The Namco Costumes Don't look to good for Lloyd, though I could see a situation where they are getting those Costumes out the way so they can have Some Tales Exclusive Costumes (Like Yuri, Cress, etc), and perhaps Brand New Namco Costumes, or Perhaps other way around if It's Another Namco Character
I do think though that Perhaps. how they are Placing the Veteran Mii Costumes is more Sophisticated than we might think it is. I think every Veteran Costume did have a Rightful place in the Pack they were placed in, Except I'm confused about .EXE and X with Byleth. I also don't know about Gil, but I believe something about his Game or his Armor fits with Minecraft (Like How Bomberman is about Destroying, the Opposite of Minecraft's Purpose of Creation). Looking it up, there's an Emphasis on Treasure in his game, so that could be it
Proto Man and Zero with Banjo: Zero and Proto Man were requested Mega Man Characters (why Proto Man got into Mega Man's Final Smash, and Zero is an AT)
Akira and Jacky with Terry: Fighting Games
.EXE and X with Byleth: I'm not sure
Heihachi With Min-Min: Also Fighting Game
Gil with Steve: Treasure perhaps