential there's no argument to be attempted.

Didn't Vergeben say that there were discussions on Ryubusa for after the pass? Nothing is confirmed yet. Or at least, as confirmed as it could be with these vague leaker statements.

Also, happy birthday!
I really doubt negotiations would fall through for Hayabusa.

Deleted member

I know the subject has changed, but personally I think Arle's very much more likely to be a post-Pass fighter than she is likely to be Fighter #5. I still think she has high chances at this point, either way.
I don't think KOS-MOS is likely to be Fighter #5, either.
Though on the subject of Puyo...

Guess what your birthday is shared with
View attachment 243485
the plot thickens
LoL my birthday's on the 26th. It's already the 26th here in my country.
Didn't Vergeben say that there were discussions on Ryubusa for after the pass? Nothing is confirmed yet. Or at least, as confirmed as it could be with these vague leaker statements.

Also, happy birthday!
Thoigh it is still worth keeping an eye out for.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
So basically, Hayabusa is almost like Erdrick for next season?

Boy... these will be some long months...
So both passes have a classic NES character that was leaked very early on. Everyone expected Hero to be revealed first, but that honor ended up going to Joker, an out of left field Sega character whose series gained massive popularity in recent years and is primarily associated with PlayStation. Assuming history repeats itself and Hayabusa actually ends up being second in line, I think a certain unexpected Yakuza boy could be kicking off this next DLC cycle...
Please don't take this seriously or use it to start some crackpot theory, I'm just having fun and pushing the good word of Kazuma Kiryu

Deleted member

So both passes have a classic NES character that was leaked very early on. Everyone expected Hero to be revealed first, but that honor ended up going to Joker, an out of left field Sega character whose series gained massive popularity in recent years and is primarily associated with PlayStation. Assuming history repeats itself and Hayabusa actually ends up being second in line, I think a certain unexpected Yakuza boy could be kicking off this next DLC cycle..
Yakuza would seem kinda fun, though I'm curious as to how they will handle everything..

Deleted member

Honestly guys, what would Arle even do? Just curious? Could she have puzzle attacks or something?
Puzzle attacks? Kinda.
But I'm kinda divided as to how they would even design her. I mean, they could just give her random magic attacks or something.


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
Honestly guys, what would Arle even do? Just curious? Could she have puzzle attacks or something?
I have faith in Sakurai to figure something out but yeah, good question. I suppose that puzzle attacks would work
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Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2018
The Wired
So on one hand there are at least 2 separate posts/leaks that mention KOS-MOS (there was 3, but one of them admitted it was a prediction) that also got plenty of things right so far; but on the other hand, it's possible the 4chan post is piggybacking off the person who posted about the code names and the GameFAQs post mentioning those fighters is doctored since the original post doesn't exist (either because it was deleted or it never existed in the first place).
The one somewhat interesting detail I find in the drunk cat leak is that the date of the post with character names was in mid-september. And while it was after papagenos's video, the characters mentioned were KOS-MOS, Reimu, and Ryu. Reimu has gained traction, but only recently and not back in Sept. and obviously Ryu has been around for a while.

Now, the obvious explanation would be this particular piggybacker making their own wishlist of Reimu and KOS-MOS and tacking on Ryu to seem credible. It still smells a little fishy to me though. To call Ryu being post-pass and now insiders saying that too...? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Honestly guys, what would Arle even do? Just curious? Could she have puzzle attacks or something?
Honestly, what would Duck Hunt even do? What would Plant even do? Yeah, probably stuff with puzzle blocks. Sakurai is a madman so he'd figure it out.
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Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
So basically, Hayabusa is almost like Erdrick for next season?

Boy... these will be some long months...
That depends.

Are people going to constantly **** on Hayabusa for being "generic" despite influencing tons of video game ninjas that came after him? Or are people who are fans of other Koei Tecmo series gonna feel threatened about Hayabusa's possibility of happening and rag on Hayabusa to lash out? Or are people who don't like Hayabusa's archetype gonna complain that we are going to get another one of that kind of character when they would rather see other character archetypes? And are Hayabusa fans gonna have to endure all this for the better part of half a year, no matter how many times they try to get opposing sides to hear them out because even when they win over skeptics, new skeptics keep coming up?

I'm going to say no, or at least, not to the same extent Erdrick got. Us Erdrick fans...we went through a lot, and I haven't seen any other character or their fans go through something quite as intense.


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Instead of Hayabusa vs [insert Koei-Tecmo character here], we get Hayabusa vs the video game universe.

I can sorta get behind the idea that Ryu Hayabusa had to fight through every single video game character just to get the Smash invitation, but it only sounds cool in my head because all it'd really be is just people throwing conspiracy theories around saying why Hayabusa is not DLC and this other character is.
At least people aren't arguing that Hayabusa would be anything but an incredibly unique character. Sometimes there's so much moveset potential there's no argument to be attempted.

I really doubt negotiations would fall through for Hayabusa.
That depends.

