Smash Master
So... I might be able to mathematically approximate when the next Sakurai showcase is. 
Note: All the data is based on the North American region.
Here's a diagram of everything I got.
However, using current stuff we know, I was able to cross out some stuff and boil things down.
Here's why I boiled things down the way I did:
Of course, please temper your expectations with this. This is still just math. It is not a Magic 8-Ball or anything like that and it is possible for this to be wrong. However, it is fun to think about!

- I made an equation where a DLC Release Date was Y and a Sakurai Showcase was X via Desmos.
- Considering both Y and X are traditionally in close proximity, the equation seems to fit well.
- So, I took Joker and Hero's NA Amiibo Date, and put them into the NA Amiibo Theory equations I had.
- I got three possible release dates found with variations of the same equation (+stdev, -stdev, avg).
- I took all three variations and plugged them into the sakurai showcases equations.
- This means, I got three possible sakurai showcase dates from each release date.
- Meaning, I got 9 sakurai showcase dates overall.
Note: All the data is based on the North American region.
Here's a diagram of everything I got.
However, using current stuff we know, I was able to cross out some stuff and boil things down.
Here's why I boiled things down the way I did:
- The Top Right was crossed out because those dates already exist.
- The Bottom Left was left alone because they can still technically happen. However, I feel October 26th would be too close to Pokemon imo.
- Which is why I circled Oct. 15th and the (AVG) Sakurai Presents Date. Seems like that could be a really good sweetspot.
Of course, please temper your expectations with this. This is still just math. It is not a Magic 8-Ball or anything like that and it is possible for this to be wrong. However, it is fun to think about!
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