Digimon is a media franchise, that has overall earned more than Tales...and it's by a longshot. As far as game sales and as a
media franchise, Tales doesn't compare. Even just in game sales, Digimon is above Dragon Quest, and only slightly below Final Fantasy. Tales isn't even on either list, because it ranks so lowly.
I thought it was clear that my two opinions were not at all related. I don't think they have much to do with eachother.
I don't feel Byleth appealed to a 'new group, either, for that matter)
But I can make a lot of points as to why I think Agumon is a good choice. DIgimon is from a genre of gaming that was incredibly well known in the 90s, pocket pets. It's a character with a very obvious unique mechanic. He has a unique shape compared to any smash character, and silhouettes have not only been stated to be important, but are even a feature of how we recognize newcomers. Not to mention, half the Crash hype is based around rivalry....
Digimon has a reboot of it's series. Now is the time. It's truly not comparable to Lloyd, who- yes, now- I'm comparing as a weaker choice. This might not be a popular thought on a Smash echochamber, but from a business sense, Agumon is just the smarter move.
(Oh... as far as RPG character... I don't think that's fair to say. Digimon might have a lot of RPG games, but it has many other mainline games that are a variant of game genres. But I will at respect this point on the notion of it being an opinion).