Are people going to constantly **** on Hayabusa for being "generic" despite influencing tons of video game ninjas that came after him? Or are people who are fans of other Koei Tecmo series gonna feel threatened about Hayabusa's possibility of happening and rag on Hayabusa to lash out? Or are people who don't like Hayabusa's archetype gonna complain that we are going to get another one of that kind of character when they would rather see other character archetypes? And are Hayabusa fans gonna have to endure all this for the better part of half a year, no matter how many times they try to get opposing sides to hear them out because even when they win over skeptics, new skeptics keep coming up?

I'm going to say no, or at least, not to the same extent Erdrick got. Us Erdrick fans...we went through a lot, and I haven't seen any other character or their fans go through something quite as intense.
I'm already waiting for the "generic ninja" or "another swordfighter" comments. If people think that any other fighting game character is just "a retread of Ryu and Ken"...

I'll try my best to just ignore these people, though. There's no point in trying to explain stuff sometimes.

Honestly guys, what would Arle even do? Just curious? Could she have puzzle attacks or something?
Her thread has quite a few movesets for her! She mostly uses elemental spells (fire, ice and thunder), but there are also buffs like Diacute and Puyos could very well work like a trap-based projectile where they pop if they collide.

Arle even has potential for an Echo in Amitie, whose original spells were based on her own - though I really doubt we're getting Echoes.


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2013
New Jersey
I think Arle is very likely to get in, and would fit being character 5 in the Fighter Pass, but something about it feels off. Like, if it can't be Crash and it can't be Ryu, I really think it's going to be Lloyd, or maybe Doom Slayer or Reimu. Arle is likely post-pass, but... I unno.

KOS-MOS, on the other hand, out of the two has a much more credible shot. Popularity goes a long way, even if I think SEGA having a character and Namco having none won't matter for very long. Still, when you put her next to Agumon you really can't say much about her, I don't see her coming before Agumon, even if we assume Lloyd and Heihachi are just Mii Costumes waiting to happen. Otherwise, I would say she has to put up with them, and between Lloyd's Smash popularity and Heihachi being the face the former biggest Fighting game franchise, things don't look good for her being very soon on the Bamco tier list.

Kiryu is another character with a solid shot. Don't have much to say on him, but depending on how long DLC goes on for, we could see both him and Arle show up. I imagine that Arle, who has the longer history and is actually the fan favorite of the two Smash-wise, would happen first, and Kiryu sometime later. If we only get one, I must admit Kiryu has a good claim to being the one, but I still believe Arle edges him out a fair bit.

I have no faith in DLC Mii Costumes simply for business reasons, but if even Sakurai doesn't care about details like that, time and again he has shown preference for new series over current series reps. Tails doesn't attract any more of an audience than Sonic does, and that's not really a good thing when they have to pay for the rights to use him. I feel like if they want to do a second Sonic character, Eggman (who has way more potential for uniqueness and is as big of a name as Sonic) would be barely more likely, even before taking into account he's not a DLC Mii Costume.


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2019
I really like Tails and I think Sonic has more than earned a second rep, but I think Eggman is much more likely due to the costume. Plus Sakurai could easily use Bowser Jr. as a base.

Deleted member

I think Arle is very likely to get in, and would fit being character 5 in the Fighter Pass, but something about it feels off. Like, if it can't be Crash and it can't be Ryu, I really think it's going to be Lloyd, or maybe Doom Slayer or Reimu. Arle is likely post-pass, but... I unno
Doom Slayer being FP5 is my worst nightmare. Doom Slayer being Post Pass is something I'm lenient on. Arle would be fitting to serve as game genre diversity.

KOS-MOS, on the other hand, out of the two has a much more credible shot. Popularity goes a long way, even if I think SEGA having a character and Namco having none won't matter for very long. Still, when you put her next to Agumon you really can't say much about her, I don't see her coming before Agumon, even if we assume Lloyd and Heihachi are just Mii Costumes waiting to happen. Otherwise, I would say she has to put up with them, and between Lloyd's Smash popularity and Heihachi being the face the former biggest Fighting game franchise, things don't look good for her being very soon on the Bamco tier list
If KOS-MOS is a Mii costume and FP5 is a male I'mma riot.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2018
The Wired
KOS-MOS, on the other hand, out of the two has a much more credible shot. Popularity goes a long way, even if I think SEGA having a character and Namco having none won't matter for very long. Still, when you put her next to Agumon you really can't say much about her, I don't see her coming before Agumon,
Whoa, hold up there, chief. You're gonna have to really sell me on why Agumon would come before KOS-MOS. I've said it before, but I honestly do not understand the argument for him. And I don't hate the character either (I was huge into Digimon as a kid and I for some reason even still have the digivice toys). But why would a character like Agumon, mostly known for anime and toys, and who is also in two Digimon Smash Bros. knock-offs (Rumble Arena 1 and 2) be in before KOS-MOS, who is frequently in crossovers and actually known for video games?

Deleted member

Which team are you guys on?

Team Arle or Team KOS-MOS?

I'm Team KOS-MOS!
Definitely team Arle if we get one of the two though if presented other choices I'm team neither as I think neither of them will be the fifth DLC character though I could be wrong.
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